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Tiki King stuff

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Tiki King posted on 03/11/2011

some new Tiki King pieces....
These are all individually hand made made, hand painted, etc.

the are currently at our shop
Come on by!
see the website for location and hours
Tiki King

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-03-10 16:15 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-12-09 07:19 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-12-13 15:22 ]

Tiki King posted on 03/30/2011

I was looking at some photos I took while at the Kahiki years ago,
(which can be seen here: http://www.tikiking.com/kahiki_Pic_Frame_Set.html)
and decided to make some plaques based on the fish that were on the roof. The original ones were about 8' long. This plaque is 24" x 9.25"

Tiki King

bigbrotiki posted on 03/30/2011

Nice Idea, TK, those were really iconic, the way they were swimming up the peak of the A-frame!

Tiki King posted on 04/10/2011

Thanks Sven!

Here is the other Kahiki Fire Fish Plaque, Just Finished...
Approx. 24" x 9"

Tiki King

Tiki King posted on 04/11/2011

New Pendant design. This is the prototype,
Approx. 3" tall
available now tikiking.com!
and at our retail store, Tiki King's Ukuleles of Felton


http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-05-26 09:26 ]

Polly posted on 04/20/2011

Cute little guitar, lol.

Tiki King posted on 06/15/2011

New Necklace, "Moai Skull"....
I carved this for Oasis 8, but never finished molding and casting it in time.
Then it sat in the box till now...
Available on http://www.tikiking.com soon!

Tiki King

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-06-15 11:33 ]

Tiki King posted on 06/17/2011

Now available for purchase at my store in Felton, or online at:
Tiki King

Tiki King posted on 06/18/2011

Another new Necklace!

Tiki King

Tiki King posted on 07/05/2011

New sign in front of the shop door. When I find the right motor, it will slowly "strum" the ukulele

Tiki King

Tiki King posted on 08/02/2011

New Necklace from Tiki King, a Maori style "Hei Tiki" based on the New Zealand Jade and Bone carvings

Thanks for looking!
Tiki King

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-08-02 12:34 ]

Tiki King posted on 08/24/2011

This is the Painting I did for Tiki Oasis, "South of the Border" Art Show. Mixed media on Black Velvet, with a bamboo frame

teaKEY posted on 08/25/2011

Which mixed materials

mp posted on 08/25/2011

Nice work TIKI KING!!!

danlovestikis posted on 08/25/2011

Tiki Kings black velvet painting has real trim on the hat that stands out. A really nice effect on a great painting. Wendy

teaKEY posted on 08/25/2011

OK, I can see where is picks up and then flattens out again. Yeah, that cool and probably not get too many chances to do one of these types again.

Tiki King posted on 12/09/2011

I am going to start moving my stuff over here from the creating Tiki thread, so first, Paintings...

"Fishtail" 16 x 20" Acrylics on studio streched canvas

"Grapefruit with Italian Swithcblade" 11 x 14" Acrylics on studio streched canvas

"Number 29" 11 x 14" Acrylics on studio streched canvas

Tiki King posted on 12/09/2011

"Eight to One" 16 x 20" Acrylics on studio streched canvas

"Skull with Fez 2" 20 x 20" Acrylics on studio streched canvas

Tiki King posted on 12/09/2011

"Tiki mug with Scottish Dirk"
11" X 14" acrylic on stretched canvas

"Martini with Tiki". 11 X 14. Acrylic on stretched canvas.

Tiki King posted on 12/09/2011

Here is a new one I did for Martin when he was still at Forbidden Island...
16x20" Acrylics on Studio Streched Canvas

Tiki King posted on 12/09/2011

"Inspiration" 11 X 14 acrylic on stretched Canvas.

Cheers! and thanks for looking!

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-12-09 11:19 ]

Tiki King posted on 12/10/2011

"Skull study"
8 x 10, Acrylics on stretched canvas

Here is one I did for Otto and Baby Doe.
16 x 20, Acrylics on Stretched Canvas.

Here is another one I did for a customer who really liked the other Ukulele painting, "number 29" but has the smaller Tiki Flea Ukulele.

Tiki King posted on 12/10/2011

16x20, acrylics on studio stretched canvas

"Three 'O Clock"
16x20, acrylics on Studio stretched canvas.

"Blood Orange"
16x20, acrylics on Studio stretched canvas.

"Watching the Waves"
11" x 14" acrylics on studio stretched canvas.

Tiki King posted on 12/10/2011

Here is the Piece I did for the two Tiki's and Terrors shows.

The Forbidden Mini bar...

Side View, to show what happened...

When you rotate the golden Tiki Mug, the mini bar opens...

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-12-10 13:51 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/10/2011

Hi Tiki King, wonderful art, the bar is the bomb! I love doing wood grain in paintings and you've got it down really well. We still plan to visit you in Felton someday. Cheers, Wendy and Dan

TikiDaye posted on 12/11/2011

Great acrylics, Tiki King...

...that mini-bar is amazing. What did you use to create the dead guy?

Jason <

mp posted on 12/11/2011

Amazing stuff Tiki King! Now im inspired!

Tiki King posted on 12/13/2011

Hey Thanks!
The Mummy was made of Liquid Latex, cotton, tissue paper and paint over a wire and plastic frame.

Tiki King posted on 12/13/2011

Next up, some Black Velvet paintings.

"Drink of the Gods"

"A few of my favorite things"


all are acrylics on black velvet

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2014-03-25 17:52 ]

Tiki King posted on 12/13/2011

some more black velvets....

"They wore Hats"

"The unexpected Card"

hang10tiki posted on 12/14/2011

Mini bar, freekin awesome

Tiki King posted on 12/20/2011

New Painting, "Points East"
16 x 20" acrylics on stretched canvas.
My good camera is busted, so I had to take this with a point and shoot. unfortunately it loses some detail.

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2011-12-20 16:44 ]

little lost tiki posted on 12/20/2011

great colors and composition,King!

just the right enough "pops" of color in there...
You are most certainly a Quality over Quantity kind of guy!

hang10tiki posted on 12/20/2011

New painting did its job,
One look and I wanted a drink...
Jon (hang10tiki)

Tiki King posted on 03/08/2012

New piece, witco inspired carved plank Moai...
15" tall, solid fir.

Tiki King

Tiki King posted on 05/19/2012

New version of an old carving. Painted, stained and varnished pine, about 14"
The first one of these I did back in 95, and it ended up as the door handle to my lounge

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2012-05-19 13:38 ]

Tiki King posted on 05/30/2012

New Carving! a little over 14". Carved stained and painted pine.

Thanks for looking!

danlovestikis posted on 05/30/2012

Hi Tiki King, it's fun to visit you here and at your shop. Your art is looking very good, Wendy

Tiki King posted on 05/31/2012

Thanks Wendy!

Tiki King posted on 06/02/2012

New Tiki King Ukulele!

Koa top, back and sides
Mahogany neck and fretboard
Koa bridge
ivoroid binding and inlays
grover tuners
15 fret concert scale
Aquila strings in low G
Satin lacquer finish.

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2012-06-03 14:29 ]

hang10tiki posted on 06/03/2012

cool new stuff

Tiki King posted on 07/26/2012

New Tiki King Soprano Ukulele...

"Spear point" Bridge...

"leaves" nut...

Lots more in the Ukulele Gallery on my website...

danlovestikis posted on 07/28/2012

Hi Tiki King, I can picture your shop in Felton as I write. You have made so many beautiful works of art. I really love the little tiki at the top a few posts back. Everthing is great, Wendy

bongofury posted on 07/29/2012

Points East is killer!

Tiki King posted on 08/24/2012

This was my entry into the Tiki Oasis 12 Art show.
"Items of Interest"
16x20, acrylics on studio stretched canvas.

Tiki King posted on 02/10/2013

New Painting. "le château sur Belden"
A memory of my first glass of Absinthe, at a Castle in the Hollywood hills, many years ago.
11" X 14" Acrylics on Stretched Canvas.

http://www.tikiking.com Since 1994! Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2013-02-10 13:50 ]

Tiki King posted on 02/19/2013

Just sos ya know, high quality prints of many of my paintings are available on SmugMug.
Lots of options for mounting, framing, etc...
Thanks for looking!
Tiki King

http://www.tikiking.com Since 1994! Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.ukulelesoffelton.com Our Retail store. Come Visit!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2013-02-18 16:01 ]

Tiki King posted on 03/19/2013

New carving based on one of my necklace designs...

Tiki King

Pages: 1 2 93 replies