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Atomic Tony Tiki's Gallery

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atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Lets start at the beginning with some of the first art I ever posted on Tiki Central.

Some of my earliest plaster tiki heads - Tiki Head Bas-Relief type fun..

Experimental velvet paintings - 'avin a go at velvet painting

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

The came my animation degree final piece "The Kong Tiki Affair"

Two months ago i finally finished my Animation Degree, after a whopping ten years (but i did drop out for five years and had to resit and things), but all's well that ends well because i finished up with a second class degree with upper honors and this film.

my movie is a pilot episode for my characters "The Amazing Zepplin bros." who are ex-spokes characters for a sweety company who are now working as detectives.

the main plot device is the treasures of skull island..

this is my design for a KING KONG style tiki..

the mummified remains of the priests of Kong..

the Kong Tiki bar exterior..

..and a shot of inside..

..and its backyard BBQ area come ritual killing area...

..and the Zepplin Bros. drinking in the ambiance and exotic drinks.

You can watch the whole thing now on You Tube, its been there for years gathering dust..


atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Then more castings..

My "Wee Drunkin' Tiki" for the London Luau 2006. If anybody knows who bought this please tell me, it would be nice where he ended up.

another casting that didn't turn out too well, I think I gave this one to Tiki Chris.

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Then a digital composition "The Sea Tiki"

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Keeping with the nautical theme I next came up with this picture, "Captain Hold Fast and his Steam Tiki Submarine"...

..I think that was the world first glimpse of the very popular Captain Hold Fast.

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Then came the mug designs for the Tiki Farm competion..

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Thanks to the fine taste of the Judges the good Captain was commissioned..

and now for the first time rare pictures his original flat bottom..

..but we soon got that sorted.

The Captain first appeared in a lovely blue glaze, then came the day for a colour change so he went purple but he was very nearly green.

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Another Captain Hold Fast piece "B'twix a mine + sharks"

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

Before London Luau 2007 I created this tiki..

atomictonytiki posted on 11/20/2010

But my major effort that year was the creation of..

"The Wee Drunkin' Headhunter" (now owned by Anji of CheekyTiki)

"The Wee Drunkin' Missionary" (also in the CheekyTiki collection)

"The Wee Drunkin' Cannibal" (which eventual found a home with Los Furias Tiki)

and "Screw'd, Stew'd & Tattoo'd", two versions of this exists, one owned by Trader Jim of Pocketiki fame and the other by my brother.

When I stayed with my brother before I moved here to Thailand, I found his one broken in a bag. It had been damaged by removal men during a move and he didn't have the heart to tell me it had been broken. So I fixed it up and now it hangs proudly in his livingroom.

atomictonytiki posted on 03/13/2011

I next picked up the brush again, after a lapse of ten years and tried my hand at painting...

I was so upset that my digital skills didn't translate into painting that I abandoned this canvas and didn't try again for 8 months.

a better attempt but still a bit rusty.

Then finally a half decent sketch what later became this piece..

**To Murder a Menehune **

This work has been exhibited at Puttiki in Hastings and Tiki Today in Scunthorpe.

atomictonytiki posted on 03/13/2011

Then I painted this one.

Next I tried to marry my digital skills with painting by doing all the prep-sketches on the computer and then transferring them to the canvas and hand painting the result.

The Call of Cthul-HULA

This painting now resides in the Tikiracers Devils Reef Bar.

little lost tiki posted on 03/14/2011

What a GREAT body of work ATT!
Have always loved your style and love-able rapscallions!
That missionary piece always makes me chuckle!
Nice to see it all together and easy to enjoy!
What a talent!

atomictonytiki posted on 03/14/2011


It was through your encouragement I picked up the brush again. Hopefully I'll have this page updated quite soon, thanks to the long teaching holidays here in Thailand.

[ Edited by: atomictonytiki 2011-04-14 21:17 ]

cy posted on 03/14/2011

Great stuff TT Great to see progression and improvement!

atomictonytiki posted on 03/15/2011

Onwards, so I did a short ceramics course, where I hand-built several mugs.

My first mug just getting used to working with the clay.

The second one a slab built clear glazed three faced bucket mug.

My attempt at my Cthulhu Tiki mug design.

While working on the previous mug I got an idea how to make a similar style Moai, so I knocked up a sketch from photographs and created this green glazed Cthulhu Moai Mug. The glazing was a bit sloppy and it took about a month before the glaze stopped cracking with audible pings.

We only had two weeks left to knock out some mugs to glaze on the last day so I created this thumb pot version of a Trader Vic's Coconut mug.

And in the same flurry of mug creation I made my Cargo Cult Tiki Bob.

atomictonytiki posted on 03/15/2011

My brother handed me a blank Munny figure and said "Make Tiki" so I did.

The item around its neck is an actual dogs tooth I picked up in Fiji.

atomictonytiki posted on 03/15/2011

A couple of more paintings..

The Pupule Putter fpr the first Puttiki event, sold to the Cheekytikis.

and for the Tikot exhibition..

On 2009-11-04 13:01, hodadhank wrote:
The Hanged Man is Key Twelve in the TIKOT! Major Arcana.

Atomic Tony Tiki gives us a tongue-in-cheek spin on Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room Tangaroa tree and its dangling babies. A card of profound but veiled signifigance, The Hanged Man grins serenely having let go of worldly attachments and in letting go gains a profound perspective accessible only to someone free from everyday conceptual, dualistic reality. Legs are crossed forming a digit 4, the number which rules one’s sense of “I AM” and ego, his bent knee symbolizing flexibility to bend to the will of a higher consciousness. The image, as a whole, suggests life in suspension, not death, but a hero committed enough to the adventure to die for it.

atomictonytiki posted on 03/15/2011

More work for Puttiki as I did the image for their second event..

I mixed real props with digital effects on this design. First I built the head and photographed my model.

Then altered it on the computer, then shipped the image off to Los Furias Tiki, who did the final design.

atomictonytiki posted on 03/15/2011

2010 saw the retirement of Captain Hold-Fast and Holden got in contact and we started work on the second of my mug designs The Brain-eating Maori Dry Ice Tiki Mug...

...the ice pocket was dropped at the start and a replacement seething mass of brains coming from the top of the bottom face was knocked back.

We really had to knock this mug out so it was ready for the Tiki Farm 10th Anniversary Show which led to the unusually preproduction versions with too many teeth.

Luckily we managed to get the master re-tooled and the gap toothed version was born.

The name had to change so I came up with Mana Mana partly from there being two heads (twice the mana), partly because mana was my childhood nickname but mostly after the Muppet song "Manah Manah".

Two of the finished versions the limited edition green, the regular blue stone glaze.

Polly posted on 03/17/2011

On 2010-11-20 00:37, atomictonytiki wrote:

The Captain first appeared in a lovely blue glaze, then came the day for a colour change so he went purple but he was very nearly green.

They are great!!

atomictonytiki posted on 04/15/2011

If you liked the Captain you might enjoy the Cannibal..

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Tobor64 posted on 04/15/2011

Ha! Love that cannibal mug.

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ebtiki posted on 04/16/2011


teaKEY posted on 04/18/2011

Wow Tony,

You really hit the Jack Pot with Tiki Farm mugs. All your submissions were great for the Tiki Farm contest, hard to pick just one and now it looks like you came out the top winner.

teaKEY posted on 04/18/2011

Wow Tony,

You really hit the Jack Pot with Tiki Farm mugs. All your submissions were great for the Tiki Farm contest, hard to pick just one and now it looks like you came out the top winner.

teaKEY posted on 04/18/2011

Wow Tony,

You really hit the Jack Pot with Tiki Farm mugs. All your submissions were great for the Tiki Farm contest, hard to pick just one and now it looks like you came out the top winner.

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WestADad posted on 04/18/2011

Oooh! I like Kai-Kanak a lot!! It's on the "must get" list now!


little lost tiki posted on 04/18/2011

Just the right blend of humor and horror!
Keep it up ATT!

atomictonytiki posted on 05/24/2011

Some recent Tiki paintings, a still life of sorts, based on some "Coco Joes" I've found in Thailand.

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And another Drunken tiki and a Skeleton in "The Last Cocktail"

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..I wish I could take better pictures of my paintings?

atomictonytiki posted on 08/07/2011

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I missed the deadline for the ladies of tiki swap but I did do a picture, a pop art collage of the laste great Yma Sumac.

atomictonytiki posted on 11/01/2011

Whilst waiting for the floods to claim Bangkok, I knocked up a painting of my first tiki mug "Captain Hold Fast".

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TikiDaye posted on 12/09/2011

Just spent some time working thought this entire thread and, what can I say, fantastic creations!

Quite inspiring, looking forward to seeing more...

Quick question: for your paintings, are you first working them digitally and then brush painting them?



atomictonytiki posted on 12/10/2011

I should hopefully have new pictures up this week as I got a backlog of my pictures photographed on Monday.

Until a few years ago all my work was drawn by hand then finished on a computer. Since I started painting again, I've created some elements on computer and then transferred them to canvas using the grid technique and then painted them by hand.

Mostly these days my art is a straight from my brain into canvas via a pencil sketch and a paint brush.

You can see how I created some of these pieces in the Creating Tiki thread..


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Tiki King posted on 12/10/2011

Love the new stuff, Ima is great!

atomictonytiki posted on 12/12/2011

The Ima Sumac is more of an experimental sketch. I based it on a newspaper picture that accompanied her obituary. What I intend to do someday is do a much larger piece, with Roy Lichtenstein style halftone with gold leaf, plastic jewels,glitter paint on black velvet base. A sort of high camp exotica pop art icon.

atomictonytiki posted on 01/02/2012

The photo-shoot on my backlog of pictures didn't come out as well as I liked. I guess I'll have to find a repro shop with a scanner big enough to copy them directly.

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Professor G posted on 01/02/2012

The Cannibal Cocktail Hei Tiki is great. It's a nice twist on a classic motif. I'd have said fun, but I try never to put the word fun too terribly close to the word cannibal.

atomictonytiki posted on 04/27/2012

If you can't use fun and cannibal together what about "Happy"...

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The Kai Kanak aka The Happy Cannibal aka The Cookie Monster

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