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official tiki caliente 4 link (may 18-20 palm springs,ca)

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Wildsville man posted on 02/29/2012

Finally Doug go's pre-Sales. Great Art and great colors in the Sky. It set's the tone just right.


Onyx_Noir posted on 02/29/2012

Looks good, I'll have to get one.

Wildsville man posted on 02/29/2012

Take advantage of the pre-sale Official Poster above and have it waiting for you at the show.

Also,Saturday we will be taking deposits for off ground wristbands. (10a.m. and only 50 wristbands at http://www.tiki-caliente.com)

Deposits? This year you will pay $2 via paypal to hold a wristband for you at the door. When you show up at Caliente you will pay $40 cash to collect your wristband and start your party. We changed it up this year because some people could not make it and lost the cost of there wristbands because they were held to the side anyways and it was past the cancelation time.

Also,I am trying to control the cost of the event and keep it with in Dollars from year to year and the cost of Paypal and taxes keep going up and this is the best way to control the price you pay.

First photo's of the Mug,Oh and did I mention his little friend?

The Brown mug is for on site guest only and are pretty much SOLD OUT....The last ones will be available for the people who check in (first come-first served) Limited number

Orange will be the Official Mug Open to all guest. 150 in Orange are created

People who pre-payed for the on grounds mug will also receive the shot glass as part of your package as a thank you. Pre-sale is NO Longer available.

13 1/2 oz Mug Shot 2 1/2 oz

aboarts posted on 03/01/2012

Can't wait! I want a blue one..... and a brown one, and an orange one...What a great mug/shot glass!

Huaqtouii posted on 03/01/2012

LOVE the brown!!!
Great Job!!!

skootiki posted on 03/01/2012

YEAH....That brown color looks great!

bigtikidude posted on 03/01/2012

very cool mugs,
when is this event again?
Can't get here soon enough


Wildsville man posted on 03/01/2012

The Mug color is Very Caliente!!!!!!!!!!

Bring a little sunshine home with you from Tiki Caliente

TikiDude posted on 03/01/2012

I love the Official Poster and Mug.

Mongoloid posted on 03/01/2012

The mug is no kai oi. Looking forward to this event. Best in da West!

Wildsville man posted on 03/02/2012

In less then 24 hours Deposits will be taken for off site wristband sales

at 10a.m. Saturday Morning at http://www.tiki-caliente.com

This will only be limited to 50 people (First bought-First Held) The ad will be pulled when the 50 deposits are sold

The information below is how it will read on the website.

This is a Deposit for the Official Tiki Caliente 4 Wristband. This is Just a Deposit. This Deposit will Hold a Wristband for you at the Front Desk of the Travel Lodge. When you pick up the Wristband the Cost will be $40 CASH each. This Wristband will give you full access to Bar Discounts/Food Discounts and ability to access all room parties and be on grounds after 7p.m. This will give you everything that an on ground guest will have except for the use of the pool and continental breakfast. When you pick up your wristband you will also have the ability to purchase the official Tiki Caliente 4 Mug.

The Deposit is non refundable and the wristband/s will be held under the name on your Paypay account.

telescopes posted on 03/03/2012

Got mine. This is always such a great event. I only hope that I don't find myself "falling" into the pool with my iPod and cell phone, again...

MadDogMike posted on 03/03/2012

Got mine too, that means there are less than 48 left! By the way Telescopes, no "falling" into the pool - the "off-site guests" are not allowed in the pool. Kinda like the Caddies in Caddyshack :lol:

Wildsville man posted on 03/03/2012

Guy's I checked my account and see almost 50 are Sold,

I worked late last night so I did not follow the sales until now,so I will allow it to get to 75 people.

The reservation Desk will be in the Lobby of the Travel Lodge and the wristbands will be held under the name they were purchased under.

Please remember to pay CASH and have it ready to not hold up the line. I hate to have people waiting in lines when they should be enjoying themselves out and about.

ALL WRISTBANDS MUST BE PAYED FOR AT ONE TIME AND PICKED UP AT ONE TIME. So if you payed for some for friends get the cash before you get in line.

Also, I see some people bought 6-9 wristbands? I hope these are for friends and not to resell for profit.

We are a small family Event and want to keep it that way so please understand the following

  1. if you get rowdy when cock tailing,STAY HOME
  2. if you want to stay off ground and do an anti-party like the anti oasis people who stay at motel 6 during tiki oasis,I DONT WANT YOU.
  3. Treat everyone with respect and let's have some fun.

This is a cost effective event were we will get you your moneys worth and look forward to you being part of the party

Thank you to everyone who booked rooms/wristbands and mug's


JOHN-O posted on 03/04/2012

Is there an event code to use when booking just Sat night at the Royal Sun ??

hang10tiki posted on 03/04/2012

Got ours
Mr n Mrs hang10tiki will be there...

TheClamsCasino posted on 03/05/2012

Got two!
Now happy.

telescopes posted on 03/05/2012

Rory: You are the greatest. You're events are absolutely very friendly with an atmosphere to match. I'll be there. Partying can get so out of hand to the point that it makes the events less fun.

I'll be there.

SoCalTikiGal posted on 03/05/2012

Really looking forward to Caliente again. Two days relaxing in the pool with cocktails, awesome music, and friendly people? It doesn't get much better than that. Can't wait!

Wildsville man posted on 03/05/2012

Thank you to everyone who has payed a deposit on wristbands,we have hit over 50 and are closer to 75 now. I will be pulling the sales soon.
I released more then intended because I know some people may not show since there is no loss of cash except the $2 deposit.

This is shaping up to big the biggest Caliente so far,Which is exiting and also brings on some changes.

We will have security on grounds at the gates and at the room parties because of the event getting larger and to cover our contract obligations with the Travel Lodge.

I don't think of this as a negative and I hope you don't either. This is so everyone can focus on having a good time and less chance of someone interrupting the party mood.

As we will take on some volunteers this year to help,I don't think a volunteer should have to handle a DRUNK or PROBLEM person.


We are all adults here and we are all drinking and trying to fit in a great weekend and vacation after working hard in the real world. I know one or two people may over do it and I am cool with that.....That's part of the game.

BUT,I don't want it being the same people every year,or the people who have been banned from other events coming here to muddy up this event.

This is a small family event,run by a guy who has worked the bar business for many years and wants the RIGHT people.

I will make sure you get a great product at a great price but please do your best to enjoy yourself and look out for your new and old friends at Caliente.

If you invite people into your room's please LOCK UP all valuables,so there are no issues.

I look forward to seeing and meeting EVERYONE on grounds




[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2012-03-05 10:46 ]

cy posted on 03/05/2012

So I guess this means my pet rooster isn't invited.

Wildsville man posted on 03/06/2012

On 2012-03-05 14:40, cy wrote:
So I guess this means my pet rooster isn't invited.

I will not lie,the last Oasis set a lot of things in place for this Caliente.

Rooster? WTF
Fire alarm? WTF
Young Drunks sending people to the Hospital?WTF
Room Parties with live loud bands till 3 a.m.? (not cool when your room is right under one and you have been drinking all day and need to crash)

It should never be a better expieriance staying off grounds then staying on grounds at an event in my opinion.

When Caliente looses the diehards and fills it in with just party people I will call it quits.

events should set a tone, but the people set the vibe.





[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2012-03-05 20:29 ]

bigtikidude posted on 03/07/2012

On 2012-03-05 10:42, Wildsville man wrote:

I look forward to seeing and meeting EVERYONE on grounds


I look forward to seeing you too,
can I get your autograph?


bigtikidude posted on 03/07/2012

On 2012-03-05 20:28, Wildsville man wrote:

events should set a tone, but the people set the vibe.


I thought it was my job to set the Vibe?
Tiki Caliente DJ

Wildsville man posted on 03/07/2012

On 2012-03-06 19:09, bigtikidude wrote:

On 2012-03-05 20:28, Wildsville man wrote:

events should set a tone, but the people set the vibe.


I thought it was my job to set the Vibe?
Tiki Caliente DJ

was it so important you had to repeat yourself Jeff?
Your Job is to hold down a chair and help set the tone since your part of the Event.

Now sit back an enjoy a Primo Beer (Our Sponsor) that was featured on Hawaii 5-0 last week


Tavarua Tiki posted on 03/07/2012

Can't wait for Caliente IV, and loving the event mug, great job Doug!

Sunshine Tiki posted on 03/09/2012

Join the hosts of the Zen Tiki Lounge podcast at Tiki Caliente 4! We will be recording a live podcast in our room (party pad) and friends and fans are welcome to join us! Cocktails and Shenanigans.


Wildsville man posted on 03/10/2012

Zen Tiki Lounge Rules!!!!!!!!! Dig?


Individual Wristbands are SOLD OUT
(Please remember when you pick them up at the show that they are $40 cash each and need to be payed for all at once)

The Travel Lodge released 8 more rooms for us and that is what we have left.
3 Kings
5 Double Queens
With these rooms remember it gives you full access to the pool/breakfast and the option to buy the almost sold out exclusive glaze event mug.

Royal Sun packages still being sold for off ground fun and still close to the action.

We Look forward to the TONGA HUT Bar coming on grounds to serve some high end pre-mixes for the fan';s and some hand made specialty drinks too.
So if you can't make it to the L.A. Hotspot then we will bring it to you.

Catch ya on the flip,


Hiphipahula posted on 03/11/2012

Room Crawl Information Here:

***Join in the fun, mix & mingle meet new friends! :drink: ***

Swamp Fire posted on 03/14/2012

Just finished a painting for Tiki Caliente 4.

This one is dedicated to our Host Rory, yeah I turned him into a monkey.

Doing and edition of 30 8X10 mini prints available at the event. Also
doing a very low run (5) of 3D canvas prints of this image.

Onyx_Noir posted on 03/14/2012

On 2012-03-14 13:28, Swamp Fire wrote:
Just finished a painting for Tiki Caliente 4.

This one is dedicated to our Host Rory, yeah I turned him into a monkey.

LOL, that is beautiful.

belinda posted on 03/16/2012

On 2012-03-10 10:29, Wildsville man wrote:
Zen Tiki Lounge Rules!!!!!!!!! Dig?


Individual Wristbands are SOLD OUT
(Please remember when you pick them up at the show that they are $40 cash each and need to be payed for all at once)

The Travel Lodge released 8 more rooms for us and that is what we have left.
3 Kings
5 Double Queens
With these rooms remember it gives you full access to the pool/breakfast and the option to buy the almost sold out exclusive glaze event mug.

Royal Sun packages still being sold for off ground fun and still close to the action.

We Look forward to the TONGA HUT Bar coming on grounds to serve some high end pre-mixes for the fan';s and some hand made specialty drinks too.
So if you can't make it to the L.A. Hotspot then we will bring it to you.

Catch ya on the flip,


theres only 3 packaged tickets of 1 king size & 2 admissions left ?

Wildsville man posted on 03/16/2012

On Grounds..........Yes only 3 left

hang10tiki posted on 03/17/2012

Awesome pic

belinda posted on 03/18/2012

On 2012-03-16 08:13, Wildsville man wrote:
On Grounds..........Yes only 3 left

JUST GOT MY on grounds 2 tix w/ 1 mug

belinda posted on 03/18/2012

who is taking their dog ?
we are; 20 lb 3 & a half yr old maltipoo.

Wildsville man posted on 03/18/2012

You know I will have this ladies with me......




[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2012-03-18 08:04 ]

belinda posted on 03/19/2012

On 2012-03-18 08:02, Wildsville man wrote:
You know I will have this ladies with me......



-------------YES! we'll have to meet up!

[ Edited by: belinda 2012-03-18 23:04 ]

Wildsville man posted on 03/21/2012

If you are a fan of all things tiki and Mid century modern I know you want to check out a couple places around town besides the Event.
So to make this easier for you and save you some Gas we are turning the Lobby into the Official Shag Store for that weekend.

The Shag Store (Official Sponsor) will be setting up camp in the lobby all weekend long. Carrying Prints to Pin's and everything in between.

So be ready to be transported into all things AWESOME under one Address here in Palm Springs.



[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2012-03-20 22:00 ]

Wildsville man posted on 03/21/2012

For all you early Birds coming out on Thursday for a fun filled weekend I thought I would add a mellow Kick off for you. Thursday night We are adding a great SlackKey guitarist who played at Caliente 1. John will be playing a set by the pool at 7p.m.
Check him out below



[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2012-03-21 13:13 ]

TIKI-RAY posted on 03/24/2012

Sorry that I havent been posting and promoting this as years past . My new job has been very demanding . Getting up 6 days a week at 4:30 am and not getting home till 7 pm has been grueling . Not to mention my only free time trying to get the official TC4 pendants ready . I gotta work tomorrow but hopefully by Sunday I can post pics of the pendants plus Ill be making 30 VIP pendants for our host to distribute . Back to the grindstone for me .

Wildsville man posted on 03/24/2012

More Mug Shots

Brown is on Ground Exclusive,limited supply left

MakeDaMug posted on 03/25/2012


TIKI-RAY posted on 03/25/2012

Barrels, Barrels, Barrels . We got em. Pick up your official Tiki Caliente Rum Barrel pendants from me when you get there . They hang from your neck and can actually hold part of your jelly bean collection . Fill em up with whatever you want . See ya there .

nelsonstikihut posted on 03/26/2012

Rum barrels looking GREAT Ray! We got started on a couple pieces for the show today. More to come, but I'm pooped!

Wildsville man posted on 03/26/2012

Ray do those say Tiki Caliente on them anywhere? They look like awesome official Rum Barrels. Now get me some Tiki Torch Heads in Blue and Orange.

Very Cool Ray,But who eats jelly beans anymore?


also you may want to make a full size version of this guy because he is about to fall apart and blow away.........SAD

TIKI-RAY posted on 03/26/2012

Yes they have TC4 on the bottom and yes they are numbered. And black jelly beans are are known as the Queen Beans.

Wildsville man posted on 03/27/2012


We now have our Entertainment finalized for Thursday/Friday/Saturday and we will be adding on one more group for Sunday.

30 days before the show (around April 18th) we will add a Tiki Caliente vendor page on the Marketplace of Tiki Central for our Vendors to show off there goods. They can also add them to this link.

As I was at the Travel Lodge yesterday to hand in more bookings they again released 6 more rooms to us for sale,so now we have 95 percent of the Hotel.

Royal Sun rooms are selling very well also, If we continue to sell the rooms we will NOT release individual wristbands to the general public because we will be close to are 500 people MAX.....

If you payed a deposit for a wristband you will have one held under your name in the lobby,we were added to the total already

If you didn't get a room yet,GET ONE..........

The Room Crawl will be set up around the live music so you can do both.

What Ever On Ground Exclusive Mug's are left will be for sale at check in for only people staying on Grounds.

Exclusive Prints/Pendant sets will be the same.

Please read updates that take place a week before the show so you are prepared with what you may need (Sunscreen,Beach Chair,Towel)

Also you will be signing a contract when you receive your wristband for personal liability and it will be available to read on the website before the event so you can pre-read it......

This looks to be the BIGGEST Tiki Caliente so far and we want to keep it safe and fun so we can do many more.........See you in May




[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2012-03-27 09:07 ]

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