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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 09/15/2011

I can't wait for this one!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/17/2011

Happy "Aloha Friday" Tiki Tribe!

I roughed in some warm tones for the BG, and a little cool tones to make the figure pop out from the sunset. IT's looking real messy, but starting to get a little depth. Next I'll create some cloud-like forms in the bg color...
Have a good week end!

mp posted on 09/17/2011

Brad, the new one looks fantastic!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/17/2011

Thanks mp!

Here's a bit more work on the sky... making a cloudy dramatic (I hope) sunset and a glow to help "pop" the hula girl out from the warm BG...
More later...


zerostreet posted on 09/18/2011

Looking awesome! Really love the skull eyes on the Tikis!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/18/2011

THanks and Aloha !

worked on the ...

...pterodactyls, lay in more cool tones of blue and purple in foreground/mid-ground...
more later!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/20/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Here's a bit more on the sky. I have some stars creeping into the evening sky. I added some purple tones into the tikis.
Still looks like a big mess so far, but I promise it will look much better before we're done.
Mahalo for watching....

tigertail777 posted on 09/20/2011

It always amazes me how bizarre your under paintings look, and then when you are done it always ends up incredible. I have not really tried this kind of under painting method yet, one of these days I will have to give it go since you obviously get wonderful results with it. :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/22/2011

tigertail777- thanks, not sure if have really gotten the underpainting thing down right. I'm still learning.... just trying to make each painting a new lesson, and a little bit better.

I worked on the palm trees a bit.

Here's a close up.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/23/2011

Happy Aloha Friday,

Planted a few more palm trees...lay in the bas for the water...

Here's a closer look at the Palm Tree.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/25/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Remember when I created the Monsters on Vacation paintings? Well, it's that time of the year... when old art raises from the grave... and now the Monsters are postcards!

Looking for a little Hawaii in your Halloween? Check out my thread on the Marketplace.
ALOHA ...and Happy Hula-Ween!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/29/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

here's "Hula Baby" so far....
a little more work on the background.... still working out colors and things... Think I'm still fighting a little artist Block because I know this is going to an important show next year... so I'm battling through more the the usual self doubts I have as an artist.


Bruddah Bear posted on 09/29/2011

Looking good Brad. I know where you're coming from with the self-doubting, it's something I think many who do art suffer from on occasion. You should have no worries, I thoroughly enjoy your work, as do many others.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/02/2011

and thanks Brudda Bear 4 the wise words. The best part about TC is having this international artist collective to get advise and inspiration from.

Here's Hula Baby so far.... I worked out the sky some more and am adding in hibiscus shaped clouds. I think this will help add depth to the sky. I also toned down the reds on the sides of the painting by adding a light wash of green over them. The idea is to keep the brightest colors in the center of the painting.
more to come...


Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/04/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Monsters & Tikis!

The local gallery which shows my work gave me a LOT of primo front-o-the-gallery wall / window space! The best space in the gallery. It's all about grasping on to the big orange and black October season with both hands and showing the most monsters, witches, ninjas, Tikis, sharks, and more Tikis than they have ever before. All this will leap into the eye balls of the tourists who will be walking by and suddenly get a big o Halloween sized serving of pop-surrealistic-tiki art.

I posted more about it over in the Tiki Marketplace. Or you can call the gallery for more info: Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery. Phone: (808) 334-0037 Toll Free: (888) 435- 6612


tigertail777 posted on 10/04/2011

Beautiful to see them all together like that. What a knock out sight! Miss Boop is coming along swell too, I like the hibiscus clouds, at first I thought it was a bit too busy but if anyone can pull it off I know you can. Can't wait to see the final results. :)


wow love it

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/12/2011

Back on da' Island after my trip to LA for the 25th Anniversary of La Luz De Jesus Gallery.

It was an amazing show, lots of artists, some very big names in the low brow art scene, here's me with my piece (Hawaii-Ween) and the book of the show.

Me & Billy Shire - owner of La Luz de Jesus

Me & Crazy Al...
It was a real honor to be there! Chance of a life time... thanks to the fine folks at Wacko & La Luz de Jesus for asking me to be in the show!!
If you want to see other photos of the event and stuffs like that, check out my face book page:

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2011-10-11 23:52 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2011-10-11 23:53 ]

tigertail777 posted on 10/12/2011

Looks like you had a heck of a lot of fun, and that's what it's all about. :wink:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/13/2011

tigertail777- YEah, it's great to get off the island once in awhile and see the big city, and lots of friends.

But it's good o be back in the studio painting too. Here's the new bit of work, the sand on the beach, and change of light on the ground from back ground to fore ground, and a little on the Hula Girl.... lots more to come.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/14/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

I got some more done on the Hula Baby... getting a little in Mark Ryden world here... (guess if it feels creepy enough that's Ryden enough?)
Well, her cool tones help her pop out of the BG. Still got a cat to repaint.... and a secret cat to hide....


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2011-10-14 15:33 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/16/2011

Aloha tiki tribe!

more 2 come............

zerostreet posted on 10/16/2011

Looking great Brad!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/17/2011

Thanks zerostreet!
"Hula Baby" - the original is sold, and A/P #1 of 10 has just sold. If you'd like A/P #2 - #10 contact info@tikishark.com (B 4 it's 2 late!)

...Yes, I know it's not finished yet, but sales are brisk on this one. Guess people are just in the "HULA-Ween" mood!


tigertail777 posted on 10/18/2011

Very nice! I Like how the blue pops off the red/orange colors (you probably won't keep it that way and will no doubt end up with something even more superior, but I do like it as it is). Her face looks much better now too, very appealing in a 1930's Boop Boop-a-Doop kinda way. :) What is an A/P? An art print?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/19/2011

tigertail777 - Thanks! Yeah, that blue / orange is popping. I wanted a cool foreground against a warm background. So far it's working... she's looking a tad better as I render her out more. She's got that "Betty Boop Bamboo Isle" thing going on as you know, which is fun... thanks again for the historical info on that.

Here's the latest... working out the flowers on the lei... always time consuming, but pays off visually if you do it well.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/21/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Here's the latest. Miss Boop is almost done. Next is on to the TIKIS!

little lost tiki posted on 10/23/2011

Holey Moley Brad!

this one is really comin together!
you're nailin it!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/23/2011

That's smack for my sole, Brad!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/24/2011


Over all

Getting some work on the tiki .... hooray! Almost done.... days away (?) I hope!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/24/2011

aloha tiki tribe!
Need a sound track for your TIKI life style?
might I suggest....

The Crazed Mugs "Find Forbidden Island"?
(and not just cause it's got my art on da' out side, the best part is the tunes inside!)

Naneki posted on 10/24/2011

On 2011-10-11 23:51, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Back on da' Island after my trip to LA for the 25th Anniversary of La Luz De Jesus Gallery.

I got to the show this weekend. Your piece was beautiful. I'm glad I got to see it up close.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/25/2011

Naneki-Thank you! Things look very different in person don't they? So glad you got a look at it. I was honored that it sold opening night, and now it will only be seen in person in someone's private tiki bar/lounge.

Here's the overview so far...

Here's the tiki detail

Here's the second tiki detail...
more to come...

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/25/2011

Looking GREAT! Brad

Naneki posted on 10/26/2011

On 2011-10-25 14:47, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Naneki-Thank you! Things look very different in person don't they? So glad you got a look at it. I was honored that it sold opening night, and now it will only be seen in person in someone's private tiki bar/lounge.

I'm glad it sold on opening night too. That way it couldn't tempt me to pull out the plastic. It was the best piece at the show.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/27/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Here's HULA BABY so far.... almost done...

fore grong bones daggers and flowers to go...

Big Mahalo to the fine folks at Wyland's Ocean Front Gallery for pre-selling limited edition giclees of "HULA BABY" and "TIGER SHARK SURFING". Only a couple remain! For purchase of these rare A/P's contact Wyland Ocean Front Gallery: WYLAND Phone: (808) 334-0037 Toll Free: (888) 435-6612
Contact us at info@tikishark.com

or u can contact us at info@tikishark.com.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/28/2011

"This is where you'll find our bones
In the caves of Smuggler's Cove"

"Smuggler's Cove" by The Crazed Mugs

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/28/2011


"TIKI CAT" has reached a new higher (or low brow?) level of Hawaiiana souvenir status: It's now a refrigerator magnet in all 100 plus ABC stores across the Hawaiian islands!!! It'll now be taken home by tourists from all over the world! I'll be in kitchens, cubicles, and YARD SALES EVERY WHERE FOR DECADES TO COME! Yippee! Do you think anyone really gets the joke - the low brow kitchy I was going for, or do you think they really think it's a real cute Kitty-cat playing a uke? Can they see close enough to make out the death-head in the cat's pupil? I guess part of the "ART" of this whole piece is that we may never really know for sure, and really does it really matter? My old collage Art appreciation professor would love this!

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2011-10-27 23:38 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/29/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/29/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Green cat? What green cat?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/29/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Aloha Friday Night on HALLOWEEN Weekend in the pop-surreal section of my local Wyland Art Gallery.
A L O H A !

zerostreet posted on 10/29/2011

Beautiful display Brad!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/29/2011

THNX zerostreet!

Here's my LLT Tikis (with skulls for eyes) and almost finished!
Next I take another hint from LLT and will try to work on more than one piece at once. I got 3 roughed out....
that way when I get STUCK on one, I can switch over and keep going on another!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/29/2011

yes it's green...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/30/2011

Well, I have a big art show at a "La Luz de Jesus Gallery" in LA next July. It's a great opportunity, so I could not say no. But I do need to produce art faster to fill the wall space. So I am taking the advise from two well accomplished artists : my buddy and famous TIKI Artist Ken Ruzic, and my idol and famous pop surrealist Todd Schorr. Both told me to work on more than one painting at a time. That way, if you ever get "stuck" or Blocked on one, you can switch over and keep going on something that seems fresh.
Here's what I'm working on now...

1.) "Hula Baby" almost done... still got the flowers in the fore ground to paint.
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2.) "The Wanderer"
roughed out, was started a while ago, but I stopped when I felt I didn't have the skills to finish, now I have a few more paintings under my belt and think I can do this one right. (i.e. not screw it up !)
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3.) Painting #43 "Hawaiian Eye"
Those of you who are fans of the old series, you are right, this is my low brow homage to that great vintage television show!
and another one is starting as soon as "Hula Baby" is done. That way I can be working on the lucky number 3! And This is all so I produce art faster, and not get stuck for days staring at my canvas telling myself how awful it is, why would I even try being an artist anyway, and is it too late to paint everything out and just start over , or give up this art thing and get a real job at "Hot Dog on a Stick".

One last Mahalo form the Island....
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the sunset this fine October night had the sun looking like a big orange pumpkin sinking into the blue....
Happy Hula-Ween!

tigertail777 posted on 10/30/2011

Really love how "Hula Baby" has turned out. I like all the foreground props, was wondering is there some particular significance in the objects you chose? I notice you use cats fairly often is it simply because you like cats or is there a deeper meaning? Thanks for letting me know I wasn't going crazy in seeing your new painting, I swore I had seen it before but then thought what was the logic in painting it again if he had already done it? :-? But now I see that you are revisiting a unfinished painting and it makes sense. :wink:

Happy Hula-Ween to you too.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/03/2011

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
tigertail777 - Some have deep meaning, some work as framing devices, mostly I like to leave it to the viewer to place their own meaning in the objects, it's usually more significantly personal and interesting than anything I could explain to you. I do really love cats, and dogs, and I've had all kids of other animals as pets, but cats have a strange H.P.Lovecraft connection to my work right now.
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warm foreground flowers, pirate gold. and bones (taken from the song "Smugglers Cove" by the Crazed Mugs") and a green cat.

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2011-11-03 22:47 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/05/2011

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Wet weird Orchids & a green cat, plus bones found in "Smuggler's Cove"...
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Strange orchids dripping dew
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"Hula Baby"
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas

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