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Can we rename BILGE to CRAP?

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GROG posted on Sun, Sep 19, 2010 12:18 AM

Seems like there's less and less substance on Tiki Central, but BILGE in general is really filling up with shit. Tiki Central is becoming BILGE CENTRAL.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-10-13 13:54 ]

On 2010-09-19 00:18, GROG wrote:
Seems like there's less and less substance on Tiki Central, but BILGE in general is really filling up with shit. Tiki Central is becoming BILGE CENTRAL.


but did you know there is a tiki jeep?

GROG posted on Sun, Sep 19, 2010 9:55 AM

Now that there are 6 threads about it, and Woofy has a link to one in his signature, it's hard to miss.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-09-19 09:58 ]


Wait, what's this about a Tiki Jeep? Those things are awesome. AWESOME!!!


The first rule of Bilge is we don't make references to Fight Club.

The second rule of Bilge is we don't complain about the content of Bilge because it's Bilge. It's the limbo of Tiki Central.

Bilge How low can you go?


Also, on my last trip the zoo I noticed that the monkey house was completely full of monkeys. What the hell is up with that?

Just because you post your Bilge-Worthy "humor" in all the other categories,GROG
Doesn't mean you can come here and try to be Mr. Cop..
especialy in Bilge...
Woofy's post are very intelligent,enjoyable,FUNNY,and clever,if you get them...

Lucas,tho,should be hung by his typing fingers
and lashed
for all the useless crap he posts here....

Now G'wan! GIT!
a'fore i run you over with the Tiki Jeep!

perhaps renaming the forums "TIKI JEEP CENTRAL" would resolve the ambiguity.

Jeep with built-in bilge.

One man's Crap is another Man's Bilge!
But you can always turn on the Bilge Pumps.....don't want to be sailing to low in the water.


On 2010-09-20 09:16, little lost tiki wrote:

Lucas,tho,should be hung by his typing fingers
and lashed by me.

For the last time, LLT, I will NOT date you!

not even if i drove up in a......


I was not even aware there WAS such a thing as a tiki jeep! (Can you buy them at Party City?)

But if you had one, oh yeah!


So how's the renaming campaign going?

:music: "Bilge, you got what I neeee-eed..." :music:


He suggested the name be changed to Crap not Rap.


On 2010-09-21 15:51, woofmutt wrote:

He suggested the name be changed to Crap not Rap.

Same thing, right?

I always find it distressing when I must ponder the sincerity of something in Bilge, particularly when it was posted by a highly esteemed member of Tiki Central.

Sadly I am forced now to question the sincerity behind this well orchestrated (and, as it turns out, well funded) campaign of GROG's to rename Bilge to Crap.

It appears that GROG's interest in the name change might not be social commentary is instead nothing more than crass commercial self interest.

I seriously hope this isn't the case. Were Bilge to become a place to merely promote commercial interests we Bilgers would be no better than the Home Shopping Networkillians we rightfully completely disdain.

JEEP,makes TIKI'S?
Has anyone told McSticky about this?

Hanford renamed Bilge to Cack a while ago. But it was renamed back to Bilge, Cack and Crap being synonymous. I think you'll have to figure out why that happened before a Bilge-to-Crap campaign can fully be flushed down the tubes (i.e., succeed).

I am proud to announce that if you Google, "bilge crap", Tiki Central comes out on top!

GROG posted on Tue, Sep 28, 2010 10:57 AM

There are some people that just love swimming in bilge. GROG took some
screen captures of several bilge swimmers profiles to see what percentage of their posts were in bilge. GROG not show any names to save them from embarrassment. :wink:

5 non-bilge posts out of 27.

9 non-bilge posts out of 27.

3 non-bilge posts out of 27.

5 out of 26 non-bilge posts.

2 out of 23 non-bilge posts.

This person, although 17 out of 27 posts were in bilge, they
consistently only posted in PHOTO ASSOCIATION in bilge.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-09-28 11:20 ]

Wow, that sure proves...Nothing.

But it makes a good sound bite, and that's why I'm voting for GROG (and yes on Initiative 492713).

Numbers of posts and where the posts are made mean nothing. Content does.

I could rack up another 150 posts today in the general and art forums by just adding "Great work!" "Nice!""Cool!" "ME LIKEY!!!" "LOL!!!""HA!" or "RAONTFLMAO!!!" to a bunch of threads. They wouldn't be Bilge posts but neither would they add one iota of useful content to Tiki Central.

I am a major advocate of Tiki Central ideally being filled with useful content and being done so in an orderly manner. But there's something that trumps the ideal of contributing useful content: Community.

Tiki Central is a surprisingly unusual Internet site in that there's an actual community here of people who have varying levels of interest in each others lives. An interest in Tiki is what brought us all here but I seriously doubt it's been the well thought out quasi intellectual discussions of Tiki that have kept the core TCers coming back. I think the main draw is the day to day interaction which consist largely of posts which are frequently just pointless joking or have very little useful contentt.

For example, I actually don't give a rat's ass what people made for dinner last night nor do I want to see pictures of it. (Pictures of well prepared dinners just makes me jealous while I am eating my usual pimento spread and crackers from a Vietnam era OD C-rations can.) While I don't think people posting pictures of their dinners adds a single bit of useful Tiki content to Tiki Central I know that it definitely adds to the sense of community.

Bilge also adds to the sense of community. Probably more so than most of the Tiki topic forums because not everyone feels they have something significant to contribute to a "serious" thread but everyone knows they can add pert near anything they want to Bilge.

(But I do wish that those who have Bilge type content to add to Tiki Central would figure out that it belongs in
Bilge so that the Tiki forms will remain relevant and searchable.)

A search for posts made by me would yield a result like one of the above screen captures. If it were possible to do a similar search of my actual day to day life I think you'd find that pert near everything I say or do during the day has little actual "value" and is void of meaningful content. I would guess that's the case for most average Joes and Janes. What I think that proves is...Nothing. Well, I guess it kinda shows that we're living our lives and apparently enjoying ourselves while doing so.


very well said mr. woof. i would also like to add this is the ONLY internet forum (i have been on)where there truly is a sense of community and that although there is some small amount out flaming here it is at a very low low amount. additionally there is not an abundance of forum nazis here. what attracted all of us is the love of tiki in our own styles and ways. i do not claim to be an"expert" on tiki but then again that is why i am here, to learn more about something i like. i apologise if my bilge disturbs you.

[ Edited by: talo ka 2010-09-28 13:39 ]

GROG posted on Tue, Sep 28, 2010 1:38 PM

No argument there. This thread IS a BILGE thread, and rightfully so. :D

When swimming in BILGE, GROG wear floaties.

People can post where they want and about what they want (it's their constitutional right :)). Except for Ruzic, most of his posts belong in BILGE.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-09-28 13:42 ]


After all, how much more can we talk about mugs? Seems like any hidden old tiki shrine has already been discovered and posted about here in detail. And at this time there are exactly 5.3 million surf bands. 23,000 "exotica" bands (with new ones becoming famous every 8.2 seconds). And the Tiki that I know and love has little if any resemblance to the offshoot of punk rock culture that is found on this forum! So, what's left to actually talk about except our mundane lives and totally whacked-out opinions on those same, mundane lives?

I know! Let's talk about Jeeps! Or, we can discuss fonts (Or maybe basement kahuna will lock the thread) or perhaps some internationally famous exotica band can make another "gee, thanks for buying my album" reply!

Or, we could start a massive initiative or petition to get Tiki Bong re-instated!

Free Bong!

I agree with Woof. Bilge is something that truly does make this forum unique and special. I for one have little to really add to the serious threads. I admit it. I simply like to have good drinks and laugh - not always or necessarily in that order.

I must admit, when I check in, I usually look first in Bilge or one of the other basement threads. Besides, the bilge players in my view are the ones that make the type of posts that keep TC busy.

Free Bong? Hell yeah.

Woofmutt-Check the expiration on those C rations... and post some pics on bilge.

On 2012-01-04 21:08, Trailerpark Tiki wrote:
Free Bong? Hell yeah.

Woofmutt-Check the expiration on those C rations... and post some pics on bilge.

I think it is time to Pardon all those lost (Banned) souls, give them another chance, you can always re-ban them later
if they act up, (I have no personal interest in this of course)
we need some life injected back into TC, what do you say?

Grog why is only one of my threads on your list? Woofmutt can't have all the glory, can he?


Well I see Bong all the time & I like it!


On 2012-01-05 01:00, woofmutt wrote:
Bong is on Facebook.

My life's complete.

i vote we rename BILGE to "GROG"!
it sounds better than CRAP,and is virtually the same thing


*"i vote we rename BILGE to "GROG"!
it sounds better than CRAP,and is virtually the same thing"

I vote we rename you to Lil Rabble-Rouser.

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