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My Tiki's outside, covered with snow...

Pages: 1 15 replies

Haole Jim posted on 02/02/2011

Metro Chicago on the USA Central Coast has had 18 inches of snow since 2:30 yesterday-Tuesday afternoon and it's still coming down at better than an inch an hour.

A cup of Kona coffee, Cudra Clover's Exotica Hour on the podcast, the Tiki-decorated music room and a guitar...maybe reread some of Greg Shmanske's "Bedtime Stories For Surfers," Bigbrotiki's "Tiki Modern" or James Teitelbaum's "Tiki Road Trip" or some vintage Thor Heyerdhal.

And e-hang out on Tiki Central...because the Jeep, even in 4WD and big tires, does not have a prayer of getting out of the garage.

This too shall pass.

MauiHowie posted on 02/02/2011

Sure sounds good to this fellow stranded Chicagolander!

Stay safe!

WestADad posted on 02/02/2011

Hang in there Midwest Tiki brothers, I feel your pain. I didn't get much snow but the 40 mph winds and the half inch of ice under the snow have made things interesting.

I brought all my tikis in back in November!


uncle trav posted on 02/02/2011

We got blasted on the other side of the lake here in Kalamazoo. The best part about a storm like this is spending hours digging out only to have the city plow bury your driveway again. Loads of fun. My Jeep did make it out today though. Stay warm my friends.

Haole Jim posted on 02/13/2011

Sorta got a melt-on-"lite" in metro Chicago on the USA Central Coast.

About 3 1/2 feet of snow now largely compressed down to about 20 inches and plow-piles all around, some big enough to bury a tiki lounge-restaurant.

Stay warm and festive, non-Polynesians!

Tobor64 posted on 02/27/2011

It may not be special to TC'ers in colder climes, but when it snows in Burbank, CA. it's a big deal. Hasn't happened here since 1949!

Tikiwahine posted on 02/27/2011

This is my 20' tall Chinese Windmill Palm on Wednesday morning.

Even though I'm in Canada, we rarely get snow. This is a LOT for us! And I love it :)

Beachbumz posted on 02/27/2011

On 2011-02-26 20:54, Tobor64 wrote:
It may not be special to TC'ers in colder climes, but when it snows in Burbank, CA. it's a big deal. Hasn't happened here since 1949!

Snow in Burbank??? That's Crazy!! I'm still waiting for snow at my house...

tikicoma posted on 01/20/2012

The frozen scream

and a frozen flame

it dropped 6-8 inches in Tacoma wednesday then dropped freezing rain, off and on, all day thursday. Trees and power lines down all over the place.

aloha, tikicoma

WestADad posted on 01/20/2012

Dang tikicoma, you can ship that snow to me, I'm jonesing for some sledding!

Haole Jim posted on 01/21/2012

Chicago is in the midst of a farking blizzard as this is e-penned. Come get all the snow you can pack into 50 or 60 100-gondola freight trains. Some folks will be happy to help you load it.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/21/2012

.. nowhere to go now, chicago's a lonely town, when you're the only surfer boy around.....(had to finish the song jim started in the title of the thread)

" I may not know karate..... but I do know crazy !!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2012-01-21 05:01 ]

WestADad posted on 01/21/2012

On 2012-01-20 18:21, Haole Jim wrote:
Chicago is in the midst of a farking blizzard as this is e-penned. Come get all the snow you can pack into 50 or 60 100-gondola freight trains. Some folks will be happy to help you load it.

Sorry to hear that Jim. Hang in there!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/21/2012

forget about it jim- come on out to chef shangri-la tonight for some good live music and tropical drinks with the rest of us winter refugees.... a little bit of tropics never hurts !!

check the events thread for more details.

" I may not know karate..... but I do know crazy !!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2012-01-21 08:32 ]

jimsflies posted on 02/28/2016

Here's a photo I took of my hut a few days ago.

Looking forward to warm summer nights and chillin by the bar.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/28/2016

Dat is awesome!

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