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looking for flickering outside tiki torches

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TIKIWAGON posted on 10/14/2012

We are looking for a set of flickering outside/garden tiki torches(the plastic type with a spike in the bottom),Got a set off ebay years ago but are coming out to SOCAL next week and wonder if any shops stock them still

MadDogMike posted on 10/14/2012

I picked up a set at my local hardware store. They are part of the "DoIt Center" group, maybe other stores in that group carry them too. Here are some of their locations in California
I could have sworn I saw them at Lowe's yesterday too.

The first set I bought years ago was woven bamboo with a bamboo pole, a solar panel on top and they had a nice flicker to them. But they only lasted a couple of years before the woven part fell apart. The next ones I picked up looked exactly the same but they were all plastic. In this case I think that is actually a good thing and they will be more durable. They've got a nice yellow glow but they don't flicker very much.

VampiressRN posted on 10/14/2012


I have these, but still need to get them installed. Just sharing.

Lodge 9 posted on 10/14/2012

I have some solar ones that I picked up at Lowes.

tiki mick posted on 10/14/2012

Home depot sells them. I think they are totally rad!

Or Got Rum? posted on 03/19/2013

I was reading a blog from Northern Virginia and I came upon on thread where a guy was going to buy 50 of these for his yard...had a good laugh. BTW, Anyone ever bought the Moai from HD? Crap or OK? OGR


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