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Kirby's Rumpus Room 10yrs. & still going strong!

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Hiphipahula posted on 04/20/2011

Let's Rumpus! See ya

Tonga Tom posted on 04/20/2011

We have tons of lemons, we'll bring pre-squeezed as well as some pre-squeezed limes.

Hiphipahula posted on 04/20/2011


Fresh Bottles of Pineapple Juice (no canned pineapple juice please).
Real Coco Squeeze
Ell Dorado Demerara Rum
Anything you would like to donate...

Bora Boris posted on 04/20/2011

At 10:03am it's looking like I'll make it tonight. That's exciting right? :roll:

Murph posted on 04/20/2011

On 2011-04-20 10:04, Bora Boris wrote:
At 10:03am it's looking like I'll make it tonight. That's exciting right? :roll:

I'm so excited I'm having trouble keeping my lunch down :D
See you tonight.

PolynesianPop posted on 04/20/2011

I'll be there with Christian too. See you tonight!

Tonga Tom posted on 04/23/2011

Rumpus Room Rave: 4/20/2011

You can check out a larger version of the photo if you go here at the Tonga Tom blogspot and click on the photo:

Doctor Z posted on 04/25/2011

Did I hear/read correctly that there will be no "Wednesday Mai Tai Meeting" this week because everyone is going to Tiki Ti instead? Bummer. I'm going to Tiki Ti Thursday (their actual 50th Anniversary) and was planning on going to the RR on Wednesday...

Ah, well - I s'pose can always make it to Kirby's in June!

bigbrotiki posted on 04/25/2011

Evvybody, get there EARLY!

kirby posted on 04/25/2011

Not sure exactly whats going on Wednesday but I thought it would be cool to hit up Tiki Ti early and maybe possibly head back to Rumpus Room after, just because it probably gonna be too busy for everybody to hang all night at the Ti. But im open to suggestions I could cancel RR altogether or we could do the TI Another night or visa versa or sumtin else or what ever..

bigtikidude posted on 04/25/2011

I'm off this week on vacation.
was lookin forward to the Rumpus Room on Wed.
But Tues. would work too.


bigtikidude posted on 04/26/2011


geedavee posted on 04/27/2011

If there is a Rumpus Room meeting on Wednesday the 27th I will be there.

tobunga posted on 04/27/2011

On 2011-04-25 14:53, kirby wrote:
...I thought it would be cool to hit up Tiki Ti early and maybe possibly head back to Rumpus Room after, just because it probably gonna be too busy for everybody to hang all night at the Ti...

That sounds like a great idea! Especially since Tiki Ti will probably get jam packed as the night goes on.

We'll be at Tiki Ti the early... sadly, we won't be able to stay out late for any Rumpus Rooming, though!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 04/27/2011

I'm heading to the Tiki Ti early for our official Rumpus Room Field Trip. If I don't have to come back to work after the Tiki Ti, I'd be down for a RR afterparty.

GROG posted on 04/27/2011

Talked to Kirbs earlier. Sounds like the Rumpus Room road trip starts at the Tiki Ti around 4, 4:30 or so when they open, and then the party moves back to the Rumpus Room. No Hiphipahula or Trader Tom tonight, so not sure who's bartending. Maybe you can get Tiki Ti to mix up a gallon or so of Ray's Mistakes to take back.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 04/27/2011

Hey, Kirby, can you email me your address? Bratmy@surewest.net wanna come over tonight!

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 04/27/2011

Make that bray@surewest.net

bigtikidude posted on 04/28/2011

small but lively group at RR last night,
thanks to Davey for bar tending for us.


Dr. Shocker posted on 04/29/2011

Had a great time last night Kirby thatnx for having some of the Vice Squad members

Hiphipahula posted on 05/04/2011

I will be there hope to see you all in less than 24 hours from now :)

Bring a couple lemons & limes to get in.

We could use help with,
Coconut rum
Coruba dark rum
Demerara rum
Orange juice
Pineapple juice (bottle)
Anything you would like to donate

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 05/04/2011

The DRUMS OF BORA BORA have been playing here all morning.
It's a perfect sound for this unusually warm weather and sets a great tone for the RUMPUS ROOM... TONIGHT!

I'm bringing: a 20 lb. bag of ice, pre-squeezed limes (which, I guess, most of us call "fresh lime juice"), some lemons, some snacks and whatever booze that crosses my path (which, for now, is a bottle of Cruzan white)

[ Edited by: Capt. R.H. Falernum 2011-05-04 11:35 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 05/04/2011

I will be there hope to see you all tonight

Bring a couple lemons & limes to get in.

We could use help with,
151 Rum
Light Rum
Coconut rum
Coruba dark rum
Demerara rum
Orange juice
Pineapple juice (bottle)
Anything you would like to donate
Mahalo! :)

crazy al posted on 05/04/2011

i'm just sayin'

Hiphipahula posted on 05/11/2011

Rumpus Room tonight! Who's in?

We could use some Rum:)
Lemons & limes
Rumpus room needs,

Coconut rum
Coruba dark, Myers? Something
151Goslings, Lemon Hart, Cruzan 151
Passion fruit Torani
St Germaine
*Coco real
Coke/ diet
*Demerara Rum El Dorado is good
Kern's Necter
Anything you would like to share

geedavee posted on 05/12/2011

I will be there with some ice and stuff.

Trader Tom posted on 05/12/2011

I will be there on the late side. Right now I am waiting for some Italian food...then I will eat it...then I will drive like the wind!

Krisdrama posted on 05/18/2011

Rumpus Room tonight? Or is everyone busy getting ready for Caliente?!

kirby posted on 05/18/2011

Ill be here!!

PolynesianPop posted on 05/18/2011

I'll be there tonight too and bringing Big Al with me. We'll have the usual snacks, ice, etc with us. See you there!

Murph posted on 05/18/2011

I'm there.

Hiphipahula posted on 05/18/2011

It's a happening of course..

Lemons, limes, ICE, soda water,

Rumpus room needs

Dem rum
Passion fruit 
St Germaine
Coke/ diet

Tonga Tom posted on 05/19/2011

We're saving our livers for TC3.
See ya'll in the desert!

kirby posted on 05/24/2011

FYI... NO Rumpus Room This WED 5-24-11,

Tonga Tom posted on 05/24/2011

I think Wednesday is the 25th.

See ya'll at RR on June 1st!

Hiphipahula posted on 05/25/2011

See you next week the 1st of June Already :)

Hiphipahula posted on 05/26/2011

See you next week the 1st of June Already :)

Hiphipahula posted on 06/01/2011

Rumpus Room Tonight June 1st Kirby & Polly's 7:00 pm
Bring the usual lemons & limes for entry(pre squeezed if possible) here are some needs if you would like to help out we will gladly except any gifts thanks everyone :)

Pusser Rum
Demarera Rum
Appleton v/x or 12 Extra Rum
Orange juice
Soda water
Coke & Diet Coke

Trader Tom posted on 06/01/2011

I'll be there. See ya soon.

geedavee posted on 06/01/2011

Count me in.

TNT posted on 06/01/2011

We will bring coke & diet coke and some fresh mint.
Do we need stoli??

Flaming Tiki posted on 06/01/2011

We'll see you there....
Kelly what kind of Liqueurs ?
How about Coconut rum?

GROG posted on 06/02/2011

No GROG tonight. (Unless you drink one, but that's different.)

Tonga Tom posted on 06/02/2011

Last night from the Rumpus Room...

Tonga Tom posted on 06/08/2011

So is RR at Kirby's as per usual? I know there was talk about the Waikiki Womb.

Hiphipahula posted on 06/08/2011

I havnt heard a word from Murph either so Kirby & Polly's Rumpus Room is the place to be!

Here is a list if you would like to help.

Lemons & Limes for entry

Demarara  rum (any brand, ElDorado, Lemonhart)
Appleton V/x
Grand Mariner
St Germaine 
Orange CuraƧao 
Pineapple juice
Orange juice
Olive juice

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 06/08/2011

Excellent. I'll be there.

Bora Boris posted on 06/08/2011

Fine, I think I'll make the trip!!

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