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Guilty Pleasures, new build 2021!

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kalenatiki posted on 05/29/2011

So after some time My wife and I decided that we didn't have the room for a inside build so the backyard was available. We hadn't done much with it after a fire several years ago wiped out what was there. It was time for a new look. We decided to work on several small sections at a time so at least something gets done :)

The deck from the path as I left off last year. We live in upper California, so it gets pretty hot during the summer and wet and cold during the winter. got to love zone 9. The top will have to come this year due to a injury last fall.

The small water feature I put in. The planter is full of cannas right behind. Started a wood fence to block off the view a bit.

Two of my first big tikis. The one on the right is my first attempt on a small pole, The one on the right is from my brother. Solid oak I might add.

Close up view.

A quick view of this years start. The fence we started last year I finished off with a reed cover. The plants are just now coming in, so I can't wait to see what it will look like in a month or so.

To be cont......

[ Edited by ka'lenatiki on 2022-03-20 17:02:01 ]

MadDogMike posted on 05/29/2011

Great start, already looks like a nice place to relax on a warm NorCal day.

littlegiles posted on 05/29/2011

Great pictures. Looks very relaxing and I can't wait to see what is next! thanks for sharing.

Polly posted on 05/30/2011

Good place for relaxing. :)

SmugglerJoe posted on 06/04/2011

Can't wait to be served your newest concoction in that space my friends! Keep up the tiki spirit...

kalenatiki posted on 06/08/2011

Thanks for the good words, roof going up on the dining area next weekend, and then to start laying out the bar :)
Smuggler Joe: Mahalo my friend, Been working on a new version of the Nui Nui. I blame Suzanne at F.I. (our favorite mixologist )

[ Edited by: ka'lenatiki 2011-06-07 21:21 ]

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faztiki posted on 06/08/2011

one of the best parts of living in CA is getting to grow some amazing plants. you've got a great start. fill that space with palms and ferns and succulents and let nature decorate for you!

kalenatiki posted on 06/08/2011

lol oh yeah, wife is getting to where she wont let me go to the lowes nursury by my self anymore after 5 palms and 3 bannanas came home :lol:

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BigDaddy772 posted on 06/09/2011

On 2011-06-08 14:30, ka'lenatiki wrote:
lol oh yeah, wife is getting to where she wont let me go to the lowes nursury by my self anymore after 5 palms and 3 bannanas came home :lol:

Funny I have that same problem....

kalenatiki posted on 07/04/2011

well, some work done.

New coupla added to the top with fan
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i'm working on a float light to go above the fan off the center block.

started putting up the roof sheeting up today, had to kick off after 2 sides, 108 at lunch time.

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Pele Paul posted on 07/05/2011

Only 108????? lol I wish I had the backyard you have, wow very very cool!! why is everyone but me on this forum a master craftsman?? Or at least handy with tools! Im told I cant use power tools without Adult Supervision!!!! Nice work, wanna see more!!!

kalenatiki posted on 01/11/2014

Been slow to get new pics due to work. Added a great float light.

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Simple project mixing a solar tiki torch and a bowl. Frosted on the inside, then netted. Lights up every night.
Had to find one with a good flicker and lower the light unit, but it came out great. Solar cell is on the roof above

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dtel posted on 01/14/2014

You started out with a kind of simple wood structure, it went fancy from there, was not expecting it to look like that on top, really different.

I like the light, looks good.

kalenatiki posted on 01/16/2014

Yeah, keeps changing. I'm blaming the disney jungle cruise ride line building for the change in look. Have added shutters to the coupla and added netting to the underside. Have found low voltage lights are great for a outside build. You can get them colored, soft or bright bulbs.

kalenatiki posted on 07/02/2015

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Been just lurking for abit, so much going on in real life lol. A little shot of the deck area. Slowly adding clutter. Why the pic turned sideways I'm not sure?

kalenatiki posted on 03/21/2022

so ... 10years ago that yard build was started. sadley after many parties and evenings outside it was time to move. new house had a room, once a office, that looks right out to the pool area with its own door and patio area SO...... time for a new and better build.

we started by matting the upper half of the walls, leaving the older wood paneling below. plans were the midline will have carved wood and one wall still had old 12x12 cork tiles up. we decided to leave them up due to giving the wall a interesting look at night.

while the old bar fit nicely it needed a face lift. the old bamboo front came off, new red cloth and a tiki face went up. the top was redone in a dark wood stain and lights added both in front and under the back.IMG_20201114_115343637Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11555/6237c243435e3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d21b6740bc88690cbc490d67cc53e69aIMG_20201114_150628993Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11555/6237c24ecc4a6.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=3f3c54d779e31efa25f62bd6f347d45b

kalenatiki posted on 03/21/2022

still needs the rest of the trim added, but sure brightens up the bar front.![](Uploading IMG_20220320_171158710Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11555/6237cc350e68b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f5527f3a096fc68fd90e60f26706f4ad

mixed lighting has finally started to go up and i thank all the folks here who put out light how to many years ago.IMG_20220115_214950187Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11555/6237c3ecb3ad3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4cf6d4d91373216bbd671cce31d8003b IMG_20220115_215013503Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11555/6237c3fd59005.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=6475051c49492c9b6a2006e7b24e7a78

added in a bit of a helper also, just to keep a eye on the place. tiki, samImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11555/6237cbfa07ede.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=418b00595db86d578a5a46ba30c58f1e

[ Edited by ka'lenatiki on 2022-03-20 17:51:15 ]

[ Edited by ka'lenatiki on 2022-03-20 17:52:13 ]

kalenatiki posted on 03/21/2022

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[ Edited by ka'lenatiki on 2022-03-20 17:53:52 ]

[ Edited by ka'lenatiki on 2022-03-20 17:54:57 ]

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