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Drawin' the line with Retailers

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MakeDaMug posted on 07/30/2011

You've gotta draw the line sometimes with who retails your product, right? Man, we got an inquiry today so we went and checked out the potential client's website (their business name will be ommitted for possible massive heckle & embarrassment purposes).

I was born and raised in Long Beach, California... "THE LBC". Tough town, culturally very diverse & rich, a great city to learn life's lessons as a youngster and adolescent. I'm proud to say that I'm from the LBC. It's a very diverse city and with diversity comes one would hope acceptance and understanding.

Well, shown below is a typical photo of some of the wares proprieted & sold by the aforementioned, still to be unnamed client wanting to carry our line.

Maybe it's just me, maybe this is acceptable dress code and maybe there are some of you who think that what is shown above would be great for a "weekend getaway". Personally, if I were to wear this out in my home town of Long Beach, I'd get my ass kicked and I'd get rolled... not necessarily in that order though.

In short, I'm having a hard time with the acceptance factor here folks!

[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2011-07-29 17:51 ]

TikiG posted on 07/30/2011

Whoa! Yeah I agree with you all the way, Holden!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 07/30/2011

Its gotta be "Brooks Brothers" it looks like it.

Bruddah Bear posted on 07/30/2011


No, not Brooks Bros. I did some sleuthing and finally found the original site for the photo. Yuck!


They give you any particular reason why they, of all places, wanted to carry your product line? I checked the site out, and they are about as far from the spirit of Tikiness as they can get. Talk about your Tiki devolution. That outfit may be just the ticket for looking "edgy" while summering in the Hamptons, on the Cape or Martha's Vineyard, but geez! What are those ambassadors from "Preppie Hell" thinking?

If it were me, I'd stay far, far away. I wouldn't even supply them with Big Lots tikis.


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Tom Slick posted on 07/30/2011

I know where the original of the shirt comes from(catalog), but am baffled by the pink woodie shorts and crossbones belt!

Hell, I had been in the retail industry for years, and never saw anything that horrific! There are 3 different genres/3 completely different styles that someone "vomited" onto that poor mannequin torso. Someone needs training in merchandising and product placement, ASAP. If they are THAT disorganized in product placement, then you are totally right to kindly decline the solicitation to carry your product.

*BTW, wearing that "ensemble" on Broadway in the LBC might fly, but dont wear that combo on Anaheim or 4th streets! hah

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2011-07-30 16:30 ]

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Big Kahuna posted on 07/31/2011

I'm spending next week on The Cape. Maybe I should order me up a set of them thar duds, so's I kin fit in!

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 08/01/2011

Those shorts are perfectly acceptable in Bermuda and cheeky to boot.
My fast search shows that those shorts cost 100 clams. If their cusomters are buying $100 shorts then maybe its not such a bad idea?! :blush: Get them hooked into the culture. They can certainly afford 2,3,4,5,8,9 hundred dollar works of art. Carvings, paintings, home bar builds.....

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AlohaStation posted on 08/01/2011

Living in "Margaritaville" - I see crap like this all the time! However the manaquin is missing the black socks and sandals. Pressed clothes are very casual - and the pastel color just scream "vacation"!

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little lost tiki posted on 08/01/2011

All it needs is a fannypack!
with a skull and crossbones!

Good on you,Holden
for really caring about Tiki
and how it is perceived...

That ensemble screams KICK MY ASS!
The NOIVE of some companies!

Thanks for sharing!

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bigtikidude posted on 08/03/2011

That Outfit (IS SO... TIKI)

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JOHN-O posted on 08/03/2011

What, you don't think walking into a blue collar bar wearing an aloha-pattern blazer and fez, and insisting on a "from scratch" mai-tai to drink in your ceramic mug isn't going to get your ass kicked as well ?? You know they say about glass houses. :D

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Swanky posted on 08/03/2011

When confronted with the opportunity to sell out, sell out! What, are you kidding me? Makeadamoney man!

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bigtikidude posted on 08/03/2011

yeah Holden, what Swanky said,
I am sure there are some tiki artists that would want their art in that store.
Money is money, doesn't mater where/who it comes from.

p.s. I just wish they made that outfit in Fat Guy sizes,
I would so wear it to Tiki Oasis.

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TIKI DAVID posted on 08/03/2011

On 2011-08-02 21:34, JOHN-O wrote:
What, you don't think walking into a blue collar bar wearing an aloha-pattern blazer and fez, and insisting on a "from scratch" mai-tai to drink in your ceramic mug isn't going to get your ass kicked as well ?? You know they say about glass houses. :D

"people who live in glass houses,
should only shower with gorgeous women"

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Jason Wickedly posted on 08/03/2011

As another lifelong resident of the LBC...I can confirm that this would earn you a beatdown pretty much anywhere in the world. Including Broadway Steet in Long Beach :lol:

"But...but...I'm tough...look at my skull-and-crossbones belt!"

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 08/03/2011

Wear that to my dojo & you get a beatdown.......from 10 year old karate thugs!

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Unga Bunga posted on 08/04/2011

Look how the Woodies are pointing at the woody.

We should do a Long Baech bar crawl with all of us wearing this outfit, and the last one standing wins a Tiki Farm gift package.

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Polynesiac posted on 08/08/2011

On 2011-07-30 18:09, Big Kahuna wrote:
I'm spending next week on The Cape. Maybe I should order me up a set of them thar duds, so's I kin fit in!

No shit, dude! I was in Chatham about a month ago and would swear there were several young preppies wearing this exact outfit!

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Mongoloid posted on 08/09/2011

I think i saw Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air wearing this in an episode.

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Tom Slick posted on 08/11/2011

On 2011-08-09 11:22, Mongoloid wrote:
I think i saw Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air wearing this in an episode.


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