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LATSA Picturez! Tiki Table!

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AlohaStation posted on 08/19/2011

I usually say "carve deeper" - but for you I say "carve more often!"

zerostreet posted on 08/19/2011

That is nice!!!

eric 21 posted on 08/21/2011

great job, original, I'm a fan

surfintiki posted on 11/28/2011

Ok, here's a little what I've been doing,
a short break from work, and the band.
A great trip out to Cali,
surf, explore, and a visit to the legendary Oceanic Arts to see Leroy and Bob...

Back here on Cape Cod,
Here's some of the bone stuff I've been working on...

...well, last saturday, went out and did a little of this...

...and ended up doing this...

...now can't carve, work, or do this!...


TheBigT posted on 11/28/2011

Incredible trip. Awesome new bones!! But you broke some of yours?! What happened man?

McTiki posted on 11/28/2011

Dude! Shark? Paddle? Fin? Coral?

Very nice art and pics. Hope the mend is swift brother!



pjc5150 posted on 11/29/2011

heal up fast bro!

surfintiki posted on 11/29/2011

Ha ha, looks like a nasty cut or somethin 'eh? Nada, just a sprain...should be good as new in a few weeks.
No shark stories here!

4WDtiki posted on 11/29/2011

What a cool shot from the noserider-cam!

amate posted on 11/29/2011

What a great bunch of photos!
nice shirt...nice chick :)...great water shot...sorry about the hand...and a really nice group of pendants...Hope that hand doesn't slow you down too much!

surfintiki posted on 12/01/2011

Yeah that chick turned out be a stiff. Thanks though

Keylo posted on 12/02/2011

Had to be a great trip, thanks for bringing back some fotos for the land locked peeps. Your stuff is Bad to the Bone!

Watango productions posted on 12/02/2011

Fantastic pic's of ya holiday,had the pleasure of visit'n Oceanic arts myself awhile ago and Bob
and Leroy we're fantastic and wouldnt let me leave.Sorry to hear about ya hand but hopefully it will heal pretty quick so ya can get back
to some chop'n and a pick'n!Cheers Watango

Jungle Trader posted on 12/02/2011

and thru it all you have kept a positive attitude. Awesome! Nice work surfin! Life happens eh?

Polynesiac posted on 12/02/2011

what up, surf! Glad to see you're still carving too, but bummed you have to take a little time off for healing. I hope you heal fast so you can get back to carvin' n' rockin' n' surfin' that nice chilly cape cod water. Any more great white sightings by the lighthouse this year?

FreddieBallsomic posted on 12/02/2011

Luv the board pic, Bro..

Benzart posted on 12/03/2011

Love Dem Bonz Surfer, hate that banged up hand!

surfintiki posted on 12/04/2011

Thanks Keylo, Watango, Jungle T. Thanks for peeking in!
Poly: AHHH HA, noooope, no sharky's gonna sour our summer...it's the only bright side to surfing in the winter here...the sharks are snowbirds, go south in the winter!
'Sup Freddie B?!!!
Ben: Great to hear from ya! Hand is doing great, gonna try some sanding today.

surfintiki posted on 12/09/2011

Finally finished up this framed relief map I got out in Hawaii. Got the bamboo from good ol' Leroy at Oceanic Arts. Threw together some embellishments at the corners, and a bone hook inside on the map.

Mahalo! :drink:

s U r F i N t i k i

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2011-12-09 14:21 ]

pjc5150 posted on 12/10/2011

dude...you guys are killing it with these maps!!!

[ Edited by: pjc5150 2011-12-11 02:57 ]

pjc5150 posted on 12/10/2011

On 2011-12-10 04:25, pjc5150 wrote:
dude...you guys are killing it with these maps!!!

wtf happened??? damned dbl posts!!!

[ Edited by: pjc5150 2011-12-11 02:56 ]

TheBigT posted on 12/10/2011

That's awesome, Surfin. I found splitting bamboo to be pretty difficult. Do you do that or buy it split?

surfintiki posted on 12/10/2011

Thanks PJC!
Big T, all I can say is...b a n d s a w !!!
....like butter.

Clarita posted on 12/17/2011

I love the map, very nice! what happen to your hand?? ouch! carving , sports, music, you need both your hands, do you hear me? :) take care

surfintiki posted on 12/18/2011

Hey Clarita, GREAT to hear from you! I hear ya, mom!!! ha ha! Hand is much better, thank you.

surfintiki posted on 12/18/2011

Just another shot of the Map with a battery powered light above it, pretty cool at night!

pjc5150 posted on 12/18/2011

I am diggin' that!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 12/18/2011

Waaaayyyyy COOL!

Watango productions posted on 12/19/2011

Way kool job on the map,finally head'n to Hawaii in march(9wks actually not that I'm count'n :) ) and would be kool to score one of those
and do something similiar for the Watango lounge,any tips on where i might find one would be much appreciated.Cheers Watango

surfintiki posted on 12/20/2011

Thanx Waikikian and PJC!
Watango, that's awesome! You must be psyched. I might be out there around the same time too, we'll see.
You going to Oahu? You can get the maps at ... http://www.kualoa.com/ it's a scenic ranch with gift shop etc. Or just get one online from... http://www.summitmaps.com/Products/Oahu---Hawaii__0016.aspx
Aloha brah

VampiressRN posted on 12/20/2011

WOW....lovin' the map. You did a great job of enhancing it and the frame is fabulous!!!

Watango productions posted on 12/22/2011

Hey Surf,thanks for info on where to score one of those maps and yep we're stoked about our
trip to Hawaii,I can already see Diamond Head at sunset thru the bottom of my maitai!It would be way kool if you were
going to be on oahu when we're there(1-14march),maybe you give us a few tips on surf'n and enjoy a few drinks with us at La Mariana,Cheers Watango

surfintiki posted on 12/23/2011

Thanks Mrs Vampire! :)
Watango! That would be cool, I haven't been to Marianna Yacht club yet either, hoping next time. I'll keep your dates in mind when I start getting my plans together. I am SO ready to get over there!!

surfintiki posted on 01/12/2012

A couple more pieces finished, and still working on.

Gonna do some more sanding, then a little Tea dunk, more sanding and finis!

Mahalo for stopping by!

s U r F i N t i k i

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2012-01-12 12:29 ]

Professor G posted on 01/12/2012

Dang, Surf,

That is some beautiful work, as is the work on your site. I think what I like best is the job you do bringing out the glow of your materials. They're obviously worked, but they stay natural.

Thanks for sharing your skill.

[ Edited by: Professor G 2012-01-12 19:38 ]

surfintiki posted on 01/14/2012

Thanks G! I like hearing that! I never know what to classify myself as.

Captain Jack posted on 01/18/2012

Very nice! Love that sting ray! I think I'll cut out another bone carving after I finish this fishin tiki dude I'm working on. Very impressive work on all these pieces!

surfintiki posted on 01/18/2012

Thanks Captain! I'm better in the more broader shapes, it's the detailed lines I need to keep working on. Here's another shot of the Maori piece after I dunked him in some tea...

NIxxon posted on 01/18/2012

Whoa! Very nice work, I really like the ray.

pjc5150 posted on 01/18/2012

^ yeah, no doubt. that ray is the shizzle!

laojia posted on 01/19/2012

On 2012-01-12 12:18, surfintiki wrote:

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Very nice piece Dave!

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TheBigT posted on 01/20/2012

wow, super nice. Way to go Dave!

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Grand Poobah posted on 01/20/2012

that is some really nice stuff. I am always amazed at all the detail in these as it must be incredibly difficult to create

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Creative Chimp posted on 01/20/2012

NICE....surf!!! love the ray! very nice job

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Benzart posted on 01/24/2012

Dammit Dave, Lookin' Good! You might learn how to do this one day?

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surfintiki posted on 01/24/2012

Big Mahalo to Big T
Grand Mahalo to Poobah and Chimp!
Mahalo Benz...some day I'll get it right!

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amate posted on 01/26/2012

On 2012-01-24 14:37, surfintiki wrote:
..some day I'll get it right!

your kiddin' ...right? :wink:

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surfintiki posted on 02/07/2012

Thanks Amate!
Well I thought I'd try something new. Took one of my straight logs (Ash) to a guy in town who lathed the bark off for me! Ha! Cheater!
He's got some interesting works he does. Carves hats! Lampshades and lots of other unique stuff. He's at turnmeknot.com
Here's a couple o' photos...

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OMG, check out these lampshades!
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