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Tiki Oasis 2011! How about a free ticket! Well then Volunteer!

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Yes with Tiki Oasis 2011 just a few short weeks away, here is your chance to head out to the biggest tiki event.........ever! and do it for free! "But how Ikabod how do I go to Tiki Oasis for Free? In this economy?" Easy! Just click on the link below, which will send you hurling (careful don't spill your cocktail) to the super secret, classified, tiki-eyes only, and otherwise restricted access Tiki Oasis 2011 volunteer open position list! Take a gander at the list, select what you want to do and send a email to:
[email protected]. Let us know who you are, what makes you qualified. What do you bring to tiki oasis that makes you the right choice for this job! Remember you get a pass to Tiki Oasis 2011 and some other goodies, so its pretty darn awesome. So excuse us for being a little selective.

Here's the link:


Here's the email once again: [email protected]



What happens if you get picked to volunteer, but have already purchased tickets?

On 2011-06-13 13:42, ESP182 wrote:
What happens if you get picked to volunteer, but have already purchased tickets?

You get in for free and then you can sell your ticket to someone else.

When it gets closer to Oasis people start needing tickets and you can post them for sale on here or at Oasis hang out at the check in table and sell it off to someone who needs it .

There are always people coming up to check in looking to purchase tickets so you should have no probems.


On 2011-06-15 18:26, SandraDee wrote:

On 2011-06-13 13:42, ESP182 wrote:
What happens if you get picked to volunteer, but have already purchased tickets?

You get in for free and then you can sell your ticket to someone else.

When it gets closer to Oasis people start needing tickets and you can post them for sale on here or at Oasis hang out at the check in table and sell it off to someone who needs it .

There are always people coming up to check in looking to purchase tickets so you should have no probems.

Good point!


Whoa! Tiki Oasis is just around the corner! May want to start packing and getting your rum list together! In the mean time, we have a few positions open for Volunteering. Nows your chance to grab that positition and claim the highly desireable Tiki Oasis ticket. Also follow the Tiki Oasis Volunteers for updates and news on twitter: @Volunteer4TO

Otto posted on Sat, Jun 18, 2011 10:47 PM

you may have noticed a "work for Tiki Oasis" tab on the website


although these are paid positions we consider them volunteer because they are not at an hourly rate but a flat rate compensation

check em out and contact us or Ikabod

If you are on the fence about volunteering, I say GO FOR IT!!! I volunteered last year and had a great time. Worked a fairly short shift (4 hours?) at the registration table, got to meet everyone as they came in - I even got a once in a lifetime chance to chat with Satan’s Angel, the Devil’s Own Mistress, Queen of the Fire Tassels! :D Had the rest of the weekend to enjoy Oasis for FREE!


Thats just it! The amount time you put in may seem like short shift, yet remember this is a huge event. Your help paid for or not makes the event that much more special. The entertainment, the vending, the symposiums and the friendships that are made at Tiki Oasis are in large part due to the volunteers that bring their Ohana to this event year after year. I have been receiving a few folks here and their that are interested in volunteering. As such the few remaining spots that are open are going fast. So make your interest known!

Baby Doe and Otto thanks you for your efforts and commitment to the event. They put an enormous amount of effort into this convention but they cant do it all themselves.

Whatya Waiting for!


Well just moments ago about 4 people (all friends) decided they where unable to volunteer. What this means is now 4 Volunteer positions have opened up! Check out the open list right here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgN4PhhltK0WdDlLY0RMOHVZclQ4OGJNWF80eXhsRmc&hl=en_US&authkey=CKTNzfwD

Also, stay tuned for further updates by visiting the facebook site:


IKABOD posted on Fri, Jul 8, 2011 8:38 AM

Thers still volunteer positions available! Get yourself a free ticket and be apart of something greater than yourself! Checkout the open gig list and email Tiki Oasis volunteer dept. Info:

link to the UPDATED spreadsheet:


See what you like and then email us with a little description of your skills!

Email: [email protected]



I don't have access...does that mean it's all done then?

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