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Intro: Writer Seeks Tiki-style Homes

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Tiki K. posted on 09/12/2011

Hello all!
My name is Kastle and I’m new to Tiki Central. I just attended my first Tiki Oasis and I’m hooked! I was told Tiki Central is the place to be for all things Tiki so here I am. I’m a writer for the interior design blog specs+spaces, published by Dunn-Edwards Paints (www.specsspaces.com) and I’m working on a story on Tiki décor.

So far I’ve met and interviewed some amazing people on the Tiki lifestyle and I’m looking to find people who have redone their home Tiki-style. I’m in the Los Angeles area but they don’t have to be. It would be an extra bonus if they used Dunn-Edwards paint as well.

Let me know if you know anyone!
Thank you!

tikiyaki posted on 09/12/2011

Hi Kastle ! It's Jim Bacchi, remember from Teen Machine ? Welcome to Tiki Central. I didn't see you at Tiki Oasis,but it's nice to see people I know getting into Tiki. You came to the right place for info. Do some searches, there is great stuff on here.

MadDogMike posted on 09/12/2011

Welcome to TC K.

I don't know about whole houses done in Tiki style but check out the Home Tiki Bars forum for lots of individual tiki rooms. Unfortunately (for you) most of those wall are covered in matting instead of paint.

Swanky posted on 09/12/2011

He's right. I may be the oddball with painted walls in my Tiki bar.

Hapa Haole Hideaway

We drew colors from the Tapa cloth and Papua New Guinea items for our wall colors and accents.

tikiyaki posted on 09/12/2011

Damn Swanky, that place is....well......Swanky ! Amazing.

I think there's a few different ways to go with Tiki Style in a dwelling. I think Painting walls definitely goes with great with "Tiki Modern".... Mid Century Modern and Tiki mixed. I think the 2 themes work great together. It's a great way to create a tiki style space and not have to buy tons of tiki decor, just by using a MCM minimalist approach....one great wall hanging (esp a large Witco) on a wall painted the right color makes a strong tiki statement.

The other and more obvious way is to go with the organized clutter look, lahala matting, bamboo, lots of collectibles, masks, mugs, tikis everywhere... that's a great one too...so,it depends on your taste.

Funny, but your space seems to have achieved a little of both. Awesome !

bigtikidude posted on 09/12/2011

On 2011-09-12 11:55, Swanky wrote:
He's right. I may be the oddball with painted walls in my Tiki bar.

Hapa Haole Hideaway

We drew colors from the Tapa cloth and Papua New Guinea items for our wall colors and accents.

I really like that Orange Swanky,
I think it works great.

My sister had a tiki room at a old house, and painted the walls Nacho Cheese yellow,
and I liked it a lot.
She did the next room/next house key Lime green and It didn't work for me.

Our Tiki Room is a Ocean Turquoise/blue.
it's nice, but makes me think more Ocean than tiki bar.
If I had my choice I would go Orange like you did or Brown.

nice to meet you at Tiki Oasis,

bigbrotiki posted on 09/12/2011

I think your article should start with the famous Bamboo Ben motto: "No white walls!" when it comes to Tiki home bars.

Also, thought rattan and other matting materials are the preferred wall covering for Polynesian palaces, folks have been known to use paint in lieu of using Tapa cloth, another fave wallpaper material:

It makes sense on exteriors, like here at the Outrigger in Prince George, Canada:

...or whenever for political embargo reasons the real stuff is not available, as here in the Trader Vic's/Polinesio in Havana, Cuba:

In case of doing that though, one should study original Tapa patterns and use them as a guide.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2011-09-12 16:06 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 09/12/2011

Aloha Kastle,

Although most of my work covers up all the walls and ceilings,
I do use very dark brown Dunn Edwards Paint for under coats here and there. Here's a cool
Tiki Room north of S.F. http://tiki.unkrich.com/tiki_hideaway/

No White Walls! :wink:

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 09/12/2011

One of Ben's many masterworks.

TheBigT posted on 09/13/2011

On 2011-09-12 11:55, Swanky wrote:
He's right. I may be the oddball with painted walls in my Tiki bar.

Hapa Haole Hideaway

We drew colors from the Tapa cloth and Papua New Guinea items for our wall colors and accents.

Hey Swanky, this link from the main page photos is broken:


You have some incredible carvings in there!

Tiki K. posted on 09/14/2011

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, sharing your places and all the info. Much appreciated. Hope to see you all at the bar sometime!


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