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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 07/09/2011

Grog wear fanny pack!!!!!!!!

little lost tiki posted on 07/09/2011

Hi Dawn!
He keeps my crickets in there!

GROG posted on 07/09/2011

GROG carry a fanny pack to hold pencils art tools, but GROG not wear fanny pack. If GROG wore fanny pack, then GROG not misplace it so often. GROG going to buy fanny pack for LLT, but LLT will probably use his fanny pack to carry "other items" than art tools.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-07-09 00:56 ]

little lost tiki posted on 07/09/2011

Organic Art Supplies!
Don't deny the fannyPack,Ernie
or the Warner Brothers Letterman's Jacket!
two much worse offenses
than using orange and green!


MadDogMike posted on 07/09/2011

Kinny posted on 2 consecutive days!!?? Maybe the Golden Age of TC is coming back! :D

little lost tiki posted on 07/09/2011

Thanks Mike!
Bald unemployed Ernie is just tryin to get a rise outta me
in the hopes i will attend or participate in the Moai show today...
I'll have some progress shots on the hut soon....
Been harder to post lately
as I'm doing projects and commissions that run the full spectrum of subject matter
so i just post Tiki stuff when it pops up.....

MadDogMike posted on 07/09/2011

Awake at 6am on a Saturday? Old Marine habits? Looking forward to your Moai piece.

Bowana posted on 07/09/2011

I love this one, Kenny!

The Sperm Whale posted on 07/09/2011

I want one of GROGS fanny packs !!

little lost tiki posted on 07/11/2011

Another quick posting before work of my pathetic progress this weekend..
Ended up with Toe.Horne,Doug DoRr.some Sean fellow,and Jay Catfish Mason
instead of artjamming!
Here we are tearing up Trader Sams!
Didn't get to bed til 3am!

Doug DoRr gave us a tour of his pad before we went..........incredible!
The man is a true artist,his drive,enthusiasm,and knowledge of his work and materials
is SPOT-ON! If you ever see him,go shake his hand!
The rest of the weekend was pretty much a bust as well...
aaaaaaand to top it off,this is only a progress shot from fiddling around on Saturday
didn't even shoot Sunday's progress....
bad bad kinny!
my apologies.....

Mike-yes i was awake at 6 on a Saturday and 4am on Sunday
and STILL didn't get much done....this Old Marine was uninspired for once....
Didn't get a new Moai piece done for the Moai madness show
BUT i did put up some oldies to clear some wallspace...

Bowana-Thank you.my friend!
That's "Dream of the Agiba Skullrack" and it was in the Hunters and Collectors" exhibition
and now it is at the Scootiki show in Portland!

Scott!-Who wouldn't want one of them beautiful packs for their fanny?
Melvins tomorrow night with You,Boo,and Toe! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK!

okay...here's my progress shots...promise to post more later in the week
y'see baby,i been Busy!

and a close-up....

Hope to see y'alls HERE on the 24th!
i got 2 paintings in the art show
and a ton of goodies at my booth!
It's gonna be a DOOZY!


Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 07/11/2011

Aloha, Now quit screwing around & get back to work.

MadDogMike posted on 07/11/2011

That's exactly what I was thinking - less talking, less drinking, and more painting! :D

little lost tiki posted on 07/11/2011

Sheesh.... tough crowd.

Listen you Clowns!
the SECOND any of youse output an LLT-scale amount of artwork
Then,and only then,will i even acknowledge your mindless babblings...
Thank you.

MadDogMike posted on 07/11/2011


little lost tiki posted on 07/12/2011

AWRIGHT Funnyguy!
Down to some serious BIZNAZZ!
Kicked out the jams a bit tonight
tomorrow....the Melvins!
(that was my carrot on a stick)

Like i said last posting
i forgot to shoot the final from Sunday
Here it is,as promised....

and here is tonight's progress...
(this one's taking longer than i thought. may have to dump it and get on with other stuff pending)



That's all i got!
Talk story soon!

teaKEY posted on 07/12/2011

OMG There are Two Doug Hornes

little lost tiki posted on 07/12/2011

No teaKs!
1 Doug Horne
1 Doug DoRr
and that's Sean to the right of the Horne

i applaud your ever-improving photoshop skills tho....
much better than your "humor" i should add!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2011-07-12 09:58 ]

danlovestikis posted on 07/13/2011

Beautiful and I love the close up showing all the detail work that makes it so fine. Wendy

seagoat posted on 07/13/2011

Nice talkin' to ya at the Melvins show. See ya at the Beachcomber event.

OceaOtica posted on 07/17/2011

geez you are lazy, how about doing a painting every once in a while

little lost tiki posted on 07/18/2011

Aloha OHANA!
I got a little bit of time tonight because

  1. i got that dang-blasted paintin done
    2)i'm gonna be coconuts to the wall this week
    after work,prepping for Tiki Highway


So tonight i thought i'd relax with the Towering Inferno and some Vonnegut later on...
But for now,i had some time and so here's some more step-by-steps
with a final cherry on top Tour of the finished painting!
AAAAAAAAAAND as an extra bonus
I'm gonna throw in a free miraculous shot of my new Bleachjob!
face it....it's your Lucky Day...

Wendy-I'll be seeing YOU and Dan soon! Saving up some Hugs and giggles just for YOU!
You say you like the details..well you are in for a treat today!

seagoat-Nice to meet you as well.... man! i am NEVER seeing Melvins LITE again! just MELVINs....
at least BooBen and i caught a buzz out in the parking lot with booze bought at the liquor store across the street!
Mike's HARD Lemonade baby! i chugged it to impress Ben...
i don't think he noticed... :lol:

Cass-gripe and ye shall receive....
the squeaky wheel gets the grease...

Here is the next session.....

adding shadows and highlighting a bit

Started giving this cute lil hut some attention...

jumble of thatching and palms....adding a strange transparency to the hut....
almost like ,because the village is sleeping,this world is overlapping into another...


next session

Coming together quite CUTE-ily!

started adding some raw umber to get the darker shadows going
and to raise and recess certain parts of the piece
so the viewer ALSO experiences that dream-like feeling of the sleeping village....

Started fleshing out the "greeter" to the village...


next session

allowing for the grass of the ground to show thru and deepening the shadows of the palms..

finishing up thatching
and some landscape grass and such...

Wonderin what to do with the moon.....

the greeter and the front patio is turning out more defined...

Spent a few hours on the front porch and patio...

next session

wanted to get some ground fluctuation,tear away the steadiness of it,as it invites the world of dreams over to visit...

Here's a view down to the rest of the village..

Aloha Mr. Greeter!

Started visiting the little hut with the BIG pile of bones in front of it....

Raw umber and Naples yellow ....repeat...

Still have to do the palm Leaves...

Well Hello little fellar!
more on him later....

this is where i slept for 3 hours

last session.... this morn and afternoon....
and it's done!
"the Sleeping Village"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite

as you can see,the palms were developed and the shadows were deepened...
and i played around with the nose of this guy....



Come on down to the porch...it looks so nice here in the moonlight....

Don't go in...i hear snoring...shhhhhh!

What a pretty moon up in the sky,eh?

Let's walk over to this side of the hut and check out the two worlds overlapping....watch your step!

it seems to be growing right thru the roof!


Whew! we can at least breathe up here...
a little less tangled up....

Let's float over HERE!

a nice Peter Pan vantage point of the sleeping village...

Little Cutey hut appears to consumed too much kava!

little hut/big skull-pile seems to be contentedly watching the events unfold....
i wonder if it's the spirits in the bones that are crossing from their world into this one.....

Somebody should clean up the front yard...that's a health hazard!

most certainly HIS Health hazard!

and the greeter bids us a fond adieu
and hopes we enjoyed the tour!

on a side note...
remember this cutey little guy?

Well, i've been finally giving my kid's book "the Little lost Tiki" some serious thought...
Started looking at old notes and characters and eliminating some and adding others in the pantheon..
Anyways,this fellow reminded me of these travelling throne drawings i had done yeeeears back...

that got me thinking about the children's story
and DING!
this piece inspired some potential characters....
this little walkabout chap!

and Hut and Urch!

Kind of an extension of my happy Hut theme...but with LOCOMOTION!

like this dude's lil legs! hahahaaha!

Anyways,i gotta go relax and psyche myself up to do the tedious part of vending

Best part about it
is MP is coming down to crash at the studio Saturday and Sunday night!

Until then....

Oh wait!
here's that little treat i promised y'alls!

Aloha Chillens!

harro posted on 07/18/2011

Super post, super details and super painting!!

Not so super hair though. :D

MarkusK posted on 07/18/2011

I absolutely love the sleeping village! The quietness, the twinkling stars, kava dreaming...
I'm speechless.
Now please add that missing moai and move over to the marketplace, hehe.

Oh well, the hair. Glad you still have it :D

MadDogMike posted on 07/18/2011

You're welcome for the Mike's Hard Lemonade, that was one of my best inventions

Love the walkabout huts, great personality!

Aloha alien!

danlovestikis posted on 07/18/2011

Love the sweet huts and your photo. Wendy

Sneakytiki posted on 07/24/2011

On 2011-07-09 11:02, Bowana wrote:

I love this one, Kenny!

I second that emotion!!!

little lost tiki posted on 08/09/2011

Mahalo Kids!
Just got 3 pieces DONE this weekend
before i have to travel to the Land of Commission for awhile.....
Two of em are HERE

and one i actually took some step-by-steps
to show you how a painting is born and raised...

harro!will be seeing you SOON,buddy! Oasis is next week!
Shoot me a PM soon and we can discuss how to get you your Moai Waterfall piece!

Markusk-Mahalo Man! Glad you totally "got" the Sleeping Village...
i was trying for a feeling and now,thru your kind words and observations,
have assured me that i have succeeded with the vibe i wanted to give it!
No Moais in this one...this village is somewhere in PNG land! :)
the hair is getting better,by the way!

Mike!-mmmmm Hard Lemonade....i won't venture to look on the label at the ingredients,tho! :)
i think the Walkabout huts need a painting....
Hope to avoid you at Oasis! :lol:

Wendy-I'll be seeing you soon too,my darling!CANNOT WAIT! :)

Sneaks-Thank you Man! I think this one is still up in Portland...
I'll have to check 'cause i miss it! Love the ideas of an Agiba SkullRack dreaming!
Somethin cute AND sinister about it!

OOOkay!!!!! I got 20-some minutes to post all this before going to work
so wish me LUCK!

"the Secret Meal" a step-by-step

start with a piece of raw masonite..
Drink lots of coffee''''
sketch on it real quick with a white pastel pencil
Go over that a lil slower with a black sharpie pen....

Grab some acrylics and start filling in areas-going thick in some areas
and building it up in washes in other areas.....

here's the colors i used...

some close-ups of the filled areas.... very rough!

Here it is after a good initial covering....


i added a color...

then, i grabbed a tube of the dark teal and did a few light washes
over the piece....wiping out areas i wanted lighter and deepening areas
blah blah blah....


I was gonna just PAINT the whole thing
But fate played a chance in this one...
I lost a close friend,Jeff Kohno,whom I've known for almost twenty years
he died suddenly and within a matter of 2 days....
We were very close and he always came by to the studio with some grinds
and a desire to get yet another acquisition for his hut down the street
(he owned a substantial Ruzic/LLT collection)
He also was proud owner of the inspiration bug and
began to paint almost as much as i did!

Anyways,when he passed,his close friend Stanley brought me a purple box with
a handle and two clasps... i opened it...it was FULL of paint pens!
He loved those things...in fact,a lot of the work he collected was more
acrylic with paintpen embellished over it...

So mahalo Jeff! and thank you for the many gifts you brought into our lives....
i felt the best way to honor you would be to break out the paintpens
and have a go at it....
It's been a while...

so i grabbed the black paintpen aaaaand...


By using thick and thin lines,it reinforces the flat dimensional quality
with the more realistic background depth.....


Then i started filling in other colors
yellow on the flowers
green on the leaves
getting a more woody texture on the shields


a little more work

worked on the lighting of sun peeking thru the vegetation...

After ALL that,i went in with a final black,developing shadows and giving it a more graphic look ..........

"the Secret Meal"
acrylic,cel-vinyl,and paintpen on masonite

close-ups! Final close-ups!

Have a Sun-Shiney Day!
and thanks for visitin!

danlovestikis posted on 08/09/2011

A beautiful tribute to your friend that will last longer than any of us. So sorry for your loss. Wendy

zerostreet posted on 08/09/2011

Beautiful Ken! I love the woodcut feel of some of the line work! And it's so nice that your friend Jeff was able to be some influence in this piece.

harro posted on 08/09/2011

Great piece Ken, even better the story behind it. I'm sure you're mate would be proud of it.
See you soon buddy!

MadDogMike posted on 08/10/2011

Beautiful vivid colors Ken, great tribute to an artist friend - so sorry for your loss :(

"Hope to avoid you at Oasis!"
I'll be all over you like a dirty diaper! :lol:

tigertail777 posted on 08/10/2011

Your colors are always wonderful, as are your shapes. In some ways your work reminds me a little of Mary Blair's art. Always love watching the in progress stuff. I am very sorry for the loss of your friend, I think it is wonderful you are immortalizing his gift into your work. The threads we weave, the lives we touch are not forgotten they echo from one person to another long after we are gone.

little lost tiki posted on 08/21/2011

AH-LEW-HAH Pretty peoples!
First off..... Tiki Oasis was wonderful
it's always cool wandering around,philosomiphizing with all of youse
i rarely get out,so it was nice to get some face time with folks
hugging folks and swapping stories and drinking shots and....
oh! i bought a flask! 47 and i finally bought one....
what a loser,huh?

Anyways, i have a pretty involved step-by-step coming up
but first,let me reply to all of yooz who left some words here...

My heart sang when i saw you at Bali Ha'i and later when we were able to walk around the Piggy-Velvet-Donkey show at Tiki Oasis...
Your huge Ku with a torch was Amazing!
it filled me with a sense of WOW..
and those sparkling skies.......
(i always feel like poor Dan gets no attention because you're the one gettin all the love.... Well Dan! I love you too!
but Wendy is much more huggable!)
Come to Mojave Oasis in October
where it's so much more relaxed....
where we can chat for HOURS! :)

Hey zero!
looking over 20 years of work and the events
the peaks and valleys and gutters and clouds
an artist can see how
even tho NOT aware of it
that the artist's "outer" world seeps in...
Some paintings there's an awareness of the exact emotion or memory
that is being put in there...it's a strange lucidity
but it was nice to look to the past for some comfort.

Thanks for the sentiment,man!
Very funny how you and ed'sgonetiki crossed paths!
Things happen for a reason...
We shall be able to converse further
Monday night at the studio
nose-ring Jim said he may pop by with his missus as well
twill be a fun little gathering!

Mike-mahalos man! the palette of the ;last one set me to experimenting with some new and challenging colorways
so we will seeeeeeeeeee!
Sending you and Leslie some love!
oh! and hugs!
can't forget the hugs!

tigertail-Thank you Sir! i was JUST over on your thread this morning!
i need to see more of Blair's work... i was raised on Marvel Comics,cartoons (mid 60-s-late 70's) and Provensen were a couple that influenced me very early,as well as that Golden book of Dinosaurs with those awemagnificent paintings and D'Aulaire Mythology Books and old Ripley's Believe it or not paperbacks
(my grandpa would let us take 1 book out of this HUGE chest every time we visited... i grabbed all the Ripleys-10-11 of em over time!)
Your words about friends and loved ones and the lives we touch rings so true....i think you'll agree that being an artist,being born one,there is a sensitivity to situations that resounds inside.....
For years in the Marines may have tweaked that a bit
but the ability to shut off and turn on emotions
as well as being able to view situations close and emotionally-vested
or from a distance,as an outsider...very strange....
and i see you've mentioned liking the progress shots
Well,since you have been so gracious with the TC art lovers
i will follow that cue
scroll down,art-brother...
and hang on
cuz this one got me real stoked!
remember we talked about earlier?
about when ya start painting every 12 paintings are what you would consider good....a masterwork perhaps?
and as one progresses
it becomes every 10 paintings is said Marvel....
then every 7
and so on.....
Welpers, i think i'm somewhere around every 5
and this one
is a masterwork!

to me at least
you might hate it
but that's okay because it makes me very happy!
it was a real fun exercise in
2)minor experimentation
as well as disregard of color theory to a successful end
4)elaborating on a previous theme
5)and MORE!

Come looky See!
But first,a Brief History lesson......

First experiment with this stained glass abstract style
and late night interior Tiki Bar atmosphere...
Sven has this one.....
he's a visionary like that!

"Song of the Pufferfish"
cel vinyl and acrylic on masonite
private collection

which advance into a darker,richer interior
and going from the golden glow of the original
it changes to a greener hue in

"the Lively Conversation"
cel vinyl and acrylic on wood
with a simple yet stately frame by my friend
the genius
Bamboo Ben

Next i found,while revisiting the book of Tiki
the stately Moai inspiration used in the below painting
from the Kahiki?
Help me with armchair archaeologists....
anyways,after a 2-year Virgin Mary apparition
painting/research jag
a few years back
i am now irresistibly drawn to grottoes
and this Moai fellow was in a grotto...
that's enough inspiration validation,eh?

there's a drawing somewhere in this vein as well, will post it here when i find it(don't bother waiting-it may take a while...)

"After Hours"
cel vinyl and acrylic on wood
with a perfect frame by Mr. Bamboo Ben
private collection

i believe the man from Wildsville has this up
in his Safari Jungle Bondage Love Room
.....or maybe in the bathroom :)

This one retained that darker atmosphere
of it's partner
but wanted a more exciting feel
that late night drunk-a-babble
so first off,i shifted back to the warmer hues
but instead of gold
made the red of the moai
and the orange glow of the puffyfish lamp
to radiate that vibe....

What's the same about all of them previous pieces?
which i like
but i wondered what would happen if i did the initial lighting on the ground and through layers and then used a raw umber for that
stained glass effect....would it be too dark?
what if i did SOME of it like that
and relied on color,MOSTLY pure color
real rough
to promote the atmosphere..
kinda like

"the Invocation"
acrylic and cel vinyl on masonite

Raw umber was used in this
in layers ...to achieve a dimensional quality i like...
Another thing to notice is the compositional similarity
to a few of the above pieces...
upper left hand light source
shield on the right,slightly lower
Elaboration of a theme?
Sheer laziness?

History lesson complete

fast forward to last weekend
here is a record of how i gleaned from previous pieces
changed em up a bit
took a few risks
and made a real pretty picture!
You might hate it tho
hey! it's a big blue marble,right?
so here goes....

"the Mystery Bowl
a chronicle of its creation

got some Bamboo Ben frames at the TikiHighway event
and i just LOVE how they really set off the paintings!
ben...yer a genius! mahalo!

Started this one with a quick pencil sketch
circles/an oval/two cylinders/and some elliptical diamonds(for leaves)

didn't shoot that because i was in a frenzy!
But i just started grabbing colors and sloshing em around,trying to capture the atmosphere first
so i can just pile the detail atop it
here's how it looked after mah FRENZY!

Here's some close-ups to show you how rough and rugged it is!

The two mugs i used were from a 75 mug sketchbook jag earlier this year...ideas were a flowing...i just need someone to make them for me....

the fellow on the left was a perfect choice as i had already begun to abstract him as an actual mug...
may i introduce.... Mr. Stumblebee? Staggerbee?

and across the Red lake of libation is Crybaby-Whineyboy
another "dream" mug from that mug inspiration discussed earlier..
altered and improved in this imaginary bar....

Side Note:Please don't make these as mugs to sell to people
without working out something with the me,artist. (it makes sense!)
I'm a very fair business guy-ask anyone!
I'd love to help you make some cash
but don't get all sneaky
unless you enjoy car bombs
and Rambo-like traps!
Thank you
and now back to our regular programming

the Mystery Bowl...

i gave him a pug nose!

and here we are!
Phase Two!

a lil bit of white to build up the main light source..
See? i didn't abandon white completely!

started sprucing up the Mystery bowl...
and opening the character's eyes...

Mr. Staggerbeegets a pretty umbrella and a skewer with cherries!

added some yellow highlights as well
around the rim of this mystery bowl
por exemple...

Mr. Sourpuss gets a lemon!
and some yellow highlights

started throwing some of the background blue into the shadow areas of some places...working on staggerbee's abstract split

Phase Three!
it's dark and warm and makes great shadows
and it's not as harsh as black!
or white,for that matter....

flashing out puffyfish...

someone's not too happy about the mystery bowl breaking into the plane of his eye....wah

you can see a lot of the mix of the blue and the raw umber for the shadows...gives it a nice otherworldly feeling...
this effect worked well with the table wood grains
blue underneath and the raw umber over it....
here you can see both the hard outline and the shading...ENJOY!

Phase Four!

Phase four is just a lot of cleaning up...
doing washes for shadows and for hi-lights as well!

here's a close-up of the infernal concoction!

working out the interior vegetation...
and the fish float globe lights!

this lighting shot reminds me of those European nativity pieces

and here's the lighting over crybaby

added some shadows to puffy
and added some dark to his glow
just to get it vibrating...

here's the hole in his back....


defining and shading the leaves....also bringing the table grains alive!

Just needed a little bit of raw umber for the background
it was atmospheric enough on it's own!


tried to make it glow a bit from the inside....

more of the morestuff...

crybaby and his background vegetation

started workin on his woodgrain...wah.

playin with the plains of the contents of the mysterioso bowl

puffy's straining to reach that straw!

so close!

Speaking of close....
here's that umbrella again...

and a fish float globe!

and a few final touches on the mystery bowl and the tabletop...

and Done!
"the Mystery Bowl"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a PERFECT bamboo ben frame!

and just the piece...

and OOPS! i ain't done with it yet! Forgot just one area...
can you guess?
If you guess correctly i'll send you a FREE print for only $10!
no i won't....
Anyways,hope you enjoyed that!
Thanks for visiting and showing up to class today!

tigertail777 posted on 08/21/2011

Oh, LLT how you think I could hate any of your work is beyond me. :wink: Love how it turned out the poor little pufferfish desperately trying to get a drink cracks me up. Thanks for posting the in progress shots, as I said I always love to see those; it is a fascinating window into how an artist works, and no two artists ever work exactly the same. I also like the stained glass look with the white lines on the first painting in your post, that is a very interesting look that grabs the eye. I really like your use of raw umber to give a warm glowing feel, I may have to try that on my next painting.

As for Mary Blair, here is a few videos that will give you a little more insight into her work (at least what she did for Disney, which is a large amount of her work though she did do work outside of Disney as well).

First to go with the theme of this year's tiki oasis:

And then a general overview of most of her Disney work:

I find a remarkable kinship between her shapes and colors and yours, though you two of course have completely different styles. I think it is also the swinging 1960's feel you both have going on. :wink: I really dig the Bamboo Ben frames too they really set off your work.

[ Edited by: tigertail777 2011-08-21 15:58 ]

zerostreet posted on 08/21/2011

Amazing! Your steps put all others to shame! Great work as always!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/23/2011

Wonderful! Love the steps ... very inspirational!
"the Invocation" is magic! Love it Love love it!!!!!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker

[email protected]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2011-08-22 18:45 ]

Robb Hamel posted on 08/23/2011

I love how the Tiki mug seems to be suffering due to an IMPALED BRAIN!

L - U - M - I - N - O - U - S !!

Swamp Fire posted on 08/23/2011

Another great one Ken!

Dig those color choices, great job.

little lost tiki posted on 09/06/2011

Greetings Fellow TCers...
been working feverishly on studies for a secret project
that will be revealed before Halloween and
1)has nothing really to do with Halloween
2)i think you'll really enjoy it
once i am able to share the whole process from start to finis
(which i am VERBOTEN to do until said clandestine project is finished)

Anyways, i have 2 new ones for this thread...
They are not step-by-steps
BUT are completed pieces with DETAILS
and therein lies the rub....
the OTHER CRAFTS section is for step-by-steps and instructions.....
SO,i figgered that i would post some close-ups of essential areas in these pieces
to give you a peek into how i achieve the illusion of depth and other fun eyeball wowsers...

But first,let me reply to some friends...

tigertail-Aloha! No progress pics on these two,as i was in a FOCUSHAZE and banged out a bunch of pieces two weekends ago so i could still post pieces here on a regular basis while continuing with the secret project.....
SO while it looks like kinny is diligently working on a painting a week,he really banged out 5 in a weekend BUT,on the surface it will look as tho i am on a regular painting schedule
unbeknowest to most foolish humans.....
Thanks for the Blair vids...it's always a delight to see her work
and i always discover a new piece or two
every time our paths cross...
i think the kinship we share is love
love for our craft
our imaginative worlds
and the beings that populate them....
and you're right,the Boo frames make them look like real art! :)
Somethin about them....it's his mana in each one,i think! :)
Thanks again for all the thoughts and yes! DO give raw umber a whirl.....
i think you'll dig it....

zerostreet-SHUCKS! you're makin me blush....i'll try to do more in the future
the more artists out there with more knowledge of their craft and genre
can only improve the whole scene.Mahalos!

Brad! Thank you my friend...There's a weird feeling in the Invocation
Dontcha love it when that happens?
Kinda like you nailing that wave in your tigershark piece....
it's always a tickle being able to be able to share
amongst ourselves...
this art gang we have here on TC....
You're always so giving with your step-by-steps
and thoughts
and your artistic honesty
That is what makes your works ring so true.....
looking forward to next year and all the kudos awaiting you!

Robb-that was my attempt at a deconstruction of an actual Tiki mug
when i went on a 75 mug concept sketchbook jag
(that i will share someday once i get some of the primo ones in the works)
Here is the original sketch

and thank you for the Luminous comment,chum.
If anyone should know,it is you!
and great article and eye-dazzling photos of your work in the newest Tiki Magazine!

Doug! Thanks buddy!
It always feels good when all you heavy hitters come in here and are well-pleased
with your oft-times annoying and spastic misfit artist-friend! i tell ya, that raw umber against that blue and yellow was like all POW!!!!
Truck Turner-next on the film-list for the next ARTJAM!

well, here;s a piece i posted last week
but here's some details of it
all up close so you can see the brushies and all that

"the Elusive Straw"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a PERFECT Bamboo Ben frame!

Here's the Ku and waterfall display in the back

A close-up of the frustrated pufferfish
and how i achieved the inner and outer lighting on him

A lil PNG style mug
(if i ever created him in real life i WOULD tone down the colors,mind you...)

Here's a funny lil cannibal mug i gleaned from a 3 year old sketchbook entry
His expression is Precious!

and one of them little Maori monkeys....
with the arms cleverly placed where the ears should be
to enhance the effect
(there's a tad of transparency on this one
where it meets cannibal boy
and the flowers floating in the drink....)

and here's a BRAND new one (to you)

"Midnight Oasis"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with another PERFECT Bamboo Ben frame!

Tried a slightly different palette on this one
especially the use of BLACK instead of raw umber
for the outlines..
this one gets a little more abstract
as you will see in the details
Let's step to this!

Here's the Ku sentinel,outside and awaiting any visitors..
by applying washes to the edges of the black line-it created a low field of depth
in contrast to his right
which attempts to extend the plane of the picture surface farther back

Here's one of the two huts
this one with a fish globe lamp
hanging out front
i allowed the clouds and landscape to peek thru the hut
and lit those areas as if they were a part of the hut
a tried and true EYE MESSER UPPER at the right times....

Here's the sky and the moon
Very light washes were used on the moon
to brighten it
and recede it into the sky
more Naples yellow was used in this piece
than white...used very little white

here's the other hut
with a shield greeter up top
and two happy tiki pillars
supporting the porch....

and here's a bigger close-up
to show you the details of the interior
Well,not really details
more like suggestions of the interior
this was done by use of washes and
light drybrush over the ALMOST dry areas
figgin painstaking
but the intensity only took about 20 minutes..

Welpers...that's it
gotta work tomorrow!
Night Crew!
and mahalos for your comments and visits!

MadDogMike posted on 09/06/2011

I'm with Brad, "Invocation" is one of my favorites. Love the way the colors pop on the "Elusive Straw"

Robb Hamel posted on 09/06/2011

I JUV the little mug NOM, NOM, NOMing the skull! Brilliant!

WestADad posted on 09/06/2011

Oh my word, I can't stop looking at Midnight Oasis.

Love it!

little lost tiki posted on 09/12/2011

It's LATE!
i gotta get to sleep!
But first....
Mike!-Thanks Buddy! i plan on trying that outline-less Invocation style very soon again! It's callin me!

Robb-Mahalo Sir! I hope he grows up and becomes a real NOMNOM mug someday!

WestADad-I thank you! and,in case y'alls don't know....
they all look better in person! and i will have these at Mojave oasis
for the folks to gape,oggle and adopt if they wish!

Here's another one i finished a few weeks back
but have been doing the slow release
while i work on the Top Secret project
I've been teasing y'all about....

"the Volcano Bowl"
acrylic and cel vinyl on wood
with a perfect bamboo Ben frame!

and some details..
as you can see, i muted the palette and got a lil rough with the texture on this one.....

here's the Volcano Bowl

a Crabby Moai mug

a Silly Maori mug with an arm for a handle!

and a Modernist Lono-ish mug

I'd love to stay and chat ,but i put about 30 hours into art and stuff
and this boy needs some zzzzzzzz's......

Goodnight Ohana!

tigertail777 posted on 09/12/2011

I love how your color palette perfectly fits the mood and tone of each piece. I really dig the browns and burnt umber in this volcano one. :) Beats me how can do these so quickly and so well executed.

davidleslie posted on 09/12/2011

Kinny, it is true....you are magic.

mp posted on 09/17/2011

Excellent work here! Its like Little Tiki Birthday & Christmas presents to gaze
at every few days! We are indebted to you Kin!

hiltiki posted on 09/17/2011

Ken I love all your recent pieces with the Bamboo Ben frames. Keep them coming cause they are fun. I loved the Mystery Bowl piece.

danlovestikis posted on 09/17/2011

You are the Picasso of tiki, Wendy

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