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Tiki Lagoon: A new blog

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SpaceAgeCity posted on 08/30/2012

I've been writing a blog on local history for six years and have finally branched out to start a SECOND blog on a subject that's near and dear to me: Tiki!


I have a list as long as my arm of ideas for future posts.

At the moment I sort of see it being about three main kinds of posts:

  1. Strange historical tidbits about the Poly-Pop phenomenon that haven't been covered much (or at all) in the past. These will require some research. (One I'm working on now is about a "lost" Polynesian theme-park attraction and includes some previously unseen concept art.)

  2. My own South Seas-related ramblings, including photos and articles about cool tiki stuff I've seen or experienced over the years.

  3. The occasional post intended for tiki newbies.

Of course, in the end I'll just have to see what works. In the meantime, I'm open to suggestions. (At least within reason!)

I should say up front that this blog isn't specifically about SoCal tiki, but I'm afraid it will be slanted that way simply because that's my neighborhood. But I'll include interesting stuff from elsewhere whenever I can.


AceExplorer posted on 08/30/2012

Chris, good luck with the new blog, I'm looking forward to reading it. I grew up in Orange County and miss all the really cool and in-your-face tiki architecture (and also the space-age googie) in Anaheim. You have a lot of material and history in So Cal from which to take inspiration! I haven't been to Anaheim in a few years and I'm really curious to know what's left of the old tiki motels and things. I will have to make a point to drive around Harbor, Katella, Ball Road, etc. on my next visit.

christiki295 posted on 08/30/2012

Good blog post on Wally George. I saw him so much on TV, although alas never on any subject related to Exotica.

AceExplorer posted on 08/30/2012

On 2012-08-30 07:37, christiki295 wrote:
...Wally George.

I visited a taping of Wally's show once in the late 1980's when my company was being courted as a potential advertiser on the station. We watched the show from the edge of the set and then got to mix and mingle with Wally and his "guests" in the green room afterwards. They all gathered on sofas with refreshments to review the show, and even the "evil guests" were very good friends of Wally's. One told me that they, as actors, liked going on Wally's show because it was unscripted and helped them practice their ad-libbing skills. He also told me they thought it was a helluva hoot for them to do the show. From that point forward I looked at Wally, and others who came after him, completely differently. But Wally was unique.

White Devil posted on 08/30/2012

Good start to a great blog: I look forward to being a regular reader.

tikiskip posted on 08/30/2012

Looks great!
I will stop by now and then.
Good luck!!!

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