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OHANA 2012-Official Thread

Pages: 1 2 3 111 replies

rev_thumper posted on 04/19/2012

On 2012-04-19 09:59, Zonker88 wrote:
hey is there a cocktail contest this year?

Ohana without a cocktail contest would be like a Mai-Tai without mint!

I'll try venturing into the Bargoyle cave for an update. Wish me luck!

[ Edited by: rev_thumper 2012-04-19 10:09 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 04/20/2012

On 2012-04-19 09:59, Zonker88 wrote:
hey is there a cocktail contest this year?

There is going to be a Pie Eating Contest!

OK, maybe that isn't really as great as a cocktail contest..... but it should be at least as much fun to watch.

The Granite Tiki posted on 04/20/2012

now I want pie.

Bargoyle posted on 04/20/2012

We decided we couldn't have a cocktail DRINKING contest, so the Pie Eating Contest was the next best thing (No, there is no booze in the pies).

And yes, there will be a cocktail MIXING contest again this year. Details to come next week! So start dusting off those old mixology books, and prep the glassware in the lab!

There's bragging rights (and a prize) on the line!!!

rev_thumper posted on 04/22/2012

Some would say the whole weekend is a cocktail drinking contest!

But this is a marathon, not a sprint so the secret to victory is pacing yourself.

Bargoyle posted on 04/23/2012

As my High School Gym teacher used to say:

"Pace, don't race"

Those words have helped me survive many a tiki event... so far.

croe67 posted on 05/01/2012

In case you're wondering what y'all will be doing during the FUN & FABULOUS weekend that is Ohana Luau at the Lake, we've posted-up the tentative, but mostly final schedule up on the Ohana website.

Check out all the fun HERE:

Bargoyle posted on 05/01/2012

Cocktail contest info!!!

From the last email blast (sorry if you got this one 3 or 4 times... my mail server went a bit mental)

Aloha Everybody!!!!

For those who went to the Rum Renaissance or Hukilau or Mojave Oasis, welcome back!! And color me jealous!

Seeing all the pics online makes me pine for a nice tiki weekender. Luckily, there happens to be one coming up in June (segue!!!).

And what better time to hit you all up to buy your Ohana tickets than when you’re basking in the afterglow of a tiki event?? You wanna do that again, right? But don’t want to wait until next year you say??? Never fear!! We’ve got you covered!!

Ok, for real, we’re about ¾ sold out, and as I’ve stated before, there IS a cap on attendance. Once its sold out, that’s it.

No “day of” ticket sales, no “Oh, I already have a room, but I forgot to buy my ticket”, etc. I wish we could, but by including the meal in our event, we need a solid head-count and need to keep it. So, now is the time to buy those Ohana tickets before they’re all gone!!

You can get them here: http://fraternalorderofmoai.org/ohana/tickets.php along with more info on the whole weekend. Once again its shaping up to be something pretty wild/special.

Which brings me to today’s topic….

What would Ohana be without the often imitated, never duplicated, awesome packed-ilated, Cocktail Contest??

Talk about wild & special!!!!

That’s right, its back! And once again, its your chance to compete against amateur mixologists from around the globe in a quest for glory, a killer hand-carved trophy from Lake Tiki, and bragging rights.

The Cocktail Contest will be on Saturday afternoon (before the entertainment starts), the number of entries will be limited (we don’t want to tie the judges up all day), and as usual, drinks will be judged on taste, use of sponsor products, and presentation.

Oh, and remember that you only have 5 minutes to present your drink. You can live mix it right there and then, or if you want, you can pre-mix it and use your 5 minutes for a history of the drink, how you came up with it, or dramatic reading of a poem you wrote in 8th grade when Jenny Watkins rejected your offer to take her to the school dance even though she was like totally flirting with you in like EVERY Biology class , and that time you walked her home you totally held hands, and what makes her so special anyway? Mommy says I’m handsome AND funny AND smart, and ANY woman would be lucky…LUCKY!! to get a chance to go dancing with me…errr you… I mean.

So yeah, anyway... Five minutes.

If you want to enter, or just want more info, the lovely and talented Kristiki will be heading up the contest this year. Go ahead and contact her at: kristy.bronner@gmail.com

Doesn’t cost anything to inquire. In fact, it doesn’t cost anything to enter!!! Cause that’s how we roll, Lake George style.

And remember, you can get all the latest at the website: http://www.LuauAtTheLake.com And be sure to “like” us on the facepage and tweeter and all that stuff you crazy kids are into these days.

As always, we’ll see ya at the Lake,


Hinano_Paul posted on 05/03/2012

I wonder if those handsome robust fellows will have another late night uke jam to entertain the masses......I wonder...

The Granite Tiki posted on 05/03/2012

I think they will.

The Granite Tiki posted on 05/03/2012

I think they will.

pablus posted on 05/03/2012

This robust and rotund gentleman will be sporting his new custom Leeward Lounge ukulele and playing it until his fat fingers can't strum another chord. I can hear the 3 part harmonies already lilting through the summer air.

porco posted on 05/03/2012

hey there, just noticed this event. if anyone is passing through amsterdam, ny to get there, might be fun to go on a little "archeological" mission at the old tepee lounge if time affords. not sure there's much to see, but like i said, if you're passing through it might be worth snapping some pics.

more info on my posts in here:

looks like a great time. will definitely have to put the next one on the calendar. enjoy!

Lake Surfer posted on 05/03/2012

I pass through Amsterdam on the way to Ohana... I'll have to check it out.

finkdaddy posted on 05/05/2012

On 2012-05-03 10:04, pablus wrote:

This robust and rotund gentleman will be sporting his new custom Leeward Lounge ukulele and playing it until his fat fingers can't strum another chord. I can hear the 3 part harmonies already lilting through the summer air.

No pressure! :lol:
I can't wait to hear you play it, man.

The Granite Tiki posted on 05/05/2012

When the dinner show is done Saturday night, I'm marching up to the Paradise Lounge, ordering a Mai Tai, and commandeering the stage in the name of ukulele!!!

( well, being as robust a gentleman as I am, it'll be a little more like squatting than commandeering, but it will be spirited squatting I can assure you that! Of course squatting sounds ugly and almost graphic so let us just say I'll be lounging with purpose)

khan_tiki_mon posted on 05/05/2012

I'd like to get my request in early. I'm hoping that Bamboo Saxotica does a reprise of their Exotica arrangement of "Moby Dick". That was awesome last year.

The Granite Tiki posted on 05/05/2012

LOL!!! So glad you liked that!

We have a lot of exciting surprises this year!

That could definitely happen since it was actually a request by OHANA creator Sully in honor of our local Queequeg Chapter here in New England.

Tiki-kitty posted on 05/06/2012

This will be the first year my husband and I will be attending the Ohana event and we are beyond excited! I look forward to meeting more tiki-junkies! Counting down the days! :)

croe67 posted on 05/07/2012

Come & Join the FUN!!!

tedtiki posted on 05/11/2012

Is it June yet!?!

Bargoyle posted on 05/14/2012

From Thursday/Friday's email. Sorry folks. I'm still having some email issues. Trying to get my inbox "unstuck", but right now I'm not getting of the emails you send. Feel free to PM me here, on the FOM, or over on facebook in the meantime.

Now on to the good stuff

OHANA Email: S4:E9 The one about the mug...


No big ramble today folks, just a quick note to let you know that as an attendee, you can get your Ohana mug RIGHT NOW!!!

Ok, not physically get it, but pre-order it, and pick it up at the event.

We only make 100 of these, and they are ONLY available to attendees, one per person.

Pre-order now to make sure you don’t get left out in the cold when they sell out!!

You can snag ‘em here: http://fraternalorderofmoai.org/ohana/ohana_mug.php

Once again, Squid nailed a great old school look and feel on a classic 3-panel bucket mug featuring two of the most iconic tikis from the Tiki Resort.

Check it out:

Pretty sick huh?

And it holds a NICE amount of Mai Tai, Navy Grog, or whatever your favorite beverage is. It also makes a great pencil/pen holder on your desk at work!!

So, whatcha waiting for? Go get yours now! http://fraternalorderofmoai.org/ohana/ohana_mug.php

And then you can see more of Squid’s work (AFTER you order your mug) at his site:

And be sure to bug him to come to Ohana this year. He’s “on the fence”… lets push him over!

Also I can’t forget our buddy Max over at Taboo Island, who is physically making and firing all of these mugs (and doing a kick ass job!!) He’ll be at Ohana too, with all sorts of killer stuff for sale, but if you can’t wait, check out Taboo Island here:

If you havent bought your Ohana tickets yet (why u wait so long?), go get em on the website: http://www.LuauAtTheLake.com
... And once you buy a ticket, you can buy a mug!! That’s a win-win!

Thanks for all your continued support, and as always, we’ll see ya at the lake!!!


[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2012-05-14 05:55 ]

rev_thumper posted on 05/16/2012

That's a fine mug.

Bargoyle posted on 05/16/2012

On 2012-05-06 12:43, Tiki-kitty wrote:
This will be the first year my husband and I will be attending the Ohana event and we are beyond excited! I look forward to meeting more tiki-junkies! Counting down the days! :)

Glad you're coming to join us kitty!!

If you see me running by, give me a yell. I love meeting new folks and always like the feedback from first timers. I'm easy to spot... I'll be the overweight guy in the Aloha shirt. :wink:

For real though, cant wait to meet ya, and I'm sure you're gonna have a blast!

Keep your eyes out here (or for emails and facebook posts) for some more big news really soon!

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2012-05-16 13:54 ]

tedtiki posted on 05/18/2012

More big news? How much better can it get?

Tiki-kitty posted on 05/26/2012

Hi Bargoyle!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I will certainly keep my eyes open for you! I have boy & girl tiki-kitties tattooed just under my collar bone (makes me a weee bit easier to find in a crowd- that and I am 6' tall). My husband and I are counting down the days! Everyone ALREADY seems so nice and we haven't even met any of you yet!
Tiki Kitty!

Hinano_Paul posted on 05/31/2012

I hear there will be a special West Coast only Bowl available for the Mystery Bowl Auction, start saving your scheckles now! I lookin at you Rev!

Bargoyle posted on 05/31/2012

Hey folks,

Ohana needs you!! Yes you!!

We've got a couple slots that need filling for volunteers, and as a Thank You, we've got a cool gift for all the folks who help us out, and its ONLY for Ohana volunteers. (Here's a hint... we'll need your unisex t-shirt size!)

Currently, we need:

4:00-5:00 Merch booth. You'll distribute mugs to those who have pre-purchased them, and sell 2012 merchandise to folks. We need ONE person for this time slot, and you'll be teamed up with the lovely TikiJ to help spread the Aloha through the wonders of Ohana Merchandise!!

12:00-1:00 Silent Auction Keep the Silent Auction table buzzing along. Just help folks find the sheets to place their bids on that auction item of their dreams, and keep an over-all eye on the table. Easy peasy, and you get to keep a close eye on your own bids! lol ONE person needed for this time slot.

Feel free to volunteer for more than one slot, but I'd prefer if everyone only had to give one hour of their time. Thats entirely up to you of course.

Just reply here with the slot you want, and let me know your shirt size. I need to place the shirt order today, so dont delay, and of course, super-mega mahalos to all who have already volunteered, and those who are about to!

See ya at the Lake!!

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2012-05-31 08:33 ]

[ Edited by: bargoyle 2012-05-31 11:43 ]

rev_thumper posted on 06/01/2012

On 2012-05-30 20:32, Hinano_Paul wrote:
I hear there will be a special West Coast only Bowl available for the Mystery Bowl Auction, start saving your scheckles now! I lookin at you Rev!

I eagerly await my opportunity to be outbid!

congawa posted on 06/01/2012

Looks like things have worked out for me to attend my first Ohana! Really looking forward to it!

Caltiki Brent

croe67 posted on 06/02/2012


We look forward to seeing you in Lake George!

Bargoyle posted on 06/05/2012

Volunteer positions are filled!

Huge mahalos to all of our wonderful volunteers who make this thing happen!

Also, its last call for tickets and mugs.

20 mugs left. If you want to be sure to get one, best order it! The remaining 20 (if not all taken up by pre-orders) are first come, first served at the event. Don't miss out!

And we're single digits on remaining Ohana tickets!

Go get em now!! Website shuts down end of week.

Buy now or cry later!


See ya at the Lake!! Cant wait!!


[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2012-06-05 07:01 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 06/05/2012

I can't wait!!!

Johnny Dollar posted on 06/05/2012

A&W, here i come!!!

pablus posted on 06/06/2012
Chip and Andy posted on 06/07/2012

I can see the tear that started to roll down Johnny Dollar's face before he read and fully grokked the link.

Bargoyle posted on 06/13/2012

I would cry too. I was like "WHAT?!?!? I was just there Memorial Day weekend and it was open!! What happened?!?!" lol.

Freaking Pablus. You'll get yours buddy.

Oh, and just a heads up... there may... MAY be room or two opening at the Tiki later today, so if you're at a different hotel, and would rather be where the "action" is, call them this afternoon, and you just might get lucky. :wink:

A week away! Much to do!! See ya all at the Lake!!!

Bargoyle posted on 06/13/2012

Ok, that room IS open folks, so if you want to stay at the Tiki (we have the ENTIRE hotel reserved!) now might be your one and only chance to switch over.

Give them a call and book it now! 518-668-5744

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Johnny Dollar posted on 06/13/2012

i might need an extra room to house my butthurt ;D

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tedtiki posted on 06/14/2012

Only a week away. I can't wait to see everyone!

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MauiHowie posted on 06/16/2012

giddy. giddy. giddy.


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Hinano_Paul posted on 06/18/2012

Is it Thursday yet?

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Bargoyle posted on 06/19/2012

Safe travels everyone.

We'll see ya at the lake!

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tabuzak posted on 06/19/2012

If you are in the NYC area tonight, join us for our Ohana send-off party at PKNY (Tuesday 6/19)!!!

with guest appearances from Pablus Digitalis of the Crazed Mugs on ukulele and go-go/hula dancer supreme, Brooklyn Babydoll! (and of course, as usual, the finest Exotica from Jack Fetterman and Gina of the Jungle!)

Come on down!!!


-Jack and Gina

Join our Primativa in Hi-Fi DJs Facebook Page!

Discuss Exotica and related topics on our Facebook Group!

Primativa in Hi-Fi at PKNY
Every Tuesday night from 6-11
49 Essex Street (near Grand Street), New York NY


As ever, we will have copies of the limited edition vinyl only release
of The Waitiki 7's "Waitiki in Hi-Fi" on hand for sale. Be sure to
pick up your copy today! It comes with a complete digital download link for
the turntable challenged!

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tedtiki posted on 06/20/2012

Out the door at 4am. See everyone there!

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Chip and Andy posted on 06/20/2012

Ahhh.... We don't get in until tomorrow. Save some rum for us!

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croe67 posted on 06/20/2012

All gone already :P

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Chip and Andy posted on 06/24/2012

To quote Mr Takai..... Oh My!

That was fun! As soon as I unpack the cable to the camera I'll share the couple of shots we managed to take. I doubt they're in focus because its hard to get good shots when you and/or your subject are laughing so much.

Pages: 1 2 3 111 replies