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little lost tiki 24-hour Print Exclusive! aaaand now a BIGTOE Offer! Page 2!

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little lost tiki posted on 02/03/2012

STEALTHISART is offering a print of "River and Moonlight"
for only 24 hours and then it's GONE!
If you enjoyed this painting you can either

  1. Wait until it's up for sale at a ridiculously inflated price
    2)Own an affordable print of it!
    24 hours and POOF! it's gone....Go here to Check it out!
    you all KNOW i release prints every once in a blue moon,
    so here's your chance to latch onto a real rarity!
    Each Print is 16" x 20"
    Giclee on Matte Velvet Art Paper
    Limited to 50 prints.
    And i'm gonna Individually sign them!
    Act Now! Don't Delay Ohana!!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-02-16 10:18 ]

little lost tiki posted on 02/03/2012

17 hours LEFT on this EXCLUSIVE Deal!
once 8am Saturday rolls along
this print is GONE!

and you will be the proud owner of a very special print...

teaKEY posted on 02/03/2012

The print is Gone? Where is it going?

I got three Toto Usi Mugs :D

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2012

12 more HOURS!

each print by each artist on the site
has their work available for 24 hours
After that,the print is taken down and never offered again...
This one is limited to 50
Which means Sales STOP at 50 prints SOLD
(most print runs on there offer up to 100,where they stop at that
but i told him to stop at 50,so if they DO SELLOUT
50 is still a small number for a run)
BUT...if only 25 prints sell
then at 8am Saturday morning
those customers get a print from a 25 only run....get it?
the 24 hours offered and number of prints purchased decides the run size
unless the Magic # of 50 is reached
then no more offers are taken...
So this could be an opportunity to own a LOW RUN quality print for
not too much $$$..
I got a few other TC artists in contact with Jeremy
So if you'd like this project to continue and prosper
please help make it worth his and our while...

any ??? contact


MadDogMike posted on 02/04/2012

I STOLE that art!!!

TIKI-TONGA posted on 02/04/2012

Me Too!!!

talo ka posted on 02/04/2012

i tried but it woudn't paint the whole page in. i guess time ran out.

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2012

10.5 more hours talo....
I sincerely doubt this will get 50 sales
so you will all have a One day one-of a kind print
from a run of around 25....now THAT's A STEAL!
(and i'm actually gonna get down there and sign them before shipping-
which is against protocol,but i loves y'all so much i thought i'd add to the value)

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2012

TWO and a half more More Hours
and this print will no longer be available for sale!

The Blue Kahuna posted on 02/04/2012

Outstanding! I gots mine . . . thanks!

teaKEY posted on 02/04/2012

2:00 minutes

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2012

Mahalos Ohana,for playing!
Be on the Lookout for more little lost tiki prints
(as well as a few of the other geniuses on here)
on StealthisArt.com in the Future!
Mahalos! Mahalos!

MadDogMike posted on 02/05/2012

When I first saw the web site name I took it as Stealth is Art - as in the ninja art of stealth :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 02/05/2012

it still IS kind of STEALTH....
Which makes for even MORE valuable prints
because the runs are smaller due to lack of visibility...
If this site takes off,then that first month or so of prints will be quite the commodities!

talo ka posted on 02/05/2012

i received an email from jeremy explaining web [page glitchs were my trouble. he is sending a invoice for me. i guess i stole that art.

little lost tiki posted on 02/05/2012

Right on talo!
You stole that art
after the vault was closed!
very admirable.....


talo ka posted on 02/06/2012

it was easy..... after jeremy saw i had issues with the site or it had issues with me.

little lost tiki posted on 02/07/2012

Welpers... in the spirit of transparency
i will share the results of my first ever 24-hour exclusive print run
on stealthisart.com...
i sold 9 prints and for payment i requested a dozen prints and cash...
if you were one of the WISE kids and bought a print
you now have a print from an ultra-limited run of 21
which is good...low numbers on print runs are good

Resell em in a couple of years and send your kids to college!
Thanks again y'alls
for playing!
be on the lookout for motre LLT prints on there in the future
and i heard a BigToe exclusive print may be on there for purchase soon!

http://www.kenruzic.com is on it's way.. BE PATIENT!
I'm on FaceBook Too!
and HERE!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-02-07 09:43 ]

little lost tiki posted on 02/07/2012

On 2012-02-07 09:41, little lost tiki wrote:
Welpers... in the spirit of transparency
i will share the results of my first ever 24-hour exclusive print run
on stealthisart.com...
i sold 9 prints and for payment i requested a dozen prints and cash...
if you were one of the WISE kids and bought a print
you now have a print from an ultra-limited run of 21
which is good...low numbers on print runs are good

Resell em in a couple of years and send your kids to college!
Thanks again y'alls
for playing!
be on the lookout for motre LLT prints on there in the future
and i heard a BigToe exclusive print may be on there for purchase soon!

http://www.kenruzic.com is on it's way.. BE PATIENT!
I'm on FaceBook Too!
and HERE!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-02-07 09:45 ]

MarkusK posted on 02/07/2012

One day outta town and Mr. Kinny starts selling prints. Dang! Next time...
Btw. do you still have those 'Moses' prints? Maybe he can save me.


whoseyrtiki posted on 02/12/2012

Any idea if these have shipped yet? Still watching the mail for mine.

little lost tiki posted on 02/15/2012

went to the printers...
looked over the run and signed them with my gold paint pen
(over the signature on the painting
as not to clutter up the print)
They look GREAT! i imagine they'll be mailing them this week!

I took my commission and rolled it over into 13 prints
SO you all have a print from a run of 21 with one artist proof
in existence.... Nothing else..no moreout there
a run of 22 is pretty low...which is a good thing!
i will be offering these remaining prints at vending events only

On 2012-02-07 11:47, MarkusK wrote:
One day outta town and Mr. Kinny starts selling prints. Dang! Next time...
Btw. do you still have those 'Moses' prints? Maybe he can save me.

Hey Markusk!
I'll have work on StealThisArt 2-4 times a year....
i know Toe and i are each planning to release one apiece when we have our two-man "Clash of the Titans" exhibition in January..

In fact,Tom will have a piece on stealthisart.com TOMORROW! So swipe it up and make the Toe happy! :)

PM me about the Moses print if you really want one,Markusk!

On 2012-02-12 04:43, whoseyrtiki wrote:
Any idea if these have shipped yet? Still watching the mail for mine.

Like i said,whosey...just signed em yesterday,so i imagine that they'll be sending them to you by week's end... Which means you will have it in your hands by next week! YAY!

and Mahalos again to all of you who purchased one...twas really fun and exciting to do an Exclusive 24-hour deal!

little lost tiki posted on 02/16/2012


I'm gonna post this because Toe doesn't think it's "Tiki" enough!

But Tom IS a Tiki Artist
among other things
so i will pass this on to y'alls
so you don't miss it!

24 hours only!
BigToe's "Saint Sinner" print on Velvet fine art stock goes up for sale at a
ridiculously low price. It’s so low, that you are basically stealing it.Which he sooo deserves because he always try to steal the frames from my studio!
Sized to fit in a standard sized frame, The prints are super limited
quantity and only for sale for 24 hours. Once they sell out, or time’s up,
they will never be available to steal again.Don't be a TOM! Go buy one! I'm getting one and reselling it later at an inflated price and buyin art supplies!

All proceeds go to Tom buying Doug and i booze,hookers,and lunch when we go to Palm Springs tomorrow !
for the Contemporary Idol exhibition!
if you buy this print,Tom promises to release a Tiki print next time!

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