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What do you add to Tiki central?

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A post here got me to thinking about some of the negative things here on TC.
I know I too can get negative in my posts but I try to keep it about say Columbus,
Or try to make it funny.
But some of the harsh immediate smack downs people give, like wow.
So what do you add?
I haved tried to do more than sales on TC For years I sold nothing.
The thread on the Kahiki is mine and gives lots of information on the Kahiki.
I took lots of video of the Kahiki at the end and that is on the DVD of Tiki.
Through the years I have done at least Five how toos and given many small tips on doin tiki.
Have had give aways and contests to give free lights, have even given mugs to people, (at least 8 lights)
Do trades with TC people, Tiki Kate aksed me for a copy of my ITV mug catalog sent that to her free, that
catalog is on Oooga Mooga right now.
Have shown Kahiki mugs (some people here do not want me to do this as it lets people know what's rare Kahiki)
To all TC members.
I have seen all types here on TC, The person who looks for drama.
Then there's the guy who is a grammar and spell checker, I must piss these guys off cuz I'm not so good.
We now have the ebay/ people selling things Watchdogs, Don't f up with these guys cuz as you know "Americans are
rude" so being a jerk is ok.
And last are the people who start the.. What do you hate, pisses you off, ect.. threads.
Ok, so that's the negative.
What about the Possitive, news about tiki.
Photos of events, Tiki bars and restaurants or even the tiki stuff mugs ect( sabu was good for this).
People who post drinks, food, thier art or tiki bar they build and how they do it.
Info on Music, Shirts.
Lots of that here Too.
If you go back and look at what you post here on TC you will get a picture of who you are on TC.
Go back and read some of the old posts of these negative people, it's a pattern with some.
All they give is negative or fluff, no use at all.
Go look at your posts where do you fall?

So what do you add to TC?

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2012-09-09 08:24 ]


John, Very thoughtful point, well stated. I would like to thank you and others who do take the time to educate and inform. The "diversity" among other things that occur here are entertaining at times. Just not "all the time". OGR


Thank you.
I too like the negavite funny stuff.
And in my life I am that negative funny guy, I hope.
Buy I would hope that there would be a breath inbetween
of something good.


Nice post John,

Even if not everyone responds if they're at least reading the topic they are forced to even for a second to think about what they contribute. :)

I'd like to think that some of my posts in Locating Tiki are enjoyable. Otherwise I enjoy contributing where I can with some sort of information and or photos. I make it out to some events. I try not to get too "Looks Great" on posts but sometimes it's all you can offer and it's an easy way to let the poster know there work is being seen. Sure they can check the view count but feedback is nice.

Ideally I try to encourage good work and good posts, content over quantity type stuff. Also I'm a huge supporter of both the search feature and spell check. :lol:


"Even if not everyone responds if they're at least reading the topic they are forced to even for a second to think about what they contribute"

EXACTLY! Now people can look at the posts, and then look at this persons history and out em
for the non useful TCer they are.
I find these people as offensive as the one time i'm just here to sell and cash in guys,
both add nothing, well the one time sell guy has a thing you may want so he may be up on the
negative only guy.
And there are many old time TCers that do nothing but sell here now.
nobody says anything about them.
Plus some I know bad mouth TC then run here to sell or to announce there thing whatever it may be.
Boris your Thread on photos of Mai Tai is one that comes to mind, Positive, I love it.

We need a "don't like, adds nothing button"

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2012-09-09 09:58 ]


I'm hard at work on my next TC thread (ATP and Lucas are helping).

It's gonna be Tiki fabulous !! :)

Sorry John-O,

I'm not going to let you turn this into an Anti-Axis of Tiki post.

Your Zombie Road Trip, Jungle Style and Frank Bowers posts, along with your bar crawls and love of live bands that post on Tiki Central qualify as contributions. Lucas' huge passion for Hapa Haole and other great music counts as well as his interest in Buena Park attractions like Jungle Island and the Japanese Deer Park, ATP with his Do It Yourself - Home Bar and Cooking posts as well as his love of Don's and the Tonga Room at the Fairmont, all get a pass in my book.

Like I said, sorry. :lol:

Interesting thread, but somethings to consider. A lot of folks may come here with the intention of sharing some info or media, only to find out that what they have to offer is already represented on this site (a lot of stuff you know). Other folks may come here to share and/or help out only to be turned away by rudeness (have experienced that myself). The injection of unnecessary, unwelcome drama and negativity into some folks' life is enough to keep them from participating in the community at all (I was a lurker for years because of this behavior). Then there is the question of whether we want folks being "judged" as to what their "value" to the community is. The diversity of any community is based on it's participants, not necessarily their contribution. While I would love to see less negativity and rudeness on this site, I would hate to see someone treated badly because their contribution may be perceived as lacking. Some folks come here to learn, some folks come here to teach and some folks just come here to hang out and talk with good folks. The different motives in accessing this site come with different sets of self-inflicted responsibilities.

I would love to see the negativity and rudeness disappear from this site, but I would also hate seeing folks judging each other as to whether they personally believe each other's contributions are worthwhile or not. Unless negative, abusive or unreasonable, maybe we should just accept folks for who they are and realize that while we may not know the particular value of someone's contribution, we also don't know how that value may change just around the corner. If we alienate them before they have learned or developed their role within the community, we may be losing out on a hell of an artist, writer, contributor or even good friend to tilt back a few zombies with. Just a thought.....


Good points LostIsland, and I agree with you.
So you may have misread my point.
It's not so much that you must have to add great things to TC all of the time.
But my point was if all you do is point out negative then
that may not be needed.
It's one thing to do a post that is say I hate this, We don't need to read that.
We can avoid that altogether.
But when you sucker punch a newbie trying to sell, well that cannot be over looked, as
you droped a bomb on his or her thread.
Who knows, that newbie may want to join or he she may run into someone into tiki and say
I found this great site that you would love.
BUT.. if the first thing they get when they come here is a beat down well that won't happen.
In fact they will instead say what a bunch of a holes we are.

Know this.. I have talked to people who hate TC, they want it gone.
Have often thought they may have people doing fake names to derail TC.
If TC goes then it would take the steam out of... Tiki mag, ALL the events, Tiki stuff sold, yes even my lights,
New tiki music, sales of new good rums in your town, Start up of new tiki bars ECT.....
I don't think Tiki would last long without TC.
How would all know about events?
Facebook? I don't think so.


On 2012-09-09 10:41, Bora Boris wrote:
Sorry John-O,

I'm not going to let you turn this into an Anti-Axis of Tiki post.

Your Zombie Road Trip, Jungle Style and Frank Bowers posts, along with your bar crawls and love of live bands that post on Tiki Central qualify as contributions. Lucas' huge passion for Hapa Haole and other great music counts as well as his interest in Buena Park attractions like Jungle Island and the Japanese Deer Park, ATP with his Do It Yourself - Home Bar and Cooking posts as well as his love of Don's and the Tonga Room at the Fairmont, all get a pass in my book.

Like I said, sorry. :lol:

I think you are absolutely right (and I thank you for your support!)

All of us members of the "pot stirrers club" are very passionate about tiki. hell, I was into it before I even knew it's name. My first real experience here was in 2003 (posting under a different name) and that was when I received Book of Tiki as a birthday gift. Suffice to say I read this book over and over for about 2 weeks, utterly amazed and transfixed on what I was seeing. Someone actually took the time to compile, archive and describe in great detail not only the world of tiki, but the cultural reasons for it's existance. For that, I am eternally greatful to Sven Kirsten. I agree basically with his entire take on what tiki is, with the exception that I wholeheartedly dissagree with his take on the tiki music scene...barring that, his book is my guide. I use it whenever I judge personally what tiki is and what tiki is not.
But even before that (as some here know) I was into Arthur Lyman and Martin Denny. My love for that was based on the fact that the first three albums I ever bought myself (when I was 6, can you believe that?) was "meet the beatles","Rock around the clock" and "Taboo". The beatles record was hardly listened to, as I found it an instant turn off....but the Bill Haley record was worn out completely. The Arthur Lyman was a revalation to me. I read the liner notes over and over. This was 1970 or so, so you can imagine I had noone to talk to about this stuff.
As a young child (and as was mentioned by Boris) I was always searching out tiki stuff...being a big fan of Disney's tahitian terrace, adventureland...and anything that was remotely like it. Me and my little brother wrote our own science fiction stories of an entire world that was a jungle...we were really into it.
In 1983 I was stationed in hawaii...and while every single one of my army friends was into the local metal acts in honolulu...I was searching out hapa haole stuff and going to the vintage bars on hotel street looking for that feeling of the past. I spent hours on the bridge of our army ship speaking with the old first mate, CW3 Richard "dick" Elmore, an eccentric guy who lived in Waikiki during the golden years, and had seen both Denny and Lyman live many times. His stories were very entertaining and educational to me...and helped cement my love of tiki.
In the end, I would love to keep tiki pure. I disagree with John O and ATP very little, and probably only when it comes to music...because again, I like to see it kept pure..and I don't really like the neo-tiki scene as regards the music. For me, it is only pure exotica and definately Hapa Haole music that rules supreme. I also like to see tiki kept small...almost a special secret among us...something the rest of the world does not get...and I fear the advent of neo-tiki dillutes things too much.
I love tiki central, and thank god for it. So much good stuff here!
And unlike a lot of other forums, this forum has a lot of really talented people...I mean REALLY talented people! Most everyone contributes something good here. Very little crap. Even the bands I don't particularly like are excellent musicians...but just go to any tiki event with vending and you will see excellent hand made stuff. I only wish I had more money or I would have bought something from every table.

On 2012-09-09 11:23, tikiskip wrote:
Know this.. I have talked to people who hate TC, they want it gone.
Have often thought they may have people doing fake names to derail TC.
If TC goes then it would take the steam out of... Tiki mag, ALL the events, Tiki stuff sold, yes even my lights,
New tiki music, sales of new good rums in your town, Start up of new tiki bars ECT.....
I don't think Tiki would last long without TC.
How would all know about events?
Facebook? I don't think so.

Good points! What we have here is a wide-open clearinghouse with limited moderation. That's about as good a balance as it can be. And it does have many advantages over Facebook and it addresses many needs of the tiki community. So I say let's keep it, heh....

It seems as though I did misunderstand your point a little. From what I NOW understand, you aren't so much saying that we should be judging the contributions of others so much as you're advocating a self analysis of our own contributions. An analysis that encourages us to look at our own behavior and determine whether it is unnecessarily negative or unreasonable. I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, the benefits of the internet and it's ability to connect folks from all over the globe often comes with unpleasant side effects. Those side effects often illustrate themselves in the way many folks become emboldened, unreasonable and brave behind the anonymity of their keyboards. Between the web and mobile phones we are really perpetuating a culture of rudeness and disconnection and it really is unfortunate to see.

I post some "art", hopefully it inspires someone, I give most of it away. I try to encourage other artists, especially the newbies and the "non-professionals". The view count is nice, but it can be a little disheartening when 400 people look at something you posted and not one was impressed enough to leave a comment. I also try to share any technical expertise that I come across.

But here is my only REAL contribution: I waste a lot of time here, I'll hit the "View New Posts Across All Forums" button several times a day. In doing so I see all the SPAM, which I report to Hakalugi immediately and he quickly purges it - together we're a SPAM eating machine! :lol:

I would like to see TC a little more friendly place to hang out, like the tiki bars/clubs/events it often features. Let's face it, the whole tiki movement as a whole is relatively free of pretension and elitism, why it sometimes exists on this page in contradiction is beyond me.

However, I DO think tiki would exist and go on whether this site existed or not, just like it did for 50-70 years before this site existed. My personal interest in tiki started over 30 years ago, long before I even knew there was a community of like minded folks. That being said though, I DO think that it would be a lot harder to stay in contact or in the know regarding many events. It would also make it more difficult to become acquainted with other tiki minded folks that you might not have had the opportunity to get to know. While I have been treated rudely on occasion on this site, I can't wish anything bad on the site simply because some kooks on here have personal problems. Better just to learn who those cats are, and consequently have nothing to do with them. The best punishment for bitter people or trolls is simply to make them irrelevant. Deny them the one thing they seek, attention.


I'm not a heavy poster on TC, although I do read it each & every day.
I esp. love seeing the old postcards, pamphlets and ephemera from the old haunts of days gone by.
Personally, my main are of contribultion has been in the "show us your record collection" posts.
I enjoy various boards BECAUSE of the variety of opinions & there are bound to be disagreements. And sometimes people can be a bit rude, but as far as rudeness on a messageboard goes, honey boo boo, ain't NOTHING going on here at TC that can compare to the rudeness on some beauty pageant messageboards..one of my other interests...haha.

The best punishment for bitter people or trolls is simply to make them irrelevant. Deny them the one thing they seek, attention.

thats the phrase that pays right there!!!!!.....i have been on this site since 2008. and before that i was a passer by and watcher for a while......i never run into any true negative people till recently.....maybe its the recession or just the leftovers of people that haven't moved on to face book.....i refuse to join face book.......i tend to stay in the carving section mostly. i think a lot of people have moved to face book to control whos allowed to contribute to their forum.

i post my work...good or bad. I'm an artist and I'm used to negative feedback which can be positive at times. truth hurts when its true.....if you put yourself out there there will be those idiots that just cant control themselves...or not understand opinions are just that..its just the world we live in. mostly i will choose to ignore but i am guilty at times of just being irritated by arrogant blowhards. i notice when people bring their personal and mainly political views into the forum it turns nasty. theres all kinds of people in the world but i honestly think there are more good people. this site has allowed me to meet people i never would have. the education from the members here and the sharing that goes on regardless of your interest is amazing.....every barrel will have a bad apple or two. i don't think you have to make or build or supply to contribute here on TC........the dialog of common interest is enough.......this is one of many happy places in my world. ignore the negative and don't feed their egos........even if ya hate em.....there must be something good in these people right? they are on TC and like tiki......???? right??? i can go to work and find some real A-holes every day.

my two cents for what its worth.....which aint much these days.

Well said Creative!

Well I can't help but think that I am one of those people included
in the description in the first post, as I have been involved in some of those controversies.

I think "Tiki" was & is still today a social activity first & foremost
So my presence here & attitude is of a social nature, I go to events, Shows, Bands, Art openings & Tiki Bars
to enjoy the company of most of you a "wretched hive of scum and villainy." :P

To enjoy Tiki you have to participate in it, And so few TCers do & I am critical of it.
I keep all my "Useless posts" in Bilge exactly where it should be, Remember all, you don't have to go there or read it
unless you want to or can't help yourself, Then it's on your dark souls.

It does bother me that so few of you actually support the Tiki community, A good example is I like
to mention peoples Birthdays & social announcements in the "Ohana" thread, which usually gets maybe 5 to 10 responses
And to someone, many of you know or at least have talked to, That's pretty pathetic.

And to correct some misconceptions, I am not against selling stuff on TC, I just ask that someone have an interest in the Tiki scene
and just not view it as a cash register.

I also along with MDM & Hakalugi am a rabid spam hunter, who likes to keep TC spam free,so if for nothing else, there is that!

I also want to ask the question "What is wrong with some criticism"? I have never seen a bigger bunch of cry babies
when someone interjects a little criticism here. :P

I would like to end this tirade with this, tikiskip you make some damn fine Tiki lamps!
I will now recede into the darkness.............


Ha! Atp I fact it was not you who I was thinking of when I wrote this.
And Thank you,
That is a problem I have not being a good writer my mesage does not always
come off as I had hoped.
Some good stuff here.
Lostisland I think you have it.
"you're advocating a self analysis of our own contributions"
And others to look for your contributions. Think looking for all negative contributions here.
Negative BS can be fun, Some people reading this are shaking thier head
saying Tikiskip is the most negative.
But not till I at least think I know ya.
Not going to rip some newbie.
And keeping tiki underground is great if your in California, It would still be huge in
your world.
But it IS mostly underground in the rest of the world right now.

Very interesting thread indeed and thoughtful subject in my humble opinion.

I came to TC via some Googling of exotica...I was impressed and happy to find this wonderful community of people that supported a genre that I didn't even know existed. Many of us are just on the edge of Tiki in that we are appreciative of all it has to offer, but we are mostly participants in the adventure and not in the core by providing intel or art. I hope people, like me, that support the artists, events, and genre provide the eager audience that all the experts play to.

In the past, I have had negative comments made to me about making too many posts, spelling errors and my support of newbies who had a "not really a Tiki bar"...but I did not let it stop me from meeting so many wonderful friends and learning more about Tiki by remaining on the board.

Honestly, the only things I can add to TC are my APPRECIATION & ADMIRATION of all the wonderful posts that help to enrich my life and those of others. I have done what I can to build a Tiki Lounge in my home and I enjoy entertaining friends from time to time and post a few pictures occasionally. Th-th-th-that's all folks!

ATP you had me laughing there, well played. While I agree, that to truly enjoy the culture one must do what they can to immerse themselves in it. Unfortunately for some, the desire to participate is outweighed by financial matters. I participate in what I can, but otherwise have to focus on my own tiki space (The Green Spider Lounge). Sometimes it's the only tiki bar I can afford to hang out in. Bravo for the spam patrols too, I don't think anyone can argue that it in any way improves the experience of users of this site. Also bravo for criticism, without it there is no growth or change. Personally I don't comment much on here, but mostly it's a time issue. With all it's content, this site can be quite time consuming if you aren't careful, and if you're as obsessed as me......forget about it. I do hope to get to know some of you folks better and eventually have some fellow tiki kooks over to hang out hear some good music and enjoy some drinks. Until then, Aloha!

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