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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Is forum activity decreasing?

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little lost tiki posted on 12/20/2011

Hey Boo!
will your pen name be Bud W. EisNer?

Tikirose posted on 12/20/2011

I know I speak for a lot of lurkers out there...I'm too intimidated to post, i don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said and I certainly don't want to start any kind of mean typing war that seems to happen here sometimes. But know that 6 years ago I knew nothing about Tiki and now after lurking here I feel like a real Tikiphile. I listen to Martin Denny and Arthur Lyman in my car, got my copy of BOT and the Grog Log, have a Tiki lounge, go to events, buy art and have lifelong new friends. I have all you purists to thank for that :) And Sven, meeting you in the elevator at Oasis was one of the highlights of the weekend!

Swanky posted on 12/20/2011

Well, the salad days of Tiki are over... just as I am making my first Tiki bowls! And working on a book! Perhaps we need to move to Australia where it is taking off!

Whether more people are posting on TC or less is not an issue is it? It is if you are selling something. You have to figure out how to get your stuff to people's attention.

True story:
When the first Hukilau happened in Atlanta in 2002, we started doing all we could to get the word out. We had put flyers around town. A friend down there who is a member here from way back saw the flyer. He is a regular at TV, so he decided to come to the event. It was crazy packed and off the hook.

He told me when he saw the flyer he though "Tiki? Is anybody still into that?"

I'd just say that Tiki has always been a sub-genre of Vintage and Retro-50s culture. That had its heyday a bit ago when Combustible Edison was around. The Kar Kulture is part of it and I'm sure someone can speak to that genre's popularity. You can sell more Tiki at a car show than anywhere now, though not so traditional. Those of us who came of age when the 50's buildings and artifacts were dissappearing and showing up in thrift stores cheap, and we had a real memory of it, we were the ones who dug into the Tiki the most. There are older folks here who were into it before, and younger ones since. But, us middle aged people are the most attuned to the aesthetic. Those younger than us are fond of the freakin 70s and bell bottoms and sunburst and avocado appliances! And now you are seeing 80s coming back and I swear I saw Madonna at the Mall. Like early Madonna. And I hate the 70s crap! I keel like to old goomers who hated the 50s stuff and were tearing it down all around me!

Yes. Tiki is dead. Long live Tiki!

tikiyaki posted on 12/20/2011

To answer the original question posted by Lucas, I'll direct this question directly to him : Lucas, you're a friend, great talent and contributor to the Tiki community, so don't take this as an attack.....BUT.....it is pretty ironic that YOU of all people ask this question....
The only time I ever see you at a Tiki Event is with a bass in your hands.
I rarely see you at a Tiki Event if you're not performing. You can't pose such a question without looking to yourself first. There are ALOT of Tiki Events here in SoCal....like Big Kahuna said, people like him travel far to be here in the hotbed of The Tiki Revival...Southern California. It amazes me that we always have people who travel far just to be at a Tikiyaki show.....people book trips around them, and other Tiki events too, but you LIVE HERE, and I never see you at an event unless you're playing.

So, unless you actively participate in the community, show up and support the tiki bars we have, and other artists who put their heart and soul into this thing, then you can't ask why the interest seems to be waning. Sorry, but I have to call you out on this.

As far as anything else goes. I think Big Tiki Dude's point of people just flat out being "Scared" because of the economy.....I think it's true. Let's face it, Tiki Collecting (whether it be mugs, painting, vintage etc) is a luxury hobby.No one actually NEEDS a vintage tiki mug in their house to survive....so if it comes down to that or feeding the kids....guess which one wins ?

Also, there are alot more events than in the past, and, let's face it....we Southern California people are spoiled...we can pick and choose....so it makes it tougher for the people who put on events to come up with something great. For me, this has always been a challenge for doing Tikiyaki Shows....keeping it different and interesting.
Sometimes I wish We could just have a weekly gig somewhere cool,and just play our music, but it wouldn't have the same excitement factor as doing one big show a few times a year.

Either way, if people are concerned about the popularity waning, bring your non-tiki friends to Don's, Bahooka, or The Tonga Hut, and introduce them to the experience of a great Tiki Bar....I brought a bunch of my Van geek buddies to the Tonga Hut last week and they loved the place. So, now, we'll probably meet up there again at some point.

Like alot of people on here say...."Support your local Tiki Bar" .

Words to live by

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2011-12-20 10:31 ]

Hearn posted on 12/20/2011

(Tiki) Winter Is Coming!

bigtikidude posted on 12/20/2011

On 2011-12-20 10:30, tikiyaki wrote:
To answer the original question posted by Lucas, I'll direct this question directly to him : Lucas, you're a friend, great talent and contributor to the Tiki community, so don't take this as an attack.....BUT.....it is pretty ironic that YOU of all people ask this question....
The only time I ever see you at a Tiki Event is with a bass in your hands.
I rarely see you at a Tiki Event if you're not performing. You can't pose such a question without looking to yourself first. There are ALOT of Tiki Events here in SoCal....like Big Kahuna said, people like him travel far to be here in the hotbed of The Tiki Revival...Southern California. It amazes me that we always have people who travel far just to be at a Tikiyaki show.....people book trips around them, and other Tiki events too, but you LIVE HERE, and I never see you at an event unless you're playing.

So, unless you actively participate in the community, show up and support the tiki bars we have, and other artists who put their heart and soul into this thing, then you can't ask why the interest seems to be waning. Sorry, but I have to call you out on this.

As far as anything else goes. I think Big Tiki Dude's point of people just flat out being "Scared" because of the economy.....I think it's true. Let's face it, Tiki Collecting (whether it be mugs, painting, vintage etc) is a luxury hobby.No one actually NEEDS a vintage tiki mug in their house to survive....so if it comes down to that or feeding the kids....guess which one wins ?

Also, there are alot more events than in the past, and, let's face it....we Southern California people are spoiled...we can pick and choose....so it makes it tougher for the people who put on events to come up with something great. For me, this has always been a challenge for doing Tikiyaki Shows....keeping it different and interesting.
Sometimes I wish We could just have a weekly gig somewhere cool,and just play our music, but it wouldn't have the same excitement factor as doing one big show a few times a year.

Either way, if people are concerned about the popularity waning, bring your non-tiki friends to Don's, Bahooka, or The Tonga Hut, and introduce them to the experience of a great Tiki Bar....I brought a bunch of my Van geek buddies to the Tonga Hut last week and they loved the place. So, now, we'll probably meet up there again at some point.

Like alot of people on here say...."Support your local Tiki Bar" .

Words to live by

Here Here Jim,
very well said,
I wish I could write stuff like that.
I usually come off as all hatred or battering people.

and that being said:
I wish I could buy more tiki art,but as it is.
I have about 20 or so pieces that need to be framed and put up,
and really don't have much wall space for them.
It's hard when I see cool tiki art( by cool tiki artists I know and like)
But can't can't buy it, because I can't afford it,
and don't have room for it.

I think the Tiki scene isn't dying, but there is a thinning of the crowd.
as some of the old scene burn out on it.
But there are new people coming in.


tiki mick posted on 12/20/2011

Well, I won't make excuses, but the real point of my question was about the forum traffic, not the traffic at tiki events.

I don't personally go to tiki events (or any events at all) because I am in an intensive music program, and practice 2-3 hours nightly, and even more on weekends. But, this thread was not supposed to be about me....not sure how it turned out that way, but thanks, I guess.

bigtikidude posted on 12/20/2011

You didn't go to tiki events before you started all that extra music stuff recently.


Cammo posted on 12/20/2011

Why does Lucas always get jumped on? It's like one of Newton's basic laws or something. Hey Lucas you should start a thread about the most innocuous idea you can imagine and count how many posts it takes for somebody to knock you. I bet it's less than 15.

You know, also, there are lots more ways to experience the Tiki - Retro - Lounge - Motorhead - Burlesque thing these days than just old doddering lonesome Tiki Central. Facebook, yeah, but also there are just way more websites, celsites, events, home bars, mugsellers, etc. everywhere you go.

It's plentiful. It's easy. Especially compared to 5 years ago.

I listen to internet radio exclusively now, like Exotica-pumping Luxuriamusic on my iphone hooked into my stereo set cranked up to Vol 22. People really don't have to hunt & discuss music and cut MP3 CDs anymore - it's here now, and it's freakin' GREAT.

Also - TC really needs an update. We should be able to embed YouTubes, have more thread categories, links, anything.

tiki mick posted on 12/20/2011

Jeff likes to call me out publically. Don't know why.

I also am NOT a night owl. I work an early shift for many years now, so I am in bed right about the time most tiki centralites are just arriving at the bar. I do go to happy hours, but I am out of there by 6:00 so I probably missed a lot of people. Trader Sams is my usual hangout. I rarely if ever see any tiki people during the early time that I am there. For all the other events, Tiki Bong is my representative. I find out what happened and whatever fun occured through him.


It sounds like Facebook is the new Bali Hijinx, drawing people away from TikiCentral.
And what happened to Bali Hijinx? Does it exist or is it now an empty void?
And the people who joined Bali Hijinx? Are they floating in this empty void?

tabuzak posted on 12/20/2011

From another point of view.

In the last three years we have seen:

Jeff Berry's work taken seriously by the craft cocktail scene. For the first time in many years, new tiki bars are opening and one can expect to be able to be served a proper mai tai, zombie et al. How long have we been waiting for that? Not to mention a plethora of new (and really good) tiki cocktail recipes.

Bands with real chops playing classic and new Exotica. How long have we been waiting for that? I am thrilled that new music is being composed worthy of continuing the tradition.

There are some very good things about these times. I am grateful for a lot of what's going on.

[ Edited by: tabuzak 2011-12-20 12:37 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/20/2011

Somebody needs to throw a Party....those are the most FUN !!! But, it WILL NOT be us for a while. Still working on our house. That is when you find a great time. There is no capital-ism , just FUN. Somebody DO IT already!!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/20/2011


bigtikidude posted on 12/20/2011

Where is the Like button?



The Sperm Whale posted on 12/20/2011

All I'm saying is "The Tiki's Dick Ain't Gonna Suck Itself"....D.I.Y. PUNK ROCK !!!

JOHN-O posted on 12/20/2011

But please no Facebook.

MadDogMike posted on 12/20/2011

I think is it becoming harder to be a "hardcore tiki purist" because those activities are harder to pursue; urban archeology is so much more difficult because places have either been destroyed or discovered and documented. New major finds are now very exciting but also very rare. Collecting is more difficult because we have made it so since people recognize the value of tiki artifacts and they'll sell them on eBay to the highest bidder rather than give them to a thrift store. Traditional tiki art is hard too, you either have to re-hash old themes or you incorporate new themes and risk not being traditional faux Polynesian. We have some great examples of new home tiki bars but that is an expensive hobby, and one that your spouse has to embrace also. The events seem to flourish, but those need financial backing to continue and the only way to do that is to include a broader audience (hence the burlesque, rockabilly, etc) It is a Catch 22 challenge to be able to introduce new ideas and welcome new people without watering down the old culture. Frankly, I belive it will be a difficult challenge, an organization has to grow or it will die - tiki culture cannot long exist in a vacuum unless it's in a museum.

PS - I do know there is a cycle of activity on TC and that this time of year is historically slow, I take comfort in that.

tiki mick posted on 12/20/2011

You should all come down to Costa Rica....where there are many beautiful beaches...

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/20/2011

Party at Lucas's?? But, will he play for free??

Luckydesigns posted on 12/20/2011

Tiki is over. Please send all mugs and decor to:

PO Box 1220542
Costa Mesa, Ca


tiki mick posted on 12/20/2011

But no party city or Jimmy Buffett tour merch please. Spike don't play that!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2011-12-20 16:00 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-20 15:53, Luckydesigns wrote:
Tiki is over. Please send all mugs and decor to:

PO Box 1220542
Costa Mesa, Ca



Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/21/2011

Well now that Tiki is over, what do we do?

I guess we can start building Googie Diners again......
Bring back the glory days of Smorgasbord Restaurants?

Could there be a cross over of Burlesque & Smorgasbord?

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/21/2011

Let's start a Hippy Cult and kill movie stars.... ha ha Ot just change the thread name to "Toot Your Own Horn"

Cammo posted on 12/21/2011

Since Tiki is gone, I choose Adirondack Rustic.

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It's like Tiki without all the sweaty carving. Fresh Trout and Hot Buttered Rum, anyone?

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tikiyaki posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-20 16:38, Chuck Tatum is Tiki wrote:
Well now that Tiki is over, what do we do?

I guess we can start building Googie Diners again......
Bring back the glory days of Smorgasbord Restaurants?

Could there be a cross over of Burlesque & Smorgasbord?

I say start with the use of the word "Smorgasboard"....

I'm already ahead of the curve on that one tho....

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yes,, if you come to our New year's Eve show...you will get a full "Smorgasboard" with the price of admission.

There, I said it again....SMORGASBOARD....at a TIKI event, no less.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/21/2011


The Sperm Whale posted on 12/21/2011
G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 12/21/2011

Tiki is dead.

Onto Caveman Central.

Party like it 1 million B.C.!

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/21154/649119ceb7046.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=200302534909fce323ced4bdc72e29c6
hang10tiki posted on 12/21/2011

Then GROG have to spell name in reverse


Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/21/2011

How about the "Algonquin Round Table Central"
yes, resurrect the Vicious Circle! I get dibs on the Dorothy Parker handle
I will even ban myself if I get to deliciously evil.

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/21/2011

Dude WAKE UP...You can't banned around here anymore. This place is a ghost town. Chirp Chirp

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-20 14:17, The Sperm Whale wrote:
All I'm saying is "The Tiki's Dick Ain't Gonna Suck Itself"....D.I.Y. PUNK ROCK !!!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3e1782dcaf8368abf5f3c7d7f9f79ef1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
skootiki posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-19 12:18, hoody wrote:
Well - there are probably a lot of us tiki voyeurs out their too....watching TC with interest and care, but not active in the discussions.

My kiddlings who are nine and eleven years old, love everything tiki. A new generation!

Here is a photo of their tiki garden... my little bloke designed the surfing tiki god when he was seven, and a local mate had a go at carving it for him. My little girl put image to music with her song Tiki Tiki Wa Wa (may post separately if people are interested). Not too bad for a couple of kids.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/7653/4eef9b2f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=80859cc04a96edbe34272890888fee38

We're madly getting ready for a tiki New Year Party, where there will be 30-40 kids (and associated adults) enjoying mocktails and cocktails till dawn or bed - whichever comes first. We will be chanting the Tiki Tiki Wa Wa round the firepit.

Tiki dying, certainly not, at least not in Aust. If anything, its still in revival. TC is probably just in a lull...

Keep up the great posts - love the ecommunity. Love the artists - wish I was artistic. Marketplace is terrific - so sad that postage is prohibitively expensive to Aust.


I agree with Hoody about a new generation of TiKi lovers. I have 8 grandkids and they all love TiKi stuff. When they visit, they love to play "TiKi Restaurant" which includes designing their own menus, serving pretend food in monkey-pod carved bowls and dressing up in much to large aloha shirts and hats.
The older ones want to carve their own TiKis with me in the garage. I think that some of this TiKi appreciation will stick with them.....bcause TiKi is FUN!

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Zeta posted on 12/21/2011

"Who gives a fuck anyway." - F. Zappa

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/21/2011

Everyone gives a fuck about a good Smorgasbord!

Hey Zeta, So your still using the same user name referencing the Mexican Drug/Murder Gang?
I was thinking of changing mine to "Khmer Rouge Tiki" :lol:

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bigbrotiki posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-20 21:40, skootiki wrote:
I have 8 grandkids and they all love TiKi stuff. When they visit, they love to play "TiKi Restaurant" which includes designing their own menus, serving pretend food in monkey-pod carved bowls and dressing up in much to large aloha shirts and hats.
The older ones want to carve their own TiKis with me in the garage. I think that some of this TiKi appreciation will stick with them.....bcause TiKi is FUN!

Way to go, skootiki! An encouraging example of productive, positive inspiration. Pretty much the opposite of some of the pointless posts here.

DK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5df2f2e1131ab8bcf7f60ac80ee756ec?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Deke Kahala posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-20 21:40, skootiki wrote:

On 2011-12-19 12:18, hoody wrote:
Well - there are probably a lot of us tiki voyeurs out their too....watching TC with interest and care, but not active in the discussions.

My kiddlings who are nine and eleven years old, love everything tiki. A new generation!

Here is a photo of their tiki garden... my little bloke designed the surfing tiki god when he was seven, and a local mate had a go at carving it for him. My little girl put image to music with her song Tiki Tiki Wa Wa (may post separately if people are interested). Not too bad for a couple of kids.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/7653/4eef9b2f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=80859cc04a96edbe34272890888fee38

Great posts! I agree. My nieces LOVE Tiki, Polynesian and Hawai'i. One niece dressed up as a hula girl for Halloween this past year. They are intrigued by our various Tiki masks and the younger one comments on how scary some of the masks are.

When it comes to Aloha shirts, I have to correct them, as they call them "Uncle Deke Shirts", when they see someone else with one on. :lol: All are under 10 years old.

We're madly getting ready for a tiki New Year Party, where there will be 30-40 kids (and associated adults) enjoying mocktails and cocktails till dawn or bed - whichever comes first. We will be chanting the Tiki Tiki Wa Wa round the firepit.

Tiki dying, certainly not, at least not in Aust. If anything, its still in revival. TC is probably just in a lull...

Keep up the great posts - love the ecommunity. Love the artists - wish I was artistic. Marketplace is terrific - so sad that postage is prohibitively expensive to Aust.


I agree with Hoody about a new generation of TiKi lovers. I have 8 grandkids and they all love TiKi stuff. When they visit, they love to play "TiKi Restaurant" which includes designing their own menus, serving pretend food in monkey-pod carved bowls and dressing up in much to large aloha shirts and hats.
The older ones want to carve their own TiKis with me in the garage. I think that some of this TiKi appreciation will stick with them.....bcause TiKi is FUN!

Great posts! I agree. I have nieces that LOVE Tiki, Polynesian and Hawai'i. One even dressed up as a hula girl for Halloween this past year. They intriuged by the Tiki masks and one of them comments on how scary some of them are.

When it comes to Aloha shirts, I have to correct them, as they call them "Uncle Deke Shirts" when they see someone else wearing one. :lol:. All are under 10 years old. Tiki lives!

[ Edited by: Deke Kahala 2011-12-21 11:00 ]

[ Edited by: Deke Kahala 2011-12-21 11:02 ]

CC Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856f6dbe2987359defd54cdfab168a3c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Creative Chimp posted on 12/21/2011

well....i personally would rather be in a room with 3 people that care about and are passionate .....for what this site represents and all it has given back, than to be in a room full of hundreds of people that are in it for the moment or "style" of it.

I come to this site because it has introduced me to people i would have never had the chance to meet otherwise. I have been exposed to art i wouldn't have bumped into on my own...i have learned from great carvers and novices alike.....when you post something here you expose yourself to criticism and honest feedback from total strangers.....even if you hate what they say.....negative feedback or at least honest feedback seen as negative is helpful in bettering yourself in the artistic growth.

i personally think face book is evil! look what mayhem its causes....do people really think they have 325 friends? honestly? my friends know who they are because i give a crap and TALK to them. would all 325 of those friends help you pull your car out of a ditch cuz ya had too much to drink and help you hide your car???? HELL NO! your true friends would. your face books friends would REMOVE you from their friend list if they found out you crashed your car......

I'm the only person left that refuses to join the face book herd.......as for this sites dropping attendance?

keep shaking the tree because only the loose nuts will fall from it. and those are the seeds that DON'T grow! (learned that from an old farmer actually)

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2011-12-21 11:28 ]

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freddiefreelance posted on 12/21/2011

SIGH So Tiki isn't as fun as the last time it was rebuilt after the last time it crashed & burned? Just make it bigger & better in your own little corner of Tiki, and make some new friends here & there, and maybe teach someone who didn't know about Tiki about mugs, & drinks, & ukuleles, & thatch, & bamboo, & Exotica, & the local bars, & ...

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ccff3f1b02b10af1aa2e867d8c435c57?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
freddiefreelance posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-20 18:55, GROG wrote:
Tiki is dead.

Onto Caveman Central.

Party like it 1 million B.C.!

Found your first member!

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tiki mick posted on 12/21/2011

and your second:

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gabbahey posted on 12/21/2011

I feel like I can comment now that I am properly lubricated - 3:15 local time with a Navy Grog in hand and Don Tiare playing Les Baxter in the background.

First, I would address the idea of lurkers - with 100 posts in less than a year on here I obviously don't worry about speaking up when I don't have anything new to contribute. I, of course, want to add something of value but if I found a cool coconut mug that I love than damn it I want someone who at least knows what it is to know about it. Speak up, these are good folks on here.

Second, I agree it is important that people get out there - I can't speak for everywhere but the tiki folks in Colorado are great people who are very fun to be around. I, being two hours south of 'em, don't get to hang out much but they won my wife over and that is saying something. Look forward to seeing ya'all at chinese new year at twin dragon.

Third, I am third gen tiki - I first got introduced to real tiki at a bar in college that lasted less than a year. Still, the first time I walked in - during winter - and it was hot n humid with bamboo and exotica playing, I got it right way. I didn't think much about it until several years later when I wanted to recapture my own innocent time.

Forth, I don't know where I am going with this - good thread, it is funny and fun.


p.s. at the Viva Las Vegas car show last year I heard some rockabilly people complaining that all that tiki stuff around was diluting real rockabilly.

MadDogMike posted on 12/21/2011

On 2011-12-21 14:37, gabbahey wrote:
... at the Viva Las Vegas car show last year I heard some rockabilly people complaining that all that tiki stuff around was diluting real rockabilly...

That's hilarious :lol:

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 12/22/2011

Is the tiki revival movement coming to an end?

Reckon so!!!

I'm taking down Mugoomba at the old Farm

tomorrow 12/22/11 .


D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ade1110ab7c7bc7c47c4d58088b90da?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Dustycajun posted on 12/22/2011

On 2011-12-21 17:55, RevBambooBen wrote:

I'm taking down Mugoomba at the old Farm

tomorrow 12/22/11 .


How about a few photos of the before/during/after.


R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 12/22/2011

On 2011-12-21 17:57, Dustycajun wrote:

On 2011-12-21 17:55, RevBambooBen wrote:

I'm taking down Mugoomba at the old Farm

tomorrow 12/22/11 .


How about a few photos of the before/during/after.


I'll try to snap a few tomorrow during the demo.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 312 replies