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4th Annual First Official Tiki Party of 2013! Jan 5th

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Murph posted on 01/03/2013


To kickoff the New Year right the Waikiki Womb is happy to invite you to the 4th Annual First Official Tiki Party of 2013!

Saturday Jan. 5th at 7pm in the Womb.

Come join us in Beautiful, Exotic and Forbidden Glendale for a night filled with

  • Engaging friends,
  • Classic cocktails,
  • Hors d'oeuvres and
  • Homemade Hoppin' Jon (for Good Luck!) & Cornbread

Please bring a light appetizer or dessert to share

P.S. The Waikiki Womb Polar Bear Club is looking for new members so bring your swim trunks or cold water survival suit.

Message me for directions to the Womb.

RSVPs appreciated.


heylownine posted on 01/03/2013

Alo-HA! Val and I are excited to be heading to our first First Official Tiki Party (of 2013)!


nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/03/2013

Murph , Count me and my Tikiqueen CeCe in. I'll p m, you for directions. please post anything that your guests can bring. Lookin forward!
David P S My braddah Tikivato and Rosemary are in Reno visiting my udda braddah. Too bad,so sad.
P S #2 I'm leaving La Mirada bout half an hour before the start of Murph's shindig. Anybody tween here and there needs a lift please p m me asap. mo betta with your addy.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2013-01-03 01:57 ]

Murph posted on 01/04/2013

The black eyed peas are soaking for the Hoppin' Jon

Tiki-ESP posted on 01/06/2013

Myself and +1 would like to celebrate the 1st Tiki Party of the New Year. Sent a PM for directions :) Thanks!

tikilongbeach posted on 01/06/2013

Me + 1. Unexpectedly met Poly Pop, Soccer Tiki and Wahoo Wahine at Tiki Ti and they said go to Murph's.

heylownine posted on 01/06/2013

Great great party, thank you Murph! It was surprising to see 4 new members in the Polar Bear Club given that it wasn't really a balmy evening.

It wasn't surprising to see and visit with so many fantastic people. Happy 2013!


Tangaroa-Ru posted on 01/07/2013

Murph and Claudia, thank you for having another AMAZING PARTY at your EQUALLY AMAZING HOME! Wow, was that "Hoppin' John" yummy! I think I like that culinary tradition of yours. And, of course, what better way to start a brand, spankin' new year than to celebrate with the biggest bunch of yahoos known to civilization! And don't think I didn't notice the honorable place you put that Tiki menorah you won at my event! I am touched! (In the head, that is. No, really. I am thrilled to see it made it into your Waikiki Womb decor!)

Much aloha to you for all you do! GREAT NIGHT! WOWEE!! GO POLAR BEARS!!!

tikilongbeach posted on 01/07/2013

That was a very fun party! You have a beautiful home. The hoppin' John and cornbread brought back a taste from home that I haven't had since I moved out here. The cocktails were very tasty and after having 3 at Tiki Ti I was feeling no pain.
Thank you for the hospitality.

Tonga Tom posted on 01/07/2013

Thank you Kevin and Claudia for being such wonderful hosts. The First Official Tiki Party Of The Year keeps getting better and better! The people, the cocktails, the food … truly a spectacular time! After having no new Polar Bear Club members last year, it was quite exciting to see people making up for lost time. Here is the group shot, I will try to post more photos soon after I fully recover from the night's festivities.
BTW - Hey, you two ladies up front, the camera is over here! :wink:

Tonga Tom posted on 01/07/2013

First batch of photos …

Tonga Tom posted on 01/07/2013

Batch number two …

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/07/2013

Thanks Tom, sorry we missed out this year,I am seeing many of our favorite peoples!
Murph knows how to throw these things, Kudos sir...Kudos!

Tonga Tom posted on 01/07/2013

Sorry we missed you two too.
But hey, here's some more photos …

Tonga Tom posted on 01/07/2013

More pix …

Tonga Tom posted on 01/07/2013

Hey look, more photos …

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/08/2013

Awesome pix Tom. Wonderful party Murph! Tried to post ton's of my pix last night but after "previewing" them I managed to blow them into cyberspace. Had a rough day today and just can't get fired up enough to post em tonight. I'll give it a whirl again tomorrow.

Tonga Tom posted on 01/08/2013

Hey Murph, I got more pix for you to post on FB … :)

Tonga Tom posted on 01/09/2013

14 more photos for your viewing pleasure …

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/09/2013

Murph, mucho mahalo's for allowing CeCe and I into your lair. What can one say-It's awesome! Here's some pix of the revelers. I wouldn't attempt to compete with the pix of the "womb" that i'm assuming were posted by you on TC. As a host - You da man!

Tonga Tom posted on 01/11/2013

And… Here's the last of my photos from the evening.

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