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"It's All About the Tiki"

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TikiGoon posted on 11/24/2003

Response from Holden:
the outrigger's stained resin. the night of the tiki mugs are around 8"
with an approx. 14 oz. capacity (don't have the spec handy)

On 2003-11-20 15:04, TikiGoon wrote:
Hey Holden,

The new "All About the Tiki" stuff looks really cool! I have a few questions about it I hope you can answer.

Is the Pizz Outrigger real wood, hapa-wood or some other resin/material?

What are the approximate oz sizes of the Emperor and the Rower mugs?

What size are the "Night of the Tiki" mugs?


Tiki Goon

RevBambooBen posted on 11/24/2003


No mention about the Cool Bars and Furniture that the product and the artists sat on???

Ok. It's sing-a-long time with the Rev. "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen....Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...Arrrrrrrr!!!

paranoid123 posted on 11/24/2003

On 2003-11-24 10:19, RevBambooBen wrote:

No mention about the Cool Bars and Furniture that the product and the artists sat on???

Ok. It's sing-a-long time with the Rev. "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen....Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...Arrrrrrrr!!!

Oh sorry Ben! Tiki Steph and I got to the show very very early, and we got to see them setting up the displays before the mugs showed up. We were admiring your handiwork, and hoping that we could one day be a proud owner of one of your bars. Nice job!

MakeDaMug posted on 11/24/2003

Hi everybody,
Feelin' your pain but the Farm is here to help! Anybody that knows us is familiar with the fact that we take good care of our customers. Smeared eye's... replaced... overcharged... we eat it or replace it and take care of it. We've always done the right thing... I like you am a collector and I do this whole thing for the passion. I don't think that La Luz was prepared for the crowd but I know that if I had done a better job of coordinating the production that it would have been easier. Unfortunately, we needed just a few more days to get the production runs completed as we had to do some last minute re-tooling and that threw the timing completely off.

There were a small amount of the Shag 3-pack sets at the show and those first few in line should have received theirs - that's why it's up on eBay. There's no "insider" selling going on - there never has been.

I'm here for my fellow tc'ers and for that matter anybody who attended the show. We need about 2 weeks to get all of the production completed and will ship your orders in the order that they were taken at the show in numerical sequence. You can call me anytime.

On a separate note, I was glazed over tired but had a really good time and it looked like everyone (almost everyone I guess) was having a blast, too. I wondered why my head hurt so much the next morning - I only had 2 mai tai's. As I've read, I think 2 mai tai's was probably enough. Thanks for the tremendous turnout and I'll work hard to get you all taken care of to a level that exceeds your expectations.


ps - if any of you want to come by the Farm (we're in San Clemente) as mentioined, no problem - I just need a day or 2 advance notice so that I'm ready for you (all tc'ers and tiki fans always get the nickel tour) - you can call me at (949) 940-1006

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2003-11-24 12:32 ]

PiPhiRho posted on 11/24/2003

A great event, but definitely poorly organized. Way too much time spent standing in line, but the music helped and all of the art was great. I really wanted to buy it all. I am still kicking myself for not getting that outrigger set, despite the fact that I have no place to display it and was having a hard time justifying the $250. But I love my Cockeyed Tiki Bush Warrior, and have to wait for my Shag mug.

Looking at my invoice, though, I noticed that they did not take down my name and address. How are they going to ship my mug without my address?

tikichic posted on 11/24/2003

As Holden posted above you, he'll make everything right. Call him or email him today and he'll take care of you and give you the information that you are seeking. He does an outstanding job over at Tiki Farm taking care of all of our concerns!

Andrew posted on 11/24/2003

Hey Ben did you do make that super cool Moai bench next to where the Pizz was sitting? It was quite impressive in a strange Witco/von Franco way. I have to figure out a place to put that in the future.

I mentioned to the Pizz about not getting my outrigger signed and he kindly gave me his phone number and said to call him after it was delivered to set up a time to come by his place to get it signed. He told me to go pick it up to get the full affect. It must've been like 20#. Quite cool!

At two hours in line it was better than the Disney event.

I've been to quite a few really big events at Luz and have never seen it botched like this. They've never been very organized, but still; drive there, wait to get parking, walk a really long ways, wait to get in the store, wait to get to the back, wait to get to the front, wait to get to the back, talk to the artists with nothing to get signed except the show card, fight to get out of the store, drive home. I'm glad my non-tiki friend who kindly volunteered to come along was very, very patient.

RevBambooBen posted on 11/25/2003

Ben did you do make that super cool Moai bench next to where the Pizz was sitting? It was quite impressive in a strange Witco/von Franco way. I have to figure out a place to put that in the future.

You mean the "Vitco??" Oh, why yes I did!

Thanx for the respect Andrew and Paranoid!!

The other bench and table too!! (we call it the Vitco series. Think of Sven saying Witco!! plus the love of my life's name starts with V so, Vitco is it!!!)

Then the 3 "wall fillers too!" the cut out black tiki crap framed in Boo)

and the pedistals.

Ooops. Almost forgot the bars..........

The Pizz Bar- Pizz was in a show many moons ago at Copro/Nason and had a painting that had a tiki bar in it. That tiki bar always stuck in my mind. This bar was made to look like it was used, out of that painting, many moons ago. Pizz is cool! His "Bar Fight" paintings kick serious ass!

The Von Franco Bar- Von (oh no!!! Ben's taking the pizzas out of the oven @ Barry's pad) Franco is built for speed! I had to build this one to look like it was going fast! (the bar was actually tilting sideways, like a burn out, man!!) (I bet this tripped out you drunk people!!) And, of course FLAMES!!!! Von Franco. Von Franco. Von Franco! (when are we going to Barry's again??)

The SHAG Bar- What better than a 1/2 a bow tie top w/ carved in Shagish Bamboo, dry brushed background and a few Bamboo sticks off kilter on the front!! With a V- shape base!! Man, had a blast on the Vitco bench with him discussing his new doo ( Johnny Lydon hair!!!! And, the Bamboo Suit he made for me!!!!!!)

Thanx again. It was kind of a grind for Mrs. Boo and I, but, "We did it all for the Tiki?"

p.s. Argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-11-24 20:50 ]

BaronV posted on 11/25/2003

[ Edited by: BaronV on 2004-09-09 20:04 ]

TikiGardener posted on 11/25/2003

On 2003-11-24 10:19, RevBambooBen wrote:

No mention about the Cool Bars and Furniture that the product and the artists sat on???

Ok. It's sing-a-long time with the Rev. "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen....Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...Arrrrrrrr!!!

Lets just say your stuff was so perfect for the event that it was a seamless marriage of art, artists and atmosphere.

If yer stuff hadn't been there, we would have all thought the atmosphere sucked.

Brilliant stuff, fit the evening like a glove.

smokin devil posted on 11/25/2003

You all have so much luck to get the chance to visit a so great show.

I wish I had the money to come over to the usa for every cool tikishow.

Does anyone of you taking some picture, which she/he can upload here in this forum, please.

ModMana posted on 11/26/2003

I had intended on taking more photos but got caught up in the excitement of seeing all the incredibly cool stuff. Here are a few photos that I did manage to take of some of the key players that made this great event possible...

"The Pizz" creating a little personalized art on one of my mugs.

"Shag" with his new shaggy doo.

"Von Franco" looking cool.

Our very own, smogbreather, the man behind Tiki Farm.

Thanks guys for your great efforts! I wish I had the tiki budget to have purchased one of everything. Keep up the great work!

ModMana :drink:

Exoticat posted on 11/26/2003

Modmana ~ thanks for the pics! Great to see what Smogbreather looks like and everyone else. Doesn't Shag look just maybe...slightly...a tiny bit like Clay Aiken in that shot?

[ Edited by: exoticat on 2003-11-26 01:56 ]

Kittydoo posted on 11/26/2003

Good Call, Exoticat! Shag totally looks like Clay Aiken, only taller, and shaggier.


smokin devil posted on 11/26/2003

Thank you very much for your photos, MudMana.

DawnTiki posted on 11/26/2003

Is the bench Shag is sitting on the bench Bamboo Ben made?

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-11-26 08:57 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/26/2003

Why, yes indeed! (check out collecting tiki re; Bamboo Ben on e-bay)

fishhead posted on 11/26/2003

i wish i could have gone but i needed to fish,ohh the choices i've made!

laney posted on 11/26/2003

Well, the event (what we saw of it) was great, but I had a awful night out!

First we couldn't find parking, so we figured we'd park near Tiki-ti, down a couple, then hike. We waited outside Tiki-ti for 20 min. then went next door for drinks. Got there late for the event, managed to get a cocktail (they were almost out of everything!)
I really wanted to compliment Pizz on his catwoman (I have a catwoman tatoo and if I had seen his I would have gotten a variation of his design-but I love mine-more now)
Maybe I cought him off guard but I was unimpressed by his response. I know it's low brow art but "well people like girls and that panther so, I thought, whatever..." I just can't imagine someone like Ed Roth saying something so BLAH.

We were going to go to Tiki-ti after for some drinks but found ourselves in line again! There were 3 people ahead of us and when we arrived the guy poped his head out to say they were cleaning off a table for them now...20 min. later we all were still outside. Cold

WHO WERE YOU GUYS? You made me laugh and we think alike on certain subjects.

Cory wanted to take off to meet up with a friend. He took us to a crappy bar, the kind I hadn't been to since I had a fake ID. We're talking Brittany Spears on the videos and michanical bull rides! What? This guy is security for Korn too! The guy turns into an ass after 3 drinks so I left! A terrible night out!

I wish I held out at Tiki-ti and talked to the 3 people in front of us more...again, who are you? Maybe I could have met up with Floratina and Humuhumu too.
Oh, well... I got a night off work

mmoderntiki posted on 11/27/2003

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Just arrived back from an excursion to the farm. (the Tiki farm not the Turkey farm). Before leaving today we received signed copies of "Tiki Road Trip". Thanks to James for signing these and to his agent Jeffrey for getting these to us prior to the upcoming event this Saturday. We were also fortunate enough to have Duke sign some copies of his book "TikiQuest" for our show too! Try to remeber these great signed books amongst all the cool TikiFarm Limited Edition wares.


Humuhumu posted on 11/27/2003

It was confusing & frustrating at moments, but I had a fantastic time! Started off by poking my head into Tiki-Ti quickly, and got to see the Velours, plus Bax & Wes & their better halves. The Bax crew & I went down to La Luz, saw the line, went "ew!" and decided to eat dinner first.

We sat in the smallish bar at Acapulco to eat dinner, where there was no wait. Everything was swell, until we were about halfway through our food at 8:36, when a FULL SENSORY ASSAULT was launched -- the evening DJ started his set rather abrubtly and LOUDLY, complete with rather bright flashing disco lights. Mid-sentence in a conversation with Sarah, it suddenly was far too loud to communicate, and the flashing lights left me with an uneasy feeling not unlike being too close to a full squadron of angry emergency vehicles. Then -- the crowning touch -- a fog machine. This was no ordinary fog machine. It was belching out fog that was so dense that I could no longer see the dj, who was only about nine yards from our table. Talking was impossible, communication of any form was a struggle, and eating our food while choking on fog chemicals wasn't easy. All we could do was laugh, because it was so frickin' bizarre. It was so relaxing when we left the bar & could breathe again. It was really quite hilarious, but perhaps you had to be there.

Then we bit the bullet and got in line at La Luz, where we ended up with Floratina. Once we got inside, Tina & I made our way to the back entrance to the shindig, where Bamboo Ben, bless his tiki-lovin' soul, waved us in. I don't feel like I have any room to complain about the line situation -- it was a sales event, and by being there just to hang out & not buy stuff, I was really just wasting space. It was great seeing so many familiar faces, and meeting a few new ones.

After La Luz, Dave & Rebecca (of Purple Orchid fame) & a bunch of their friends invited me to join them at the Dresden Room, which was a hoot. Crowded & trendy, yes -- but if that wasn't what I wanted, I would have moved to Iowa City, thankyouverymuch. The decor in that place is fantastic, and Marty & Elayne were very friendly. They both wanted to touch my hair for some reason.

Overall, the evening was quite odd, just how I like 'em.

mmoderntiki posted on 11/29/2003

Hi Everyone,

I guess we spoke to soon when we said that we would have all of our allocated "It's All About the Tiki" merchandise available for our show tonight. These are intricate pieces and, although Tikifarm has worked at a tiring pace, the Tiki and Manufacturing Gods haven't always been smiling on us this week.

Here are some helpful tips to assist you in understanding how things will go at the gallery tomorrow evening (we promise only one line for everything:

35 of Shag's "Green Wahine" print available (this was a very generous allocation from Shagmart & Shag given this print is now Sold Out)!

10 of Shag's Charm Bracelets available tomorrow night (good luck!) and we have none on back order from Tikifarm - This was a limited run of only 100.

30 pieces of Shag Tiki Mug 3-Pack at the show - none on back order.

10 of the Shag Warrior Mugs available, however, we will take an additional 25 orders for these that will be shipped directly to the address of your chosing by TikiFarm.

35 of the "Martin" Tiki Mug by The Pizz avaiable that evening - none on back order with Tikifarm.

40 pieces of the "Lewis" Tiki Mug by the Pizz avaiable that evening - none on back order with Tikifarm.

35 of the 5-pc. Stacker Set by the Pizz available -none on back order with Tikifarm.

30 of the Hi-Ball set by the Pizz available -none on back order with Tikifarm.

12 of the Outrigger Sets by the Pizz available -none on back order with Tikifarm.

8 of the Cockeyed Tiki Mug by Von Franco available, however, we will take an additional 32 orders for these that will be shipped directly to the address of your chosing by TikiFarm.

30 of the Burnin Love Tiki Mug by Von Franco available, however, we will take an additional 10 orders for these that will be shipped directly to the address of your chosing by TikiFarm.

20 of the Triple Shot O' Love Shot Set by Von Franco-none on back order with Tikifarm.

12 of the Smokin Joe Barware Sets by Von Franco - none on back order with Tikifarm.

4 of the Artists Tiki Bowls by Von Franco, however, we will take an additional 31 orders for these that will be shipped directly to the address of your chosing by TikiFarm.

140 of the Frank en Tiki serigraph by Von Franco - a steel at only $ 75.00 each - exclusive to M Modern Gallery.

50 Pricilla Au Posters from The Pizz that he will happily sign and personalize for you that evening at only $ 30.00 each.

9 When the Weekend Comes We Rule as Gods Limited Edition Serigraph ON CANVAS by the Pizz. The one we have framed at the gallery looks AMAZING!

Approximately 175 signed original drawings from The Pizz (The Wall of Pizz) priced at only $ 75.00 to $ 300.00. It is doubtful that you will ever get an opportunity to purchase an original piece of artwork from The Pizz for this low price ever again (we scooped these from Pizz's personal stash!).

20 signed copies of TikiQuest.

20 signed copies of Tiki Road Trip.

1 SHAG original painting entitled "The Zombie" as featured in his book "The Bottomless Cocktail" at $ 12,500.00 (this is a consignment piece and was not actually painted for this show, however, we felt it appropriate due to its Tiki content.

There will be soft drinks and bottled waters for sale at $1.00 each and a special Pizz's Punch at $3.00 each. We decided that Wine and Beer really weren't the right beverages for a Tiki Bash.

NOTE: we will provide an insert that can be given in an envelope for Holiday gifts! That way there is something to place under the tree just in case...

Hope to see all of you there!

Regards, M Modern Tiki

Cultjam posted on 11/29/2003

I hope some TCer's are planning to come out tonight, I would love to meet up. I'm going...look for the chic in the very untiki pink hoodie sweater (I'm blaming a baby shower earlier today, but my tiki wardrobe is thin)

602-791-1024-my cell.

It's getting late, I better hit the road!

ErichTroudt posted on 12/03/2003

Here are a few pics of the Von Franco merchandise that was available at the show. I just got these developed. I may post a few more later.
Painting for the event

Smokin Joe set, Burning love tiki mug, and the 3 Artist bowl

Cockeyed tiki mug and Shot glasses

Cockeyed tiki painting

[ Edited by: ErichTroudt on 2003-12-02 23:06 ]

smokin devil posted on 12/03/2003

You've done your job very well. Nice Pics of Mugs and Arts.

Thank you for presenting your photos on this board,

MakeDaMug posted on 12/04/2003

We'll have our online sale of The Pizz & Von Franco items this Saturday (12/06) at 12 noon pst. I'm going to announce the Shag date likely next week. Email me if you've got any questions. Nice meeting many of you at the shows. I was so damned sick with the flu at the M-Modern Show... "wrrrr wrrr wrrrrrr" was what my brain was hearing all night long... went into about a 2 day mini coma!

Atomicchick posted on 12/05/2003

Can anybody tell me if they have received their Shag mugs from the La Luz show yet??

MakeDaMug posted on 12/06/2003

Please visit http://www.tikifarm.com for information and links to our online secured shopping cart area for tomorrow's sale. You'll find links to both complete ordering information and to the ordering page which will activate tomorrow, Sat. Dec. 6th, at 12:00 noon pst. Tomorrow's the Pizz & Von Franco sale - I'll announce the Shag sale soon.

La Luz & most of the M Modern backorders are shipping out this week through next week.


Atomicchick posted on 12/13/2003
TikiGardener posted on 12/23/2003

One day left for the outrigger to get here as a Gift of Sol Invictus...

Drumroll starts now...

SallyandJay posted on 12/23/2003

I was wondering if anyone knew when the Shag collection was supposed to be sold at Tikifarm. For some reason I thought it might be December 29 but now I can't seem to pinpoint where I read that at. If anyone has information on this I would appreciate it! Thanks!!

We are also avidly awaiting the outrigger.

tikigreg posted on 12/24/2003

The Hot Wheels Vitua's Vessel goes on sale the 29th. TikiFarm sent out an email on the 13th , stating they would let us know about the others this week. Still no date on the IAATT items as of today though.

tikichic posted on 12/24/2003

My items from the event at La Luz just arrived! Very nice. Santa must be working overtime! :wink: Happy Holidays everyone.

MakeDaMug posted on 12/24/2003

I'll post up the sale date of the Shag items likely after the holidays. Piet & Lisa Agle (Shag's brother & sister-in-law) had their first baby (a girl!) last week so I'm laying low through the holidays so that they can enjoy the new addition to the family. After the holidays, I'll work out a sale date with Piet and will let you all know! Mele Kalikimaka!

Atomicchick posted on 01/08/2004

Still waiting for my mug. I think I'm being pretty patient considering it was paid for two months ago. What ever happened to customer service?

TikiGardener posted on 01/09/2004

I managed to get mine on the eve of Sol Invictus.

The Outrigger is worth every cent! The Shag 3 Pack like wise.

Has it been two months? Wow... I think the Mai Tais are still wearing off...


martiki posted on 01/09/2004

Got my pair of Martin mugs- thanks Holden!

They are fantastic, though I am obviously biased.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/09/2004

Can't find the outrigger dangit. Where is it?

PiPhiRho posted on 01/09/2004

I just received my Shag mug a couple of days ago. The Pizz Outrigger is still at sea.

Turbogod posted on 01/09/2004

Still waitin for(looking forward to) my stuff. Pullin' a Bart Simpson... Where's My Spy Camera? Where's My Spy Camera? Where's My Spy Camera? Where's My Spy Camera? BTW how big are the Martin Mugs? I got 2 also.

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2004-01-09 13:30 ]

SallyandJay posted on 01/09/2004

We received the Outrigger and Cockeyed bush Warrior yesterday. I had to clean off an entire shelf just so we'd have a enough space to display the outrigger. They look absolutely fabulous and well worth the money!!!

Jungle Trader posted on 01/09/2004

PEOPLE, where the hell is the outrigger you're talking about. I looked on the Tiki Farm site and can't find it. Yeah, yeah I must be blind.

PiPhiRho posted on 01/09/2004

The outrigger is gone. Sold out. No longer available.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/09/2004

Thank you Piphiro.

TikiGardener posted on 01/09/2004

On 2004-01-09 14:20, jungletrader wrote:
PEOPLE, where the hell is the outrigger you're talking about. I looked on the Tiki Farm site and can't find it. Yeah, yeah I must be blind.

It's on my coffe table!

tikigreg posted on 01/10/2004


On 2004-01-09 14:20, jungletrader wrote:
PEOPLE, where the hell is the outrigger you're talking about. I looked on the Tiki Farm site and can't find it. Yeah, yeah I must be blind.

Here's a link to the page:


Jungle Trader posted on 01/11/2004

tikigreg, thanks alot. THAT is what I needed to see. The actual outrigger itself is what I'm looking for. If anyone out there has one they want to sell or trade, let me know. A flat one like the one at Mallard's (Albany?) that can hang on a wall would save me some room.

BaronV posted on 01/13/2004

[ Edited by: BaronV on 2004-09-09 20:01 ]

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