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Anyone have the recipe for Mai Kai Black Magic?

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I have been to the Mai Kai dozens of times...grew up in Hollywood. I have always loved this drink and have tried to reverse engineer to no avail. I see that there is a glass for sale as part of the Hukilau merchandise paying hommage to the drink, and in the picture is a drink card with partial recipe? Can someone help me with this? Thanks...Aaron.

Swanky posted on 06/07/2011

I have made my version:

3 oz Pineapple Juice
1 oz Hiram Walker Coffee Brandy
1/4 oz Lemon Juice
2 oz Myer's
1/2 tsp Cinnamon Infused Syrup
Lemon Zest garnish

Blend for a few seconds with crushed ice and pour into snifter glass. Add more crushed ice to fill.

ANd I highly recommend Col. Tiki's Dark Magic.

My version is sort of the quick Victor Bergeron version of the original I think... Not a match, but, I'll be there tomorrow night to sample it again and work on it som emore!


Thanks Swanky, appreciate the recipe. Unfortunately, I won't be at the Hukialu this year. I have to work a dental convention in Orlando this weekend. Too bad....I wanted one of those mugs you designed...great job. The Hukilau is a great drink too!


jokeiii posted on 06/08/2011

If you wrap up the Convention at, say, 5pm...you can be at the Mai-Kai by...uh...8pm. Just saying. :)

arriano posted on 06/08/2011
thePorpoise posted on 06/08/2011

haven't had the drink, but for some reason I have this recipe jotted down in my cocktails notebook and have been meaning to try it:

1.5 oz each of dark rum, gold rum, and black coffee
3/4 oz each of lime, OJ, grapefruit, and honey
1/4 oz of Don's mix (grapefruit and cinnamon)
3 dashes each of bitters, and of pimento/allspice dram.

no idea where i got it from or whether its accurate to any degree.

[ Edited by: thePorpoise 2011-06-08 13:06 ]

thePorpoise posted on 06/10/2011

I just tried this out-- I used Kahlua instead of black coffee-- it was awesome!!!

GatorRob posted on 06/22/2011

On 2011-06-08 13:05, thePorpoise wrote:
haven't had the drink, but for some reason I have this recipe jotted down in my cocktails notebook and have been meaning to try it:

1.5 oz each of dark rum, gold rum, and black coffee
3/4 oz each of lime, OJ, grapefruit, and honey
1/4 oz of Don's mix (grapefruit and cinnamon)
3 dashes each of bitters, and of pimento/allspice dram.

no idea where i got it from or whether its accurate to any degree.

thePorpoise, I don't know where you got the recipe, but it's actually quite good. I sub'ed 1 oz of a dry coffee liqueur for the 1.5 oz of coffee, used 3/4 oz honey syrup (1:1) instead of pure honey and 1/4 oz of cinnamon syrup in place of the Don's Mix (since there is grapefruit juice in the mix already), and 1/4 oz allspice dram rather than 3 dashes. Top mixed with crushed ice for 5 seconds and poured into a large snifter. The result is a very smooth Black Magic-like drink. The coffee is there but not overpowering and the honey works quite nicely. Very nice recipe! If you're a fan of the Mai-Kai's Black Magic you should definitely give this one a try. Without a side-by-side comparison, this might be the closest to the Black Magic of the recipes I've tried, although I doubt they use allspice dram. But they could use an allspice syrup.

Swanky posted on 08/11/2011

On 2011-06-08 13:05, thePorpoise wrote:
haven't had the drink, but for some reason I have this recipe jotted down in my cocktails notebook and have been meaning to try it:

1.5 oz each of dark rum, gold rum, and black coffee
3/4 oz each of lime, OJ, grapefruit, and honey
1/4 oz of Don's mix (grapefruit and cinnamon)
3 dashes each of bitters, and of pimento/allspice dram.

no idea where i got it from or whether its accurate to any degree.

[ Edited by: thePorpoise 2011-06-08 13:06 ]

That looks close to melintur's recipe from Thatch for the Dark Magic.

GatorRob posted on 08/13/2011

Not really. They're hardly close. Very different flavor profile.

Melintur posted on 08/16/2011

On 2011-06-08 13:05, thePorpoise wrote:
haven't had the drink, but for some reason I have this recipe jotted down in my cocktails notebook and have been meaning to try it:

1.5 oz each of dark rum, gold rum, and black coffee
3/4 oz each of lime, OJ, grapefruit, and honey
1/4 oz of Don's mix (grapefruit and cinnamon)
3 dashes each of bitters, and of pimento/allspice dram.

no idea where i got it from or whether its accurate to any degree.

[ Edited by: thePorpoise 2011-06-08 13:06 ]

That's very close to (what I believe) to be the recipe (from my own un-named sources). The rums are wrong, but the rest looks right. I'd say more, but all the tiki gods have not yet approved of my loose lips...

Sonofkick posted on 10/25/2011

how come i cannot found the recipe of the original black magic , heard of it but would love to try it here back in south of france.. need to show my froogie mate some real drink

please help as much as u can

Hurricane Hayward posted on 04/04/2012

The recipe above is indeed very close to what is rumored to be a vintage Black Magic recipe that we are sharing in our latest review, which also features discussion of the special rum that makes the Black Magic unique:


Okole maluna!

The official blog of The Hukilau

Featuring The Mai-Kai Cocktail Guide

[ Edited by: Hurricane Hayward 2012-04-05 11:20 ]

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