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Upcycled Tv stand & Tiki bar combo

Pages: 1 7 replies

After moving into a place that is simply too small for a bar, I decided to make the best of what I could.
I used bamboo blinds and spray adhesive for the inner squares, bamboo pole for the small door knobs, tiki shrunken head for big door handle, & split 2" bamboo pole for upper trim. The large door will be used for liquor cabinet and the smaller for dvd player/movies.

You could fit right in with the "A-Team""I love it when a plan comes together!"

Good job!

Very inventive...I like the look.

Thanks. I added a sign to the big door last night, but I don't know what else to do to with without going overboard.


Is that a picture of your mom and dad? Love those old photos!

Good job on makin that thing look tiki
I just got one myself (to hide my TV in)
And am still thinking of how to make in look right
U did it.....

It's a picture of my grandparents (who raised me)... I love the old pics too.

Thank you. Lauhala or Lampac matting will be going on the sides and inner walls. I'll post some pics once I do that, but I'm in no hurry.

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