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Looking for Headhunter recipe

Pages: 1 8 replies

Billbot posted on 07/23/2006

After making my first headhunter last night, I am looking to find alternate recipes. I used the recipe that is on every web drink site; the one that calls for massive quantities of 151 rum and spiced rum. Also, beer and papaya juice is called for. I wasn't thrilled with the outcome, and since I was using all fresh juice, there was a real need for some sweetness.

The only other recipe I found was in the 'Bartenders Black Book', and that one was very different. It also looked pretty generic. Interestingly enough, the Headhunter is notably absent from all the other bartending books I found at Borders.

I have not seen the other books like Intoxica; I plan on tring to find those as time and money permit. However, for now, I'd just like to find a decent Headhunter recipe, if such a thing exists.


Swanky posted on 07/23/2006

There is one in the Grog Log and it's a favorite of mine. The book is under $10. Just get it and you'll be happy. Try the link here.

metikigal posted on 04/10/2011

I have dredged a very old post back up. I too have tried several Headhunter recipes, none to my satisfaction. Does anyone have a recipe they enjoy?

The headhunter is my favorite mug and would like to make a version of its namesake that impresses and does not knock people down upon the first sip!

hiltiki posted on 04/10/2011

Headhunter (from Beachbum Berry Remixed)

1 1/4 oz. fresh lemon juice
1 1/4 oz. papaya nectar
1/2 oz. peach nectar
3/4 oz. honey mix
1 1/2 oz Demerara rum
1 oz. Lemon Heart 151 proof Demerara rum
3/4 oz. gold Puerto Rican rum
4 oz. crushed ice

Put everything in blender. Blend high speed 5 seconds. Pour in a tall glass full of ice.

Honey mix = equal parts clover honey and hot water from your tap or kettle. Stir until honey dissolves. Cool and bottle it.
store in frig up to a month.

Hakalugi posted on 04/10/2011

On 2011-04-09 20:26, hiltiki wrote:

1 1/2 oz Demerara rum
1 oz. Lemon Heart 151 proof Demerara rum

Demerara rum is key.

bonus posted on 05/19/2011

This recipe that I searched is one of my favorite. I tried it before and I'm very satisfied.

Ingredients for a Headhunter

  • Lime Juice
  • Lemon Juice
  • Coconut Milk
  • Papaya Juice
  • 151 Proof Rum
  • Spiced Rum
  • Orange Juice
  • Beer

Quantities for one drink:

  • 1 oz Lime Juice
  • 1 oz Lemon Juice
  • 3 oz Coconut Milk
  • 1 oz Papaya Juice (optional)
  • 3 Shots 151 Proof Rum
  • 4 Shots Spiced Rum (Morgans)
  • 2 oz Orange Juice
  • 4 oz Beer Or Ale (not Light)

Blending Instructions:

  • Mix liquors (except beer) in a tall tumbler
  • Stir in the juices, and shake with ice
  • Slowly add the beer and stir to blend
  • Serve in a tall glass or a 1/2 coconut shell with the meat intact

Hope yo like it.

[ Edited by: Hakalugi - spam link removed - 2011-07-28 22:19 ]

WestADad posted on 05/20/2011

On 2011-05-19 01:00, bonus wrote:
This recipe that I searched is one of my favorite. I tried it before and I'm very satisfied.

Quantities for one drink:

* 1 oz Lime Juice  
* 1 oz Lemon Juice  
* 3 oz Coconut Milk  
* 1 oz Papaya Juice (optional)  
* 3 Shots 151 Proof Rum  
* 4 Shots Spiced Rum (Morgans)  
* 2 oz Orange Juice  
* 4 oz Beer Or Ale (not Light)  

Blending Instructions:

* Mix liquors (except beer) in a tall tumbler  
* Stir in the juices, and shake with ice  
* Slowly add the beer and stir to blend  
* Serve in a tall glass or a 1/2 coconut shell with the meat intact  

Hope yo like it.

Whoa, 3 shots 151, 4 shots Spiced AND 4 ounces of beer in one drink? One and done!


Limbo Lizard posted on 05/20/2011

On 2011-05-19 17:53, WestADad wrote:
Whoa, 3 shots 151, 4 shots Spiced AND 4 ounces of beer in one drink? One and done!

No kidding! That's the equivalent of nearly 10 oz. of 80ยบ liquor in one drink! "Limit 1/2 to a customer."

metikigal posted on 05/20/2011

I'm going to try Hiltiki's recipe this weekend - it's only 3.25oz Rum per serving. May not knock folks on their arses quite as much!

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