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Kelly Hiphipahula'sTonga Hut Parties 2009-2012 Farewell pg.42

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Kelly's cocktails, pizza AND Tonga Tom?!
This is an afternoon not-to-be-missed.

I'm in.


Great times had last night!

Big-ass Bastard Bonanza!

Pizza Carnage

Those were huge pizza's too! Thanks everyone again for coming out to the TH what a great crowd, I had a great time and thanks Jeremy for letting me order pizza for our friends, your a all around awesome dude :)

Aloha Martini Kings & Fans!

Change in plans!! PLEASE READ

I wanted to let you know there is a motion picture filming going on at the Tonga Hut Saturday and was to be finished by 3:00pm We just learned the production company changed the time of the shoot so now we won't be able to open until 8 pm . We will be serving the specials from 8pm until 2am. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience it was a last minute change beyond control. So please join us after the show. Thank You for your support and understanding. Aloha, the Tonga Hut

Are you coming out for a night with the Martini Kings at the Mayflower Club Saturday night? Your making the drive for one of the greatest shows you will see all year so please, 
stop by the Tonga Hut were are just down the street. Tonga Hut doors will be open 8:00pm until 2:00 am. We will be serving $5.00 Trader Vic's  "Old Way" MAI TAI's all night ALSO $3.00 Martini's yes, $3.00! All night!

Please Join in the party after the Martini King's Show. We look forward to visiting with you! Have fun, and we will see you Saturday Night. Aloha!

Check out the Martini Kings show here:

Tonga Hut Since 1958
12808 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood

Tonga Hut Since 1958
12808 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2011-03-11 22:58 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk sez hello Kelly! We will be coming up to Tonga Hut on Saturday for our first time with Doug Horne in tow. We are looking forward to some Hiphipahula conctions. :)

I wanted to let you know there is a motion picture filming going on at the Tonga Hut Saturday and was to be finished by 3:00pm We just learned the production company changed the time of the shoot so now we won't be able to open until 8 pm . We will be serving the specials from 8pm until 2am. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience it was a last minute change beyond control. So please join us after the show. Thank You for your support and understanding. Aloha, the Tonga Hut

Tonga Hut Exotica Party Today. I'll be mixing 4-8pm. Also, filling in for Captain Marty Lush while he off visiting with the Lushettes will be DJ Audrey from "Pretty World" the Tonga Hu could not be more pleased and excited to have Audrey with us!
Doors open at 4:00 pm and we will see you here!

Tonga Hut Since 1958
12808 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2011-03-13 11:42 ]

GROG posted on Sun, Mar 13, 2011 10:57 AM

Mary Lush---- that's pretty funny. Maybe if he has a daughter, that'll be her name.

On 2011-03-13 10:57, GROG wrote:
Mary Lush---- that's pretty funny. Maybe if he has a daughter, that'll be her name.

Oops!!! I'll fix that right now! Hahha sorry Marty :wink:

P.S. Serving up Kelly Reilly' s St. Patty's Day Mai Tai's only $7.00 and more specials too!


Here's some photos from the Martini King's after party at Tonga Hut.
It was great to see so many people from down south closing the place down.
I Hope y'all caught up on some much needed sleep!

That was a blast. Hey everyone - check out Doug Horne totally rocking that Ascot! If you saw him offering a lady a Tiparillo, keep it to yourself.

ahh man... wish we could have gone to the tonga afterwards but i was wiped out! long day of planning etc.looks like valerie and i missed a great time.
great seeing all of our TC friends at the mayflower. thanks for makin the trek out to the 818! we had a total blast!!! lets do it again sometime!????


Sherriyaki, pondering what great alcoholic accomplishment there is to conquer after the "Loyal Order of the Drooling Bastard" has now progressed on to two-fisted drinking...

I think someone needs to invent the Tiki mug version of this for her...

And as usual, great pictures Tonga Tom !!

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2011-03-13 20:16 ]

I think someone needs to invent the Tiki mug version of this for her...

And as usual, great pictures Tonga Tom !!

I have made this request to a number of our mug-making friends (even while at the Tonga Hut, no less). Such request have been almost universally met with blank stares.

Shall no one accept the challenge?

Now that I look at these pictures again, it looks like it's BRING A GINGER TO TONGA HUT nite. :wink:

 Thank You Martini Kings for a great show, "Lotta Lounge" at the Mayflower Club. The Tonga Hut thanks the Martini Kings and friends for making the Tonga Hut your nightcap stop and after party, what a gas of an evening we had, let's do it again very soon! Fantastic Show Martini Kings!
Sincerely, Jeremy and the Tonga Hut "Bartending Bastards"

Thank You Tonga Tom for the great photo's once again.

Photos from last Sunday...

GROG posted on Thu, Mar 17, 2011 12:33 AM

That's an awesome pic of Cutesy Bob. GROG going to steal it and post it on The Tiki Bob art show thread.

GROG posted on Sun, Mar 20, 2011 9:23 PM

Congratulations Lisa-Marie, bartender at the Tonga Hut. She ran the LA Marathon today and finished 3:29:51!! She averaged about 8 minute miles!!! Now that's kickin' some ass!!

She was the 100th woman to finish and she was 25th in her age division which is the most competitive age division.


And she ran in the insane rain we had today as well? She's some kinda sooper-hero! Congrats, Lisa-Marie!

Way to go Lisa-Marie, you machine!!!

Thanks to Kelly for serving up awesome drinks tonight!

Special thanks to owner Jeremy for buying a round to show his appreciation for all those who showed up tonight in the super soggy weather! There was a pretty decent crowd as well...to my surprise.

Didn't bring my "real" camera tonight, so ya gotta settle for these Hipstamatic shots.

Awesome party, my personal thanks to all who trucked through the rain & left Disneyland just to make it out to the TH for Exotica Sunday. Thank You!

On 2011-03-20 21:23, GROG wrote:
Congratulations Lisa-Marie, bartender at the Tonga Hut. She ran the LA Marathon today and finished 3:29:51!! She averaged about 8 minute miles!!! Now that's kickin' some ass!!

She was the 100th woman to finish and she was 25th in her age division which is the most competitive age division.

LMB is one awesome Gal! Glad I could double my shift so best friend, Bartender Sara could go cheer Lisa Marie on. One of these days I will make it to a race, I've never been to any kind of marathon or seen LMB run. Congrats again LMB your amazing!


Had a great time with Kelly tonight after a fun-filled week including jury duty, but unfortunately no Rumpus Room. Got to sample the "Tiki Bob Drink" for Sunday's "Tiki Bob Art Show"...I think the people will dig it!!! Big thanks Jeremy for bringin' the Ribs, mashed potatoes, veggie chili, deserts, and more!!!

This Sunday :)


Will Marty "Imafathernow" Lush be making his triumphant return to Sunday afternoonevenings at TH today?


Some pix from last Sunday...

GROG posted on Wed, Apr 6, 2011 12:09 PM

And just who's THAT supposed to be?!


Actually, he has Gus's mustache.

Happy Friday everyone! Vacation is over 'til Tiki Caliente i'm back to work! Please join me today and Saturday 4-8pm at the Tonga Hut for " Tonga Time" $5 "Coconut Burns" $5 "Vic's Voo Doo Grogs" $5 "Jungle Jetsetters" $7 Beachbum Jeff Berry's "Tiki Reviver"
Honoring the Rye, I have Sazerac's , Manhattan's and Drooling Bastards featuring Redemption brand Rye. Something new I found on the market and I love it. These are low batch numbers and you will want to have a taste. http://www.redemptionrye.com/home/redemption-process

Join Me at the Tonga Hut "Tonga Time" 4-8pm today Happy Friday!!

Yes we will be OPEN for Easter Sunday! What could be better than Tiki Exotica Sunday? Nothing! Lord, he loves Tiki! We have some SPECIALS in the works! 4-8pm with HipHIPaHulA!

TNT posted on Fri, Apr 22, 2011 11:14 AM

Easter Sunday @ The Tonga Hut sounds perfect. We will have to stop by.


What better way to celebrate Easter Sunday than the drunken pagan idolatry which is the Tonga Hut !!

I'll be an Easter Island party. Get it? Ha ha. :)

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2011-04-23 10:57 ]


Who's gonna be hidin' tha eggs?

Yes we will be OPEN for Easter Sunday! What could be better than Tiki Exotica Sunday? Nothing! Lord, he loves Tiki! We have some SPECIALS in the works! 4-8pm with HipHIPaHulA!
I'm mixing until the wee hours of the night so please stop in the Tonga Hut 4- midnight or so :)

Dr. G posted on Wed, Apr 27, 2011 1:09 PM

Is there gonna be an Easter Nachos hunt?

Today! Sunday May 1st it's Exotica Sunday at the Tonga Hut with Hiphipahula and DJ Marty Lush of the famed Tikiyaki Orchestra ! The Doors open at 4:00 and the party will last until about 9pm. Please join us ! Free NoHo Nacho & Snacks, Tiki Cocktails starting at only $5.00
12808 Victory Bl. No. Hollywood, ca.

JOHN-O posted on Sun, May 1, 2011 3:53 PM

So what do Tikiphiles talk about when they're at the last bar on a 4-stop bar crawl on a Saturday night ??

Where they're going to drink the following night !!

And that can only mean one place.... :)


Getting further and further behind...Here's some pics from last Sunday at the Hut.

[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2011-05-06 20:31 ]

Mothers Day, Today Tonga Hut is open at 4pm so please join DJ Marty Lush and myself from 4pm
until 8pm for cocktails, snacks, music and mixing with friends. Plenty of cocktail specials starting at $3 and $2 PBR Draft. A FREE shot drink for the Mom's that join us. I hope to see you here at the Tonga Hut :)

My kids RJ & KD will also be in to share Mom's Day with me, odd I know but I'm working. KD turned 21 almost 2 weeks ago so this will be her first visit to a real bar :) I shall "card" her and make her a tiny drink she is allergic to alcoho.l (just as well)
I'm so EXCITED! :) please drop by and say Aloha! 4-8pm

On 2011-05-08 12:21, Hiphipahula wrote:
I'm so EXCITED! :) please drop by and say Aloha! 4-8pm

OK, with an invite like that... we're on our way!

Tonga Hut Tonga Time Fri-Sun 4-8 pm with $5 tiki cocktails all day! $2 pints $3 well cocktails too! Don't forget our big Tiki Party "Exotica Sunday" with DJ Marty Lush & free snacks too! See you here!


((((( It's... "Exotica Sunday" today!!! )))))

Marvelous music selections from DJ Marty Lush and cocktails by Kelly "HipHiPaHulA" Reilly!!!

4pm - 8pm (tunes 'til 9pm) Plus free snacks ta boot!

I've fallen a little behind on posting photos, so here's some from earlier this month.
HipHiPaHulA's kids stopped by to celebrate on Mother's Day while she made us her fantastic cocktails.

Ahhh... Thanks Tom for the photos an for the photos of me and the chitlin's, RJ & KD :) that was a good day...


You're welcome Kelly!
Here's some photos from the 29th...


Such happy people for having no drinks at their table

"Get thith thing offa ny thung, ith hot!"

"Good god man, that looks painful!"

All the young dudes...and Sherriyaki

"Is this the new Tonga Hut food menu?"

"My cat's cuter than your cat."

The Bearded Bastard is using my X-ray specs!

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