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Happy B-day to my Bestest Buddy in the WWW, Jonpaul

Pages: 1 32 replies

bigtikidude posted on 08/24/2011

Here is to my brutha from anutha mutha.
Hope you have a great B-day.
And hope you are feeling better after your
Sun. Night Tiki Oasis bender.

Jeff btd

kick_the_reverb posted on 08/24/2011

Happy Birthday Jonpaul, we love you!
Ran, Dale, and Ofel

JasonLeeSurf posted on 08/24/2011

Happy Birthday JonPaul - !

Dont party tooo much, but Just enough.

And Take your time eating : )

chrisandsarahb posted on 08/24/2011

Happy Bday Jonpaul! Hope you have a most amazing day bro! You rock!

JOHN-O posted on 08/25/2011


You are truly a Tiki/Exotica/Surf Music Renaissance man. :)

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TikiG posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday Jonpaul!!

[ Edited by: TikiG 2011-08-24 17:37 ]

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Jason Wickedly posted on 08/25/2011

Happy B-day JP! Love ya buddy!

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Tobor64 posted on 08/25/2011

Hau'oli La Hanau, Jon Paul!

[ Edited by: Tobor64 2011-08-24 18:31 ]

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Mai Tai posted on 08/25/2011

I hereby decree, that on this day, Shiney is cool. (But on this day only!)

Happy Birthday, JonPaul! Had the best times EVAR hangin' with you at Tiki Oasis! When are we gonna jump into the water at the Tonga Room, hmmmmmm?

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Al-ii posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday Jon Paul,
Here's to an amazingly talented musician, photographer and all around bro. I took this great pic of you at Oasis.
Have a great day!!!
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PiPhiRho posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday, Jon Paul!

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Swamp Fire posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday JP!!!

Can you spot JonPaul? That guy gets around!!

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congawa posted on 08/25/2011

Jonpaul, have an extremely happy birthday!

Caltiki Brent

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HB TIKI posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday Jon PaulImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/10038/4e55bb4d.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=51c2d3a5fba3a2d74f92bd5865855955

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 08/25/2011

Big Big Birthday Greetings JonPaul!!!

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Tai Won On posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday JonPaul. I can only hope your birthday kicks the kind of ass you do.

bigtikidude posted on 08/25/2011

On 2011-08-24 20:57, Chuck Tatum is Tiki wrote:
Big Big Birthday Greetings JonPaul!!!

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I didn't know JP was into Ball Gags,
but I know he sure loves a good Blumpkin,
and he couldn't get enough of my Dirty Sanchez this past weekend.

Happy B-day man,
See ya Fri.


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Jungle Ginger posted on 08/25/2011

Big Birthday Greetings JonPaul! You got a good head start celebrating at Oasis. How will you top it?

Best Wishes for a Happy Day. :)

ATP & Jungle Ginger

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Tikitastic posted on 08/25/2011

Happy birthday, Jonpaul from one August 24ther to another!!! Now, time to get on Facebook so we can wish you a happy birthday there too!

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Coco Loco posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday Jonpaul!! Hope it's a fabulous day. Sorry that Bill and I had to go home and can't celebrate with you. But I'm sure you and Marie will make do. :D xoxo

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Wersmo Derinc posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday, Jonpaul. See you Saturday!

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Doctor Z posted on 08/25/2011


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The Sperm Whale posted on 08/25/2011

Rapa Nui my Man !!! Have a very Happy Birthday Jonpaul!!!

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Coco Joe posted on 08/25/2011

you look like the spawn of James Hetfield and Thurston Howell, III.

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Hiphipahula posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday Jonpaul!! Let the celebration last all week long and then some! Party!

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little lost tiki posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday JonPaul!
You are truly one of a kind!
Have a great day!

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 08/25/2011

I just can't help but see "Dr. Jonas Venture, Jr" when I see pics of JonPaul :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Bruddah Bear posted on 08/25/2011

On 2011-08-25 13:44, Chuck Tatum is Tiki wrote:
I just can't help but see "Dr. Jonas Venture, Jr" when I see pics of JonPaul :lol: :lol: :lol:

True, but if he would grow a decent stash he could rock the original Dr. Benton Quest look.

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And the theme music is ubercool.

Happy B-Day JonPaul!


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tikiyaki posted on 08/25/2011

Happy Birthday Rummy !

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 08/26/2011

Happy Birthday Jonpaul.

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JONPAUL posted on 08/26/2011

Man, you guys are too much!
Once again, the TC Ohana comes through and really makes an impact!
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!
It really is one big, extended family and the love we share is alive and soooo well!!!
bigtikidude, kick the reverb, JasonLeeSurf, chrisandsarahb, JOHN-O, TikiG, Jason Wickedly, Tobor64, Mai Tai, Al-ii, PiPhiRho, Swamp Fire, congawa, HB TIKI, Chuck Tatum is Tiki, Tai Won On, Jungle Ginger, Tikitastic, Coco Loco, Wersmo Derinc, Doctor Z, The Sperm Whale, Coco Joe, Hiphipahula, little lost tiki, Brudda Bear, tikiyaki, and Mr. NoNaMe--you guys are the tops in my book!!!!!!

How about a gratuitous "lost" Barney West cutting room floor archive shot?

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Thanks again, guys!

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Bora Boris posted on 08/26/2011

Oh yeah! Happy Birthday!! :)

bigtikidude posted on 08/30/2011

So JP,
how old are ya now?


Pages: 1 32 replies