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Ever wonder what's INSIDE those resin tikis? (pics)

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Boyaka posted on 02/26/2006

HEY...if you decide to possibly sell that on EBAY..let us all know...I will certaianly take a crack at it. Sell it as is with the link to TIKI Cental. This could be one of those EBAY freaky bidding items..Like that $28,000 grilled cheese sandwich with the likeness of the Mother Mary that sold on EBAY about 5 month's ago....Live life well..

Still spooked out..BOYAKA

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 02/27/2006

I love this thread. I read the new entries every night to the kids before lights out.
My youngest got busted at Big Lots for taking a whiffle bat to a shelf of resin tikis. She was heard gasping, pink boots...radiation...gnomes...Hoffa...poison gas. Why won't someone believe me?!!
The Barbie's have all been decapitated and their pink boots confiscated.
If you check at the south gate of San Onofre, you will find a coffee can buried in a shallow hole. It contains...pink boots and partially digested poi.

Chip and Andy posted on 02/27/2006

I saw this sad story in the Weekly World News over the weekend and thought it might somhow be related.....

Poor guy. Never knew what got him. I hope it was painless......

lilbigguy posted on 02/28/2006

Was there ever a chain around it's neck? Instructions to not remove the chain? Does Karen Black live in your neighborhood?!?

BryanDeanMartin posted on 02/28/2006

If you check at the south gate of San Onofre, you will find a coffee can buried in a shallow hole. It contains...pink boots and partially digested poi.

Some day someone will find that can...and a mystery shall be born. Was it a mutant that lost it's home when the Royal Hawaiian closed? Stayed tuned to this evening's In Search Of... with Leonard Nimoy!

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/01/2006

Perhaps it was an angry Tiki God from the Royal H. Bad mana that they may close in June!!
Maybe it's a clue that the new place will be a British tea house? The gnomes have been warned!!
You don't take lava from the island and get away with it...
You don't replace tiki gods with gnomes?...

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/29/2012

Is there any way you can restore the original photos for this Bargoyle? It's one of my faves.

Bargoyle posted on 03/29/2012

So many cameras and computers (and cocktails) ago...

I'll see if I can find those pics and re-link em.

Its certainly the creepiest tiki-related "find" I've ever had. lol

Bargoyle posted on 04/04/2012

:( No dice.

I'll keep looking, but after sifting through 1000s of backed-up pics, I still haven't found the "Tikis eat boots, and you gotta believe me" pics.

Even weirder... I dont know where that tiki is to take new pics. I swore I put it in the garage as a "someday I'll fix that tiki" project that I never got around to...and I KNOW I didnt throw it out... and now its nowhere to be found...

cue errie music...

The phone call is coming from inside the house!!!!

pappythesailor posted on 04/04/2012

We'd better split up!

VampiressRN posted on 04/05/2012

What ever you do...don't look back...just keep running!!! You look nice in those boots by the way.

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