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Kirby's Rumpus Room 10yrs. & still going strong!

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Trader Tom posted on 07/12/2011

I'll be there early around 3 to help with the cleaning, then run off to get Joseph to his evening daycare at 5, then on to the Punch Crawl that night at 7:30-8.

lilusako posted on 07/12/2011

I have LAPD Band practice at 4pm, followed by the Hollywood Bowl. But, out of curiosity can I stop by earlier? Say around 1 or 2 to help out? I'd have to leave by 3:30 to make it to practice unfortunately. Let me know! I can also loan you the art piece I bought from you last year.

geedavee posted on 07/13/2011

Sorry I can't be there.
Good luck with the clean up

Bora Boris posted on 07/13/2011


if you need your Shrunken Head back for a week, I can bring it, not tonight but maybe tomorrow?

Let me know.

  • Boris
GROG posted on 07/13/2011

GROG have a painting by Kinny GROG can bring.

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-07-13 08:49 ]

kirby posted on 07/13/2011

Lilusiko your welcom to stop by any time I will be here but no need to make special arrangments,or change your schedule around, I can manage it with just a few peeps..
Hey boris thanks a lot but I would need it by today. Its not that big a deal don't make a specail trip!

kirby posted on 07/13/2011

GROG have a painting by Kinny GROG can bring.

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-07-13 08:49 ]


Hiphipahula posted on 07/20/2011

Aloha! Me and all my toes I'm so very fond of will be at the Rumpus Room tonight hope to see everyone, I've missed you!
Bring lemons & Limes squeezed if possible.

Coruba Dark Rum
Grand Mariner
I'm not really sure of shortages so bring stuff and let's drink!

Big Kahuna posted on 07/20/2011

Did I miss something? Kelly, were you injured somehow? If so, I send you all of my New England healing powers!
I will see you November 2!!!!

geedavee posted on 07/20/2011

I will be there with a bag of ice and some snax.

Kahuna Kent posted on 07/20/2011

I'm back from my gig in the Phillipines and need a good drink!

Bringing a bottle of 15 yr Old Phillipine rum I want to try in a Mai Tai!

kirby posted on 07/21/2011

A special tikiyaki orchestra listining party tonight!!! Yeahh !!!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 07/21/2011

Heading out! Looking forward to seeing all-y'all soon.

GROG posted on 07/21/2011

Got stuff firing in the kiln, so unfortunately GROG not able to leave house. Maybe if GROG' roommate get home early enough to make sure the kiln not burn the house down, then maybe GROG can swing by.

Hiphipahula posted on 07/21/2011

Fun Night at the Rumpus Room, a full room! We mixed, mingled and celebrated to the sounds of the Tikiyaki Orchestra's "Aloha Baby!" as Maestro Jim "Tikiyaki" Bacchi surprised us with a Aloha Baby! listening party!

Aloha Baby! is a Poly-Pop Powerhouse of sound, dimension and song writing at it's very best. What a fantastic follow up and compliment to "Swingin' Sounds for the Jungle Jetset" Many surprises elements I wasn't expecting in the recording so that added to the total enjoyment and experience of Aloha Baby!

Thank You Kirby, Polly, Jim, Steady Eddie, Christine, Jake, Anders, Dave, Kent, Mike all the Rumpus Roomies for being so generous who make every week full of great moments and fun memories. We missed you Tonga Tom, Sherriyaki, Marty Lush and all those who missed this week, YOU blew it big time! HAHAHHA.... see you soon OR,

See you at the Tikiyaki Polynesian Village Hotel http://www.tikiyakiairways.com/TPV/giftshop.htm

Tonga Hut Since 1958
12808 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2011-07-21 14:38 ]

TNT posted on 07/21/2011

Oh man!!! What a night to be too pooped to party.

Trader Tom posted on 07/28/2011

Rumpus Room Tonight!

Kelly is recuperating and resting but should be back next week.

I'll be tending bar tonight. I got some homemade date syrup, some Navan Vanilla Liqueur I bought at the duty free store coming back through the Munich Airport, and some lemons.

Please bring whatever you would like. However, if pressed, I would urge you to bring ice and mixers. We could probably use some fresh juices. Maybe Kerns Farm guava and mango in the can. Maybe some pineapple juice. Maybe some fresh citrus from your backyard. If you bring some grapefruit, I will make Navy Grogs. Bring it on down!

See you all soon!

Krisdrama posted on 07/28/2011

I've got some pineapple juice!

geedavee posted on 07/28/2011

I will bring my usual ice and snax.

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 07/28/2011

Sorry to say that I have to miss out tonight.
I'm enlisting ambassadors to drink on my behalf!
Do YOU have what it takes?

Flaming Tiki posted on 07/31/2011

So glad that Kelly is resting & recuperating,
have some drinks for us.....
Work schedule is keeping us away from
socializing and having fun at the Rumpus Room
Aloha to all!

TheTongaRoom posted on 07/31/2011

I love the volcano!!! and how the lava is running onto the floor!

On 2009-07-06 19:37, Hiphipahula wrote:

Mai Tai Meeting Wednesday nights! Please Join us, Your all Welcome. We always Throw a Great Party!!

Join Us!

Aloha! The "Rumpus Room” is Kirby and Polly's Home Tiki Bar.

Originally built by Grandpa as a room for the family to relax as the summer breeze squeezed past the louvered windows. Many years later becoming Grandmas boring ol' laundry room. This past year 2009 after months of hard work, the "Rumpus Room" was hand built by Kirby, Polly and fellow Tiki Ohana, Tiki Mango and Tiki G, with additional help from Tikiyaki Orchestra, Jim Bacchi and Marty Lush, they mostly just drank Mai Tais and watched us.....

All Tikiphile's are invited to the “Rumpus Room” every WEDNESDAY Night unless noted. Please let us know if you plan to be in SoCal. in the areas of La Crescenta, Montrose, Tujunga, La Cañada - Flintridge, Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena or the San Fernando Valley on a Wednesday and can join us for a Mai Tai, a Rumpus Room Original, a cocktail from HipHipaHulA's Famous Menu or maybe a vintage favorite strikes your fancy? The Rumpus Room is a fully stocked Rum Bar and we throw a heck of a party. The "Meeting" starts at about 7pm-12am. Every Wednesday night. Regular attendees of the “Rumpus Room” will be eligible to receive an Original “Kirby Art” “Rumpus Room Tiki Pendant”
*Just drop us a note to Kirby or Hiphipahula for directions to the "Rumpus Room"
Mahalo, Join us!

*Alcohol and Tips (for Rum) Donations are always welcome we depend on it and appreciate it.
*Lemon and Lime Donation required at the door :)
*BRING A MUG for your cocktail and leave it or take it home with you.
*Snacks & Sweets are also welcome if you have something you would like to share.

[ Message was First edited by: Hiphipahula Somewhere around February, March of 2009 then over & over.

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2011-03-21 12:23 ]

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2011-05-09 10:21 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 08/04/2011

Missing you guys see you all soon!!! sniffle....... :(

Hiphipahula posted on 08/04/2011

P.S. Week after next! Get ready to Rumpus!

P.s.s. This surgery thing was more involved than I ever thought it would be and it's been real hard. I miss everyone and I miss work. I'll be back and I'm working to rooms at Oasis the Appleton sponsored Queen K Tonga Hut Room and the Tikiyaki "Aloha Baby" Room so some great parties ahead and I'll be looking for you guys to be there :) I do miss you guys! .....

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/10/2011

Ahoy, ahoy, everybody.
What's the story for the Rumpus Room tonight?
It's a semi-longshot (so... a medium-shot?) that I'll be able to make it; but it'd be great to see everybody if the RR is happening.

TNT posted on 08/10/2011

We would love to stop by tonight too - miss seeing everyone. Need some fun and relaxation in this hectic week.

geedavee posted on 08/10/2011

I plan on going. Hopefully I will see you all there.

Tonga Tom posted on 08/10/2011

Will Trader Tom be able to mix it up tonight?

Krisdrama posted on 08/11/2011

On my way with my lemon and lime!

Coco Joe posted on 08/16/2011

Is the room open tomorrow? If so what time do you open? I wanna go to Harmony Farms to pick up some exotic meat for a camping trip and thought I'd come say hi.

Tonga Tom posted on 08/16/2011

On 2011-06-30 16:00, Capt. R.H. Falernum wrote:
Put on your RED & CYAN glasses, the Rumpus Room is now available in 3D

I finally checked this out with 3-D glasses, pretty cool Captain!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/17/2011

Glad you enjoyed the photo, Tom! Your presence is already missed this week.

For those of us in town: any plans to hold an Oasis pre-launch party tonight at the Rumpus Room?

kirby posted on 08/17/2011

Well The Oasis Pre-Party is definitely an annual tradition so for sure lets do it! See ya tonight!!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/17/2011

Awesome, I'll be there! A bit on the later side, but I'll be there!

Coco Joe: to answer your question, the Rumpus Room usually gets going around 7:30 PM.
PM kirby or hiphipahula for the details/address.

geedavee posted on 08/17/2011

Sounds good to me. See you tonight.

Trader Tom posted on 08/17/2011

I'll be there, definitely. Gotta get warmed up for Oasis!

kirby posted on 08/17/2011

Awsome!! So will there be any outatown guests this evening?

PolynesianPop posted on 08/18/2011

Am I considered out of town??? I'll be there!

kirby posted on 08/18/2011

Since you come from the Philippines,Yes that's considered out of town!

Hiphipahula posted on 08/24/2011

Tomorrow night 8/24/11 I'll be there will you? See you then bring stuff and lemons & limes for entry to the Rumpus Room :)

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Hiphipahula posted on 08/24/2011


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Flaming Tiki posted on 08/24/2011

Viva la Rumpus Room!

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PolynesianPop posted on 08/24/2011

I'll be there too -- bringing Harro from Australia with me. See you all there!

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Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/25/2011

I have to stay in & work. :(
I have a feeling tonight is going to be a night of extra-delicious cocktails for those that ARE able to make it.

Have fun, everybody!

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geedavee posted on 08/25/2011

I will be there with Mimi in tow. I will bring the usual stuff.

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Tonga Tom posted on 08/25/2011

It was great to be back!
Here's the group shot from last night...
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=11327&url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-uti69a90Rk0%2FTla1RPAOkdI%2FAAAAAAAAATo%2FT6gY7A_O96g%2Fs1600%2FRumpusRoom_8.24.2011_14x10.5.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f4c50104d46eb2fa0724e424054f60b1

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Tonga Tom posted on 08/25/2011

Slightly larger version of the image above can be found here:
(just click on the pic)

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GROG posted on 08/26/2011

5 women and 16 guys---need more women.

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