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What's your favorite Hot Sauce?

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freddiefreelance posted on 11/21/2003

I'm partial to Crystal just because they're not That Big Name Hot Sauce, but I have a soft spot for that 1 you get @ the 99 cent store. 99 cents a quart, sigh.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/21/2003

Tuong Ot Sriracha/Sriracha HOT Chili Sauce, the kind you find in all the Chinese and Vietnamese restuarants. Hands down!

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/21/2003

In no special order, Tapatio, Crystal, Santa Barbara Hot Sauce, and El Pato. Oh yeah, green Tabasco .

badmojo posted on 11/21/2003

I tend to go with the Sriracha also, but as far as cooking, we have a gallon jug of Red Hot. Oh yeah, we do have these too....

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/21/2003

Right on badmojo, I see it front and center.
As god is my witness I'm eating a burrito with sriracha right now!

freddiefreelance posted on 11/21/2003

Bad Mojo, That quart of hot sauce for 99 cents I mentioned is in your top row center! Big, hot & cheap, just like me! :D

Raffertiki posted on 11/22/2003

Oddly enough, Taco Bell's Hot sauce has a nice balance of flavor and heat.

btw - Awesome shrine BadMojo.

[ Edited by: nice fishy on 2003-11-21 16:07 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/22/2003

Sriracha does it for me too. I pick it up at my local Ranch 99 oriental supermarket. I've also been using the Tabasco habanero sauce lately (nothing like a big bowl of red beans & rice dowsed with that to wake you up). For exotic stuff, I go to http://www.pepperfool.com - lot's of dangerous stuff there.

Bike Shack posted on 11/22/2003


Mano Tiki Tia posted on 11/23/2003

I personally like Green Tabasco or the Garlic Tabasco

Tiki Chris posted on 11/23/2003

Good ole regular Tabasco often goods well enough for me.

Herdez Brand's Salsa Casera & Salsa Verde are both great.

& for those special times:

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-11-23 09:30 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 11/27/2003

I just love Chipotle Tobasco, but my favorite hot sauce is Georgia Peach and Vidalia Onion. Not too hot, but really tasty! I managed to pick up a gallon of the stuff.

You can find more information about it here:

Aloha, eh?

johntiki posted on 11/29/2003

Grace pepper sauce! Hot as hell and just as tasty!

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/29/2003

I'm a Crystal man...an institution in the Southeast...made in N'Awlins.

Traitor Vic posted on 11/30/2003

I tend to prefer that which I make myself (of Red Ripe Habaneros, Red Ripe Jalapenos and Red Ripe Charleston Hots). I do prefer Crystal over, say, Tobasco or Bruce's. Those aren't really Hot Sauces, though, are they? I think of them as being more like Warm Sauces. I lean more toward Dave's Insanity Sauce, Blair's True Death and KUT (from Mexico). There is also a very horrifying experience in a small brown bottle called Hi-Tek Hot Soss available from Laughlin & Associates at 218 South Mill Road, Greenwood, SC 29646.
If you ever see a bottle of it run like hell in the opposite direction.

(No. I don't work for them.)

[ Edited by: Traitor Vic on 2003-11-29 22:30 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/30/2003

Traitor Vic - try the Dave's Ultimate Insanity Sauce: http://www.fieryfoods.com/hs1125ui.html
...if you dare!!!

Traitor Vic posted on 11/30/2003

LOL! Good call, Shipwreck. I actually have a bottle that I have, for the past three years, been afraid to remove from its coffin.

ecm posted on 12/01/2003

pain is good..batch 114

CruzinTiki posted on 12/02/2003

Bulliard's Louisiana Supreme Hot Sauce and (while not technically a hot sauce) Heinz 57 on my french fries. It's ZESTY.

All hail the freaky tiki!

[ Edited by: CruzinTiki on 2003-12-01 20:06 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 12/02/2003

The only thing that Dave's Ultimate Insanity Sauce is good for is practical jokes!
You can't taste anything but pain with that stuff. And don't go to the restroom until you wash your hands very well. I learned this the hard way.
Oh yeah, I had a bottle of this in my fridge for about three years and I swear to the almighty Tiki that the cap started to disintegrate and fall apart!

freddiefreelance posted on 12/02/2003

Isn't that Dave's Insanity Sauce mostly pure capsicum with some peppers for flavor?

FLOUNDERart posted on 12/02/2003

You forgot battery acid!

Tikiwahine posted on 12/02/2003

Oh yes, we ALWAYS put a bit of Dave's Insanity in our chillies and burgers.
A couple drops 'll do ya! We've actually run out of the stuff before! Clears the sinuses if you happen to be a little stuffed up.

My dog loves Tabasco Sauce. She barks at it, then licks it, than barks again. Has this love/hate thing going on.

Tikiwahine posted on 12/02/2003

I grew some Jalapeño peppers that turned out to be VERY hot, as well as some yellow ones by the name of "Sure Fire". Picked some of each, chopped them up and filled a tall bottle with them and vodka. Makes a great cooking liquid! Excellent in Rosé pasta sauces. Lots of heat, lots of flavour, looks pretty, and I can top it off with the vodka and more peppers any time. I highly recommend this as a cooking staple. I keep it in the fridge, but with all that booze, you may not need to.

cynfulcynner posted on 12/02/2003

On 2003-12-02 11:55, Tikiwahine wrote:
My dog loves Tabasco Sauce. She barks at it, then licks it, than barks again. Has this love/hate thing going on.

Someone once told me to spray Tabasco on my houseplants to stop the cats from eating them. It didn't work. They don't like to eat all "people food," but they love the spicy stuff.

Tikiwahine posted on 12/02/2003

That's hilarious!

I found out Gypsy likes Tabasco by dousing some bread with it, to try and stop her from stealing food off the counter. Just like you, it didn't work! I never thought cats would like it too, that's so bazaar.

Gigantalope posted on 12/02/2004

I know the variations are endless...some are truly distinctive.

What's your fave?

Hakalugi posted on 12/02/2004


Actually, kidding aside, I tend to go with Cholula

[ Edited by: Hakalugi on 2004-12-01 22:51 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 12/02/2004

Mmmmm....Georgia Peach and Vidalia Onion!
Winner of many awards!

We love this stuff so much, that we have a gallon jug of it.

2003 International Scovie Awards - FIRST Place Mild Hot Sauce
2002 Grand Prize Recipe Ingredients Rehoboth Beach Chocolate Festival
2001 International Champion Hot Sauce -National Barbecue Association.
2001 Boston's Pig and Pepper Festival - 2nd Place Hot Sauce
2000 National Fiery Foods Challenge - 3rd place - Fruit Hot Sauce.
2000 Champion Hot Sauce - Emmaus, Pa. Hot Sauce Festival.
2000 International Champion - National Barbecue Association Gourmet Show - 2nd Place.
1999 Chile Pepper Magazine Fiery Foods Challenge - 2nd Place.
1999 2nd Place Philadelphia Book & Cook Gourmet Show
1998 First Place Scovie Award Winner - National Fiery Food Show.
1998 Washington DC Hot Sauce Contest - 2nd Place.

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2004-12-02 14:41 ]

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2004-12-02 14:42 ]

Trader Woody posted on 12/02/2004

I buy Sriracha Hot Chilli Sauce more than any other as is combines a complex taste with a decent amount of heat. It comes from Thailand and comes in cool little squeezy bottles. Costs about $1 a bottle too.

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Ttader Woody

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tiki mick 1 posted on 12/03/2004

Yep, sriracha is definitely the best of the best. the rest are very gimmicky.

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Unga Bunga posted on 12/03/2004

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Tikiwahine posted on 12/03/2004

My favorite non-gimicky sauce for every day use has to be Cock brand chilli sauce for chicken. It's about $1.99 CAD in chinatown, and is very tasty!

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[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2004-12-02 16:54 ]

Gigantalope posted on 12/03/2004

Hakalugi, and Trader woody nailed my favorites. Sriracha also has a Cock on the lable...may have some asian hotsauce symbolic meaning.

Pico Pica is good too, and Scorend Woman is almost too hot to use (Scotch Bonnets!)

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/03/2004

Ditto here on the Sriracha. I also have a coupla other bottles of sauce on the shelf I like now, Franks Red Hot "Extra Hot" and Tabasco Habanero Sauce (all the good habanero pepper flavor without taking the top of your head off). A work buddy of mine brought in a small bottle of habenero pepper sauce the other day that claimed to be the successor to Dave's Ultimate Insanity Sauce. A drop on the end of a toothpick sent people running to the water fountain. That kind of stuff is just rediculous for everyday use. It should only be used for cooking or winning bets.

Gigantalope posted on 12/03/2004

I agree Shipwreck.
I quite like hot foods, but find some people's "I can out do anyone" antics moronic.

Some of those Habenaro sauces are too painfull.

I also like the Tabasco...I've found if you bbq with it, the mouth heat turns sweet.

Has this been anyone's experiance with any Pepper sauces?

[ Edited by: Gigantalope on 2004-12-02 19:46 ]

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cybertiki posted on 12/03/2004

I love the flavor of Tabasco brand Habanero sauce. Has a sweet-hot flavor that's really nice. Not too numbing if you don't over do it.

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Erika posted on 12/03/2004

I love the new Chipotle Tabasco sauce.

Tikiwahine posted on 12/03/2004

Erika, I was just about to say the same thing! The Chipotle Tobasco has a really nice smoky flavor.

My pup Gypsy loves regular tobasco. She barks at it like crazy, but eats it anyhow.

She does the same thing with beer. We have a special 'beer bowl' just for her. When we go to get a drink, we clean the line into her special bowl, she's always there waiting for it. Crazy mutt.

badmojo posted on 12/03/2004

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badmojo posted on 12/04/2004
Gigantalope posted on 12/04/2004


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8FT Tiki posted on 12/04/2004

Gotta agree with all the others who voted for Sriracha!! I've got a bottle at home and at work at all times. Whenever we take a road trip, that stuff gets packed along. I've forgotten my underwear and socks before but I never forget the hot sauce!Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1518&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ec-securehost.com%2FFrenchMarketSeafoodCo.%2Fimages%2F042.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c8c4097897585c084f65e3fea6aed234

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Dimethios posted on 12/13/2004

Believe it or not Cheech Marin (Cheech & Chong) has come out with his own sauces. I bought it as a joke, but they have great flavor! The garlic and mango ones are great.

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Alnshely posted on 12/13/2004

When Shelley and I were in Belize we really liked the local Hot sauce, Marie Sharp's. It's a bit different, it has a carrot base. It may be Habanero sauce, but it is not REALLY hot. It's good.
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