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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Day at the Park Sunday 9/23/12

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FilthyMidget posted on 04/23/2012


Love Disneyland & the Enchanted Tiki Room? Ever Imagined seeing Tiki & Hawaiian shirts taking over the Mark Twain boat? Maybe swarming on the Jungle Cruise with everyone from here on TC? Well, dream no further, Tiki Day at the Park will be Sunday September 23, 2012. Looks us up on Facebook & add us as a friend. Get your digs ready to storm the Park & enjoy Trader Sam's. See you all there!!!!

Onyx_Noir posted on 04/23/2012

This sounds like fun, I want to go :)

JOHN-O posted on 04/23/2012

Cool. Maybe this could be the Tiki version of the infamous Yippie Day...

How hard is it to sneak booze into the park ?? Do they still search bags ??

I want the Enchanted Tiki Room to really be "enchanted". :D

Onyx_Noir posted on 04/23/2012

[How hard is it to sneak booze into the park ?? Do they still search bags ??

I want the Enchanted Tiki Room to really be "enchanted". :D

I was just there over the weekend, they do still search bags. Good thing my flask fits in my bra hahaha.

FilthyMidget posted on 04/23/2012

You didn't hear it from, they still search bags, but my bottle of black was not asked about. They were concerned if it was glass. There is booze in California Disney, then we can have the booze flow at Trader Sam's!!!!!!!

FilthyMidget posted on 05/01/2012

SandraDee posted on 05/01/2012

Too bad we aren't meeting up BEFORE the day at Trader Sam's :)

oh and at the end of the day also

and in the middle of the day for the heck of it!

Onyx_Noir posted on 05/01/2012

On 2012-05-01 10:32, SandraDee wrote:
Too bad we aren't meeting up BEFORE the day at Trader Sam's :)

oh and at the end of the day also

and in the middle of the day for the heck of it!

I like this idea :)

FilthyMidget posted on 05/01/2012

Should we have just called it Tiki Day at Trader Sam's????

scombsmatta posted on 05/01/2012

Some bonding time before everyone goes on the rides.........or plays hide in seek on the island!

Kuke Combs

FilthyMidget posted on 05/01/2012

You all know very well that if we hit Trader Sam's first we will never make it in the Park!

Onyx_Noir posted on 05/01/2012

On 2012-05-01 11:11, FilthyMidget wrote:
You all know very well that if we hit Trader Sam's first we will never make it in the Park!

You say this like it's a bad thing or something :wink:

FilthyMidget posted on 05/07/2012


Join us for this Event & RSVP on our event page!!!

FilthyMidget posted on 08/03/2012

We now have Merchandise!!!!!
I can not wait to be sporting my tote bag & shirt!

Come visit us here & check out the art work done by Rebecca Lord!


hulababy posted on 08/03/2012

I'm so excited! Can't wait to meet everyone! XOXOXO

Angie aka Hula Baby


I don't Facebook but i'll see youse guys there...

FilthyMidget posted on 08/06/2012

You don't need to FB, just come hang out Richie!

bigtikidude posted on 08/27/2012



Disney and Tiki!
What More Do You Want!
Lets Get Some More TC'ers On this!!!

FilthyMidget posted on 09/13/2012

Only 9 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tikilongbeach posted on 09/13/2012

I'll be there!

the TikiTraveler posted on 09/13/2012

Aloha!!! YES ! I'LL B THERE !! Along with my sweet wahine-gal. We've had this date set aside for awhile now and we'r getting excited to meet everyone there! We are "Disney-o-philes" (I think I just made that up) that go way back for our love of all things Disney AND Tiki. Let's see if anyone can pick us out of the crowd that day :) Perhaps I'll bring a picture of myself in front of 'The Enchanted Tiki Room' when I was 6! You'll see 'the TikiTraveler' hasn't changed much :)

Adventures in Tiki

[ Edited by: the TikiTraveler 2012-09-13 15:52 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 09/13/2012

For those that want alcohol than California Adventure is the place to go. You can get beer, wine, margaritas and a pomegranate limeade with vodka at various walk up counters. Flo's V-8 had the cheapest glass of wine, Fess Parker Chardonnay for $6 a glass.
Inside C.A. the Carthay Circle Lounge offers craft beer, wine and mixed drinks. It's a nice place to get a drink. If you've never been or haven't been since the renovations were completed than you need to check out the lounge.

Onyx_Noir posted on 09/17/2012

I'll be there and I'm bringing a friend of mine who needs to get away from her kids for a while and act like a kid herself :)

FilthyMidget posted on 09/17/2012


A very cool event post on us for Los Angeles Magazine

6 more days!!!!!!!!

For those I have not met, I will be the FilthyMidget in Orange :P

FilthyMidget posted on 09/18/2012

Get your merch for the 1st Annual Tiki day at the Park!!!
Only 5 more days to go!!!!

FilthyMidget posted on 09/18/2012

The url would help wouldn't it?

aka The Filthy Midget

[ Edited by: FilthyMidget 2012-09-18 10:44 ]

Bill5925 posted on 09/19/2012

For those I have not met, I will be the FilthyMidget in Orange :P

And I'll be the guy in the Aloha shirt. Waitaminute... that may not work. Oh, well, we'll find each other!

FilthyMidget posted on 09/19/2012

4 MORE DAYS.......................

FilthyMidget posted on 09/20/2012

3 more days.................

aquaorama posted on 09/21/2012

So in. Will be armed with my well hidden plastic flask of rum.....(Gives the old Dole Floats a "kick"...)

Onyx_Noir posted on 09/21/2012

On 2012-09-21 11:00, aquaorama wrote:
So in. Will be armed with my well hidden plastic flask of rum.....(Gives the old Dole Floats a "kick"...)

hahaha, nice to know i'm not the only one who does that :)

FilthyMidget posted on 09/21/2012

2 more days!!!!!!!!!

tikilongbeach posted on 09/21/2012

I went to Disneyland last night and it might have been my imagination, but Adventureland seemed to have more tikis scattered about.

FilthyMidget posted on 09/22/2012


Deke Kahala posted on 09/24/2012

So, how was it? Any pictures?

FilthyMidget posted on 09/25/2012

At lunch today I will start posting photos. Here is a teaser

FilthyMidget posted on 09/25/2012

Here are some...........please go to our events page on Facebook it is public so you do not need an account to look.

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It was a great day even if it was quite hot & humid. Everyone was a trooper & we made it through to the end!

SandraDee posted on 09/25/2012

Great photos!

Looks like an awesome turn out for your first event, ladies...wish I would of been able to come but next time for sure!

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Polynesiac posted on 09/26/2012

Thanks for organizing this FM! It was a great time and fun to see all of the aloha shirts everywhere. Maybe at the next tiki event I'll come out of my shy shell and talk and hang with everyone!

the TikiTraveler posted on 09/27/2012

ALOHA!!!... We had a good time @ Disneyland sunday! However , Hellishly HOT! I think Pele' the Goddess of fire was lurking about all day..Yikes!,meeting some of you was fun. ... Big Mahalos to the Filthy Midget :) I hope you have it again on "The Enchanted Tiki Room"s 50th Anniversary next year. ..... Does anyone know if there is a regular TC night @ Trader Sams? (I hope it's Fridays)

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