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Happy Birthday Congawa May 15th!

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Jungle Ginger posted on 05/05/2011

Brent, distinguished member of the Ding Dong Devils is turning 24! (wait did I transpose those numbers?)

Happy Birthday to a prolific musician, cinefile, rum connoisseur, patron of the arts and all around Bon Vivant. :)

Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. We look forward to getting you drunk and taking you for a ride in "The Van". :wink:

ATP sez: "I hope you look good in a rubber dress".

Best Wishes,
Jungle Ginger & Atomic Tiki Punk

"Zed is Dead Baby"

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 05/14/2011

Happy Birthday Congawa! I have been listening to the DingDongDevils CD for a while now
and really enjoy it, some of the kids at my Dojo heard it and asked who was I listening to.

I hope to meet you when I can get down to Don the Beachcomber,have a great Birthday!


Big Kahuna posted on 05/15/2011

Happy Birthday, Brent!

JOHN-O posted on 05/15/2011

Happy Birthday Congawa, I mean CalTiki, I mean Brent.

In all the areas of geekdom, i.e. Tiki, Film Noir, Pre-Code, Surf music, Punk Rock, Spirits (not just Rum), etc. I bow down to your encyclopedic and comprehensive knowledge.

And you play in a band !! :)

congawa posted on 05/15/2011

Mahalo! I appreciate it, and plan to extend the celebrating to next weekend and Tiki Caliente!

Caltiki Brent

Jungle Ginger posted on 05/15/2011

Today is the day! Happy Birthday Brent. :)

See you at Don's tomorrow.

Best Wishes from Jungle Ginger & Atomic Tiki Punk

bigtikidude posted on 05/15/2011

Happy B-day Brent,
Hope ya have a Great one.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/15/2012

It's Brent's Birthday today, Happy Birthday Buddy!
we will celebrate at Caliente this upcoming weekend.

bigtikidude posted on 05/16/2012


Happy B-day Brent!


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/16/2014

Hope your having a great Birthday Today, Brent!!!

Big Kahuna posted on 05/17/2014

HAH! ATP, I posted that pic on Brent's page on FB. Great minds think alike and, apparently so do twisted ones.

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