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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/03/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Hey, go check out this pod cast!
Doing my best to get the "Tiki" out there...

tigertail777 posted on 11/03/2012

Very cool that you got another one on there Brad! Great stuff, I'll have to download the podcast for my next working time.

Not sure why you had the after Halloween blues, unless maybe you were blue cause it was over. I know I always feel a little sad that the best night of the year has come and gone, but I console myself with the memories I just made and will cherish.

Now get back to that poor mer guy, he needs to take the bite out of a few surfers. :wink:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/03/2012

tigertail777 - thanks dude!
Here's the latest work on the Body Glove Sea Creature painting...

Here's where we are at so far...

closer look at the texture on the back ground tiki...

more to come

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/05/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Darned nice sunday afternoon at the Wyland.

Even Godzilla thought so...

danlovestikis posted on 11/05/2012

Wyland Hawaii. Wish we were their it looks like a wonderful exhibit. Wendy

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/06/2012

Thanks. I may have said this before, but after the all out effort the Wyland Kona Gallery put into the "Hawaii-Ween" show, I'd like to take this moment to say how grateful I am to Mark Hanna the owner of this one "Wyland Gallery", and his sales staff. Kona is a small town, on what is called one of the "outer islands". The Big Island of Hawaii. Meaning, we are off the main tourist path. Wyland galleries are known far and wide to carry main stream work. When other galleries were saying no to my work, because tourists would not understand it, or tourists wouldn't be hip to the whole "Tiki Culture" thing, Mark took a chance and showed my work. And it sold!
Then, he and his staff took the time to learn a little about "Low-Brow" Art, Tiki Art, Outsider Art... all that. It's been amazing how this gallery - the last place you'd expect to find "poly-pop-surreal Art" - has become a place on the map, a small and out of the way place, but a place on the map for "Tiki Art".

I get a real kick out of tourist's reactions. I heard one very modest looking group of tourist types standing aghast in front of my wall of work and caught the sneered words: "Some people will just paint anything!"

Now This Wyland gets Tiki Tribe folks who come in knowing full well what this art is on display...and the staff can talk to them. The staff are no longer freaked out that some weirdos or big guys with a lot of tattoos and girls dressed like Betty Page are hanging out in the gallery! Great, and fun stuff. I've been asked to be in a large retail chain of galleries - to show year round, from LA to Vegas To Florida...but I said no. I think if you travel 1000s of miles to an active volcanic island in the middle of no-where you should find something unusual you can't find anywhere else.

Well, anywhere but the occasional and uber important art show at an amazingly important and world famous Birth-Place of Low Brow Art gallery - the "La Luz De Jesus Gallery". But, it's not a surprise to find "Tiki Art" there. That's what they do. The cool cats & kittens and "West Coast Art Scene" go there looking for that kinda art. That's the center of the low brow art world.

It IS funny to see tourists not looking for Tiki Art find here... and then have to think about it, and talk about it, and wonder about it. I think it has actually become part of my "art". The "art" of what I do. Ya' know what I mean?

OH, I almost forgot. (darned rum soaked grey matter!) I apologize to the Amazing Aussie King of Hot-Rod and Shaman of Low Brow - Tony, I am also VERY lucky to be shown in his art gallery "Kustom Lane". Please visit this amazing art space he has created... and is in the process of making even more betta! He is changing his live to become devoted to spreading the art of the HOT ROD and Low Brow Kustom CULTURE Down Under!

Please visit them here: http://www.kustomlane.com/
General Email Enquiries: [email protected]
Online Store Enquiries: [email protected]

Tony has been my total unwavering steadfast rocksolid support on the southern hemisphere part of this weird whirling world... big BIG Aloha to you my friend! Tony.... U RAWK!

Thanks and ALOHA!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-11-05 17:54 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-11-06 15:18 ]

Professor G posted on 11/06/2012

I like to think of Tiki art as "Thinking Man's Lowbrow," Brad.

While what you and Kinny Ruzic and Sophista-Tiki and ZeroStreet and Amate and SurfSoul and a long list of others do may not be classic (to the undiscerning eye), the skill of hand and the clarity of vision are both undeniable.

Which is, of course, just a long-winded way to say I dig it.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/07/2012

Like PULP ACTION Fiction?

Check out this pod-cast! And ...you might recognize the tiki-art on the site... http://protectingprojectpulp.com

Episode #17 - Dave gives a very PULP reading of my Bio at the end! THANKS DAVE!!!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-11-06 17:22 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/07/2012

On 2012-11-05 19:37, Professor G wrote:
I like to think of Tiki art as "Thinking Man's Lowbrow," Brad.

While what you and Kinny Ruzic and Sophista-Tiki and ZeroStreet and Amate and SurfSoul and a long list of others do may not be classic (to the undiscerning eye), the skill of hand and the clarity of vision are both undeniable.

Which is, of course, just a long-winded way to say I dig it.

I bow to your wisdom Professor!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/07/2012

The Tiki-Art of Brad Tiki-Shark Parker
U can Find it At...
The Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery!
75-5770 Alii Dr
Kailua Kona, HI 96740-1782
Phone – (808) 334-0037
Toll Free – (888) 435-6612
Email – [email protected]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/09/2012


Wow, just got sent this nice pic from an art patron who bought some Tiki Art...now it's all framed and up...gosh...some nice gicles on paper ,a dn they even framed some of the "Tiki Art Post Card Set"...really made me feel all warm and mushy inside.
Big BIG thanks!!
Aloha and Mahalo!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/10/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe~

"Body Glove Sea Creature"
Step 11.) still working on the monochromatic under painting. Working on the tiki in the BG on the left....

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/10/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Close up of Tiki...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/05/2012

Aloha tiki Tribe!
Whew! Was off island at VEGAS! (long story... great things going on. New Tiki Mugs happening. ..and I barfed in a new Cadillac!. How very Vegas!)

Here's the Body Glove Sea Creature

He needs lots of work still to become the best painting I've ever done (and that's the goal here...)

Did some more sketches of the arm as it needs some work....
more 2 come

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/06/2012

Whilst I was in Vegas... at DEMA.... doing deals with Body glove and Tiki Farm.... and barfing in new Cadillacs... I (gasp!) LOST my Crazy Al Tiki Pendant.... (sob!) I remember putting into some where "smart" so I would not loose it while I was lugging all my crap from the dive show to the hotel to the casino and back again... but ...I had it in my hand... and then.... and then.... I dunno...

I wore that tiki a lot!
Every where... hmmm... gotta be somewhere... maybe I'll go through all my stuff again...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/08/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
& Happy "Aloha Friday" to those folks on the mainland...
Here is step 13 in the "Body Glove Sea Creature "Painting.

I painted in a blood-red twilight, with the huge moon being a pumpkin-orange, behind the monster. If I make the creature in dramatic shadows with blues and greens it should pop very nicely out of the back ground. ... looking back on the moons I have painted before, I really like the orange-red moon on "Zombie Tiki Girl" and I want to explore that image a bit more ...
There have been successful talks with "Body Glove" and "Tiki Farm" about a joint project, but I have not had time to get to the designing stage of that yet...yes... sea creature tiki mugs...along with the other two tikis in the painting... Holden and I are working on an idea to make them quite unusual and strange
have a great week end... go do something you mom told you not to...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/08/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
So... there's this band called LEFTHEAD. I met one of the members here in Kona as he was looking for tiki-art, and spreading aloha - great guy. Sent me some of their tunes...

Please go ahead and feel the Heavy Metal Aloha from these guys - they are Tiki-culture fans, (got some of my art up one their walls I'm happy to say!) and, OKAY, they do not play exotica, but some how it embraces, many "Low-Brow" and "Kustom Culture" flavors, as well a artful lyrics that could have been penned my Poe or Lovecraft. I might tentatively call what they do "Art Metal".(cringe!) Anyways, I look forward to doing some proper pop-surreal tiki art for their future music CDs - Check 'em out!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-12-08 02:04 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-12-10 22:24 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/11/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
So I'm still painting the "Body Glove Sea Creature Painting"

step 14... getting the twilight sky and moon rise looking right. I want a warm red/orange moon so the creature can be blue and green and stand out. So, shading with acrylic paint can be really tough , if you are seeking to hide your brush strokes. Which , for some strange reason I get into this thing about wanting to do... in skies at least... So, red moon, to red sky, fade to purple sky at edges of painting to give the comp a dramatic spot light sorta' look (which I dig). Acrylic is a bear ...and it's taken me days of making layers and layers of little brush strokes to get it starting to look like a proper transition.
I darkened the creature, so he'll be more shadow, with blue/green touches of light on his monsterous dripping form as he stalks outa' the sea... I was about to fall asleep last night and I grabbed my sketch book and roughed out the idea to have just a little light across the creatures eyes... like in the old horror movies... we shall see how it comes out... more to come...

Robb Hamel posted on 12/13/2012

Lookin' nice. I like the rough work on the beach - is that gonna stay that way or get the full, elaborate treatment?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/13/2012

Aloha Robb! Thank you for your question! But...oh Robb.... you know me... I'll paint and paint and paint it till it's so freakin' over worked that I'll doubt my own sanity. Sorry, less snotty replay is I'd like to work out a nice sandy texture...and a dramatic spot light of illumination on the beach right where my little character-goon-tiki-thing is standing. I have this muse urging me on until I create the best possible illusion I can create of "something" standing on a "space" - like a game piece on a game board. Or a stop motion puppet on a miniature stage. Really, that's the "idea" that is stuck in my head which keeps urging me on.
Why not build a puppet stage and a real puppet you ask? Damn...that's a darned good question.

Anywho, while I plumb the depths of my artistic weird-o-ness, here's "Sandy Claw's Island of Misfit toys" ... if the island were a shelf in my art studio. Just in time for Christmas!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-12-12 21:09 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/13/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
While in DEMA , the big Dive Show in Vegas this year, I had a meeting with Body Glove, & Tiki Farm about doing some joint project: 3 new kustom limited edition Tiki mugs to go along with a painting of the "Body Glove Sea Creature" I have been painting. Fun!

Why have I been painting "The Body Glove Sea Creature"? Well, that's a long story, and here it is:There's a Surf Magazine which holds a swanky contest to promote surf photography. It's invite only, and only open to big sport brands like Nike, Bill-a-Bong, Volcom, and like that... so, Body Glove was asked, and Last year Body Glove won first place! They were asked again this year, and thought hard and long how to up their game and win again. So created (after gawking at stuff hanging in their office like my Monsters in Hawaii post cards, and pop-surreal calendar. I'm very flattered that they had my "Creature from Kona" post cards up ... and maybe I helped along in their creative process) and they, headed by Greg Browning (pro surfer since he was 13 now a professional film maker for Body Glove) ... chose to create a surf film, that was also a MONSTER movie!

They made the movie... it's Sort of the "Blair Witch Project" except with a professional surf team. Then.... THEY WON FIRST PLACE !

How way cool is that?
Here' a link to the winning short film. http://surf.transworld.net/1000151561/videos/imaginarium-body-gloves-the-disappearance/

So, how cool was that?! Way WAAYY Cool! A surf film with a Sea Creature! Love it! I loved it so much, I decided to paint a painting of it for my next big art show at "La Luz de Jesus Gallery" in LA in 2014. This is a once in a life time chance when these thing just fall in your lap, so you GOTTA' do 'em!

I asked Body Glove if they were OK with me painting it, and not only were they OK, they loved it. Greg Browning, surfer /director who directed the short film is really excited... we had a special meeting last time I was on the mainland and at Body Glove HQ, he told me how happy he was that some one else out there was having as much fun with this whole thing as he was.

So, the Body Glove Sea Creature has made a few more film festivals, and won more awards, and the Creature himself has shown up at some surf/trade shows and caused much excitement. So we want to keep having fun with this as long as we can. We have a Body Glove super quick dry style of board shorts called Amphibious that we want to tie the Sea Creature to next season...and maybe the finished art from the painting can make it onto tee-shirts, or Board Shorts, or aloha shirts...

All that was going on and then my buddy Holdren Westland called me about doing some tiki-mugs for TIKI FARM if I had time. I thought this was a chance to make more fun swanky tiki / sea creature stuff and ...thus the meeting about tiki mugs with Body Glove at DEMA.

OK long story over... (WHEW!)

Anyways... There are two tikis in the BG (back ground) of the Sea Creature painting...so I figured 3 mugs - two of the BG tikis, an d1 of the Body Glove Sea Creature it self. Cool? Well, after all that it's been going on after my own big art show this last summer at La Luz De Jesus Gallery, and all the commissions and follow through that caused, so I have been bug crazy busy, and I just got had not had a chance to get around to doing some sketches and starting designs yet .
Till now. Here we go...
The First BG tiki will be called the "Shark-Tiki" If you are looking at the painting this "Shark -Tiki" is the tiki on the right.

Here's s first look see...

It's gonna say "Body Glove" on it I think somewhere...and have some other surprises in it...


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/15/2012

Happy Aloha tiki Tribe!

Working on the Sea creature.... Planning a research trip to the beach this weekend... all work of course, photo ref and sketch books and stuff... a really sucky job of course.... but some poor bum has to do it...


[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2012-12-15 01:25 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/16/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

I just got my copy of SPECTRUM today!! WHOO-HOO!

For you folks who might check in once in a while to see what trouble I'm getting into, you probably know that every year, for the past 5 years, I have entered all my work from that year into the SPECTRUM art contest.

"SPECTRUM: The Years best in Contemporary Fantastic Art" - Winning entries get published in a big beautiful art book every year in the fall (in time for X-mas shopping no doubt.) . I've been a fan of this book since it started ...well 19 years ago. I have them all except #6. I have been lucky enough that each year I submitted work, the judges picked one piece out of everything I did that year and published that 1 piece in that year's book. It's been a real thrill for me to be in this publication - this book that has inspired me for so many years.
Every year, (so far at least!) I get 1 piece published; on a 1/4 of a page, or a 1/2 of a page, in this big beautiful art book... but this year, is the first time I was ever given ONE WHOLE PAGE to myself!
What a surprise!
Well.... with great pleasure, and much warm and tingling feelings, I present it to you my Tiki-Tribe...here it is....

SPECTRUM 19. On the left is the cover. Then, on page 198 is... (ta-dah-DAA!)

"Hawaiian Eye"!
24" x 30-" acrylic on canvas

So, I feel very proud, like I have struck a blow for "Tiki-Culture" with this FULL PAGE coverage. I have heard rumblings, and I bet u have too, from some gloom & doom crowd that "tiki is on the way out"...well, guess what? Here's a darned good test of what's the newest, and "BEST" in the art scene... and a piece of TIKI-ART got a gosh-darned-full-page in this year's book!
I don't think Tiki is going away at all! Tiki is here... it's intermixed into the DNA of our pop-culture now, and always will be. Like the wild west, or pirates, or vampires, or Masked Professional Wrestlers, or Robots, or Super-Heroes...

Big Aloha!

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2012-12-16 01:59 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-12-16 02:06 ]

VampiressRN posted on 12/16/2012

Congratulations...well done.

cy posted on 12/16/2012

I agree and think that tiki art can be cool, relevant, and progressive. Great job keeping things moving forward Tiki Shark Art!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/16/2012

Thanks so much!

I popped down to the Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery today. Here's a photo of me showing my local Gallery owner the new SPECTRUM.

That's me, theSpectrum book, Mark Hana the gallery owner and a limited edition of the winning painting - "Hawaiian Eye".
Again, big aloha, thanks and all that goes to MArk for taking a "Tiki Artist" into his gallery, and show casing my art in a place where folks don't expect to see "THAT!"

Ya' wanna talk to Mark about getting a swanky quality art print of my Tiki-Art here's his info:

Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery
75-5770 Alii Dr
Kailua Kona, HI 96740-1782
Phone – (808) 334-0037
Toll Free – (888) 435-6612
Email – [email protected]


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/18/2012

Aloha Tiki ( and Lovecraft loving) Tribe!
If you look in the latest edition of the art contest Spectrum - the book of winning entries: "SPECTRUM 19 The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art" you will see in the DIMENSIONAL area the Silver award went to a life sized figure of H.P. Lovecraft holding a book, it's Amazingly, and disturbingly, real looking! The owner of this fantastic piece of art is non other than Guillermo Del Toro. Imagine walking around late a night and seeing a life sized Howard P. Lovecraft standing in your front room with a copy of his book "The Call of Cthulhu" in his hands...

The artist is Thomas S. Kuebler, the medium is listed as Silicone , mixed.
C R E E P Y ! (and very swanky!)

(P.S. on page 198 is my winning entry)


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/18/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

This is my pop-culture version of a Cabinet of Curiosities...or a Wunderkammer... as are all our Tiki Mugs and various collections.


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-12-18 01:14 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/19/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe~
Here's the latest step on the "Body Glove Sea Creature Painting". I really had a fight with the sky. No matter which reds and blues I mixed I could not get purple but only got brown...so had to hunt for PURPLE ... ya' know, it seems art supplies are so high priced when everyone knows 99.9% of all artist's are starving. Anyways $30 later... I have purple (no joke!)

Got to work on the moon, gotta get the edges of the twilight more purple... palms, sandy beach sea...lots to go.... but starting to get there...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/21/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe, welcome into my art-studio creative-chaos-mess and please have a look-see at my current painting in progress...

"The Body Glove Sea Creature" (working title)
A huge battle over getting the moon-glow right. Sheesh, another painting where I painted the sky over and over till it "felt" right, or my artistic muse said it was close enough for now. Brush set to putting in something more fun, like the low-brow details of cartoon craters and such detail on the moon. Boy, there;s LOTS to do still. Freaks me out to think of all of it, so I have to just set my mind to one thing at a time.now: Moon. Next.. stars? Clouds maybe? The sea and it's reflecting moonlight waves, the lighting on the sand, the dark shadowy sea beast... I think more shadow with dramatic high lights in the most dramatic areas is best ... less is more so to speak. Some things to fix on the sea creatures structure I got after looking at Greg Browning's full life sized creature at Body Glove head quarters in Redondo Beach...
Much much more to come... big aloha! happy holidays!
Oh had some fun tonight, went down to the Don the Beach comber's Mai Tai bar at the Royal Kona Resort here in Kailua-Kona and saw Henry Kapono perform live.

Henry is gonna be on da' BIG ISLAND - 3rd Thurday of the Month
at Don's Mai Tai Bar
at Royal Kona Resort Kona, HI. 5-7pm
(808) 329-3111
Henry's a local legend, a Hawaiian rocker... but he plays everything from traditional Hawaiian songs, to classic rock, to surf music, to Rock-A-Billy, and once, I got to hear him do a scorching live version of "Stair Way to Heaven"!
Pono indeed!

Big ALOHA from the Big Island!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-12-21 02:03 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-12-21 02:06 ]

sirginn posted on 12/22/2012

Looking good Brad! You really got the moon glow effect going. Looking forward to seeing this one progress.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 12/24/2012


I just wanted to tell you how sad I am that 2012 is coming to a close since this means I have no new calendar page to turn to come January 1st!

I LOVE your 2012 calendar! It's hanging on my frig and makes me smile. I think I'm going to frame and hang a couple of pictures from it for my hut.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/04/2013

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Thanks Sirgin - finally getting the moon looking right.

Here's the painting in progress "Body Glove Sea Creature" is the working title.
Lori, sorry there is no 2013 calendar.... I was advised not to over expose my art, but, good news is 2014 calendar is already being printed!
Speaking of over exposure, here I am being exposed in a french art magazine.

"HEY! Modern Art & Popular Culture Magazine#12" front & back covers

Beautiful art mag...

Not sure if you can find it in the states or not...

But I've very happy they chose me to do a piece on. It's always exciting seeing someone writing about your work in French - hope they said something nice!
Here's their face book address http://www.facebook.com/events/193362700735361/
and here is some other web site of HEY! http://www.heyheyhey.fr/fr


Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/05/2013

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Gather around the tribal tiki hut and look into the mystic tiki torch... you will see a sneak peak at a rough sketch for a new Tiki Mug created by (me) Brad Tiki-shark Parker & Tiki Farm along with international surf brand Body Glove!

The working title is "The Shark-Tiki"!

This mug will be in a set of 3 that will moodily hook up with the award winning short surf/monster flick by Body Glove's Greg Browning. You can see Greg's film here: http://surf.transworld.net/1000151561/videos/imaginarium-body-gloves-the-disappearance/

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/15/2013

Tiki tribe,

Roughing out the skulls and flowers... gotta kick this one in the ass to "get 'er done!". I had the great pleasure and luck to contact an artist who's work I really enjoy. He appeared in the same issue of "Hey! Modern Art & Pop Culture Magazine" - the french publication : Eric Joyner - famous for painting vintage toy robots & donuts. His extremely flattering response to my Face Book message (amazing who you can find on that thing and who will actually reply !) He said I was pretty much designing whole worlds outa' my head which was much harder than what he did (roughly) well, it really was nice to hear. So, perhaps I gotta free up my style a bit, not overwork every-single-fricken-thing in the painting, and focus on certain things that get that extra umph. I really can't take 3 months on a painting... it's killing my career, I'm making a NY resolution (which I usually hate doing, but here goes) I'm working towards getting paintings done in n2 months, and ultimately 1 month each. that would be heaven. I know a lot of over working y aert is through fear that it's just not good enough... so I gotta get past alot of self doubt still. Anyways, dat's dat,. Big aloha,
Sketching out tiki mugs which I can't show until some of the legal stuff is more ready, so I may not post for a few days.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/15/2013

Aloha Tiki Tribe,

This is an older pencil study I did of a Sea Creature's underground cavern lair, with water falls, pool out to the sea, and big carved tiki gods to the sea creature from an ancient race. Kinda reference back story to the current painting...

Hale Tiki posted on 01/15/2013

I really like the pencil study. It looks like a pre-production drawing for an unmade Indiana Jones movie.

Professor G posted on 01/15/2013

On 2013-01-15 00:59, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

This looks like the pastedown (inside cover) of an old Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/16/2013

Hale Tiki, Professor G - Thanks so much. The best parts of my childhood were reading Edgar Rice Burroughs.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/16/2013

Whooaaah! I've always admired your black & white work, this is a wonderful example!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/16/2013

Thanks - Yes! I forgot how beautiful old pencil drawings are. One of my first exposures to art was a big book of the production art for the original King Kong movie. The amazing stop motion of Willis O'brien was mind warping to me, and All these beautiful pencil drawings of dinosaurs based on the art of Charles R. Knight, an artist who came over from Germany did these amazing pencil drawings for pre production so the studio would know what the island of dinosaurs would look like. I poured over these drawings for hours... sadly, I don't have that book anymore, and I cannot find ref on the net who the artist was who drew them. But I did find these images!

Kong fights the giant snake in his lair.

And this masterpiece - I remember every line of it... I studied it so long as a kid with a big library book in my lap. I think looking at this piece of art is what made me want to draw. Amazing. Anyone know who drew this? His name? All I recall is he came over from a German movie studio.

I think in honor of this unsung artist, I'm going to include my pencil drawing of the Sea Creature's lair along with whoever purchases the original acrylic painting of the "Body Glove Sea Creature".

Tabu posted on 01/17/2013

I have a copy of The Making Of King Kong. The pre production concept drawings were created by three artists,
Mario Larrinaga, Byron L. Crabbe and Ernest Smythe. I believe the second drawing of the t-rex was done by Larrinaga. Hope this helps.

zerostreet posted on 01/17/2013

That pencil work is beautiful Brad! Would love to see more of that!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/18/2013

Tabu - Oh YES! That's the guy! Oh wow... thank you so very much... isn't that a great and beautiful old book?! That's were I learned all about the deleted Spider canyon scene in the original. Which Peter Jackson put back in the remake, (and it totally creepy-crawly-grossed me out), and it did exactly the very thing why they took it out of the first film... it was a "show stopper"!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/18/2013

Aloha Tiki Tribe - actually I have a bunch of pencil drawings going right now, but they are all tiki mug designs and not fit for public viewing until Tiki Farm and I get the specs nailed down a tad more. I can say they are a set of 3 mugs, will match the "Body Glove Sea Creature" Painting I'm currently doing...and will also have some Body Glove tie ins... since the Sea Creature is from the short surf/monster film done by Body Glove's in-house surfer /writer/director Greg Browning.

check it out here: http://surf.transworld.net/1000151561/videos/imaginarium-body-gloves-the-disappearance/

Greg was on the Body Glove pro-surf team at 13 years old, & now spends most of his life flying to Hawaii & Indonesia and such amazing places filming surfers. Sheesh, what a career! And, he's just like the nicest guy you'd ever get to meet, just some easy going beach-surfer dude, having a great time in his life... does he have any idea hoiw amazing it is? Yeah, he's a very talented guy and knows his way around a camera, a story, and a wave! ... awesome.

That's Greg on the left, me on da' right and the tall dark and green in the middle.

So, anyways, can't show pencil drawings yet...so...

"for your consideration....art imitates life?"

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-01-17 22:20 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/20/2013

Mankind figured out how to do this with chalk boards and note paper and pencils. Makes you wonder (and scared) what is being designed now... that we may or may not know about.
A hui ho Bikini Atoll!
Sorry fer being so moody, but, guess I'm listening to the audio book Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson and it's got me thinking about the crazy things that came out of the war in the Pacific.

I wrote a (bad) Haiku book review about Cryptonomicon:

pearl harbor cold
a godzilla enigma
world war two much gold


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-01-19 20:07 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-01-19 20:16 ]

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2013-01-21 20:26 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/20/2013

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Still drawing out tiki mugs... a set of 3. Body Glove Sea Creature tie -in. Tiki Farm working with me. Designs not quite ready to show yet....so here's this ....

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/20/2013

Aloha tiki-tribe!

Wow! Dig this really beautiful and amazing Tattoo of "Hula Baby" an art patron has done - one of the best tattoo versions of my art I've seen yet. his tattoo artist is really darned old - it looks as good as the painting! Check out his work... http://jeffhoustontattoo.blogspot.com

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