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I'm baaaaack...

Pages: 1 4 replies

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 11/17/2003

Greetings tiki peeps-
Just wanted to say hello,
I'm finally back from nearly 6 months of exile in the mountains & am now located in Santa Rosa for the time being.
I missed you. (sniff)

Alnshely posted on 11/17/2003

I was talking to a group of Hoity Toitys recently and your name came up. We were wondering where you were. Welcome back!

tikifish posted on 11/17/2003

Playing Grizzly Adams, were you?
Grizzly Adams with an Eames Chair, that is.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 11/18/2003

Thanks Al!
Jane- I think I missed you most of all!
The hunting was bad up thatta way, but I've been back for about 2 weeks & already scored 2 sofas, 1 chair & one of those tacky spun plastic palm tree lamps that you 'love' so much.
Goood times!

tikifish posted on 11/18/2003

Awww! That's sweet!
That being said, I hate you for your modern furniture finding luck. Bastard!!!

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