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La Luz de Jesus Gallery presents "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" - Art o' Brad Parker, July 6 - 29th

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/26/2011

"Beware, TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE is coming!"

WHAT? -"Tales From The Tiki Lounge" - that's the name of the upcoming tiki art show.

WHERE? - The "La Luz de Jesus" Gallery. 4633 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 666-7667.

WHEN? - July, 6th 2012, opening night is 8-11 PM. Show runs July 6 - July 29

WHO? - Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker; award winning tiki artist

WHY? - The "La Luz de Jesus" Gallery is known as the world famous birth place of the low-brow art movement. It's owner, Billy Shire, is reputed for discovering artists with merit. The artist, Brad Parker, has this vivid inner vision of the show's theme; "Tiki-Pulp" which promises to be full of mind-expanding, imagination-feeding, gourmet-pupu, eye treats.


"Hawaiian Eye"
24" by 20", Acrylic on canvas.

For more show info go to http://www.laluzdejesus.com
Inquiries for purchase of the original paintings or art prints please contact the gallery, or Brad Parker's management at info@tikishark.com.

More information about the show will be posted here, and at http://www.laluzdejesus.com, and at http://www.tikishark.com, and at http://www.facebook.com/bradtikisharkparker?ref=tn_tnmn


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2011-12-26 04:28 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2011-12-26 04:29 ]

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2011-12-27 03:09 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-02-02 02:55 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-02-02 02:57 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-06-09 17:17 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-07-20 00:32 ]


We'll be there.

Wildsville man posted on 12/27/2011

Congrat's to the Gallery for having you. Your Art and style have improved every year since I started following you.
This is THE gallery to be seen in, with a rich history of very well known low brow artist of our generation sprouting from.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/28/2011

Thanks guys! That means a alot. It's a big opportunity! Gonna give it mu best!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/28/2011

Show Announcement: "TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE is coming!"

WHAT? -"Tales From The Tiki Lounge" - that's the name of my upcoming tiki art show.

ER, WHAT?: I know... here's some more info. I was asked by the gallery for a "Show Statement". I guess it's best to share it here with the Tiki Tribe first. This is where I started posting my tiki art years ago, just as I was first putting paint brush to canvas - you can see all my work, and my mistakes, from then till now over in the "Creating Tiki" forum. The support from tiki-fans, and the inspiration from fellow artists, I got here on Tiki Central helped me to fight through my self doubt as an artist. I don't think I'd be doing Tiki Art if it wasn't for TC. (Especially, for a few of "Little Lost Tiki" or "LLT" aka Ken Ruzic's really great smart funny and inspiring e-mails! He's amazing. If we are a cyber-space-international-spanning-modern-day "Tiki Tribe" then Ken Ruzic must be one of our Big Kahuna/witch doctor/wizard/high priests. Anywho, here goes the STATEMENT...

"Tales from the Tiki Lounge" is the rarest, hardest to find, and most collectible, Pulp-Adventure publication never made. It existed only in the Mai-Tai light Zone of Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker's imagination. These paintings are the cover-art of the most desired and sought after issues. So precious that they are nearly beyond price, and believability.


"Hula Baby"
24" by 30", Acrylic on canvas.

WHERE? - The "La Luz de Jesus" Gallery. 4633 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 666-7667.

WHEN? - July, 6th 2012, opening night is 8-11 PM. Show runs July 6 - July 29

WHO? - Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker; award winning tiki artist

WHY? - The "La Luz de Jesus" Gallery is known as the world famous birth place of the low-brow art movement. It's owner, Billy Shire, is reputed for discovering artists with merit. The artist, Brad Parker, has this vivid inner vision of the show's theme; "Tiki-Pulp" which promises to be full of mind-expanding, imagination-feeding, gourmet-pupu, eye treats.

For more show info go to http://www.laluzdejesus.com
Inquiries for purchase of the original paintings or art prints please contact the gallery, or Brad Parker's management at info@tikishark.com.

More information about the show will be posted here, and at http://www.laluzdejesus.com, and at http://www.tikishark.com, and at http://www.facebook.com/bradtikisharkparker?ref=tn_tnmn


Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/02/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Looking for some tiki art to gawk at? WEll...
Here's the place -Hollywood California, - this summer Brad (tiki shark )Parker will be granted wall space in the world famous "La Luz de Jesus Gallery"!!! It's going to show Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker's tiki-art this coming: July, 6th 2012, opening night is 8-11 PM. Show runs July 6 - July 29 - in a show called "TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE!"!!!


"Tales From the Tki Lounge #3 "Hawaiian Eye"
18 " x 12" from an acrylic painting

"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in inluences from tiki, comics, and rock."
Honolulu Magazine, "The Best Of 2012 " Issue in Jan

Everyone will wear black or loud hawaiian hipster clothing!! (of course)
Big Aloha FOLKS! BRING Yourselfs, and your swanky friends, and come eyeball some "LURID" tiki art! Brought to you fresh from Hawaii!
More details will appear as we stagger forwards!
Big Mahalo
Brad (Tiki Shark ) Parker

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-02-03 02:21 ]

little lost tiki posted on 02/02/2012


forgotten tikiman posted on 02/03/2012

Awesome Brad!!!!!!! Many Mahaloz your way for creating such awesome tiki art.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/07/2012

LLT - Big Mahalos! You R my inspiration!
forgotten tikiman- Thanx! I know I drift a little bit away from mainstream "tiki" into the "Mai-Tai light Zone", and into things that may seem "Lurid", and I really appreciate the folks who are willing to come along.
Here's a sneak peek of what I'm experimenting on - presentation for the show at La Luz de Jesus gallery. Here is one of the more successful experiments I hope will be part of the show. It would hang along side the original "Hawaiian Eye" painting.

"Tales From the Tiki Lounge #3: Hawaiian Eye"
12 1/2" x 18"
Gallery wrapped giclee on canvas.

Art Show Details
July, 6th 2012, opening night is 8-11 PM.
Show runs July 6 - July 29
La Luz de Jesus Gallery

little lost tiki posted on 02/07/2012

Such a great concept Brad!
these are gonna sell like HOTCAKES!

Holler Waller posted on 02/14/2012

LOVE the latest "Tales" edition

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 02/14/2012

Congrats Brad.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/18/2012

So here's a sneak peek of an ad for the art show ... with a fancy pants quote from the gallery's curator!

Jeepers Creepers!! that is one fancy pants description of my art!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/06/2012

the art show: The LURID tiki art of Brad tiki-shark Parker "TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE"
The "La Luz de Jesus" Gallery. 4633 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 666-7667.
July, 6th 2012, opening night is 8-11 PM. Show runs July 6 - July 29

· Brad Parker
· "KoniTiki Dream"
· Acrylic on canvas
· 24" x 30"
· $5,000.00

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/18/2012

Here is a link to my listing for my up coming show at "La Luz De Jesus Gallery"
ALOHA, MAHALO, and Hope 2 See U There!
B tiki-shark P

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/22/2012

My art show at "La Luz de Jesus Gallery" is another day closer.
Here's another sneak peek at what will be on the walls...

"Tales from the Tiki Lounge #7 (The Secret Cove)"
12 1/2" x 18"
1 of 1
Gallery wrapped giclee on canvas.

Here is a link to my listing for my up coming show at "La Luz De Jesus Gallery"
ALOHA, MAHALO, and Hope 2 See U There!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-04-22 01:50 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/26/2012


New news!

"Hawaiian Eye"
Acrylic on canvas 20" x 24"
Part of the "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" art show at "La luz de Jesus" gallery, July 6th - July 29th...

Has been awarded entry into "SPECTRUM 19: The Years Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art"

I thrilled and excited to be spreading our Tiki Culture through this venue.
The original painting of "Hawaiian Eye" will be on display in my "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" art show this July 6th to July 29th, at the Los Angeles "La luz de Jesus Gallery", Opening night is July 6th. So you can give it an eye ball in person there. Afterward it is being shipped to the art patron who bought it. (a very nice gentleman who is, appropriately enough, a law enforcement officer who has a taste for tiki and skulls) Spectrum 19 books will be on sale at all major book stores Nov 2012.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/02/2012

Well, it's May 1st!
The Big art show is one month closer!
The Big art show is one day closer!
EEK! I gotta say I'm a bit nervous. As Grammy tiki-shark used to day "I'm as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of Rocking chairs!"

In case you have a copy of the latest "TIKI MAGAZINE" around, please take a look at page 43!
Here's my swanky ad for the show. In which, I made a MISTAKE! (Double EEK! Just in case I wasn't nervous enough already...) It says opening night is Friday July 29th. It's not. Opening night is Friday July 6th: the first day the show opens. Pretty much everyone I freaked out about this to said, "Don't worry! We're LA art folks, we are all swanky hipsters and know stuff like openings are always on opening night."

Nick Camera, the big Kahuna and editor of TIKI MAGAZINE also did a really great write up about the show on page 48...

... & page 49. Nick got the opening night correct in the write up.
THANKS NICK! U da' BEST! Looks bee-u-tee-full!

So, my fellow tiki tribe hipsters, forgive the miss-information. My bad. Hope to see you all on Friday July 6th for the opening of...

"TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE! The Lurid Art Of Brad Tiki-shark Parker"!

Big aloha!
Brad tiki-shark Parker

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/05/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Please check out the new pieces being added, one by one as I finish them for the big art show at La Luz de Jesus Gallery.
I just put up "Zombie Tiki Girl"

Mahalo and Aloha, from a rainy "aloha" friday night here on the Big island. (Wow, it's really coming down out side!) And I live on the dry side, hate to see how soggy Puna (over on da' the wet side of the island) must be by now!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/09/2012

(Tobunga- this ones for you brother!)
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"Tiki VS Godzilla"
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
to appear in the art show" "Tales from the Tiki Lounge"
at "La Luz de Jesus Gallery" -opening night is July 6th.
Well, it's about done. I just saw a few details I forgot. Like the things that stick out of the middle of exotic flowers and little things like that, but other than that I think it's done! (WHEW!)
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She turned out as one darned interesting looking tourist... this idea started as a riff on that vintage "Hawaiiana" image that was popular in the 40's, of a girl in a grass skirt on the beach strumming a ukelele.
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Here's a better look-see at TIKI VS GODZILLA. The Big G was a lot of fun to paint. Took a few tries befroe I got the right "look" of the version I was painting - the extra long back finned "mean" looking Godzilla from "Godzilla 2000". Then I threw in some of the more fantastic effects of his "melt down" from the movie "Godzilla VS Destroyah"... (theres lots of great visual stuff in that epic everything-blows-up-real-good-ultra-puppet-show)

So just a few touches left. Then It's done and will be posted up on the La Luz De Jesus web site for SALE at the big ART Show on July 6th. If you're in LA, drop in and give it a gander! I hope to see some Tiki Tribe there! (PLEASE!)
(Did I mention the nightmare I keep have about having this art show and no one shows up, and I'm standing in an empty La Luz gallery wearing only my Spiderman under-pants.)

Check out show details here...
Brad tiki-shark Parker

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-05-08 20:50 ]

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2012-05-09 01:59 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/20/2012

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Something else has pre-sold before the Tiki-art show!
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Here's a friendly reminder about my up-coming "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" art show this July 6th to July 29th, at the Los Angeles "La luz de Jesus Gallery", Opening night is July 6th - hope to see you there!
Well, another piece has pre-sold! While in the care of the Wyland Kona Ocean front Gallery here in Hawaii, "Secret Cove" has been purchased. It will still show at the gallery in LA - but will sport a "RED DOT" marking it as SOLD.
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The "Giclee" on canvas "cover" of the "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" version of "Secret Cove" is still up for grabs. However, most of the originals, and several of the giclees are SOLD... so if you have your eye on buying a piece from this show, it might be a good idea not to wait too much longer...

IF you want to see info on the "La Luz de Jesus Gallery" Show give this link a try:
If you want to talk to my "home" gallery here in Kailua-Kona please follow this link:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/25/2012

ALOHA TIKI TRIBE! (echos off green volcanic cliffs and jungle mountains that look like giant skulls with water falls leaping out of their gaping maws)

Well, the biggest art show I've ever been asked to do is coming up ( ...and boy am I nervous! As grammy tiki-shark used to say I'm as nervous "as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!")

The Show is called "TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE" - and features my newest body of work. All published in a very rare and highly collectable old Pulp Tiki-Adventure magazine back in 1959 ( but- published only in the Mai-Tai Light Zone of my imagination!)

The show is going to be this July (2012) in Los Angles at the world famous birth place of Low-Brow Art: "La Luz de Jesus" Gallery. Here's a link to their web site with some of the work that you will see at da' show: http://www.laluzdejesus.com/shows/2012/Parker/TikiShark2012.htm
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"Tales From the Tiki Lounge - the Secret Cove Issue"
Giclee on canvas
signed, Limited edition of 1 of 1
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Here is a full page as in "Hi Fructose - the counter culture Art Magazine"
Hope you can make it !
Big Aloha
Brad Tiki-shark Parker

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RoseRed posted on 05/26/2012

I'll have to put this one on my calendar. it looks like a "DON'T MISS" kind of event :wink:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/27/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Here's the latest painting finished for the JULY 6th Art Show in LOS Angele at La Luz de Jesus Gallery...
"Tiki vs Godzilla"
Acrylic on canvas
Details about the show can be found here in this FULL PAGE AD that appears in the current issue of my favorite "counter culture art magazine of all time! The "Low-Brow Art" magazine that boasts the biggest readership world wide.
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When I saw this I had an accident in my pants.

Here is a link to the gallery and the show :

If you can make it to the show I will be very happy,please come if you can... and I will try not to have another accident my pants.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/06/2012


"TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE" is almost here! Originals, 1 0f 1 giclees of (new/vintage) cover art, a hand painted surf board out of the Body Glove Surf Board Museum, a 1 0f 1 hand painted BODY GLOVE boogie board. .........even rumors of experimental stuff like skate boards printed with the classic monsters on them... ya gotta please come and check it out to see what the heck I all get done i time for da' show!
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1 of 1 giclees of "vintage" TALES OF THE TIKI LOUNGE covers!
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Dakaiju Krazy Swag!
Hope 2 C U THeRe!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-06-06 03:09 ]

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/06/2012

Everything is looking great Brad!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/08/2012

A - LO - HA Tiki Tribe!!!!
It's getting closer all da' time!
The date of July 6th is zooming towards us like a framing Hot Rod racing away from an angry Tiki-God!
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"TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE" is almost here! WHAT B N Da' SHOW?... Well.... Originals, 1 0f 1 giclees of (new/vintage) cover art of "Tales From The Tiki Lounge", a hand painted surf board out of the Body Glove Surf Board Museum, a 1 0f 1 hand painted BODY GLOVE boogie board. .........even rumors of experimental stuff like skate boards printed with the classic monsters on them... ya gotta please come and check it out to see what the heck I all get done N time for da' show!
Hope 2 C U There!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-06-08 15:43 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/10/2012

A-LO-HA Tiki Tribe!
Submitted for your approval.... deep from the Mai-Tai-Light Zone of Brad "Tiki-shark" Parker's rum soaked mind...
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Please, I invite you to take a stroll down the dark, neon splashed streets of Hollyweird on Friday night, July 6th, to "La Luz De Jesus Gallery" for the Opening night.... is it an opening to another art show... or another DIMENSION!?!?!
Be there and find out.... if you DARE!


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-06-09 17:07 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/10/2012

Welcome to the MAI-TAI-LIGHT-ZONE...

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Take a walk on the wild-waikiki side...
Friday night...July 6th... Hollywood California...La Luz De Jesus Gallery

B Tiki-shark P

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/24/2012

"Tales from the Tiki Lounge": (the Lurid Tiki art of Brad tiki-shark Parker)
Art show - July 6th opening night, La Luz de Jesus Gallery
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24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/25/2012

A-Lo-Ha Tiki Tribe!
So, Finally got all my painted canvases up on the "La luz de Jesus Gallery" web site.
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Out of 9 original painted canvases, only 3 are still up for sale! (Yipee!)
Go check out the swanky gallery web site at wwwlaluzdejesus.com
my page is at
Opening night is Friday July 6th - and (Jeepers Creepers!) as grammy Tiki Shark used to say "I'm as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking' chairs!" I'm flying in to the BIG CITY for da' show - I mean I HAD TO ... how often do you get asked to show at the birth place of Low-Brow Art?) No pressure, it's just the gallery where low-brow giants like Robt. Williams and Mark Ryden show...THATS ALL!)
Deep slow breathing... almost done ... now for the shipping and stuff.... What if it all gets lost? GASP!!!! (JEEPERS CREEPERS!)

Big Big ALOHA and Hope to see you there!
Brad~ the long tailed not-s0-cool-cat Parker

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tobunga posted on 06/26/2012

Aloha Brad!!!

Can't wait to see you and all your amazing art in person!

Congrats, and see you soon!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/28/2012

A-LO-HA Tiki Tribe!
Thanks Eric - looking forward to seeing u too!
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Now I have to ship all the art , paintings, giclees, hand painted surf board from Hawaii to LA!
Let's hope it all makes it to Billy Shire http://www.laluzdejesus.com/ by opening night July 6th!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/29/2012

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...and MORE shipping...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/30/2012

A-Lo-Ha Tiki Tribe!
Only days away from the biggest art show in my career (this year). 99% of the art is shipped and in route 'tween Hawaii and Los Angeles... some where... and it will (fingers crossed) it'll all show up, and show up in time for Billy Shire to do-his-thing: and hang each and every piece (as the story goes) that's exhibited at "La luz de Jesus Gallery" for the last 25 years. He's been a well established underground gallery owner and changed- forever/created the west coast art scene in the late 80's through the 90's to right now. So, not only is he going to take a look at my art, he's going to get a hammer and nails and figure out where it should all go and light it, and make it look cool... in a gallery that is the very birth-place of "Low-Brow Art". Or, as it's being called now, since it's more and more influencing the mainstream, "Pop Surrealistic Art". So I'm excited, freaked-out, and nervous.
Big Aloha to any and all who can make the opening night - I'm flying in. Friday July 6th....

Hope 2 C U there!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/02/2012

ALOHA tiki tribe!
The big art show is at La Luz de Jesus Gallery Friday night!It should be fun! Here's the e-mail info sent from La Luz...
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Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/03/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Hop 2 C U at the La Luz Show!
Friday Night I'm be there - fresh from Hawaii!
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Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/03/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Vintage post card invite to the La Luz show
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nicktiki posted on 07/10/2012

If you missed the opening go see the art ASAP. Stays up till the 29th. Not positive but I think there is a closing party on the 29th featuring the Martini Kings (dig the Martini Kings).

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/20/2012

A-LO-HA Tiki Tribe!
nicktiki - Thanks! U r right! Not sure I'll make it back in from the Big Island 4 the closing party, (darn it!) but it'd be sooooo swank to hear the MK's while my show was up!
For those not able to get to LA here's a few photos of the "set-up" process for the show....
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July 5th- got there after flying in from Hawaii with the last piece of art. Got to La Luz De Jesus Gallery and walked to the back gallery then heard a deep voice growl "You went too far."
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It had to be Billy Shire's voice: the owner of the world famous gallery that is noted as the birthplace of Low-brow art. I froze. I went too far? Did Billy mean my concept for the show? He hated my art ??? E-Gads!! My art career flashed before my eyes!!
But, no worries!~ Billy just thought I was a wandering customer from the WACKO store who snuck in the "closed Gallery".
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All the shipped art had made it from Hawaii OK. Billy and Matt liked everything. I brought in the last piece after I had gone down to Body Glove to pick up a "Surf Board Stand"
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The last piece I brought with me on da' plane: It's a surf board (circa 1980's approx) given to me by the owner of Body Glove. Been surfed on at all the best surf spots in the South Bay, and has the nicks and dings to prove it. It's a real-deal one-of-a-kind piece dripping with Southern California Surf Culture history, Tiki Shark poly-pop-art, and sea water from the mighty blue pacific. It's sort of the crowning gem of the show. And it was a huge thrill to see it set up finally in the gallery.
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This was a huge project for me. the biggest thing I've ever done in my tiki-art career. I got to give huge thanks to the people who helped get me here - like gallery curator Matt Kennedy... (that's me & Matt)
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Plus Gallery Owner Billy Shire. (that's us above) And , of course, my agent/partner/manager Abbas Hassan.
Getting this show was amazing, and surreal. Being in the gallery and setting up - well, helping Billy set up, was a little mind numbing & mind blowing. It all didn't seem real yet. Opening night was the next night.... sure many pieces had already sold pre-show, but I was still super nervous. You know every artist's nightmare is having a show and have no one show up!
Soon I'd find out....

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/20/2012

A-LO-Ha Tiki Tribe!
Billy hung the show Bee-U-TEE-Fully! (big mahalo Billy Shire)
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the show TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE is up at LA LUZ DE JESUS GALLERY till July 29th. Closing party with, I think, live music rom the Martini Kings!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/21/2012

A-LO-HA Tiki Tribe!
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So the show was hung up by the 6th...all went very smooth...
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Working with Billy Shire was wonderful. I had heard some things about how gruff he could be, but we had a great time.
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I brought in a last minute secret project I had been working on with an art director / underground skate board craft-er - a set of the four classic monsters on skate board planks, and the first issue of TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE on a plank - and Billy loved em all. He had to re-hang a wall, but worked out the measurements so fast it wasn't a problem at all.
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Of course it helped that my skate board making buddy Kevin, had gotten us all the hard ware to hang the boards from the walls properly. I showed Billy how easy it was, and we actually had a bit of fun putting 'em up! (Billy was smiling and everything!)
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...and he had a reason to, as they became the hot item of the show. The gallery took orders for more opening night (and still are during the rest of the show till July 29th!)
Well, opening night went really well. Lots of folks showed up. Some driving in from far away places like OC and San Diego & Palm Springs! Even some friends I had not seen in over a decade! (Gavin and Paul-Thanks for showing up!) And I got to meet so many new tiki fans, and art fans.... it was the utter banishment of my no-attendance art show nightmare completely!!!

Wow... my head is still spinning. IT couldn't have gone better. Lots sold. And there is even a possible show at La Luz in the future... I requested 2 years to R E A L L Y come up with something bigger and better and completely mind blowing for the tiki tribe... and Billy agreed. Even gave some advise and direction. (But, more on that in about 2 years)

Till then, Big ALOHA & MAHALO to LA Luz De Jesus Gallery, to Billy Shire, to Matt Kennedy, To Kenny, Big Toe, Nick Camera, Hassan, Holden, Doug, Eric & Manuel, Kevin and Allen and...(whew!) everyone! ...to all my special friends & family, to the tiki tribe folks, and to Every single person who took the time to come in on a friday night and see my first big La Luz show.
I promise you I will actually learn how to paint, and then show you something even better in my next show! ..., and taking your eye balls on a tiki-adventure to yet stranger tiki-fied lands and dimensions in new and marvelous but as yet unknown ways in 2014!


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-07-21 02:44 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/21/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
A better look-see at the "Kreature From Kona" Skate Board!
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Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/22/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Here's a nice shot of the "vintage covers" hanging up at the "TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE" art show: the lurid tiki art of Brad Tiki-shark Parker, now showing at "La Luz Da Jesus Gallery" July 6th to the 29th. About 70% of the show is sold, but there are a few real gems still up for grabs... like...
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over there on the far left... what might be the best painting with tropical flowers I've ever attempted...
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"Secret Cove"
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
Contact the gallery to see of this puppy is still available.
The closing party will have live music by the Martin Kings - don't miss it!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/24/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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"PSSSST! Lookin' for something strange and cool and tiki? How 'bout this... "
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Skate boards with Tiki-Shark-Low-Brow-Art on them?
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Jeepers Creatures! Where can you get these ultra rare, freaky, underground Objects o' Art?
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Only at "TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE: (the lurid tiki-art of Brad 'Tiki-Shark' Parker)"
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This swank show is up at "La Luz De Jesus art Gallery" in Los Angeles till the big closing party on July 29th (with live music by the Martini Kings!). Wow! Tiki-art and live exotica music? How cool is that?!!
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Limited edition Skate Boards are STILL being sold. The gallery is taking orders. Special low-show price is $150.00. After the show closes, the price will be $250.00 per board.
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So, get your set of pop-surreal skate boards for your home tiki bar now!
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Cause' this is an ultra rare-swanky-underground-art item you may never-ever-ever-ever-ever see again!! http://www.laluzdejesus.com/shows/2012/July_2012.html

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/30/2012

‎'Heard that tonight - July 29th was the gallery closing party - and I had the great luck that the owner Billy Shire got The Martini Kings to play LIVE exotica in the room with my tiki-art on the walls!!! WOW! ... oooohhh how amazing! Wish I could have been there for that!!! So, now anything that did not sell is coming back into my hands... or to the local gallery here on the Big Island that shows my work : the Wyland Kona Ocean Front Gallery. If you see something that caught your eye, didn't sell, you might want to message me and .. we can always make a deal before it gets shipped back to Hawaii (?!) Never hurts to ask! As my agent sez "Selling is better than shipping!"

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-07-30 00:54 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/31/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
A special thanks goes out to Billy Crooks for posting such wonderful photos on face-book of closing night of my "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" art show at "La Luz de Jesus Gallery" in Los Angeles;
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where the amazing exotica band "The Martini Kings" played LIVE, with my art as a back drop to their swank and sultry tunes.
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The show was a hit, and I could not be happier! Really, this has been a thrilling high point in my career as a tiki-artist! My humblest, warmest, & Biggest Mahalo to The Martini Kings, curator Matt Kennedy, and Gallery owner Billy Shire, and to all the tiki-tribe, friends, and family who came out to show their love and support.
Brad Tiki-shark Parker
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I hope, and look forward, to getting another chance to create (even bigger, better, and more ultra-tiki-fied) art for such a special event at such a famous gallery in the future!
Mahalo nui loa!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/03/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

The big ART show is over! (WHEW!)
Thank you and HUGE aloha to everyone who came and made this event such a great experience.

Now, my agent sez "It's better to be SELLING than SHIPPING".

So, take a look at what is still in the show and has not as yet sold. Now is the time to make "an offer", before we ship it back to HAWAII. My agent is in the mood for money not shelling out for shipping.


Look at the show at the link above and contact the gallery, or my agent , Abbas, at info@tikishark.com. Make an offer - you never know! The Tiki Gods could smile and a Great deal could be made!

Brad Tiki-Shark Parker

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