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Steampunk Tiki

Pages: 1 13 replies

LOS1884 posted on 03/17/2012

Here's a funny video that could cause a few laughs. Don't know if the lore is right, but amuzing none the less! Who knew steampunk and tiki could go together.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/17/2012

And it still doesn't!

bigbrotiki posted on 03/17/2012

It's a sighting, though. Nerd worlds collide :D. And they actually did pick a Tiki as a Tiki!

VampiressRN posted on 03/17/2012

Well done (the opposite of medium rare).

MadDogMike posted on 03/18/2012

That was strange! Well filmed for (I assume) an amature production, too bad it didn't have any plot. Anyone recognize the tiki?

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/18/2012

eyes rolling REALLY HARD!

Tiki Lee's posted on 03/18/2012

I'm assuming that it's "To Be Continued" since it just kinda stops dead with no resolution or hint thereof. It is shot and directed very well, but the one big problem I have with it is... where's the Steampunk? A little in the costumes, yeah, but bugger-all else!

bigbrotiki posted on 03/18/2012

Welllll...it's a "Steam Punk" webseries - go and look for it in the other episodes...if you care. :D

That Tiki is a common tourist Tiki carved by a family of Samoan artisans in Waikiki who have been carving the same design for years:

arriano posted on 03/18/2012
JOHN-O posted on 03/18/2012

"Steampunk" Tiki should definitely be the next Revival genre !!

Rather than mixing Steampunk's Victorian aesthetic and literally applying it to Tiki, I think we should take that same retro future approach and apply it back even further to Polynesian primitivism. The Professor on Gilligan's Island had it right when he would invent products of the industrial age out of bamboo, thatch, and coconuts. We just need to take it to the next step.

Someone should take the Victorian-style time machine below and recast it Tiki-style...

And we could have a travel show where the Bigbro could go back in time each week in his bamboo Tiki time machine and visit some long lost Tiki temple.

He might even be able to alter time so we could live in a future where original Tiki-style never went away, it just got bigger !!

Just think, a society completely governed by a mysterious voice emanating from behind the Kahiki fireplace Moai.

And a "Book of Tiki" inside every hotel bedside dresser. :D

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/18/2012

John thats the best take on it I've heard so far.

JOHN-O posted on 03/18/2012

Also one's stature in this Tiki retro future world wouldn't be based on their education, family lineage, or monetary wealth but rather on how many Tiki mugs they owned.

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2012-03-18 11:42 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/18/2012

dang, that leaves me out. Im not a mug collector.

Haole Jim posted on 03/25/2012

Or in that alternate timeline, their "class" could be demonstrated by the "TIPSY" (Tikis per square yard) factor of their home.

And of course, "rebels against the (Tiki) Establishment" would decorate their homes in uber-boring non-Tiki style.

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