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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 06/26/2012

hang10tiki they have those at Walmart.


It looks like one of my very first ceramic mugs is up on eBay right now.
These were super hard to make because none of the lettering turned out and I had to hand carve it all. It is a black mug and all of the rest is hand painted.




Good Night, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/26/2012

Monday was a fun day. We poured more molds. Worked on our Spanish lessons and then

I started the Elroy Arts show painting for Tiki Kon.

All the colors I mixed for the sky.

Diamond Head. I'm pretty sure the sun never sets in this spot but it works well for the painting I have in mind.

Frankoma secret projects. As I type this story I send each section to Joniece Frank to proof read. So far I've got a thumbs up.

What should I do next? I decided to risk an original Frankoma War God by molding it. In this way I would bring back Joniece Franks original War God. So Dan and I with great care made the mold. We were so careful that we didn't allow ourselves to be distracted by taking photos until the mug was safely out of the mold. Here's a photo after the fact.

What you can not tell from this photo is that I had filled in the top. I made a mold that is a statue not a mug. I don't want to make a product that would cut into the worth of the War God Mugs. I will be making bowls.

Once this mold was dry I started casting them. It worked and the mug was not damaged.

Now it is time to paint. May your day bring a smile to your face, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-06-26 08:11 ]

dartharnie posted on 06/26/2012

Didn't I see (at some point) a discussion about the war gods elsewhere on Tiki Central. I remember there was a discussion of undercuts around the lips and ownership of the copyrights...

found it.

So now I understand the copyright...
would love some more thoughts about the undercut. looks like Frankoma did some modifications over time? or perhaps different sculpts?

Wendy any ideas or thoughts...

PS. My two year old had a tantrum over wanting to use the Frankenstein's bob this morning. Full on fists to the floor stomp and scream fest...Consider it a compliment.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 06/27/2012

Great to check in with you Wendy! Your work is great as usual and I'm loving the tiki history lesson as well.

Went to Ohana this weekend, it was fun. Bought a puffer fish and a Lake Surfer carving but I would have bought a ton more so I was a little disappointed.

Will send you a picture as soon as I feel pretty! LOL

danlovestikis posted on 06/27/2012

Hi dartharnie, most kids would be afraid of that mug. Your son is no scardy cat.
I talked a while back with Joniece about the War God. She did on Sculpt and that was for the large War God. The Trade Winds told her that too many were walking out the door so could she make a smaller size. To do this she just molded the large one let it shrink and shrink again when fired. Then she molded it and let it shrink and shrink again when fired. When she got it to the size she wanted they made more molds of that one that was used in production. So all the small War Gods are babies of the one large War God Sculpt. The only variations were in the glaze colors. This bar did not last long and the Cultured Pearl which ordered some was only around a few months. So there were very few of these produced and that's why they are so special and expensive.

Hi LoriLovesTikis, get pretty fast I am looking forward to the photo of you with the mug. How's the swap project going? I'll keep checking that thread to see. I'm glad you like the history lesson. It is about to change now to the projects I've started with the War God.

First up are photos showing my progress on the painting for the Elroy Art Show.

Each evening we pour this many molds

which gives me this many pieces of green ware. Not much for the size and weight of the molds.

Here is the War God all cleaned up. He will be 10% smaller than the original mug I molded.

Side view.

Tomorrow I'll post the first bowl I've made with this Frankoma statue.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-06-27 15:28 ]

danlovestikis posted on 06/28/2012

Today I'm posting photos of the first Frankoma bowl that I have made using Joniece Franks original War God Sculpt. I am just the crafter here she did the art. This bowl weighing 7 pounds and was very hard to work with. I have two other bowls that I'll show this week that will be available through the Wish List.

So that these are never mistaken for a vintage Frankoma I have carved on the bottom: War God made from a mold of an original by Joniece Frank
Wendy Cevola c2012

I also placed her special initals on each War God.

Placed in Dan's jungle room next to three Gecko bowls.

Comments please. Wendy

Trad'r Bill posted on 06/28/2012

Really cool Wendy!!

Tavarua Tiki posted on 06/28/2012

Wendy the War God bowl is fantastic, a show piece for sure! Thanks for sharing the picture along with all of Dan's other huge bowls, and a few of his many mugs. I'm extremely jealous! Next we need to see a picture of you and Dan drinking from it.

teaKEY posted on 06/28/2012


It would be cool if those tikis around the bowl were all mugs. And I'm not a fan of the bright white teeth. But you have the lava glaze down and Dan has to be happy with these new barware tiki.

McTiki posted on 06/29/2012

Wow!!! Incredible talent Wendy

Thank you for sharing all of this with us.



danlovestikis posted on 06/29/2012

Hi Friends we are up early because today we will make more molds. But first I have to open and clean those we cast yesterday evening and also work on the paintings! It's going to be a very busy day.

Trad'r Bill Frank likes being cool thank you.
Tavarua Tiki I'm happy you like them.
teaKEY Dan picked all the colors for his 5 tiki Frankoma bowl. I'm not fond of those white teeth either. When I do the Wish List everyone picks their colors. See the the next one below. I choose that color.
McTiki how do you like your tiki in the Tiki Oasis painting? I'm not done with it but I've got a good start. Thank you.

This is one of two War God bowl styles that I will offer for the upcoming Wish List. This one has three tikis and one color. Buyers will choose their color.

Bright light out of the kiln.

Dim light surrounded by black velvet.

Next up the steps to do the Elroy Art painting. I like to print photos from Google Images or my own past photos. Then I cut them up and lay them on the painting to see how they look. I pick and choose and then start to paint. This painting must have the Munktiki Tiki Kon mug. By looking at what I have hear you won't really know how I'll do it by the end.

I've added the waters edge and a palm tree.
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I'm painting a tiki torch.
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Torch and a plant added.
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Now it is time to join Dan in the Garage to make molds. I love reading your comments so I hope there will be more soon. (: Wendy

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 06/29/2012


Not sure if you are taking orders on the War God bowl yet, but the green one is exactly the color and number of War God heads I would like. Any idea on the price yet?

As usual, excellent work. I am currently tearing my room apart for a major cleaning and will be setting aside a ton of tiki stuff to sell at the next Tiki garage sale-tell Dan I have his mug for me!

See you soon!


danlovestikis posted on 06/30/2012

Hi Psycho Tiki D we will be at that sale for sure. Dan's excited that you have that mug. When I open up the next Wish List I'll post a photo of an example and a price with it. Right now I'm concentrating on making green-ware and molds that will give more options for fulfilling wishes.

Yesterday we made two new molds and duplicated two other molds. It was taking a week to pour the four parts to make one of these War God or small tiki Frankoma bowls. So we duplicated the two molds. Using these two tikis again was nerve wracking.

But first we made a mold of an old glass vase. I wanted to have a blank so that I could add on anything. If you have a home bar that is named I can now make a mug for your bar with the name and whatever else you want.

Next we made a mold of the plastic cast I did for Roge's chunk lamps. There are endless possibilities for mugs and bowls with this cast.

Here's our day.

Our day started slowly. It took 1/2 an hour just to get these lines in the right spot. The vase must be divided exactly in half or one side will be stuck in the mold. I used a stiff and a flexible ruler.
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Once I had them just right I also drew the lines inside the vase in case they wiped off when I was adding clay.
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I used clay to support the vase on the wood bottom we selected for the mold. I added clay to the line drawn.
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Once I had all the clay added I smoothed it with a wet paper towel and added dents for locks.
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Half done.
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I flipped it and removed the clay.
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We flipped it over and got it ready for the next half. This was the first of four major leaks of our day. We scooped it into a bowl and poured it back in the mold. You can do this if it is still completely liquid and your table was clean.
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The mold is finished. Now I have a blank to work with.
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A plastic cast of the sculpture I did for Roge's lamps.
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I wanted to make the tiki thicker for more options. It is easier to remove clay from a cast than to add it.
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I put it on a board and finished the new clay to insure there were no undercuts. I added clay to the top and bottom so that I could pull the moai out of the mold.
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It worked and now I'll be able to make bowls etc. from this mold.
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Next up making another War God mold from the original. I filled the mug with clay and also added clay to the bottom so that it would be a two piece mold.
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Ready to pour.
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This worked fine and once again I did not ruin our original War God.

The next mold was of the small Frankoma tiki. duplications are half the work of starting fresh.
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Prepping the mold to cast. MOLD SOAP never forget or the halves fuse.
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Will this day ever end. 6AM to 6:30PM
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All finished the last mold is done.
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In case you missed seeing Dan's secret talents here they are again. Sweeping
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and mopping.
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Drying in the sun the new molds will take a week to be ready and then I'll start casting them.
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Tomorrow I'll put up photos of the second War God bowl that I'll offer on the Wish List. Now the time has come for me to start painting.

May your Saturday be full of delights, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-06-30 15:46 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 06/30/2012

Great stuff you 2

I hope you know who is not on TC
Otherwise we might see a new "MUG TAX"
With all the great stuff you make


[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-06-30 08:42 ]

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MadDogMike posted on 07/01/2012

Aye Dios mio!!! I'm gone for 2 weeks and you created a whole PILE of art!!!

Both of the paintings are coming along perfectly and the bowls are fantastic! You and Dan help keep Tiki Central beautiful!

dartharnie posted on 07/01/2012

War God Bowl ROCKS. love the glaze.

The pictures of Dan cleaning always make me smile. You two make a great team.

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VampiressRN posted on 07/01/2012

Wow...that wargod bowl is definitely awesome. NICE JOB D&W!!!!

danlovestikis posted on 07/01/2012

What a great way to spend a Sunday. I've just read all your notes.

hang10tiki I keep perfect records and tiki taxes already exist dang it.

MadDogMike welcome home you sure have been missed. Now get busy so we may comment on your work. I'm happy you gave me a thumbs up.

dartharnie there is just something very special about Jonice Franks War God. See what I've done below. Oh by the way I smile as he cleans up too.

VampiressRN I love the bowl too because it is my connection to a fine lady of art pottery. Joniece is such a master. Too bad the restaurants failed or we have more of her work out there. Well on the other hand rarity works too.

Progress Reports on the Elroy Arts Space painting and the new Frankoma Bowl for the next (3rd) Wish List.

I've decided the woman is a mermaid.
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The Munktiki Tiki Kon mug must be in the painting. I put it on the torch. Wood grain first.
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Close up.
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To nipple or to sea shell. That is the question. Maybe I'll just cover them over with her long black hair. What do you think I should do?
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Now onto the formation of the Kini Inu Umeke (King Drink Bowl) very primitive.

Giving credit where it is due.
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I added wet clay to the bottom of the bowl.
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I pressed him into place.
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I cleaned up the excess clay.
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During the bisque firing he blew his top and separated from the bowl.
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I had a second one ready to go. I wondered would it happen again. YES it also blew off the bowl.
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Using Magic Mend a product that MadDogMike told me about works miracles.
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Here is the first one finished. These will be available on the next Wish List.
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Comments please.

Now it is time to paint. Cheers, Wendy

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MadDogMike posted on 07/01/2012

Great looking bowl Wendy, love that lava glaze.

I'm probably going to catch flak for this but I vote for long hair over the breasts on your painting ~ some things are best left to the imagination :D

dartharnie posted on 07/01/2012

Realizing this might be redundant as this thread seems to hyper focus on one thing besides tikis....

nipples, please.

Ahem, that said...

The red lava rock war god looks great and I love the idea of a bowl that comes up to me rather then having to bend for the straw. However, I bet I'll be fighting the kids for it. They already called "permanent dibs" on my two Tiki Farm puffer fish bowls for their morning cereal.

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Beachbumz posted on 07/02/2012

Wendy, WOW! Haven't been on following your thread for awhile and see I missed plenty.. Love it All!! Those War God Bowls your making again are sooooo Cool, love the glazes your using,I might need to have one of those....
Looking forward to seeing more, Aloha to you and Dan!

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hang10tiki posted on 07/02/2012

Wendy did the lava glaze
Most excellent
To the next level she goes

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bavtech posted on 07/02/2012

Wow Wendy! That bowl is FANTASTIC... Love the color. Gotta start dropping all my change into the WAR GOD piggy bank I got from you. That will be part of the TIKI bowl saving plan.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 07/02/2012

Wow you've been busy! Fantastic work, as always.

As you requested, here's a picture of me with my "Lori Loves Tiki" mug, standing in front of its new home - "The Gator Hut."
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And one "in suitu:"
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Thanks again for your hard work! You amaze me!!

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Loki-Tiki posted on 07/02/2012

On 2012-07-01 13:04, danlovestikis wrote:
Here is the first one finished. These will be available on the next Wish List.
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So much awesomeness!

teaKEY posted on 07/02/2012

Red , Green- now those are some colors I can get behind. The last picture, if someone asked, I would have guessed it was a Gecko. It's Fat.

Tavarua Tiki posted on 07/02/2012

Wendy, awesome bowl, the red glaze is amazing! Once again you keep creating great works of art. For the mermaid I second MDM's opinion, seductive use of hair is always best, so the viewer can use their imagination

[ Edited by: Tavarua Tiki 2012-07-02 13:07 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 07/02/2012

Thanks for the "THUMBS UP GO AHEAD" about carving your WAR GOD out of palm.I
I started today, step by step pics on my carving post.
99 degrees in the shade....

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/02/2012

Well I am sure you know where I stand on the "Elroy Arts Space painting"
Nipples! Nippage! Nipple-Rama! Nippster!

I just like the old risque (But Tasteful Nude) images of the 40s & 50s that was
so much a part of old Tiki & Tropical inspired art.

(What would Dorothy Kindell do?)

Great job on the Bowls too, Love the choice of glazes,Wendy.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-07-02 13:36 ]

danlovestikis posted on 07/02/2012

I was in need of more messages from all of you and I wasn't disappointed. Asking a question did it. I had decided whoever wrote first would decide which way I would go with the mermaid. So MadDogMike she's covered up. However the hair didn't fall right so I had to use seaweed.

dartharnie I would love to see a photo of your kids with the mug.

Beachbumz thank you. I loved your tiki with puffer on eBay, congratulations. I wonder if I should put something up...

hang10tiki x 2 your Frankoma War God carving will be called Granny unless she finds some teeth. It looks great so far.

bavtech how is your sculpting coming?

LoriLovesTiki those photos were worth waiting for. I think we all get to know each other better when we can see photos. I had pictured you with black hair, imagine that.

Loki Tiki I love the new word of awesomenes, thank you.

teaKEY Red and Green sounds like Christmas. Those colors I picked but Dan still likes his choice with the white teeth best. It was the flash that made them stand out so brightly.

Tavarua Tiki let me know if she is seductive enough.

Atomic Tiki Punk I sure enjoyed your tiki bar thread. I've got to get Dan in here to take a look. Thanks for checking in.

We continue to pour bowls and mugs for the next wish list but the photos are so repetitious that unless something goes on I'll hold back on putting photos up. Today we had a bird fly into our garage to attack our cat and couldn't find its way out. Too bad my camera was in the house.

You all got to meet LoriLovesTiki and here you get to meet Philot.
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He had the Diamond Head palm and super carved mug.
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A rough canvas makes it harder to paint detail. More gesso and sanding would have been a good idea.
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When I asked the question the painting looked like this.
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After MadDogMike wrote first I added seaweed to her outfit.
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Is she ok?
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Thank you so much for all the messages, Wendy

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MadDogMike posted on 07/02/2012

I-I-I won! I-I-I won! Neederneederneeder! :P

She looks beautiful Wendy :)

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/02/2012

Oh Fiddlesticks!

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bavtech posted on 07/03/2012

My sculpting is starting out slow... Have not had much time to just sit down and focus on it.

I got a long weekend coming up and I am going to be working at it.

Been on the lookout for a good used KILN and some ways to improve my workspace.

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zerostreet posted on 07/03/2012

That painting is looking awesome Wendy! Canvas is a pain for detail and dry brushing. That's why I usually opt for wood panel.

Tavarua Tiki posted on 07/03/2012

Seductive and alluring, everything a man wants in a mermaid, she looks fantastic Wendy!

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Danno posted on 07/03/2012

She's beautiful Wendy!

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hang10tiki posted on 07/03/2012

Hi Wendy,
Working on the War God teeth today :)
Love the painting

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clintiki posted on 07/04/2012

Love the sunset Wendy. It's very serene. Oh btw, I like the mermaid too of course!

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tigertail777 posted on 07/04/2012

Finally caught up on this thread again, you have been busy as always. I am not sure what I can say at this point, but all of your stuff is just beautiful. :) Really like how the new tiki bowl guy came out, dig that black lava rock look.

danlovestikis posted on 07/04/2012

Hi Friends, I got a surprise this morning when I saw I forgot to post yesterday. I'll just post the photos today. Not many. I'm just working on the Elroy Arts Space painting. It has to be finished by the 9th.

The new molds were staying cool and not drying out in 90 degree weather so we put a fan blowing on them and it is helping.
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MadDogMike you are always a winner!

Atomic Tiki Punk (:

bavtech I hope you take photos and start a thread here. I'd like to watch your progress and to give you hints. I worked Sculpey for years before moving on to ceramics.

zerostreet is the wood you use Masonite? Do you have to prep it or just paint right on it?

Tavarua Tiki thank you. This is the first mermaid I've painted and it's been fun.

Danno thank you.

hang10tiki I'm happy to hear you found teeth for grandma. I'll check up on your carving thread.

clintiki welcome. Maybe I should name the painting Serene Siren although her space has been invaded by Munktiki's Hapi tikis. Maybe she's hiding her thoughts of I wish these guys would stop ogling me.

tigertail777 I'm glad you like the King's Goblet. That was my first choice for a name though I've kicked around a few.

Progress Report:

The painting must be a tribute to the Tiki Kon Munktiki mug 2012.
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First I used it for the torch and now its a beach tiki totem.
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Layering the paint and trying to match the mug.
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I try lots of different ways.
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I still need to make the pole more 3D. After that I'll work on the beach.
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Check out zerostreets painting with the Munktiki mug. He's got it down.

Cheers, Wendy

May your 4th of July be fun and safe.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-04 07:31 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-05 10:37 ]

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TravelingJones posted on 07/05/2012

ALoooHA Wendy(& Dan)!

WoW!! You've been busy!!!

Wonderful to see ressurection of the Frankoma War God design, and estatic of the friendship you and Joniece Frank have nurtured. So happy, happy, happy! YOU are a dear friend and make this ol' Okie proud!!! :D

Keep sling'n mud and spill'n plaster... Dan needs more chores to do! Idle hands, idle mind... :wink:


danlovestikis posted on 07/05/2012

We had 9 familes bring fireworks and set up in front of our home. We had a "blast".
With so many the fireworks lasted 1.5 hours and sometimes there were 3 going at the same time. It the sky we could see fireworks from the nearby park. The booms added the excitement. What a fun block party.
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Traveling Jones finally you have returned. Make it be forever. You've been missed during your move. Are you all settled in? The drawing you did for us of the Geckoma is now on glasses. Thank you too for making the friendship with Joniece possible. She and I enjoy a relationship and have many things in common.

The fourth was a big day for us. The fan worked and all the new molds were dry enough to pour.
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This morning I'll be opening them and find out if they worked. This is the moai head mold.
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Traveling Jones a pin up photo of Dan for you.
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Thanks for checking in, Wendy

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zerostreet posted on 07/05/2012

Interesting use of the mug! You addressed ZeroTiki where I think you meant me :D I like to use Luan boards. I buy it at Home Depot and I do gesso it, just enough to keep the wood texture visible and to keep the paint from soaking in.

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hang10tiki posted on 07/06/2012

Looks like u guys had fun

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Bloody Good posted on 07/07/2012

Love the Elroy Art painting, you did a great job on the mug! Man I want one of those! I look fwd to seeing it in person! I saw your Lambretta painting at last years show...awesome!

danlovestikis posted on 07/07/2012

zerostreet thank you for the hint on the wood. Someday we won't have the strength for ceramics and I'll just paint more. The Kon Tiki mug was a challenge to copy. I hope it is close enough.

hang10tiki it was the best 4th thank you.

Bloody Good how fun to hear that you saw my painting at the last Elroy Artspace show. I didn't hear much back on that and never knew who bought it. I'm hopeful of finishing this painting today. The Hapi Tiki likes his friends who come out at night.

My cat has a friend who "plays" with her non-stop all day. She squawks loudly but I enjoy the company when I'm in the garage. I just hope my cat is never in need of a treat during play time.
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During the last Wish List I made this purple Bob bowl for Dan.
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Yesterday I set it on the car hood and turned my back. I glaze the bottoms of my ceramics and this one was so slick it slid off the car.
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Progress Report:

The new molds worked out just fine. I'll be making a new bowl design with this head.
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The blank slips out of the mold without opening it.
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As casts dry they shrink. When they are fired they shrink more. But right out of the mold this fits my hand. This can be modified into all sorts of mugs just like the Bobs.
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I hope to finish this painting today. It needs tweaking of shadows for one example.

This is how it looks as of yesterday.

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Now it's time to fine tune it. Elroy Artspace expects photos this weekend.

Cheers, Wendy

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MadDogMike posted on 07/07/2012

First the bad news - sorry about Dan's purple bowl :( And one of these days the cat will catch her "friend" and there will be nothing left but a feather mess all over the garage :lol:

Now the good news- you are amassing quite a pile of molded items for your next wish list, Go Wendy & Dan!!! The painting is beautiful, the Loch Ness Jr add a bit of humor - I like it :D And the sunset behind the Waikiki skyline is very cool.

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hang10tiki posted on 07/08/2012

Sorry Dan, but it does seem as if 2 of the purple bobs made it without frontal injury
Painting looks great
Cat looks hungry

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