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Drink pacing . . . how fast or slow do you consume a tiki drink?

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Some people can nurse a drink for a day . . . not me, I am usually on my next one in fifteen minutes or so . . . that may work for an ordinary cocktail, but tiki drinks not so much . . . I can see why Smuggler's Cove set me up with a glass of water right off the bat!

How fast or slow do you all imbibe? Any tips for someone that loves booze but is relatively new to tiki drinks?

I only started drinking about 6 or 7 years ago,
depending on the taste and the strength.
I have been known to down a drink in about 5 min.

Rasta Jim(regular at Tiki Ti) and inventor of the very potent "Jim's Special"
imparted some wisdom to me (as to not crash and burn, by drinking to much to fast).
he said get a glass of water with yer drink.
and make a drink last 1 hour.
and to alternate sips of the drink and the water.

Good Luck, and Okole Maluna



If I'm not careful, I'd just chug whatever is placed in front of me. So my "trick" is to order a sparkling water along w. my drink and use that to a) pace myself, b) cleanse my palate and c) quench whatever thirst.


If you take an hour to drink a cocktail its either gonna get mighty warm, or its gonna get awfully diluted. Drink at a pace that you enjoy, minding your social setting. If you're concerned about inebriation, then drink with food, or give yourself some time between drinks. Water is always a good idea whether drinking alcohol or not.


I don't remember saying take an hour for your drink. What I do advise for my drink is to get a water with your cocktail and sip one and then the other. In my mind, the water doesn't water down your drink, it instead helps it to circulate more efficiently. I also recommend people have my drink for their first drink, and perhaps the most important part, in your own mind, CALL IT TWO DRINKS (because it IS). For those who want to take as long as possible on any drink at the Tiki Ti, just ask the friendly bartenders for a little added ice. it's available, at no charge of course!

Jason Weckerly is the pacing specialist...wink wink.

Typically I am driving so I limit myself and a coffee chaser is good. I haven't done the water on the side though. I find certain drinks I like and tend to stick with my favorites so I know the flavors and can savor them.


Suck 'em up!


The Smuggler's Cove cocktail menu has over 75 drinks on it, so first-timers are often understandably overwhelmed and simply ask the bartender for help in choosing their first drink. One of the questions I often hear the bartender ask is "is this a sprint or a marathon?" That helps guide the bartender toward the optimal strength of drink. Of course there are other questions they ask in addition to determine the patron's palette. My point is that this might also be a good question to ask yourself when decided how quickly to drink your cocktail. Do you want to get buzzed and get out, or do you want to spend your time enjoying a fine cocktail without the inevitable fuzziness that comes after you've imbibed your personal reasonable limit?

Certainly another factor is the strength of the cocktail. Is it a simple daiquiri with just 2 ounces of 80-proof rum, or an 11-ingredient barrel topped off with some LH151? I could down a daiquiri in 5-10 minutes, but the larger, more potent drink is going to take a bit more time, not just due to its size, but because I know it's a strong drink and I don't want to waste the second half of my evening feeling drunk.

In short (I guess it's too late for that), it's all a personal decision based on drink strength, your personal goals, tolerance, and whether or not you have a designated driver. Keep in mind that not all tiki drinks are super potent, just as they're not all sweet. The diversity boggles the mind!

Q-tiki posted on Thu, Oct 6, 2011 6:54 AM

If I were drinking out and about, I'd definitely have a water and pace myself (20-30min each?). However, if I'm making drinks at home, I would likely finish much faster!

Two drinks in one is my kind of drink... :)

I base my consumption speed upon the dilution factor: I'll drink slowly, savoring the delicate balance of the ingredients until I notice the drink becoming diluted by the melting of the crushed ice at which point I speed up while there is still something to taste, finish it off and make another!
Works for me!

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