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Tiki Oasis 2012 Car Show Preview!

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Mai Tai posted on 08/09/2012

Straight from T.I.K.I. HQ - Tiki Oasis 2012 Car Show: Spies vs Mods vs Rockers!

Spy: Brian Uiga's BMW replica of the ""Tomorrow Never Dies"" James Bond Q-Branch gadget car complete with rocket launcher, chain cutter, "tear gas" smoke machines, and plenty of other fun bits!

Mod: Greg Raspet's 1974 Vespa Rally 200 with 28 mirrors and 42 lights, used in the stage presentation of Quadrophenia.

Rocker: Glenn Rodgers' 1957 surfed out Ford Ranchero

Spy: Sue Kesler's Get Smart replica 1965 Sunbeam Alpine.

Mod: John Cruz's 1964 Vespa GS 160

Rocker: Brad Luebbermann's 1962 Galaxie 500XL Convertible, lowered an customized

Spy: Mark Mendelsohn's Green Hornet 1966 Chrysler Imperial

Mod: Josh Ellman's 1963 Vespa

Rocker: Donny D. Ville's 1954 chopped Chevy

Spy: Secret Agent Get Smart's Shoe Phone


Rocker: Marion Luebbermann's cusomized 1962 Country Squire Wagon

Mods: Nick Marinella's 1966 Primavera, and Felicia Balderama's 1979 Vespa P125X

Rocker: Ernie Menehune, Jr.'s Volkswagen 15 Window Deluxe MicroBus all tiki'd out with tiki torches, mai tai theme, and Shag prints

Mod: Pete Nicholson's 1979 Vespa P200E

Rocker: Gregg Eighmy's 1951 Ford Club Coupe

Mods: Scooters from L.A. to Long Beach to Pasadena to San Diego and even San Bernadino will be represented, including scooter clubs such as POW KLUB (pictured here), Long Beach Classic Scooter Club, and Klub Direct.

Rocker: Scott Jones' 1965 Chevy Van Travel Cruiser

The Band: Los Venturas (all the way from Belgium)

Mockers: :wink: Just kidding. DJ's Jeff BigTikiDude Hansen and Tiki Tena spinning the best Spy, Surf, Tiki, and Exotica vinyl EVAR!!! — with Tiki Tena and Jeff BigTikiDude Hansen.

Come on down to the Tiki Oasis Car Show, Saturday August 18th, 9:00am - 4:00pm, and choose a side. You might just find yourself shaken :o AND stirred!!! :drink:

Mai Tai posted on 08/09/2012

Mods vs Rockers. Who ya bettin' on?

(I haven't met the Mod in this pic, but I have met the Rocker, and she's pretty scrappy, so my money's on her!)

PolynesianPop posted on 08/09/2012

My Speedster will be in the show too. License plate: WATAHHH! A tribute to Bruce Lee as Kato!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/09/2012

Damn, Those Mods are getting old.....:lol:
"The Selecter" is the best of the 80s Ska bands! Oi!

babydoe posted on 08/09/2012

Amazing job on the car show Bill!!

Dr. Shocker posted on 08/10/2012

I will have this car with me but the adaptive camouflage is busted so you won't be able to see it

SandraDee posted on 08/10/2012

now I dont have to stand in the sun to see the cars :)

awesome line up!

Every year the car show gets better and better..great job Bill!

VampiressRN posted on 08/10/2012

Wow Bill...nice line up!!!!

marion-n-brad posted on 08/10/2012

On 2012-08-08 19:02, Mai Tai wrote:
Mods vs Rockers. Who ya bettin' on?

(I haven't met the Mod in this pic, but I have met the Rocker, and she's pretty scrappy, so my money's on her!)

She is pretty scrappy! I should know, i've experienced her left hook. Great job Bill!
See ya soon...

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/11/2012

I am bringing two vehicles, no pictures yet!

tikimod posted on 08/14/2012

The Mod gal is Annie Monroe from The Like:


POW KLUB is still around? Wow, that's old times.

bigtikidude posted on 08/18/2012

Kristena (tiki-tena) and myself Bigtikidude
Will be DJing at the Car show in the parking lot
Of Tiki Oasis sat. 9 am to 4 pm playing a mix of hot rod surf
And spy music.
Also the Los Venturas from Belgium will be playing
2 sets. 11 to noon, and 1 to 2 pm

Hope some of you will come out to the lot to check us out
And the great cars n scooters.


VampiressRN posted on 08/19/2012

Was that a 62 Thunderbird? That was my first car...white leather interior, power bucket front seat, swing away steering wheel...handled like a dream!!!

L Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/443/63742696d0755.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=f921321cf64572624ac0d9e7598aae5a
Luckydesigns posted on 08/20/2012

There was a T-Bird there. Bo Huff's son brought their lime gold '63. Pretty rad car!
I have a '62 as well. Super fun to drive....when everything is working properly...

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