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The Humuhumu Room - home tiki bar in Seattle

Pages: 1 11 replies

Humuhumu posted on 08/23/2002

I've just finished the website for my home tiki bar, the Humuhumu Room:


"Humuhumu" is Hawaiian for sewing. At least, I hope it is. The table in the middle of the room is my sewing machine, so it's also my sewing room. Though it gets used as a bar far more often.

There are some before pictures here:


The room is very, very, very tiny, although we've been able to fit 9 people in there. I'm terribly jealous of the big bars some of you have. I'm still working on my drink recipes. I seem to have my Pina Coladas and Grape Nehis down, but I can't make a tasty Mai Tai to save my life. I'm also still looking for a good drink that takes blue curacao.

KahunaMilu posted on 08/23/2002

Splendid work!

dogbytes posted on 08/23/2002

great pics!! did you really print up your own drink and pupu menu ?(i thought i saw one on the bar) ~ cool!

but something is amiss...none of your friends are wearing Aloha Shirts!!

johntiki posted on 08/23/2002

The place looks great - I liked the contrast of the before and after pics! I was also wondering why nobody was wearing aloha shirts...you should make it required dress code for your Humuhumu Room...


thebaxdog posted on 08/23/2002

Great transformation, cool wall color, nice thatch.
Is that a black velvet on the wall?
WHAT!! NO HULA SHIRTS oh my gosh n37cje89238756sdnertuhytr*&^&^%%$#$$%##
Whatever that meant.
You have done everybody at TC. proud.
I told Sven I did not see any WheatCo.
OR the Book of you know what.
Looks like fun, nice job!

chefgrey2 posted on 08/23/2002

Great job! How lucky were you to have a sink in the room already? Now put a webcam in the room! Grey

tikifish posted on 08/23/2002

I was wondering where you got the fonts for your webpage - there's a few schweedly-dee ones there!!!

Alnshely posted on 08/23/2002

Excellent, I like the before/after. Nice job.
Try a Marlin
(From "Intoxica" by Jeff Berry)
1/2 OZ Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 OZ Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 OZ Maraschino Liquor
1/2 OZ Orgeat
1/2 OZ Blue Curacao
1 OZ Martinique Rum
1 OZ Puerto Rican Rum

Shake all ingredients with scoop of crushed ice. Strain in a Double Old Fashioned glass. Garnish with red and green Maraschino Cherries speared on a marlin swizzle stick.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/23/2002

Hey Al,

Isn't this the drink you do with the hurricane glass and dry ice?

GECKO posted on 08/24/2002

cool spot fo relax brah! thats da kine of atmosphere I like to work in.

the75stingray posted on 08/24/2002

Another triumph! (Did I spell that right?)
I agree, I love the before / after shots.

And loved the web site & design. Unique and clever.
Thanks for sharing!

Humuhumu posted on 08/24/2002

Plenny thanks for all the positive vibes, bruddahs! Pina coladas are on the house if any of you are ever in Seattle.

On the topic of aloha shirts -- I only even really realized it when all of you mentioned it. Hoo boy, you guys are hardcore. Sadly, none of my friends are quite as into the tiki thing -- Seattle is sort of a tiki wasteland. Plus, it's not uncommon for me to throw a party and not mention the bar. I love to see the look of shock on people's faces. Now that you guys mention it, though, I'll start throwing some parties where aloha shirts are compulsory.

dogbytes: Yes, I do have a printed menu with drinks and pupus -- it's probably my second-favorite thing in there, after the chandelier. The graphics on the menu are similar to the website.

tikifish: The fonts came from http://www.fontdiner.com and are from the In-Flight Meal font set. This guy does some truly swank retro fonts.

Alnshely: Thanks for the recipe! I'll give it a whirl.

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