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Tiki Wonderland VII--Dec 9th starting at 2pm

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GROG posted on 11/03/2012

[ Edited by: GROG 2012-11-13 01:34 ]

GROG posted on 11/03/2012


GROG on hiatus from DAN VS. right now, so GROG getting back to doing ceramics. GROG have a bunch of greenware left over from when GROG was preparing inventory for Tiki Oasis. But, since GROG was working in animation GROG not have time to make ceramics to vend at Oasis, so GROG will have Salt and Pepper Moais, Tiki Bob Shot glasses, Tiki Bob S&P's, Duncan Moais with Topknot lids and shots, and some hand-made one-of mugs and bowls.

GROG Moai Bowl in progress. Tikis carved out of rock.

And maybe a few custom Bobs as well, such as" Whistling Bob" in progress now.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2012-11-02 20:30 ]

heylownine posted on 11/03/2012

December 9 is now blocked. Bring forth Tiki Wonderland!


tonga hut posted on 11/03/2012

Please join us for the 7th annual Winter Wonderland event! We will be advertising this event in all the papers, so we expect a big turnout. We will also have new Tonga hut Mugs in Holiday colors as well, limited, so don't miss it. See you all soon!

Tonga Hut Since 1958

L.A.'s Oldest Tiki Bar
12808 Victory Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91606-3013
Avail. for Special Events @ the Hut or Location

LA Weekly's Best Tiki Bar of the year 2012 !!

[ Edited by: tonga hut 2012-11-03 08:58 ]

tobunga posted on 11/03/2012

YES!!! Count me in!

Krisdrama posted on 11/07/2012

I'd like to vend!

Krisdrama posted on 11/07/2012

I'd like to vend!

geedavee posted on 11/07/2012

I am hoping to vend as well. Please put me on the list.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/08/2012

I should be back by then, but I will have worked for three months straight by then, so I don't wanna vend - I will come to BUY!

GROG posted on 11/08/2012

Putting GeeDavey and Krisdrama on list to vend.

Glad you'll be back in time for this event BigBro. Always happy to have you at the Tonga Hut Tiki Wonderland, or any event for that matter.

SandraDee posted on 11/08/2012

Grog please put me down to vend (tenatively). I will let you know for sure either way by Dec 1.

GROG posted on 11/10/2012

GROG not sure what "tenatively" means, but GROG can put you down TENTATIVELY. (Courtesy of the Spelling Police.)

mp posted on 11/10/2012

Is there an art show perchance?

SandraDee posted on 11/10/2012

Good lord caveman I was typing and walking at the same time..I am surprised any of what I typed was spelled correctly.

Thanks for fixing my error...and thank you :)

GROG posted on 11/10/2012

On 2012-11-09 21:19, mp wrote:
Is there an art show perchance?


We're working out the logistics now. With the Glasgow Tiki Shakers playing inside, there's a good chance we may not have room inside for an art show. We may be able to set up outside in a vendor space, but the art show will then only be up until the sun goes down which is about 5pm.

Eric October would be heading up the art show, and he is talking to Amy now about whether it would be feasible or not.

tobunga posted on 11/11/2012

Were GO on the art show!

All you tiki artists, get your holiday tiki game on!!!

Please contact me if you're interested in being in the show! Lotsa fun awards and surprises in store!!!

(PM here or email me at ericoctober@gmail.com)

TiKiMaN77 posted on 11/12/2012

Oh Hell yes....Count me in for the Art work. Gonna go smaller this time, since my last piece took forever to finish...even as I worked on it at the Halloween show.

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 11/12/2012

Can't wait for Tiki Wonderland! Besides raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, THIS is one of my favorite things!

Buttercup posted on 11/13/2012

I am so very excited. I will even set an alarm to get my butt out of the house early enough to visit all the vendors. Maybe I will bring a few yummy vittles to nosh on.

GROG posted on 11/13/2012

GROG posted on 11/13/2012

Contact Eric October (Tobunga) if you want to participate in the art show.

Vendors contact GROG to be put on the list to vend. GROG will be out of town from Nov. 14 to Nov. 25, so you may not hear from GROG until after the 25th.

mp posted on 11/14/2012

Art Show= Awesome. Starting work on something now!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 11/15/2012

New Tonga ut Mugs limited to 25 each color will be available at the show!

Eric, put Mandy and Chris on your vendor list!

bigtikidude posted on 11/20/2012

Looking forward to sharing/spinning my eclectic mix of X-mas music for the event.
I'm always looking for retro, cool, and weird x-mas music all year round, just to be able to play it at events like this.

thanks to Grog, and all at the Tonga Hut for having me.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/20/2012

I love X!

bigtikidude posted on 11/20/2012

But did they do any X-mas music?


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/20/2012

Every X song is a X-mas song!

Nothing brings the holiday cheer more then "Johny Hit and Run Paulene"
just throw on the LP at the Tonga Hut & watch the fun.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-11-20 01:29 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 11/20/2012

Oi to the World by the Vandals. A whole punk Christmas album.

X did record Jingle Bells and Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/20/2012

Yes Lori.......Yes they did :)

Tonga Tom posted on 11/21/2012

1st two X LPs (on one CD) have been a standard on the TH jukebox for quite some time. It's actually my copy. :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/21/2012

So I will be thanking you face to face for that Tom, as that is the first selection
I play on the Tonga Hut jukebox everytime we are there!

lunavideogames posted on 11/21/2012

X does have an Xmas song - Santa clause is coming to town (looks like tikilongbeach already said that). I love the Vandals Xmas album. Play it every year! I also have a little known promo cd with 3 Xmas songs by Bad Religion.

I have to work so I cannot attend. I want to go and get one of Grogs mugs! They are super cool. Hope it goes well and everyone has fun! I wish I could be there.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2012-11-28 11:54 ]

Krisdrama posted on 11/26/2012

I'm working on some nods to the Jungle Cruise. To be available for purchase.

I will also have some little fish float lamps with mini puffer fish inside.

Joe Banks posted on 11/26/2012

Kris...these are awesome!

GROG posted on 11/26/2012

GROG back from out of state. Taking a day to decompress and catch up on things here at GROG' cave, and then back to getting this show on the road lining up vendors and stuff and finishing up stuff to try make this another successful, fun Tiki Wonderland Christmas event.

Krisdrama posted on 11/26/2012

Thanks, Joe Banks!
I hope to post more photos of more items throughout the week!

Buttercup posted on 11/26/2012


Is it only cookies? or is it holiday desserts? Just making sure before I settle on an idea.


SandraDee posted on 11/27/2012

Krisdrama those look rad!

I can't wait to FINALLY be able to vend and attend a Tiki Wonderland.

Grog you always work so hard to throw this event and thanks for letting me vend!

See you in a few weeks!

TiKiMaN77 posted on 11/28/2012

Here's what I've been working on for the show.
"Santa Claus: It's Good to be....Me."
8 1/2 x 11" on Bristol board. Inks to come as soon as I can get them finished.

And another one for the show that I started earlier tonight.
"Santa's Island Visit"
11 x 17" Bristol Board. Roughed out in Blue pencil, will have the pencils done in the next couple days.

Krisdrama posted on 11/30/2012

Don't forget to leave cookies out for Santa!

Holiday Earrings! and Not So Holiday Earrings!

heylownine posted on 11/30/2012

On 2012-11-29 23:27, Krisdrama wrote:
Don't forget to leave cookies out for Santa!

I love leaving cookies out for...uhhh....Santa. Yeah. Santa. Not for myself. For Santa.

And a great reminder to settle on (and bake) a Christmas cookie recipe for Tiki Wonderland!


GROG posted on 11/30/2012

If you'd rather do a holiday dessert rather than cookies, that's fine.

On 2012-11-26 14:44, Buttercup wrote:

Is it only cookies? or is it holiday desserts? Just making sure before I settle on an idea.


Bora Boris posted on 11/30/2012

I'm not trying anything unless it has a "Made in an FDA Approved Kitchen" sticker on it.

I'm serious! :D

Joe Banks posted on 12/02/2012

On 2012-11-26 14:14, Krisdrama wrote:
Thanks, Joe Banks!
I hope to post more photos of more items throughout the week!

Right at home at "The Island of Lost Souls".

GROG posted on 12/02/2012

GROG not have Facebook, so GROG hope all you Facebookers can help promote this baby.
Here poster for posting. If you want larger version, PM GROG, Tonga Tom or Eric October. GROG sent them the larger version as well.

This is happening next Sunday, so get your cookie recipes out for the dessert competition. Here's a little help:




The ten day forecast says we will have a nice sunny day with very little wind, so should be a good day for vending outside.

Here's a list of some of the vendors we have so far and we're waiting for confirmation from a few more.


PLUS, there is the art show headed up by Eric (Tobunga) October, so contact Eric if you have something you'd like to put in the art show.

[ Edited by: GROG 2012-12-02 12:38 ]

tobunga posted on 12/02/2012

Here are some ceramic pieces in the works for Tiki Wonderland.

I'm making a couple Tiki Bob's bucket mugs, because there seems to be bucket mugs for every other establishment, I though it would be fun!

I have a cool new glaze I can't wait to try out on the PNG drum bowl... now if everything survives....

TiKiMaN77 posted on 12/03/2012

Welp, Eric's already seen this one on Facebook, as well as many others who are on the Tiki Page...but felt I had to throw it up here too. About to start getting to work on inking this one first, since it is the Larger, and more detailed of the 2 pieces for the art show.
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Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 12/03/2012

Getting very excited for Tiki Wonderland VII!!! It's been too damn long since I've been able to make it up to the Hut!

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