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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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VampiressRN posted on 11/16/2012

Love that turtle pendant. Brilliant!!!

danlovestikis posted on 11/16/2012

Professor G thank you I hope I choose good glaze colors for them. Today's photos show the bounce back!

hang10tiki I didn't know your bar was The Honu Hideaway. It was appropriate you won the contest. The "earring" looks really good on you. You are welcome.

VampiressRN thank you. It's fun to make a few wearable art pieces.

Progress Report Wish List #3 and etc.

Since my kiln in 30 hours never raised high enough to fire, it was also cool by yesterday morning. So I peaked in and saw that the cones had not melted and the ceramics looked fine. Whew!

The repairman came and ended up replacing most of the insides of my kiln control box. $300 later it's back to new and fired last night. It will open again this weekend.

Vampiress RN here's the beak for Flamingo Bob. Your mug is now drying.

Kahaka/Woody here is Grandpa

Top view.

Front view.

I scratched in some fur. When it dries and is sanded most of this will be gone leaving fine lines.

Side view.

When the cat was soft I needed a support inside the mug.

Now the cat is firm so I removed the support. Now if one day the cat is dropped and broken the mug will still be a perfect Bob mug. Glazing will help this cat become Grandpa.

On eBay the Ren Clark drink menu is up for sale. Here's the drink add for the severed head that I'll start working on later this year. Page one of this thread has the sign up list. Let me know if you want to be added.

Having an operating kiln is such a joy. I'm ready to go to work right now.
Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/17/2012

SORRY IT WAS $300.00


danlovestikis posted on 11/17/2012

hang10tiki I didn't think of a trade dang it. But I tell everyone about Tiki Central and how its so much fun. Thank you again for all the wonderful pinups.

Progress Report:

I've opened the kiln load that sat for 30 hours in 1400 degrees. First off on the top shelf I could see these two had glaze crawl. I think it was dust. I kept washing these Moai but they still dried dusty. Still I was worried. What would the rest look like?

Top shelf had 3 out of 5 that were fine.

Second shelf all were fine.

Bottom level only one small Frankoma tiki had some glaze loss.

3 items to re-glaze and all of these plus two bowls were just fine. Don the Beachcomber's sale here we come!

We immediately re-loaded the kiln with another full load. It fired last night and opens tomorrow.

It was fun that what I had glazed was exactly what I had space for in the kiln.
Top shelf.

bottom shelf.

My goal is to finish all of the rest of my bisqued ware so that tomorrow or Monday I'll fire again.

Most of what I'm working on now are Bob's.

I'm choosing off the wall colors for fun.

After all the bodies are painted I go back and do the faces.

This is the first step for this PNG mug. I let it dry overnight. I'll work on him first this morning.

It's cold and raining outside. I perfect day to work work work. Well, I do that every day rain or shine. I just love doing this work.

I'm excited to hear from you and see some of you at Don's. Cheers, Wendy

KAHAKA posted on 11/17/2012

Grandpa looks awesome! My wife will love it. Mahalo!!

MadDogMike posted on 11/17/2012

You'll have to work doubletime to pay for those kiln repairs Wendy. Oh wait, you already were working doubletime! :lol:

I accidentally cast one of the El Tiki mugs thicker than I intended to ~ that one will be Dan's 'cuz I know he likes some heft to his mugs :D

LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/18/2012

Hi Wendy,

I was so happy to find out the kiln story had a happy ending! I wish I could be meeting you at Don's. One day my friend I will.

danlovestikis posted on 11/18/2012

KAHAKA Grandpa is drying slowly and then the fun starts.
MadDogMike you work triple time. We have fun.
LoriLovesTiki thank you so far so good.

Progress Report:

Yesterday was another day to glaze.
First I rubbed off extra glaze on this PNG mug.

Then I added a mix of glazes to "age" it.

The two Moai head wall hangings that had glaze skips have new layers of glaze.

To these I'll be adding cords.

I finished painting all the Bob bodies. Today I'll paint the faces.

My underwater diver had these two glazes added.

I'll use some enamel after it fires to highlight some fish and metal.

Today I open the kiln again. I did some more colorful glazes that I'm looking forward to seeing. We are also going out to lunch with Mahalo Tiki and his wife Mary. One day he'll not only have his store open he'll be making mugs.

I wish you all a fun and happy day, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/18/2012

Another fine show...

TikiRootsRocka posted on 11/18/2012

Awesome work Wendy! Can't wait to see the next segment when these are out of the kiln!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/19/2012

Well????? How'd everything look? It's 8:49pm EST so that means it's almost 6. What's taking so long?!?!?!?

danlovestikis posted on 11/19/2012

hang10tiki on with the show!

TikiRootsRocka I feel that way about your ceramics.

LoriLovesTiki I just got sooooo busy. Here are the photos.

I'm delighted that you all like my photos.

Progress Report:

I opened the kiln. Top shelf.

Bottom shelf. When I have time I'll be taking better photos.

I had one mug with glaze skips and that's it. A very successful firing.

The rest of the day was spent glazing. This was my submission to the Tiki Farm contest.

I painted the indentations and then wiped away the excess and started the flat surfaces.

I then painted 3 layers of white on the faces of 10 Bob's and left them to dry over night.

Back to work and loving it, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/20/2012

Great lookin colors
Another fine job my dear


danlovestikis posted on 11/20/2012

Thank you hang10tiki.

Progress Report:

Time is short every hour is important. I have enough for the sale at Don the Beachcomber's on Dec. 2nd.

Yesterday I did the faces and clear glaze on the Bob's.

Faces painted on.

One woman is sticking her tongue out.

Clear Glaze.

Bottom level of the kiln loaded.

Top layer. I fired for 15.5 hours so that the newly glazed pieces would dry out and not boil.

I carried all the new clay pieces to the shed. The heat of the kiln dried them out the rest of the way. I'll be sanding these and then they'll bisque fire soon.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-20 09:05 ]

TikiAno posted on 11/20/2012


Is that Pac Man Bob a special order... or might it be heading to Don's? :)

danlovestikis posted on 11/20/2012

Tiki Ano it is a special order. All my Pac Man Bob's so far are sold. I have one with a pretzel and woman Pac Man yet to do. I won't have time to start it until I'm back from the sale. If you need one let me know. With a regular Bob smile it is $75 plus shipping. Thanks for asking, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/21/2012



danlovestikis posted on 11/21/2012

hang10tiki I should have kept track of how many Bob's I've customized.

Progress Report:

A while back I had the clear glaze make the under-glaze run. I had scary looking Bob's with black under their eyes. So I quite using the gallon jug on the right and went back to using the Pure Brilliance. I'd only swapped when the store ran out.

With fingers crossed I opened the kiln and saw all my Bob's were fine.

Bottom shelf was looking good too.

I still need to photograph each piece for Gallery before the sale.

Once the kiln was unloaded I started sanding all of the dry clay-ware. I loaded the kiln as I finished each piece.
Bottom Shelf.

Here I'm sanding the inside of The Temple of the Jaguar bowl.

Top shelf.

The kiln is firing and opens on Friday. But they'll just look white on that day. If I'm very lucky nothing will have cracks for blow outs.

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 11/22/2012

Wendy, thanks for the response. I think I'll wait to see all of your many pieces at Don's before ordering one. Look forward to meeting you- and happy Thanksgiving!

hang10tiki posted on 11/22/2012

But if you don't open the kiln until Friday, how will you get the turkey out of it on Thursday?

LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/22/2012

Happy Thanksgiving Wendy & Dan! All the glazed pieces look great in the kiln, can't wait to see some of the close ups!

MahaloTiki posted on 11/22/2012

Love it when you open the kiln! Maybe Santa will bring me a kiln for christmas.

Happy Thanksgiving Dan & Wendy.... BIG HUGS!!!

Philot posted on 11/22/2012

wow you've got that kiln loaded up.
I've got all my fingers an toes crossed.

have a great thanksgiving!

danlovestikis posted on 11/22/2012


TikiAno my favorite part of Don's is meeting people from my thread and visiting with friends. See you there.
hang10tiki what me cook? Not even in the kiln.
LoriLovesTiki I did a few group photos but I haven't found time for the close ups, soon and thanks for asking.
Mahalo Tiki I hope it makes it to your door.
Philot me too, me too!

Alii Tiki had his wishes arrive in Hawaii. It's so fun to send my art there. This is his business.

Progress Report:

I still have not finished Wish List #3 project orders. If you haven't seen yours being made I do have you on the list. I'll contact you or you may contact me to insure that you still want me to proceed. We started to pour again yesterday.

This is an overview of the art I'm taking to the Don the Beachcomber's sale
Dec. 2nd. I have to confess that Dan's shopping the table and now and then something disappears.

If I finish painting 8 mugs today I'll post again later.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the day. I hope you all have a special one.
HUGS, Wendy

It dawned on me that I should have a sign at the sale. This is Larry who will make it for me.

On each side of my name will be these photos.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-22 09:38 ]

VampiressRN posted on 11/22/2012

Happy Kilning to you two!!!

dartharnie posted on 11/23/2012

Just wanted you and Dan to know I'm thankful for you two.

Enjoy the holiday.

danlovestikis posted on 11/23/2012

VampiressRN I'll open it today to see if it all survived. It is so cold out we need to find a way to get the dust off that doesn't drench up. We'll try the compressor. I hope you had a fun holiday with mom.

dartharnie you are a sweetheart. I'll be starting your next wish soon.

Progress Report:

Dan and I had Thanksgiving dinner on the Delta King moored on the Sacramento River.

This river is deep and has levies that hold the water from flooding our city.

When we got home Dan found boxes to safely transport the tikis to Don's.

I added chords to the Moais that hang on the wall and to necklaces. I taped them to the backs.

He found boxes for everything. I think our car will be packed to the ceiling.

I photographed the tikis that need to go on my Gallery page.

The flash made some much crazier than they really are but its all fun.

Now I'll get back to work! Wendy

ebtiki posted on 11/23/2012

Wow, Wendy - some really nice Bobs!

hang10tiki posted on 11/23/2012

Awesome work u 2
Everything looks great
Have fun


Professor G posted on 11/24/2012

It's always fun to see the new glazes and patterns you come up with. It's beautiful work, ma'am.

TikiAno posted on 11/24/2012

Wowwwww... Wendy. Beautiful pieces. Can't wait to see them in person! If you need any typeface work/ graphics done for your sign, let me know, can definitely lend a hand if you need one.

TikiRootsRocka posted on 11/24/2012

Someday, I hope to look at my pieces, and say, "damn, that's awesome!" with the same enthusiasm, as everytime I look at what you pull out of the kiln.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and I'll see you and Dan at Don's!

danlovestikis posted on 11/24/2012

ebtiki you must have a museum of my Bob's by now, I'm very grateful.

hang10tiki we are excited to be there, we'll miss you two.

Professor G I'm so grateful to the chemist who invent these glazes.

TikiAno thank you for the offers. I hope we'll have time to talk at the show. It may be a madhouse.

I'm enthusiastic over your designs. You are a wonderful tiki artist. See you soon.

Progress Report:

I opened the kiln. Top shelf.

Bottom shelf.

As I unload I check each piece for damage. Everything was fine and I was so happy because a lot of them had thick add ons. Loki Tiki's Santa Bob and the necklaces for the DTB sale. Hale Tiki did you choose your green glaze?

Temple of the Jaguar bowl for Philot.

Bob's for Matt the Cat, VampiressRN, bowl for Dan, Kahaka and Swizzle.


Next up Atomic Tiki Chick, hang10tiki and Marone Tiki's Bob's.


The temperature outside is way too cold to get drenched so we went to Home Depot and bought big tubs to scrub the bisqued ware. Each speck of dust ruins the glaze. So I scrubbed then hit them with the hose but not enough to get drenched. Here's Dan filling the tubs.

I'm scrubbing.

Dan gave me the job of cleaning hang10tiki's Suffering Bob's butt! We have two tubs. After I scrub and hose them off then Dan does a final shake and rinse. My water turned cloudy his did not. That was a good sign.

After the washing I cleaned off a couple of kiln shelves and re-applied Kiln Wash. This has saved a number of shelves and tikis from sticking.

Next I picked out the first wave of glazes for the bisqued ware.

These all had to dry overnight and today I'll start to glaze them. I need to do a load before we leave for the sale.

Thank you thank you thank you all so much for dropping by, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-24 09:25 ]

LiddleLola posted on 11/24/2012

Wow Wendy, your Bobs are just so cool. Well all your stuff is but the Bobs just make me smile.

I guess I need to get on that custom mug wish list. I need a signature look for the Kohana Wahine Lounge.

Have a great trip.

MadDogMike posted on 11/24/2012

Wendy, I love the Jaguar Temple Bowl. I didn't understand the scale of the temple of where it was going to go. I get it now! The Scuba Bob is going to be real cool too!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/24/2012

Thanks for the pictures, those are amazing! Individual pics are so not necessary. Photogrphing them 3 at a time is just perfect and saves you a lot of time. I just love seeing all your glaze work up close so I can marvel at the detail. Amazing, just amazing.

As always!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 11/24/2012

Wendy, When I saw the pics, all I could think was that I hope hang10tiki's Suffering Bob's butt didn't make any bubbles in the tub while you were scrub-a-dub-dubbing! lol

hang10tiki posted on 11/25/2012

Scrubba dub dub
Bob got clean in the tub

Suffering Bob and all the others look great

danlovestikis posted on 11/25/2012

LiddleLola it would be an honor to grace your Kohana Wahine Lounge with a custom mug. In 2013 after the Ren Clark severed head run is done I'll do more customs along with the next Sacramento Crawl mug.

MadDogMike this bowl and temple have been the biggest bowl I've ever made. I'm glad he sent instructions as to size. I'm super happy so far. Glazing next.

(Thanks for the pictures, those are amazing! Individual pics are so not necessary. Photographing them 3 at a time is just perfect and saves you a lot of time. I just love seeing all your glaze work up close so I can marvel at the detail. Amazing, just amazing.

As always!


Hi Lori, I am limited by the size of the photographic studio as to how many items can be in one photo. The other reason I do so many photo angles is that these are for sale and I hope to tempt someone into contacting me to add them to their collections. Thank you for the compliments.

WaikikianMoeKele oh!!! I forgot to watch out for that.
hang10tiki let me know the colors for your Suffering Bob.

Progress Report:

I poured more Bob's for Wish List #3 but 2 had slip that was too thick and most wouldn't pour out after casting.

So I cut out the bottom of each one.

I scooped out the mucky clay.

I used a sponge on a stick to smooth in inside.

I used a cookie cutter to make a top.

I used the mucky clay as glue to fuse the top on the bottom together.

I cut a hole in the top.

Now I have two Tiki Bob Lamps in the works. My first lamps.

They are a bit lop-sided but I plan to cut off the ridges and to sand it flatter on the tops. There are more steps ahead.

Diver's Cove is finished.

More Glazing. Loki Tiki's Santa Bob and Kahaka's Grandpa mug.

More puffer and turtle necklaces.

Now its time to work. Cheers, Wendy

dartharnie posted on 11/25/2012

Bob lamps are a really fun Idea. Call Roger and see if he whip up a pair of resin eyes that'll glow...probably won't work because of clay shrinking in the kiln....but I bet you can figure it out if you like the idea.

The diver is perfect and really pretty.

Hey look, I made it through a post without a Suffering Bob's Butt joke...but tongue really hurts from biting.

KAHAKA posted on 11/25/2012

I see Grandpa coming to life... very cool! I'm havin' fun watching the progress on the mug and all your other goods!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/25/2012

Lamps! What a great idea. Very clever use for something that didn't come out exactly how you wanted it to.

hang10tiki posted on 11/26/2012

Lamps- way cool, is there anything you guys can't do?
Diver- looks awesome
Necklaces- sweet
And the Bobs are lookin good

I sent you a PM about the Suffering color choice...

Have fun
And thanks for all the fun pics


Hale Tiki posted on 11/26/2012

Hooray for innovation!

I like the lamp idea. Super cool.

danlovestikis posted on 11/26/2012

dartharnie I like the glowing eyes idea but these lamps will have the bulb on top rather than inside. However who knows what the future holds. I'm glad you like Diver's Cove. Stop biting that tongue.

KAHAKA we'll have to see tomorrow if its done or you want some enamel tweaking. My hope is to always make this fun. I sure do have a good time sharing with you all.

LoriLovesTiki thanks Lori. Now they just have to dry.

hang10tiki thank you, thank you, thank you.

Hale Tiki, I like that word. I hate to waste a good tiki.

Progress Report:

ebTikis Coconut Bob bowl, white inside and red brown yellow on the outside even though it looks black.

Clear glaze on Santa Bob for Loki Tiki and Grandpa for Kahaka.

Bottom level of the kiln is loaded.

To fire the Santa Bob hat I couldn't glaze the inside and I had to use three supports to hold it in place.

Top shelf. You can see the clear glaze now added to Coconut Bob.

The Tiki Bob Lamp. I carved off the ridges on the top cap and cleaned up the sides.

I added rings and then texture.

Both are done. Different heights.

I added an opening for the electric cord. As these will dry, we will buy lamp parts and then I'll enlarge the openings as needed. I have to take into account that the clay will shrink as it fires.

Happy Holidays, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/26/2012

Good updates
The lamps are lookin goooooood

danlovestikis posted on 11/27/2012

hang10tiki what can I say? Thank you for cheering me on.

We went to the Dickens's fair in old town Elk Grove. This is within walking distance of our home.

Yesterday was a no clay day. I just got the paints out to finish a project that Dan's been asking for. He loves it when I paint on wood and I need to keep my man happy. He helps me every day.

He had 2 spoons for me to paint.

It's a Bosko bumatay mug.


For the small spoon I did a PNG mask. Here I've started the fringe.

All done. It matches a PNG mask in a painting I did of little lost tiki.

Big spoon, little spoon.

They now hang by the painting. Kinney look it's a coincidence that Dan was wearing a T-shirt in the same color as the one you have on in the painting. This photo makes it look like its him.

November is almost over. We start a big storm tomorrow evening. I hope you are all having a good time. Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 11/27/2012

Love the spoons Wendy! That Santa's hat looks so precarious there, I hope it survives :o You could also form a fired clay spindle with a base a sit it on that :)

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