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Tiki Central / General Tiki

A kinder, gentler Tiki Central

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I'm relatively new to TC but since I've been here I've noticed a lot of people complaining about TC on Facebook and in person. Some of my tiki friends and acquaintenances are saying they don't like TC anymore because of rude and crude behavior. Then, more people chime in about how they dislike TC and stopped visiting. It's getting to be a common complaint. I've met several very cool people here that I now call friends and I'm thankful for that. I've got pretty thick skin, so I don't let the banter bother me but I have seen some innocent posters slammed hard for not being "tiki correct". I really like TC and have learned a multitude of stuff and met a lot of cool people.

So all I'm sayin' is lets all "live aloha" and treat each other like ohana. Even those poor souls that think Jimmy Buffet and Bob Marley are tiki.


I'll vote for that! (not so sure about the parrotheads and rastas tho :lol: )

Any public forum will tend to have occasional displays of less-than-friendly behavior. Sometimes it's related to how quickly a post is written -- I know I have sometimes cringed when I saw that I put up a quick message without having given it some more careful thought. But all of the good stuff here far outweighs any bad. I can't say it enough -- the good FAR outweighs any bad. So I take the comments, whatever they are and wherever they're made, with a grain of salt and a classic Mai Tai or Zombie if possible.

Nobody can deny that this system is 1) very generously provided FREE of cost to any and all and 2) it does a helluva job introducing many people to many things we all enjoy and love. Where else can you communicate directly with so many tiki authors, musicians, historians, and aficionados?

So ignore those bad folks and their comments and then make 'em pay your bar tab the next time you run into them! :drink:

Well said, TPT!

I'm all for a friendly tiki world! :)

But I must say that I find TC a pretty cool and mostly friendly place! I'm made a lot of new virtual friends, been exposed to some AMAZING artists, been encouraged in my feeble attempts at art and have gotten leads to great tiki products, etc. Plus I've swapped for a new tiki mug and received a beautiful tiki painting in the art swap.

Tiki Central has greatly improved my life and I am grateful to the site and many of you for igniting my passion!

Is it my fault?

On 2013-01-30 20:57, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Is it my fault?

Of course it's your fault Lance!
Lori, lookin forward to hearing bout your experiences' in our bay area tiki bars(or did I somehow miss em?).
P S Lance, you know I enjoy your posts!

On 2013-01-30 17:20, Trailerpark Tiki wrote:
I'm relatively new to TC but since I've been here I've noticed a lot of people complaining about TC on Facebook and in person.

TPT, this is why I don't do FB and maybe why I have no friends. On the serious side, you posed some valid points-well said. An O.F.'s view: You pretty much get back what you put into it. I enjoy posting and enjoy reading other's even more.


So when did Tiki become so synonymous with Ohana ?? It's supposed to be a politically incorrect mid-century mainland bar culture !!

There's a big difference between merely expressing one's opinion and being rude or cruel.

If you want "Aloha" all the time then move to Hawaii. :)

Edited to add Mr. Smiley Face. And here's two more... :) :)

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2013-01-30 22:50 ]

Friends are over rated anyway, I am having the time of my life in the lounge
going solo, bitches!

So yea, good times........just drinking high end cocktails........in the lounge, all solo like.....sucka's
sooooo.......what are you all up to..........like right now?..........maybe.......
you want a drink?........John-O?

:drink: :drink: :drink:

ATP, you are incorrigible. John-0, you will never convince anyone that you are not a nice guy. TPT, regarding your friends that don't like TC: I'd get new friends. See what a couple of mai tai's doe's to me?

I just have to say that it took me years of lurking before I stuck my toes in these shark (or should I say, troll) infested waters, and I have a pretty thick skin but who needs the grief of the so called Tiki Police. In the few years that i've been a registered member, on as many as three occasions i've thought of quitting the site, and in spite, deleting all my posts. I didn't because I feel TC is the best depositary of the history of pop polynesia and tiki, a source of incredible art, craft, carving and craft tiki cocktail information But that said we should all remember that...

Tiki Central House Rules, General Rules includes..

2.BE POLITE. Please refrain from insults and name-calling. Be polite even if someone is insulting you or someone else "started it". If someone is really bothering you, then U-Mod or contact us, but BE POLITE.

  1. DO NOT TROLL. Trolling is the act of making comments specifically to IRRITATE, INFLAME, or arouse anger in other users.

  2. If your not sure about these rules,or if you're crossing a line with a post, feel free to contact us.

And remember if it's your first post or your three thousandth, you are a guest on this site not its omnipotent dictator.

Aloha, tikicoma

Just to be serious for one moment

Anyone who thinks TC is bad, have you been to any other forum sites?
like "ain't it cool news.com" or just about every other talk back site?

TC is like a turn of the century knitting circle at tea time compared to those!

we have a few older folks here that don't play by the PC rules (me included) and more then a few oversensitive
folks who can't handle adult conversations at times, but I like to call that having a personality
and I prefer having a drink with people who have personality, myself.

So whom wants a drinky? :)


I do!

Goddamn I could use a drink. Work today is killing me. My brain hurts.

That being said, it is a closeknit community, and does transfer over into real life. And just life real life, some people are friendlier than others. Roll with the punches, and take the good with the bad. There's been some hostility towards outsiders who want nothing to do here other than sell something that may or may not be tiki related. I have no problem with that, personally. If it's relevant, then people are welcoming.

Other than an overblown recent squabble about politics, which don't belong on TC anyway, I've never seen posters genuinely rude to others. I'm not saying there's not examples, but in the last 6 months of me visiting nearly every day, it's been mostly peachy. But then again, I was gone during the years that I hear whisperings of old timers being rude to the new people.

And to reinforce what others have said above, you'll find more fighting, rudeness, and hatred on CNN.com than you will here. This really is a nearly unlimited treasure trove of information about polypop tiki culture. I'm amazed at the old posts that are dug up at times, and the information contributed by people like bigbro and DC, as well as many others. Sit back, have a Mai Tai, and if someone is being a dick, tell them.

I rather enjoy the fact, that when I meet folks from TC for the first time
they realize that I am only half the dick, they thought I was.........wait
I didn't mean that way!!!


ATP, since you took your sensitivity course , you are a real sweetheart. Just ask anyone.


Personally, I think this goes for any form of internet communication forms (i.e. FB, email, Twitter, etc) people tend to take what might have been sarcasm/trying to be funny from the poster as something hurtful to the reader. Since we are all sitting behind a screen, we can't gauge the tone of voice in written words. I am the kind of person that wears their heart on their sleeve. And reading sarcasm without an "LOL" or smiley face at the end, sometimes makes me feel as if I were being attacked. I agree with whom said that we need to take everything being written with a grain of salt. And it is easier said than done for us softies, but as long as we let it roll off like water on a duck's back, we'll all be fine. Ohana or not. And I like to pick and choose who I want to interact with online, be it here or anywhere else. You can usually tell by people's post what kind of person they are. Some are consistantly snarky and seem almost hurtful, while others seem like peace lovin' flower children. And I'll pick the later of the two.

So in closing, I leave you with this conclusion...in the words of Rodney King, "can't we all just get along!?"


“There's been some hostility towards outsiders who want nothing to do here other than sell something that may or may not be tiki related.”

This is the only tikicentral blow ups I’ve seen as of late other than the Prez mug thing.
But even the old scary mean people TC was not that bad, I did bitch about it back then
It was the cool in thing to do at the time.
Some people get all bent when a certin Tiki book writer says that’s not Tiki, but who cares.
Do you like it? If you want to paint your Barny West Tiki pink go ahead or crank Jimmy Buffet
all night, fine. ( I used to play Thin Lizzy when the tiki peeps would come over just to poke at em)
May not be my bag, but if you like it go nutz.
But don’t get all upset when people go that sucks or you suck, F em it all just a matter of taste.
To go against the grain used to be cool, now most people fall in line lock step following some
Trend or popular folk, I just can’t do it. ( plus I do like to poke people, I think I may be a closet Troll)
But for the most part I do like the Tikicentral vibe, sometimes my attempts at a joke does not go
Well and I piss people off, but I do mean well.
You need to remember that some people just won’t like you, they will hate whatever you do.
This is where some of the Tikicentral haters fall me thinks.
I have found that some of the most peaceful it’s cool dude whatever types can do the most damage.
They are the ones pulling the wool over your eyes, Can one really like everyone and everything.
All I am saying is give hate a chance.:)

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2013-06-03 16:03 ]

I do take issue with the cranking of the Jimmy Buffet
all night, good sir! :)

But to use your example, Tikiskip, if I may, If you should paint your Barney West Tiki "pink"
and post those pics on TC, you will get comments & criticisms & rightly so.

I find that people who can't offer an opposing opinion, if they have one, are weak
and I will eat them with a nice chianti (slurping sounds) :)

Also excess use of cannabis & patchouli makes you taste gamey
the lesson here is: Hippies/Love children don't make good eating :lol:

or Cannibalism is Tiki!

"But to use your example, Tikiskip, if I may, If you should paint your Barney West Tiki "pink"
and post those pics on TC, you will get comments & criticisms & rightly so"

I totaly agree!
Wait till you see my disco ball Tiki!

Had a guy come in my restaurant some time ago, It is a small diner and light up a Clove cigarette
right behind me at the counter.
Now We did not mind smokers, but dam those clove cigarettes, Can't stand that smell.
He put it out for us.
We were nice to him, even if he was a spice smoker.

Things are all awesome on TC theses days, as far as I'm concerned. Definitely the Golden Era...

I can remember when TC was so bad, there was another website dedicated to how much it sucked:

What ever happened to all those BaliHIjinks losers?

Funny that the whiners from facebook can't handle the "tone" of TC, but the non stop facebook politcal partsianship posts, starving dog pictures, clubbed baby seals, ugly cat and kid photos, photos of fake boob tattoo pin up girl pornstars are all a safe respite from the tiki collector hateful bile liberally spewed here on TC.

Buzzy Out!

"I can remember when TC was so bad, there was another website dedicated to how much it sucked:"

Sure am glad that's gone, and there's not another site like that,one that took it's place.

Thing is I've heard and know people who hate TC but come
here when they want to sell their tiki mug, music, event, show, ECT....
But add nothing to the site.
That to me is worst than some nobody comin in trying to sell some
ashtray that's nowhere near tiki.

ATP too many smiles.

Dagg posted on Thu, Jan 31, 2013 11:14 AM

On 2013-01-31 10:48, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
, photos of fake boob tattoo pin up girl
Buzzy Out!

I don't believe you. If you wish to be taken seriously Buzzy, I really think you should provide links to such things...


I agree, it has been pretty tame lately and I'm not complaining. Its just that I've met a few people in the past year at events or FB and when I ask if they are on TC I've got a common reply that they don't go there anymore. Not trying to single anyone out, just making an observation.

ATP-No, its not you.

John O-I do feel a sense of kinship when I get to hang with other tikiphiles, polypopsters and urban archaologists. We appreciate a lot of things that other people don't. So when I say I've got an Orchids of Hawaii R-1 mug, someone will know what the hell I'm talking about.

GROG posted on Thu, Jan 31, 2013 1:54 PM

GROG think we should ban BONG and put ATP and John -O on the chopping block. Their first misstep and chop, they join Bong in being banned.


On 2013-01-31 13:54, GROG wrote:
GROG think we should ban BONG and put ATP and John -O on the chopping block. Their first misstep and chop, they join Bong in being banned.

Grog 100% correct.


TC moderators should also permanently ban anyone who starts one of those: "TC and everyone on it sucks, so I'm leaving and never posting again!" threads...and then shamefully comes back a few hours/ months/days later.

Buzzy Out!

Oh yeah...


Buzzy Out!

Ironically the very people who this thread was directed at, those few souls lacking social and emotional intelligence, have again taken over with their tired inside joke banter.

What's worse than having to endure poor quality tiki items? I'll tell you. It's having to endure the lonely, frustrated comedy attempts by some of the folks here. Having a talent for humor is a gift. Having the ability to generate an awkward grin from people because of your willingness to shock means you are what comics call a "hack".

On 2013-01-31 15:33, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
TC moderators should also permanently ban anyone who starts one of those: "TC and everyone on it sucks, so I'm leaving and never posting again!" threads...and then shamefully comes back a few hours/ months/days later.

Buzzy Out!

Buzzy, I would love to do that mostly because those same people are the same ones who become enraged when no one begs them to stay. Next time you see one of those let me know, I'll slap an "Okay Bye" on it and lock it up. Then we can all watch as it sinks to the bottom. :lol:


On 2013-01-31 16:08, SuperEight wrote:
Ironically the very people who this thread was directed at, those few souls lacking social and emotional intelligence, have again taken over with their tired inside joke banter.

What's worse than having to endure poor quality tiki items? I'll tell you. It's having to endure the lonely, frustrated comedy attempts by some of the folks here. Having a talent for humor is a gift. Having the ability to generate an awkward grin from people because of your willingness to shock means you are what comics call a "hack".

I was hoping this thread would eventually deliver, and it finally has! And yes, my soul is lacking social and emotional intelligence....and, I like Adam and the Ants, but not the Beatles.

On 2013-01-31 16:08, SuperEight wrote:
Ironically the very people who this thread was directed at, those few souls lacking social and emotional intelligence, have again taken over with their tired inside joke banter.

What's worse than having to endure poor quality tiki items? I'll tell you. It's having to endure the lonely, frustrated comedy attempts by some of the folks here. Having a talent for humor is a gift. Having the ability to generate an awkward grin from people because of your willingness to shock means you are what comics call a "hack".

While I don't necessarily agree with all of the points above, it does illustrate a point. This site is often treated as a private social club and any "outsiders" should be happy being treated rudely or expect to be called a "whiner". I don't really know if anyone was whining, but this thread has proven the point of the original poster. What exactly is it about rudeness, elitism and adolescent exclusionism that speaks to or in any way supports the tiki movement or the spirit of aloha?

I have been into tiki for over 30 years and have found it a refreshing escape from the daily garbage many of us have to deal with. Other than a few experiences on this site I have found the tiki community to be inviting, welcoming and unpretentious. Why that so often fails to translate to many users of this site I will likely never know. It just seems to be a sad indictment of this site when it's defenders have to say that it's no worse than other sites on the web. I just always thought this community could aspire to just a little bit more than that.I guess I'm just a whining outsider...

On 2013-01-31 13:54, GROG wrote:
GROG think we should ban BONG and put ATP and John -O on the chopping block. Their first misstep and chop, they join Bong in being banned.

I was already permanently banned, remember?
GROG not nice to ATP & John-O, We come to GROG's cave and eat GROG's food now! :P

On 2013-01-31 16:08, SuperEight wrote:
Ironically the very people who this thread was directed at, those few souls lacking social and emotional intelligence, have again taken over with their tired inside joke banter.

What's worse than having to endure poor quality tiki items? I'll tell you. It's having to endure the lonely, frustrated comedy attempts by some of the folks here. Having a talent for humor is a gift. Having the ability to generate an awkward grin from people because of your willingness to shock means you are what comics call a "hack".

I think your just angry because you don't get the jokes
and I am pretty sure it is "I" you are referring too :P


I felt like adding something to this thread so I did.

On 2013-01-31 18:13, woofmutt wrote:
I felt like adding something to this thread so I did.

well played....

I do indeed understand all the pop culture, sci fi , and other nerd references that don't really pass as comedy. And it's a sign of a true comedy hack to blame the audience for all the sounds of crickets that you are hearing.

Just picture everything I say in a "Kelsey Grammer" voice
then you will get the jokes :P

And then realize the Sophisti-mo-cation of my humorus
oh look, inbound arrows!

I bet you like clowns and mimes! :lol:

Fingered I get it in before it get's locked. Old school!

On 2013-01-31 19:00, RevBambooBen wrote:
Fingered I get it in before it get's locked. Old school!

I was already laughing and Ben puts the icing on the cake...


On 2013-01-31 18:24, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Just picture everything I say in a "Kelsey Grammer" voice
then you will get the jokes :P

see, that's the rub, isn't it?

You all suck, I'm outta here.
Wait what are we talking about again?

Jeff btd

On 2013-01-31 20:25, bigtikidude wrote:
You all suck, I'm outta here.
Wait what are we talking about again?

Jeff btd

Do you know you can sell our hair for Money!!??!

More Zombies for you!!!

On 2013-01-31 20:49, RevBambooBen wrote:

On 2013-01-31 20:25, bigtikidude wrote:
You all suck, I'm outta here.
Wait what are we talking about again?

Jeff btd

Do you know you can sell our hair for Money!!??!

More Zombies for you!!!

I don't know, these days I think I'd have better luck saving money than my hair..

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