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Just picked up my mugs from being fired and want to make a mold Help Please!

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tiki Tonie posted on 10/06/2011

Do I need to glaze my mugs before I make a mold?
Do you all have any tips or guidance for this first timer?

Can't wait for your suggestions. Remember, I've never done any of this before so you might have to speak in laymen's terms.

Thank you All!

VampiressRN posted on 10/06/2011

Search for threads by Wendy [danlovestikis] as she has many posts with pictures on this subject. This is a good one http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=38423&forum=18

MadDogMike posted on 10/06/2011

Tiki Tonie, here is the definitive thread on mold making by Master Artist Babalu with some help by Master Artist Bowana


As to your question to glaze or not - depends on the detail of the mug. Glazing fills in and covers texture and detail but it also makes your master smooth and hard for the plaster to stick to. If you glaze you may lose detail, if you don't glaze and use mold soap your mold could stick to your master.

PS, ceramic questions are best posted in the "Other Crafts" forum - the guys here in "Carving" think that ceramics are... JUST KIDDING :wink:

Tiki Tonie posted on 10/06/2011

Thank you, I'll take a look now!

Tiki Tonie posted on 10/06/2011

Thanks for the head up MadDogMike! I'll ask my question over in the ceramics section. I didn't know there was a ceramics section.

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