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Tiki Central / California Events

Tikiyaki Orchestra and Marina Return to Don The Beachcomber - Feb 25th !!!

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Tonga Tom posted on 02/27/2012

Great pics heylownine!
Thanks for getting those up after you got home from Tonga Hut and the rest of your Marathon Tiki Weekend!

bigtikidude posted on 02/27/2012

If I am not mistaken, the staff was in full force and did a great job.
nice to not hear about people not getting their food for 2 hours.


heylownine posted on 02/28/2012

CTIT and Tom...thanks guys. Boy I thought I wanted a batch upload feature on TC for photos before, but even more so after a solid evening of knocking off drinks from the Grog Log. Click, click, click, click.

Jeff...I totally agree. The staff was on top of their game. We didn't wait for anything all night (food or drink) and they were greeting people at the door with sampler QB Coolers and snacks.

Top notch all around!


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