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Maui Tiki Ceramics - by TikiRob

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MadDogMike posted on 01/28/2013

Very nice Robert, lots of detail. Love the chamfered/beveled edges on all the little boxes.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/28/2013

We overnight on Maui from Sunday @ 8am to Monday @ 6pm. I'm pretty sure we'll rent a car so we can explore. At least that's the plan. Let me know what's not to miss on the island (besides your shop!) if you don't mind.

I've been reading old threads here on TC with reviews and suggestions and I bought all the Hawaii Revealed books too. (I like my research)


4WDtiki posted on 01/29/2013

On 2013-01-28 10:32, MauiTiki wrote:

Here is my latest design in the works. Anyone recognize this guy? (Beachbumz no telling).

I do! But I don't know from where. I have a pic of it saved in my "inspirational tiki pics" file. I love the deep-cut pattern on the upper legs!

danlovestikis posted on 01/29/2013

Wow, I love the new design. I need you to teach me how to make the letters on the bottom of the mug. That looks really good. Wendy

MauiTiki posted on 01/29/2013

4WDtiki, I have had the photo saved as well for may years. It's so unique compared to so many of the tiki's we see out there. I wish I had done it sooner. Before the Smugglers cove and Sammy Hagar mugs with similar head dresses.

Yes Wendy, I thought I would be more professional and make the bottom digitally. You are not the first to comment on the bottom and wonder how I did it. I just kind of winged it and I'm sure there is an easier way. What we need is a 3D printer to print the design digitally. I think Tiki Farm is moving in that direction. Their new designs are rendered in a 3D program, so I would think they may be using a 3D printer to create the original.

I made this in plaster so I can pour a base for all my mugs in the future.

Ready to go under!

MikeyTiki posted on 01/29/2013

On 2013-01-28 10:32, MauiTiki wrote:
I have two mugs in the works right now!! One is done and selling, the next will be available in the next week or so, I'll keep you posted.

So what is the other one that is done an selling? (How have I missed it?)

MauiTiki posted on 01/29/2013

Hey MikeyTiki,

This IS the one that is done and selling. Since I've been away from Tiki Central for a bit, I didn't want to overload the thread in one day (and skip the in-progress photos). My next mug should be ready in a week, I'll post some in-progress photos later today or tomorrow.

Here are photos of the finished Kahu Mug!

They are available now on my website. Only $60

GROG posted on 01/29/2013

Two semi-opposable thumbs up.

MauiTiki posted on 01/29/2013

On 2013-01-29 10:23, GROG wrote:
Two semi-opposable thumbs up.

Thanks Grog!

Hale Tiki posted on 01/29/2013

That puck worked out great for the bottom. I like the maker's stamp. Very clean, very crisp.

ebtiki posted on 01/29/2013

Beautiful mug, Rob!

4WDtiki posted on 01/30/2013

Came out nice! I love non-glossy glazed mugs.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/30/2013

Another winner, Rob!

MauiTiki posted on 01/30/2013

Thanks Hale Tiki, Eric, Bill and Atomic Tiki Punk!!

I have two left from the first batch. They are available now on my website. Only $60

I have several more in the works. PM me if you want a special interior color.

hang10tiki posted on 01/31/2013

Lettering on the btm looks great...

So do all your mugs.......


MauiTiki posted on 02/20/2013

Aloha Tiki friends! Got the first color test of the KALA mugs out of the kiln. Maybe I should call them Vases to be different? Gonna need a straw to drink out of them!

I'm working with the guy who taught me to make mugs, so these will come faster and be less expensive than my typical mugs. The plan is to make 50 mugs over the next two weeks. There will be 10 each of 5 different colors. (plus these color tests and a few customs to come later). These will be available soon, so I've started a waiting list. If you are interested, let me know which color and I'll add you to the list. There will also be a wood-grain version and another color - to be determined. Only $40 each plus $11 shipping for one $12 shipping for two. (Only two of the Black & Tan version left!)


Tiki and flower pattern Stickers http://www.stuckonmaui.com
Maui Tiki Tours & Tiki Mugs http://www.mauitikitours.com
Hippie Stickers http://www.hippiestickers.com

[ Edited by: MauiTiki 2013-02-19 20:06 ]

Professor G posted on 02/20/2013

You gentlemen from Kihei are on fire, lately. The work is beautiful. Congratulations.

MauiTiki posted on 02/20/2013

On 2013-02-19 19:55, Professor G wrote:
You gentlemen from Kihei are on fire, lately. The work is beautiful. Congratulations.

Thanks "G"!! People who come visit us are in for a treat! Custom mugs and MaiTai's on Maui! Who is coming to visit next?


MadDogMike posted on 02/20/2013

Great design Rob, I like it

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/20/2013

I'm coming, I'm coming!!!

I am loving your new designs! I can't wait to get something from you when I'm on Maui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hale Tiki posted on 02/21/2013

For anyone who has Instagram, be sure to follow him @tikirob!

It's great to see your in progress, man. Cheers.

MauiTiki posted on 03/25/2014

Damn, so busy making mugs I don't have time to keep up with TC! I'm going to do my best to post more between now and Tiki Oasis, so I can make some new friends to meet in person at TO! I'll be vending, so it will be easy to find me!

MadDogMike posted on 03/25/2014

ROB!!!! Good to hear you are still alive. Thought maybe you were under the spell of the Maui Wowie! :lol:

MauiTiki posted on 03/25/2014

Aloooha Mike!! glad to know you're still checking in on me! Here is what I've been doing this week...

32 custom mugs for a wedding in Lahaina!

I glazed these over the weekend...

All 38 mugs come out of the kiln this afternoon!

More photos soon!

danlovestikis posted on 03/27/2014

Superb and beautiful. You always make the most perfect mugs.

Did you see the post from the fellow looking for a mug maker here under other crafts?
They would be lucky to get you.


MauiTiki posted on 06/12/2014

I'm will be vending at Tiki Oasis this year and I hope to see all of you there and meet many of you face to face for the first time. I'm running out of time to get mugs done because I have a couple family trips and visitors coming to Maui. I need to stay motivated and crank out some mugs!!!

Here is my new sculpt that will be available for the first time at Tiki Oasis...
Chief Teka of Raroia!

I have also added a little Tiki to my KAHU "the Guardian" mug and now he has become KAHU "The Cannibal" OUCH!! (Finished Photos coming soon)

A popular item lately has been Tiki's wearing lei's so here are a couple... I may have one or two of these at Oasis as well. Hope to see you there!!!

swizzle posted on 06/12/2014

Nice work Rob. Hope you make a killing at Oasis.

MauiTiki posted on 06/12/2014

On 2014-06-11 22:37, swizzle wrote:
Nice work Rob. Hope you make a killing at Oasis.

Thanks Robbie, I have a purple Kala mug for you!
Have fun on your trip!

Otto posted on 06/14/2014

Rob, nice looking stuff. Glad to have you onboard again at Tiki Oasis!!

tikiskip posted on 06/16/2014

Nice mugs MauiTiki!

And it's good to hear some praise from an event promoter thanking
one of the vendors that come to their shows to vend.
Have only done vending at like two events but there was no thanks in
fact you got to eat late after all the fun is done.
AND you pay to go to the show and work long hours.

It's what they call a suckers bet.

MadDogMike posted on 06/16/2014

Very cool Rob. Haven't yet finalized plans for the summer, hope to see you at OASIS

MauiTiki posted on 06/16/2014

On 2014-06-14 00:01, Otto wrote:
Rob, nice looking stuff. Glad to have you onboard again at Tiki Oasis!!

THANKS Otto, I looking forward to it. I was there three years ago, but didn't have a booth and was brand new to mug making. Hopefully I can sell a few to help cover my travel costs. Since we will be coming from Maui we won't have a lot of room for booth decor, so I'm asking some mainland friends to help us out.

Thanks for putting on this amazing event!



lunavideogames posted on 06/16/2014

Looks really cool! I like the cannibal. I will buy some stuff in august for sure. I live in San Diego, so let me know what you might want for decor and I will see what I can do.

MauiTiki posted on 06/16/2014

On 2014-06-16 14:57, lunavideogames wrote:
Looks really cool! I like the cannibal. I will buy some stuff in august for sure. I live in San Diego, so let me know what you might want for decor and I will see what I can do.

WOW, Thanks! We will have a double booth and the second side is mainland folks, so if we can't get what we need from them, I'll let you know. I'll be meeting with them in July to see what they can bring for us.

A big ALOHA from Maui!

See you there!


MauiTiki posted on 12/16/2014

Aloha, Tiki friends....

I'm cranking out tikis and not participating on TC. For that I'm sorry, but I'm going to make it my new years resolution to keep up with all you creative people.

I just finished a project that I thought I'd share.

After seeing the exploding Lava sphere that the discovery channel is using with their logo, I was inspired to do a high contrast black and yellow Lava Moai mug.

I started by adding some dimension to the bottom part of the mug.
and blending it into the mug with cracks.

I did a quick Computer rendering to see how I wanted to do the colors:

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Then came the glazing. I started with yellow then added orange around the lava chunks. I painted red glaze on the edges of the lava and mixed a bumpy black lava for the surfaces. The two tones of black were sprayed last. Overall it took several hours to glaze.

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I popped it in the kiln and 24 hours later here it is!

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Crazy, I'm already thinking of ways to do it faster and better for the next one.

Happy Holidays everyone!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 12/17/2014

Hi Rob!

Great to see you on TC. From following you on Instagram I know you've been rel busy. Everything looks great and that new Moai mug is awesome!!!

hang10tiki posted on 12/17/2014

KrAzY cool..........

MauiTiki posted on 12/17/2014

Thanks LorilovesTiki and Hang10Tiki.

I'll do my best to keep up with TC. I'm hoping to have some more cool stuff to show over Christmas break.


danlovestikis posted on 12/17/2014

I really appreciate the amount of work it took to do that glazing. I'm so happy that it turned out so well. Beautiful. Wendy

MauiTiki posted on 12/17/2014

Thanks Wendy!! It means a lot coming from you.

MadDogMike posted on 12/19/2014

Very cool concept and well done Robert. Glad to see you back here :D

MauiTiki posted on 12/19/2014

Thanks Mike!

The Lava Moai is now on ebay. I'll post the link in the collecting Tiki Thread.

Check out this lamp that Jason on the Big Island is making from my Teka mug!

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AlohaTexasTikiCo posted on 12/21/2014

cool idea. love it!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 12/21/2014

Love those lamps! hope to own one someday....

MauiTiki posted on 12/27/2014

I wanted to try some new glaze color combinations, so I did some test glazes on some pendants.

here are the before and after images....

Before firing...

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After Firing...

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MauiTiki posted on 12/27/2014

My test glazes taught me some things about the Lava I had been mixing and I had learned some from the Lava Moai, so this is what I did next! LAVA TEKA!

Started with many layers of glaze!

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Mixed up the lava and added it on the high spots with just the right thickness....

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The results!!

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I'm pretty stoked with the results. I can't wait to tweak it a little and make more!!

danlovestikis posted on 12/27/2014

Oops, I'm hoping back and forth with fb and I tried to Like your new work and I couldn't find it. Great as always, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/28/2014


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