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Need Hangover Help

Pages: 1 37 replies

tikifish posted on 12/11/2003

It's the morning after my company xmas party. I need help. The culprit? A pantload of white wine. Luckily I didn't do shooters or anything stupid, or it could have been a lot worse.

Here's the symptoms: a rather localised headache, around the front of the head, feels like a Star Trek 'Geordi LaForge' headband is gripping me tight around the forehead there.

Bit of a sore throat from the cigarettes, and a general body buzz that I assume will just turn to fatigue in a few hours.

Is there a doctor in the house?

Sam Gambino posted on 12/11/2003

I've heard that you should drink quite a bit of water, because part of a hangover is due to dehydration. Not a quick fix by any means, but oh well.....(my 2 cents, and that's probably all it's worth!).


Johnny Dollar posted on 12/11/2003

On 2003-12-11 07:44, Sam Gambino wrote:
I've heard that you should drink quite a bit of water, because part of a hangover is due to dehydration. Not a quick fix by any means, but oh well.....(my 2 cents, and that's probably all it's worth!).


yeh, gatorade can't hurt.
(no sports endorsement implied)
good luck, j$


stay away from some pain relievers - I believe that Allieve and a handful of others will blitz your liver if you take them with high alcohol content in your bloodstream... i'm sure someone else out there has mo info...

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2003-12-11 08:10 ]

Kon-Hemsby posted on 12/11/2003

Resolve....they re-hydrate you really fast, lots of water and bananas.

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Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2003

Have a fried breakfast followed by a couple of beers at lunchtime. (Or even better - Bloody Marys)

NB This may not be the healthiest option

Trader Woody

Kon-Hemsby posted on 12/11/2003

I totally agree with Trader Woody. A cooked breakfast and hair of the dog always works a treat. And it's the most civilised cure to a hangover.

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DawnTiki posted on 12/11/2003

I read somewhere to stay away from caffine, no coffee or tea (unless herbal) it just dehydrates you more. I have also heard that if you eat something sweet before and after you drink that there is something about the sugar that helps fight hangovers. I hope you feel better soon :drink:

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FLOUNDERart posted on 12/11/2003

The plop plop fizz fizz stuff helps alot. Also pedialyte from a drug store in the baby food section, this stuff replenishes your electrolites.

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freddiefreelance posted on 12/11/2003

If you don't sober up, you don't get a hangover...

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purple jade posted on 12/11/2003

There IS a doctor in the house...somewhere.
Where's the Z cure?
Hello, Dr. Z, you have a patient?

tikifish posted on 12/11/2003

I think If I had a choice I would go with the Trader Woody solution, being of British background myself. However, I have just been informed that I have to sit through a casting call of about 100 actors for the afternoon. I don't think watching bad Pacino imitations will be helpful for my situation. If it weren'f for that, popping over to the local irish pub for a pint and some fries would be just the thing!

My only solace is that there are a lot of people around me in worse shape than I am!

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/11/2003

for some reason that scene you just described gave me a "Bridget Jones" vibe.

just sharing :)

ta ra, cheers, j$

tikifish posted on 12/11/2003

As sad and pathetic as it may be, my pre-married life could have been inspiration for a "Bridget Jones goes to Canada" novel.

Thnakfully, I no longer get drunk, eat takeout, and sing along to sappy movies in my pyjamas anymore. Well, I do, but nw I have a husband to watch me do it.

tikifish posted on 12/11/2003

Kon-Hemsby, what is 'Resolve'?

I have not heard of this magic elixir.

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Tiki_Bong posted on 12/11/2003

Man, makes me glad government is too cheap to spring for an X-mas party...

(I guess I'll be forced to do it on my own)

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Swanky posted on 12/11/2003

Take one of those OTC heartburn medicines. They are the doctor approved best for the headache. They do something to shink the swelling of the brain lining that's the culprit. Also take Aleve or 2. DO NOT TAKE TYLENOL! It will make it worse! Aspirin will do. Eat chicken.

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purple jade posted on 12/11/2003

On 2003-12-11 10:08, tikifish wrote:
Kon-Hemsby, what is 'Resolve'?

I have not heard of this magic elixir.

Yeah, 'cos it's carpet cleaner here in the States.
(Well, couldn't make you feel much worse...)

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/11/2003

On 2003-12-11 11:10, purple jade wrote:

On 2003-12-11 10:08, tikifish wrote:
Kon-Hemsby, what is 'Resolve'?

I have not heard of this magic elixir.

Yeah, 'cos it's carpet cleaner here in the States.
(Well, couldn't make you feel much worse...)

umm... Febreeze Spritzer...

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Doctor Z posted on 12/11/2003

Ahem... I see my services have been requested.

I've posted my "World Famous" hangover cure on many a thread here on TC, and have plenty of printed testimonials from actual people to back up it's effectiveness (The Jab, Bamboo Ben and Johnnie Velour come to mind...) For those who have yet to experience its miraculous healing power, here it is:

--3 Vitamin B Super Complex

--3 Lecithin geltabs

--3 plain, coated aspirin

Take before 'retiring' for the night with at least 2 full glasses of water, and you'll be thanking me in the morning, I tell ya!

I use 'Nature Made' brand for the B and lecithin and just standard strength aspirin, all available in big-ass jars at CostCo.

Oh, and if things are a bit, say, BRIGHT DAY-GLOW YELLOW the next morning, don't worry: the B and lecithin are water soluble and you're just eliminating what you don't need...

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Doctor Z posted on 12/11/2003

Actually, I think I need to clarify something:

To wake up feeling fine, this MUST be taken the night before - sleep is an essential ingredient, because it takes time for the medicine to get through your system. If you pass out and forget to take them and wake up with a hangover of Biblical proportions, you've missed the bus, my friend, and have to wait for the next one. It will still work if you take it the morning after, but you're gonna have to wallow in pain for a few hours...

However, it is an equal-opportunity elixir: I've found it effective on wine, beer, mixed drink and straight alcohol hangovers!

(BTW - I gave out pre-made packets of these to departing guests at my b-day party last summer, 'cause the Good Doctor cares about his friends...) :)

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thejab posted on 12/11/2003

I'll vouch for Doctor Z's Prevention, but I have to reduce to just 1 or 2 pills of the lecithin and Super B to prevent early morning acid-reflux. Also I've found that taking a Super B complex before a night of drinking (preferably with food) helps prevent hangovers.

After the fact, the only thing that really helps is sleep. Hair of the dog doesn't work in most cases; it usually just postpones or prolongs the pain. Small sips of water help rehydrate, but drinking a lot of liquids may worsen the nausea. Spicy foods and drinks with tomato may help. Why? Because the stomach is often paralyzed by the alchohol (which is why that food you ate for dinner the night before sometimes isn't yet digested). The tomato and spicey food "wakes up" your stomach and helps restart digestion.

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DaneTiki posted on 12/11/2003

[ Edited by: DaneTiki 2009-08-30 19:13 ]

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pablus posted on 12/12/2003

Cold pork-chop sandwich on stale white bread and undercooked eggs.

...and a breath mint for after you throw everything up.

Really though - Pineapple or pineapple juice restores your pH balance as well as any food can. Super chilled. If possible, eat a bit of papaya with it to ease any reflux.

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Cultjam posted on 12/12/2003

No water on the morning after, drink something carbonated.

tikifish posted on 12/12/2003

I just discovered a mravellous cure! GREASY CHINESE DELIVERY FOOD!

Sadly, this releif only came after working a looooong day in which i auditioned some of the world's worst actors... I was in the 5th level of hell.

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Unkle John posted on 12/12/2003

There is an over the counter pill called: Chaser...website included here: http://www.doublechaser.com

What I did in my salad days was try to drink at least a large glass of water and ibeaprofin before bed. If that didn't work.. it was off to Jack-in-the-Box in the morning get two "breakfast jacks" (bread, eggs, luecon ham and cheese) and a "ulitma Chease burger, and a large "Surge" (which is not sold here anymore)

or if i was broke:
A big fat greasy cheesey unkle john style egg and hambuger meat omlet. then a nap.


[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-12-11 19:02 ]

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tiki-riviera posted on 12/12/2003

Chocolate is really good for a hangover, but to get the best absorption of its medicinal properties it must be taken as an enema. So
its a win win situation.

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Unga Bunga posted on 12/12/2003

I'm\We are glad to hear you are feeling back to your beautiful self.
May this thread be posted under, "For Future Fellow TC Luau Adventures\Tiki Crawls. I have already printed this out and submitted it to my medicine cabinet.
Great words of wisdom\experience TCers!

Kon-Hemsby posted on 12/12/2003

Resolve contains- Paracetamol (Painkiller)
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
Citric Acid
Sodium bicarbonate, Potassium bicarbonate, Sodium carbonate (All are antacids)
Glucose, Saccharin sodium, Sucrose (Sugars)
This magic powder rehydrates the body.

Ideal when you don't have time for the fry up.
One of the best things at a rockin weekender is the smell of good greasy fried breakfasts coming from various chalets and cafe's , all catering to the needs of tired and hungover kats and kittens.

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Klas posted on 12/13/2003

No offence, but the last thing you would like to do at a serious hangover is to eat...

And yes, I'm talking about serious drinking

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Klas posted on 12/13/2003

To clarify, people who talk about eating haven't experienced a real hangover :D

tikifish posted on 12/13/2003

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Here is the 'before' picture of me and my friend before we went to the party. No need to see the 'after' picture, it ain't pretty.

he he!

[ Edited by: tikifish on 2003-12-12 21:09 ]

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Tiki Diablo posted on 12/13/2003

Hey Jane, I wish those socks would make a come-back in a BIG way! BTW, is that your pal Crystal Chandelier?

tikifish posted on 12/13/2003


Crystal Chandeleir can be seen here, in the first montage of tiki crawl pics, to the left of me where I am wearing the lilac muppet dress. I am now appalled, looking back, that there are not more crystal chandeleir pics on the site, as she was a BOSS part of that crawl. Mig, Hanford, Mr. Smiley, Sweetpea, Bigbadtikidaddy and others can attest to that. However, I do not know if she can make it this year, But trust me, I am working on it!

tikifish posted on 12/13/2003

To further clairfy, the foxy Filipino gal to the left of me in the above pic is my art director at work... my 'partner', in ad parlance. although it is not wise to discuss your 'partner' ouside the ad biz, cause people just think you are a lesbian, and nod knowingly.

tikifish posted on 12/13/2003

Oh sorry, there is anothe rpic of Crystal Chandeleir cosying up to Mig on the last set of pics on the right hand side... but who WOuLDNt want to cosy up to Mig?

OK, sorry, I ma getting misty eyed remeniscing about that awesome tiki crawl... We had the distinction of being the gals who came the farthest to crawl, but now that TC is so much bigger, who know who will show up!

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Satan's Sin posted on 08/02/2004

Here's a pretty old thread, but maybe it's important to "revive" this one a little bit, esp. after Dr. Z's weekend --

Was not able to attend Dr. Z's fab event, but if your weekend's been anything like Satan's Sin's, perhaps you too have woken up with a certain "tightness" behind the eyes .... ?

Here is my sure-fire "corpse reviver" :

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Works every time!

[ Edited by: Satan's Sin on 2004-08-02 17:47 ]

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tropika posted on 08/22/2004

Peppermint tea is an excellent hangover cure. It won't help with the headache, but will stop that nauseous feeling within 30 min. Works great when 'hair of the dog' is just not an option, ie. having to go to work.

Good luck for next time

Pages: 1 37 replies