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Tiki Finds

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komohana posted on 05/26/2011

If not disputed, I'm claiming first tiki mug found "in the wild" in Western Australia, from our first and only
commercial tiki bar... I think it cost around 5 bucks, I've got the receipt somewhere...

Found a few months ago at a local op-shop, I thought I'd lost the pictures but they re-surfaced today.

Kaiwaza posted on 05/28/2011

Neither vintage nor collectable (at this point, yet) but I was VERY pleased to find these two beach towels at Ross for $14...:) As they are Tommy Bahama they are like 10 times more soft & plush than the average beach towel. I'm off to the shore for a bit now...ta.

emspace posted on 06/01/2011

All right, that's IT! Gonna hit the local thrift today, been a few too many weeks. You guys have inspired me (6 x 8 ft. tapa? I'm gonna bawl...) so thanks (I think). :wink:


Dustycajun posted on 06/02/2011

Had to drop the #1 son off at volleyball practice today after work and there is a thrift store not to far away so I thought I would swing by on the way home. Found these:

A green Libby bamboo mug, a very nice Cook Island Rarotonga Fisherman God Tiki decanter (With Cork!), and a lone Luau salt shaker.

The bottom of the decanter:

It says:

Cook Islands
No. 477

I know there have been a few of these founds, but I am wondering if they all have the same maker stamp on the bottom. I will post more photos on the other thread.


bigbadtikidaddy posted on 06/03/2011

been finding some decent stuff lately, but most recently i found this fishing float for a price that was too good to pass up...and believe me I've passed up MANY over the years, usually because they are priced way over what i would pay.
i dont know if it is real or repro, but i dont care, it is still cool.

Will post more pics of other finds later.

Handsome Dan posted on 06/05/2011

I picked this up from the Salvation Army today for $1.99, its pretty humungus, about 10" tall.

[ Edited by: Handsome Dan 2011-06-05 14:55 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 06/05/2011

Even with my back completely screwed up I managed to get out this weekend (thank you Vicodin and Flexril)!

Two Coco Joe's keychains.

Two Bali Hai ashtrays.

Two menehune figures by Julene.

Two Trader Vic USA coconut mugs.

Tahitian Lanai Waikiki green bamboo handled mug.

Another set of Disneyland shakers.

I think the meant to make a "S" on the left one?

A nicely carved Tahitian tiki.

War club from the Solomon Islands.

Purvis Bay, Solmon Is. (note the spelling)

These were from a friend...thank you friend!



Tiki-Tim posted on 06/07/2011

Found this 1974 National Geographic Map of "Discoverers of the Pacific".

hmmmmm....I think Mr. Robb Hamel has some plans for this map.

TravnerRavenweird posted on 06/10/2011

I picked this little pineapple up at an estate sale this morning for .50. I can't figure out if it is a mug or just a little pot.
The whole thing is glazed in a standard white glaze, the outside is painted.
Any thoughts?

Lava Lips posted on 06/10/2011

Greetings~ I am new and love this thread. Here is my recent find from a Craigslist ad. First of all
it was amazing. I only went over to look at a particular piece and walked into this little Filipino ladies house and saw she had a complete living room, dinette set and bar with stools. It was very hard to maintain composure but ...she knew I liked what I saw. Then out of no where she told me I could have everything, all 17 prices for $800. The bar alone was what I was originally after and that was her price for the bar. So, i basically bought the bar and got everything else for free. All pieces match each other including the dinette set. And they all have the same color Formica. It was a dream to come across. The lady was very sweet and sentimental with the pieces but she told me she would only give me that deal If I took all of it. She didn't want to separate it at all. It was all given to her by another Filipino lady who was married to an American GI in the 40s who was station somewhere in the Pacific. He bought this all for them when they got married and when this lady got married the original lady gave it to her. Now it is sentimental to me. I'm super happy. Everything that i bought was her entire living room set and kitchen set.

Lava Lips posted on 06/10/2011

Here is the Dinette set that included two leaves and 6 chairs. With out the leafs it reduces to a nice round table.

beerminda posted on 06/12/2011

Picked this fella up this morning, approx 41 inches high and very light and fragile looks as though he was stuck in the groung outside for a long period of time ? , He is Awesome and I would appreciate any info on him , Thanks in advance.


Psycho Tiki D posted on 06/12/2011

Decent weekend for tiki hunting...

Three mini liquor bottles.

Two Royal Lahaina Resort and a Tiki Bob's mug.

Trader Vic's S&P's, Trader Vic's Aloha Coconut mug and a 50th anniversary (1934-1984) Hinky Dink's/Trader Vic's rocks glass.

OMC Coconut mug, Tiki Farm Lucky Tiki mug, Coco Joe's lighter and 3 Rudy's Italian Restaurant mugs.

Islander Stockton Pineapple, coconut and earring mugs.

Bali Hai San Diego Headhunter and Mark Thomas Outrigger Monterey bucket mugs.

Bali Hai menu from 1967.

First time for this...Dated January 1942, Trader Vic's Oakland Axis placemat!

Gotta find out a little more about this guy, but he came from Stockton and quite possibly the Islander, but not sure until I see a picture from there with him in it??



kirby posted on 06/12/2011

picked up this guy today.. does anyone know anything about it??.. I have some ideas but thought i would throw it out there.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 06/13/2011

some of my other recent finds:
small tiki with plaque on back that reads "S.S. Mariposa First sailing 1956", OMC moai mug, stone(?) tiki lighter, a gaggle of 5 Don the Beachcomber shakers, small weeping candle, Frank Schirman Wahine lighter, milo wood tiki perfume holder, minus perfume.

empty pisco bottle.

strange chalkware coconut monkey bank. never seen this before.

small "fishing float" bird feeder.

teaKEY posted on 06/13/2011

Nice one Kirby. Has everything it needs and nothing it doesn't

Cool Manchu posted on 06/14/2011

Boy, folks found some nice scores this weekend for sure! This thread hasn't seen this much action in a long time! :)

I guess my find pales in comparison. A Hula Bowl from the Lanai in San Mateo. Most of the red paint as been worn off, but I have been looking for one of these for a long time...

Tikinomad posted on 06/14/2011

Awesome find cool manchu! Love that Lanai bowl design!

aquarj posted on 06/14/2011

On 2011-06-13 13:02, bigbadtikidaddy wrote:
some of my other recent finds:
small tiki with plaque on back that reads "S.S. Mariposa First sailing 1956", OMC moai mug, stone(?) tiki lighter, a gaggle of 5 Don the Beachcomber shakers, small weeping candle, Frank Schirman Wahine lighter, milo wood tiki perfume holder, minus perfume.

That candle reminds me of a Polyart lighter - I guess if somebody really likes that design they could use the lighter to light the candle, and then set them next to each other. These two pics show the lighter, front and back...


bigbadtikidaddy posted on 06/14/2011

That candle reminds me of a Polyart lighter - I guess if somebody really likes that design they could use the lighter to light the candle, and then set them next to each other. These two pics show the lighter, front and back...

Hiya Randy-strikingly similar! love the polyart stuff & that bottle opener is tasty!
but are you really sure you want to make my guy cry?

aquarj posted on 06/14/2011

On 2011-06-14 10:50, bigbadtikidaddy wrote:
...that bottle opener is tasty!

Yeah, I like that one. Poor guy had his nether regions busted off though. There's probably a pic posted somewhere (probably Buzzy or Freddie House of Ku!) showing one with the full body.

Good to hear from you again BBTD!


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/14/2011

On 2011-06-14 11:39, aquarj wrote:
There's probably a pic posted somewhere (probably Buzzy or Freddie House of Ku!) showing one with the full body.


Right you are randy! And I love the tag for that one:

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/14/2011

On 2011-06-13 13:02, bigbadtikidaddy wrote:
some of my other recent finds:
milo wood tiki perfume holder, minus perfume.

I think it's minus the head as well...The heads on those usually had a glass dipper stick about the width of a tooth pick in the stopper that you applied the perfume with. The head was the sealing lid and a glass tube inside the body held the perfume.
Here's one like I described that I found a while back:

Buzzy Out!

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 06/14/2011

thanks much Randy & Buzzy! I'm inclined to believe that milo tiki is missing a head also. usually when I find these, I try to gather a group of them together to off them as a lot on ebay....which is probably where this one is going!

Tiki Royale posted on 06/15/2011

Amazing scores Lava Lips and Cool Manchu. That Lanai bowl is one of my grails.
Glad to see you're back on the prowl BBTD!

blacklagoon posted on 06/15/2011

Don't know if it counts since we were at hukilau, but there wasn't a ton of vintage, wasn't a ton of anything. :)

Mai Kai Plate and menu were gifts for our 12th Anniversary, what an awesome gift!

Other mugs from the Mai Kai can be purchased in the gift shop. I think the only vintage mug we found was the Paddle Sucker.

Thanks for looking,


MrBaliHai posted on 06/15/2011

Found this round bamboo shelf and an OMC skull mug in Duluth, MN yesterday.

Slacks Ferret posted on 06/16/2011

There's some great finds on here as of late. Here's some of the stuff I've found in the past month or so:

The hula nodder was a gift from a co-worker. She's quite large and looks about 50 years old (and yes, I might be talking about the coworker)...
I actually found two Okolehao decanters on Craigslist, but the green one I purchased is not pictured here. The black one is a lot larger than what I thought it was going to be (about 13" high)
The two blocky tourist tikis and the wooden kava kava man are all from Goodwill. I got 'em all for a song. The largest one is about 18" high.
The tiki mugs are both from thrift stores. It's my second black OMC moai mug, but I never had one like the small handled bisque one before. I wonder if anyone else has one? Mine is marked "Made in Japan" on the bottom.

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2011-06-15 21:33 ]

TraderDon posted on 06/16/2011


Found this mask and a few others along with some original Trader Vic's salt shakers in a Antiques Mall in North Carolina on our drive back from Hukilau:

And upon arriving home we had a message from our local Antique picker friend that he had some cool stuff for us too.

Two cool 25inch wall hangers. We were told they were from the old Mauna Loa restaurant in Pittsburgh, but can't be for certain???
A Westwood mug,
table lighter
and a cool book called:
Hawaiian Journey by Joseph G. Mullins, 1978 by Mutual Publishing Company, Honolulu Hawaii.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 06/18/2011

Picked up some new stuff today.

Front and back view of Treasure Craft ceramic S & P's

Unknown Tiki number one.

Unknown Tiki number 2

kirby posted on 06/18/2011

Found out with some super sleuthing by polynesiac and polypop and confirmed Diablo that this is an accual "Tiki Diablo" Tiki, Carved some years back for an M Modern show..Now thats super cool ... I had to do some repairs on it but it looks pretty good now and Im super stoked to have it at the Rumpus Room..

On 2011-06-12 14:48, kirby wrote:

bigbrotiki posted on 06/19/2011

What a great find, Kirbster! Always loved this specific, abstract take on a classic O.A. design. Makes one wonder how such a gallery piece became orphaned (and mistreated) so soon. Perhaps a case of a "Divorce Tiki" (as in "a Tiki from a household where one mate is not into Tiki")?

On 2011-06-16 09:01, TraderDon wrote:
Two cool 25inch wall hangers. We were told they were from the old Mauna Loa restaurant in Pittsburgh, but can't be for certain???

There is never any certainty in such matters (unless they appear in vintage postcards or photos of the place), but it is highly likely, since these are based on two Tiki sytyles perpetuated in the 60s and 70s:


HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 06/19/2011

On 2011-06-17 22:05, ErkNoLikeFire wrote:
Picked up some new stuff today.
Unknown Tiki number one.

Looks like Buzzy has a brother to your Tiki....from another mother....:)

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=1099&forum=5&vpost=399055&hilite=tiki alaska

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I carried it around forever thinking it was wood. Closer inspection showed it to be a resin casting. It's 16" tall, by 4" wide, and 3" deep.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897bf.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=57cfc34c58f7100caa40c8849a455534
When I bought it, the guy told me it was from Alaska. I laughed internally because I thought that he was confusing totem poles with tikis. Then I turned it over and read this:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897da.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=335301e9ee9aeb80a47923e1ffd2792e
Creed Totems, Anchorage Alaska. The only info I found on Creed was that they made resin castings of Native American art and they were from Alaska.
Any other info on Creed out there?

Maybe a early Poly-Art piece?? Calling Detective Buzzy to the rescue!! :)
Aloha, Freddie

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 06/19/2011

On 2011-06-17 22:05, ErkNoLikeFire wrote:
Picked up some new stuff today.
Unknown Tiki number one.

Looks like Buzzy has a brother to your Tiki....from another mother....:)

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=1099&forum=5&vpost=399055&hilite=tiki alaska

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897b3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4590d3126888cc2d37300e8af36eb1c4
I carried it around forever thinking it was wood. Closer inspection showed it to be a resin casting. It's 16" tall, by 4" wide, and 3" deep.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897bf.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=57cfc34c58f7100caa40c8849a455534
When I bought it, the guy told me it was from Alaska. I laughed internally because I thought that he was confusing totem poles with tikis. Then I turned it over and read this:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897da.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=335301e9ee9aeb80a47923e1ffd2792e
Creed Totems, Anchorage Alaska. The only info I found on Creed was that they made resin castings of Native American art and they were from Alaska.
Any other info on Creed out there?

Maybe a early Poly-Art piece?? Calling Detective Buzzy to the rescue!! :)
Aloha, Freddie

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/db13118cf1a59b9494bde7681f5cb02f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Brandomoai posted on 06/20/2011

On 2011-06-15 21:29, Slacks Ferret wrote:
There's some great finds on here as of late. Here's some of the stuff I've found in the past month or so:

The hula nodder was a gift from a co-worker. She's quite large and looks about 50 years old (and yes, I might be talking about the coworker)...
I actually found two Okolehao decanters on Craigslist, but the green one I purchased is not pictured here. The black one is a lot larger than what I thought it was going to be (about 13" high)
The two blocky tourist tikis and the wooden kava kava man are all from Goodwill. I got 'em all for a song. The largest one is about 18" high.
The tiki mugs are both from thrift stores. It's my second black OMC moai mug, but I never had one like the small handled bisque one before. I wonder if anyone else has one? Mine is marked "Made in Japan" on the bottom.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=8657&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers.shaw.ca%2Faahallis%2Fadvancetiki.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=dac22de59816c054c8ed7efab8a8b4dd

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2011-06-15 21:33 ]

Hey Slacks, I found one of those bisque, handled mugs recently as well. I wouldn't be shocked to find out they were used at The Beachcomber locations, as they were known to have used a green-glazed version. I'll post a photo of mine, maybe along with the rest of my finds from the last 6 or 7 months...

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 06/20/2011

On 2011-06-19 01:46, HOUSE OF KU wrote:

On 2011-06-17 22:05, ErkNoLikeFire wrote:
Picked up some new stuff today.
Unknown Tiki number one.

Looks like Buzzy has a brother to your Tiki....from another mother....:)

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=1099&forum=5&vpost=399055&hilite=tiki alaska

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897b3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4590d3126888cc2d37300e8af36eb1c4
I carried it around forever thinking it was wood. Closer inspection showed it to be a resin casting. It's 16" tall, by 4" wide, and 3" deep.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897bf.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=57cfc34c58f7100caa40c8849a455534
When I bought it, the guy told me it was from Alaska. I laughed internally because I thought that he was confusing totem poles with tikis. Then I turned it over and read this:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/489897da.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=335301e9ee9aeb80a47923e1ffd2792e
Creed Totems, Anchorage Alaska. The only info I found on Creed was that they made resin castings of Native American art and they were from Alaska.
Any other info on Creed out there?

Maybe a early Poly-Art piece?? Calling Detective Buzzy to the rescue!! :)
Aloha, Freddie

Wow, he has family out there! I haven't had a chance to do any research yet.

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ab3dd6df23e94c71dfaa4f2dac2bd9cb?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Fugu posted on 06/21/2011

This is definitely the crown jewel of my collection. I saw it in an antique store window when I was visiting my folks, but sadly the antique store was closed at the time, and I was flying out the next day. My amazing mother went back and bought it for me, and it arrived in the mail today.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4291/4dfffaee.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=2e14261b45a3b43db9fa2d1cd2e20765

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littlegiles posted on 06/21/2011

Great find there. I guess Mom will get a nice surprise in the mail. :) I have had my eye out for one of those the last year or so. I have had my heart skip a beat a few times when I thought I found one, only to be fooled by the Fitz&Floyd version.

I'm truly envious of your luck. Enjoy that! Perhaps a picture with a nice drink in it would soothe the nerves of us who are still hunting. HAHA

EMT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1f55ef2e2156feef02b8b6bf55e5b00b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
eight mile tiki posted on 06/22/2011

THRIFT STORE FIND TODAY IN THE "D" PAIR OF TIKI'S" NO MARKS, TYPICAL TIKI BODY, MOUTH, NOSE, STRANGE EYES? ANY IDEA'S Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/69286/4e0168e3.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=0b4a5d322c38e442cd62c590c9b9cf46

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9648dee823689576e404c9f72c22c89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
mrsmiley posted on 06/22/2011

Here are my historic (sort of) finds from under the back of a drawer from the old Don the Beachcombers location in the recently closed Sahara Hotel and Casino;
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Some liquor requistion forms!

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ZeroTiki posted on 06/26/2011

Found a couple of goodies hidden away in a junkshop today:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/10208/4e067eac.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7350e6efa674976b2d9d20e54d01e380

teaKEY posted on 06/26/2011

Good find Zerotiki. They are all gems.

I Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856085a6b177777159245b14ec04ed71?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Iscah posted on 06/26/2011


Very good finds. I need to go raid my local thrift stores-- can you believe I haven't even checked them out since moving? Ugh.

L Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1076/627baa2a144d6.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=be19a8fd33e318f7b00ebfc74c5db53b
littlegiles posted on 06/26/2011

I never seem to find anything at Thrift stores or yard sales, but occasionally I get lucky here in NC/SC. Yesterday I found a float. Not sure if it is vintage or not, but still a nice find. Is there any way to know if this is actually a true one or if someone made it for decor? The glass is approximately 5" across and heavy. It doesn't seem to be painted and at the top is knot where the glass was sealed after being cut off the rod. Thoughts? If nothing else, it is still cool and only cost 80cents. :)

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1076/4e076843.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=fcefddd3061ad681611aebf1e1c02f22

teaKEY posted on 06/26/2011

@ Little

I don't believe that is vintage. The rope doesn't look wore or weathered and looks like the kind of rope used on decorative floats. Its not uncommon to find a new float over a vintage. Glass doesn't look rubbed either.

L Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1076/627baa2a144d6.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=be19a8fd33e318f7b00ebfc74c5db53b
littlegiles posted on 06/26/2011

Thanks teaKEY, I wasn't thinking it was vintage, but now I know some of the things to look for. I'm happy with it for 80 cents. LOL Now I wish it had a hole in it so I could put a light in there to light it up, but it might have to be happy just hanging around.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/34d9b8ec4a7bc900b7d5070a07950df1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hala_kahiki posted on 06/27/2011

picked up these nice Orchids of Hawaii pieces from some antique stores, fair prices
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found these at Goodwill the other day, Trader Vic's Aloha coconut for $1 and Disney Polynesian Village goblet for $1.50, does anyone know what years these two were issued? I have no clue about the coconut, but I was thinking the glass goblet was from the 70s/80s, when I tried to look info up online all I could find was frosted ones, no clear glass
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littlegiles posted on 06/27/2011

Nice find on those mugs. You just have to love when you find things like that just sitting in a thrift store.

Does the two-faced mug have the Polynesian logo on it? I know that the Disney Resort logo is the older one. If it says "Polynesian Village" on it, it is prior to 1985. In 85 they switch the name to "Polynesian Resort".

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