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The Hula Girls at the Dagger Bar 12/09/11

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Luckydesigns posted on 09/27/2011

The Hula Girls are going to be playing a Motorama After Party at Dons this Saturday night from 9 to midnight! Go see some customs and hot rods in Long Beach on Saturday and spend the evening with us.

Don't forget that happy hour runs from 11:00pm till 1:30 too. Super bonus!



[ Edited by: Bora Boris - Cleaned up some "edited by"s - 2011-10-31 18:16 ]

[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2011-11-07 16:07 ]

[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2011-11-07 16:33 ]

[ Edited by: luckydesigns 2011-12-07 21:11 ]


You probably mean 10/01/11 (one of those wacky binary dates) for the date of the show.

And you must be referring to motorama at the Long Beach Arena.

Luckydesigns posted on 09/28/2011

Yes....and yes. Thanks, King!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 09/28/2011

You also probably meant to say what a pleasure it is to know me?
and you had that $50 for me for that thing.......you know ...that thing....

Lukeulele posted on 09/28/2011

I'll be there!

bigtikidude posted on 09/28/2011

oh why the hell not,
I have been there monday and turesday all ready this week,
and will probably be there on Friday for Outerwave.
time to set up that bed in the basement again.


SoccerTiki posted on 09/28/2011

Sounds like it could be a big night at the little tiki bar!!!

HB TIKI posted on 09/28/2011

Jeff BTD-If you set up your bed in the baesment, you might get lucky, there could be a female ghost.

Luckydesigns posted on 09/30/2011

Reminder!! Tomorrow!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/01/2011

Flyer Party???

RevBambooBen posted on 10/01/2011

Love it!

Luckydesigns posted on 10/01/2011

Punk rock, Ben. Photocopier and a pen. Back to the roots.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/01/2011

I've been digging roots all day, see you in the PM Saturday.

SoccerTiki posted on 10/01/2011

Will the originals (marker and construction paper) poster bills be available for sale tonight? (Or are we supposed to take them off the walls -like the old days!) :P

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/01/2011

See ya tonight!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/02/2011

The Hula Girls rocked the place last night, They even got a group of non TCers
dancing away, I got to say that seeing & hearing the "Hula Girls" in the Dagger Bar
at Don's is just one of those "perfect moment" moments, Their sound just fits the ambiance
and mood of the place to a tee, I found myself just having one of those "Classic Tiki" moments.

And that's what you are missing if you don't step out and experience the Place, Band & Cocktails for yourself
you are just not living the "Tiki Lifestyle"

bigtikidude posted on 10/03/2011

Bummed I missed it, Been sick for a week.
I say you gave it to me Chuck.


Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/03/2011

On 2011-10-02 22:01, bigtikidude wrote:
Bummed I missed it, Been sick for a week.
I say you gave it to me Chuck.


Or was it the other way around?

Luckydesigns posted on 10/03/2011

Thanks Chuck! It was good seeing you at Don's!

What a blast we had! The place was packed! And there were only a few TC-ers there to see us. We drew pretty good from Motorama after a little flyering campaign. And the big group that was there when we started playing, stayed till closing. Good times at the Dagger Bar!

To our shock and amazement, we had a very special guest come and watch the show last night. One of the 'original' rockabilly cats, Don Myers - the bass player for Eddie Cochran from 1959 till his tragic death. He recorded on such Cochran tunes as "Something Else" and "Sitting in the Balcony!" It was a pleasure to play for such music legend. Especially given how much we all dig Eddie Cochran's catalog of music! Here he is with our own bassist, Christian Kessler.

Luckydesigns posted on 10/06/2011

We're back! THIS Saturday night!
Come join us!!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/06/2011

That's a Bingo!

Luckydesigns posted on 10/08/2011

Tonight!! He's a video with us and the lovely Szandora (from Thee Swank Bastards) performing an old Hank Thompson song. We'll be at Don the Beachcomber tonight from 9-midnight playing some music and celebrating both our drummer and our bassist's birthdays! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRRbztGWKy8&NR=1

Luckydesigns posted on 10/14/2011

We're back at Don the Beachcomber, tonight, playing our hopped up hapa haole and surf music.

If you can't make it to Primitive to see us, come and hang out tonight!

9-midnight with happy hour starting at 11:00.

Luckydesigns posted on 10/31/2011

The Hula Girls will be in the Dagger Bar during the big Tikiyaki show, this Saturday night! If you wanted to come out and the show has sold-out on you, you can still join in on the fun with us. There is no cost to see us in the bar!

We start at 9:00 and run till midnite.

Dinah DeRosa and Judy Luck will be dancing with us on Saturday night as well!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/31/2011

We will see you in the Dagger Bar, Spike!

tikiyaki posted on 10/31/2011

Spike, will the Econoline be there ? If so, we have to park the vans out front !

Luckydesigns posted on 10/31/2011

The Econoline will be there if you come to my house first with your van and you push it there for me. Ha!
I've got motor issues that I'm working out right now. Maybe I can drive the Thunderbird.

Luckydesigns posted on 11/02/2011

Jungle Ginger posted on 11/04/2011

Looking forward to hanging with you in the Dagger Bar Saturday!

Big Kahuna posted on 11/04/2011

I'll be running back & forth between rooms!

Luckydesigns posted on 11/04/2011

Awesome, Kahuna! You'll have to come by and say hi!
And we'll see you tomorrow night, Ginger!!

JOHN-O posted on 11/04/2011


If the girls are going to be sporting their "Going Primitive" (which I missed) attire, I just may have to step out of Tikiyaki O (who I've attended 3 great performances so far this year) right after Marina. :D...

ATP and Jungle Ginger, save me a seat in the Dagger Bar. :)

Luckydesigns posted on 11/05/2011

John-O, I don't know what they are planning on wearing... but either way, I'm sure it'll be fine for you. Haha

A Frame posted on 11/07/2011

A few photos from Saturday night, it was rockin'!

Luckydesigns posted on 11/08/2011

The Hula Girls will be LIVE on the radio in Orange County and the Inland Empire on Wednesday at 6:00.

The Edge radio, KCAA 1050am. Jaime Coakley (of Waxapples fame) will be interviewing us and having us play a few tunes. Past recent interviewees have been Gabby Gaborno from The Cadillac Tramps, Rikki Rocket from Poison, and Jack Grisham from TSOL.

We can't wait! Tune in online or turn your radio on, if you're in our area.
WED • 6:00 • 1050am

bigtikidude posted on 11/08/2011

um I assume that is PM?


Luckydesigns posted on 11/08/2011

BUT the show was just posponed... So disregard.

Luckydesigns posted on 12/08/2011

We're back! This Friday night!! Our last Don the Beachcomber gig for 2011!
12/09/11 from 9:00-midnite

[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2011-12-07 21:12 ]

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/08/2011

I am sitting there in the Dagger Bar, right now, waiting....thank god their's food & drink
see you Friday!

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Luckydesigns posted on 12/09/2011


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HB TIKI posted on 12/09/2011

Poor Chuck Tatum is Tiki is sitting at Don's Hoping dancers will be with The Hula Girls. Hopfully he will still be sober by friday night.

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/09/2011

Sober? who's doing that?

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/10/2011

Thanks for another fun night you guys!

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HB TIKI posted on 12/10/2011

Chuck Tatum sobered up enough last night to say when are the Hula Girls going to play, sadly we had to tell them he slept through thier performance. poor Chuck

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/10/2011

Thanks for letting me rest my head on your shoulder, Roger.

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