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Tiki Central / California Events

Hunters & Collectors: Shrunken Heads & Other Oddities - 4/9, Anaheim CA

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davidleslie posted on 04/14/2011

My daughter Ashley and her friend dropped in to the show and she told me she was creeped out.....WELL DONE EVERYONE! SUCCESS!

Jungle Ginger posted on 04/14/2011

Fantastic show! The Gallery was literally bursting at the seams with people. It was great to see so much enthusiasm and impulse buying at an art show. (BTW - I love my Big Toe pin!) Congratulations to the artists and to everyone who put this together. Let's do it all over again soon...in a bigger gallery. :wink:

little lost tiki posted on 04/23/2011

Just in case you were hiding under a Rock......HOBBLE ON DOWN to the Promenade Gallery
this Sat 12-5pm and come see the Hunters and Collectors exhibition please!
I'll be there art-jamming and working on pieces with fello artist and co-worker,the illustrious James Keenan!
I'll also be bringing some recent Tiki work at criminal prices for you to adopt,if shrunken heads ain't your bag!
Bring cash and i'll bring the adoption papers!

If you've already seen this show,don't bother!
But if you haven't
and you're not at Viva las Vegas this weekend
then C'mon Down!

Unless you bug me...
if you bug me,don't bother comin down!

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