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TamTiki's LeiLo Lounge

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Dagg posted on 01/28/2013

My Tiki space started off as a Japanese "style" deck, an extension of our Japanese garden.
The deck is on three levels each one 10'x 18'

upper deck June 2007

in June 2010 I put a roof over the mid level deck

In March 2012 my wife and I went to Hawaii for the first time, and I bought a cheesy Tiki bar sign...
Wife "but you dont have a Tiki bar"
Me "well I could make one"
When we got home I found this site. Oh shit.

April 2012 started the "conversion" Japanese to Tiki shouldn't be that hard....
Walled in and lightly insulated the roofed mid deck (that Philippine mask is long gone)

needed a bar

June 2012 needed a roof over the new bar..

Faux bamboo on bar front

Aug 2012 making some progress.

Nov 2012 that's the sign, I got rid of it for a while but put it back up somewhere else because i like it...and its the reason Im here... Im sure Ill get rid of it eventually, but for now its staying! and so is the TV!

I dont have any current pics of the covered mid deck (the lounge) but it has progressed since Nov.
Lately Ive been working on routering for trim around the bar itself. Ill post more pics shortly.

This summers projects:
Outdoor Tiki kitchen on lower level
wall in upper deck (most of it)
shipwreck bar under the lounge.

Mahalo for lookin

Dagg posted on 01/28/2013

I love my new router!

[ Edited by: Dagg 2013-02-22 14:53 ]

markmywords posted on 01/28/2013

Looks like you're on your way to something really great!

I like the way that you totally plan to evolve the bar and space, but are utilizing what you've got on hand right now. Looking good!

Murph posted on 01/28/2013

Nice looking bar! The routing looks excellent.
Keep posting the pics... it's fun to watch our bars evolve.
When is Happy Hour?

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/28/2013

I'm envious of your router work!!!! Seriously, I have so much trouble with mine. Maybe I have the wrong kind of router.... got any tips? I have a plunge router, craftsman but its so powerful and hard for me to control. Maybe I'm not strong enough, being femail. although I hate to admit that's a possibility.

Dagg posted on 01/28/2013

Thanks Murph!

Happy hour is Mon-Fri 6-11 all day Sat and Sun! seriously we spend all of our time out there.

Lori, maybe you need a variable speed router?? mine is. but ive never messed with the speed. are you using soft wood?

Dagg posted on 01/28/2013

On 2013-01-28 13:13, markmywords wrote:
Looks like you're on your way to something really great!

I like the way that you totally plan to evolve the bar and space, but are utilizing what you've got on hand right now. Looking good!


Big Kahuna posted on 01/28/2013

Very nice. Great job on the trim!

Dagg posted on 01/28/2013

On 2013-01-28 15:10, Big Kahuna wrote:
Very nice. Great job on the trim!

Thank you sir :D

jimbo020 posted on 01/29/2013

looking good!

Dagg posted on 01/29/2013

On 2013-01-28 16:40, jimbo020 wrote:
looking good!

Thanks Jimbo have :drink: on me

hang10tiki posted on 01/29/2013

verrrrrrrrry nice work......


Dagg posted on 01/29/2013

too kind Jon! you have a :drink: as well k :)

forgotten tikiman posted on 01/29/2013

I agree. Very nice routing work. Its paying off too. The space is looking awesome. Hey! And you know what. Tiki and asian style go hand in hand. :)

Dagg posted on 01/29/2013

On 2013-01-28 21:32, forgotten tikiman wrote:
I agree. Very nice routing work. Its paying off too. The space is looking awesome. Hey! And you know what. Tiki and asian style go hand in hand. :)

I got a long way to go but thats ok, its FUN! :D

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/29/2013

Really coming together!

Lodge 9 posted on 01/29/2013

Wow, Looking great! The router work looks good. I am in the market for a router, would you mind sharing the make and model of yours? are you using Pine? Thanks, and keep it going!

Dagg posted on 01/29/2013

Thanks ATP!

On 2013-01-29 07:01, Lodge 9 wrote:
Wow, Looking great! The router work looks good. I am in the market for a router, would you mind sharing the make and model of yours? are you using Pine? Thanks, and keep it going!

I just took Monkeyman's advise and picked up this one


and I bought good bits from Lee Valley
The 1x8 and 1x12 is pine, the rest is spruce i think.

Thanks for lookin :)

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/31/2013


I didn't even know there were variable speed routers! Mine's too fast I think. I'd love to slow it down. I use whatever's lying around for practice. Mostly Aspen, I think it is, really pale in color. Is that good or bad?

Dagg posted on 01/31/2013

On 2013-01-30 16:43, LoriLovesTiki wrote:

I didn't even know there were variable speed routers! Mine's too fast I think. I'd love to slow it down. I use whatever's lying around for practice. Mostly Aspen, I think it is, really pale in color. Is that good or bad?

I'm by no means an expert on this but the more I think about it, the more I think it might be dull bits. Mine are brand new lee valley bits, and it's like a hot knife through butter.. Are you using old bits?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/31/2013

All my bits are old!........oh, you mean router bits, carry on then....

Dagg posted on 01/31/2013

On 2013-01-30 20:59, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
All my bits are old!.......

Like too old to function properly old? that sucks dude.


Monkeyman posted on 01/31/2013

Its great that we can all inspire eachothers work.
Nicely done.

Dagg posted on 01/31/2013

On 2013-01-31 15:07, Monkeyman wrote:
Its great that we can all inspire eachothers work.
Nicely done.

and that the fine people of Papua New Guinea can inspire us all as well.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/01/2013


My bits are brand new. I'm sure the equipment is fine, it's the operator!


Dagg posted on 02/01/2013

On 2013-01-31 16:37, LoriLovesTiki wrote:

My bits are brand new. I'm sure the equipment is fine, it's the operator!


I dont know Lori, Im at a loss.... Sorry :(

ToddVegas posted on 02/01/2013

That's the sign, I got rid of it for a while but put it back up somewhere else because i like it...and its the reason Im here... Im sure Ill get rid of it eventually, but for now its staying! and so is the TV!

If YOU like that tiki bar sign, then keep it up for good! Same with your TV! You're creating your bar... Make it what YOU want it to be. I love Tiki Central, but don't ever let anyone here convince you something isn't "tiki enough". The original tiki bars were very inaccurate representations of Polynesia. Today's tiki bars are mostly inaccurate representations of those original tiki bars... And it's all good! It's about fun, friends, having a good time, and dreaming of island paradises. It is NOT about stressing over whether some random person on the Internet thinks something you like is "tiki enough", or historically accurate.

I have a tiki-themed home recording studio in progress, and I have one of those tiki-faced guitar plaques (that people on this forum pan) displayed proudly on my wall. I love it, because 1) it was a gift from my brother, and 2) because it combines tiki and guitars... Two of my favorite things! Make your space into your own interpretation of an island paradise! If you ask me, yours looks great so far!

Don't get me wrong... There is nothing wrong with going for historical accuracy, if that's what you're into. But if you like kicking back with the tv on, and looking at the sign that reminds you of your trip to Hawaii, I say more power to you!

[ Edited by: ToddVegas 2013-01-31 23:17 ]

Dagg posted on 02/02/2013

I hear ya Todd


Dagg posted on 02/03/2013

making a lamp..

hang10tiki posted on 02/03/2013

Go dagg go
Yo skills are a showin strong

Ps- I have a TV in my tiki room, where else would I watch my Gilligan's Island DVDs...


Dagg posted on 02/03/2013

Too kind Jon


Dagg posted on 02/03/2013

nothing on TV today....making another lamp.

hang10tiki posted on 02/04/2013

Any step by step pics

Looks cool


Dagg posted on 02/04/2013

On 2013-02-03 21:11, hang10tiki wrote:
Any step by step pics

Looks cool


I didnt take any. :( Next one i will.

Dagg posted on 02/04/2013

Wow those pictures looked way better on my phone! Lol oh well

WestADad posted on 02/07/2013

Darren, your space you've built and your trim work are spectacular! Thank you for sharing your pictures. The Mid level deck area is great!



Dagg posted on 02/07/2013

Thanks so much Chris!

This weekends mission (long weekend) is to take EVERYTHING out and paint the floor... Needs a good spring cleaning as well

TikiJaxx posted on 02/08/2013

Wow Dagg! Your wood working skills are awesome! I'm new to TC and I'm really inspired by your work. Great job!!

Dagg posted on 02/08/2013

Thanks! I'm also new.... but welcome to TC.
You should introduce yourself to the rest of the freaky Tiki peeps


Kon-Hemsby posted on 02/08/2013

That place looks great. Brilliant job on the wood work.

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Dagg posted on 02/08/2013

On 2013-02-08 04:59, Kon-Hemsby wrote:
That place looks great. Brilliant job on the wood work.


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Dagg posted on 02/12/2013

ok I painted my floor this past weekend, took me 3 full days and lots of beer.

emptied out the space, cleaned all the nicotine off the ceiling (i need to quit) washed the floor with TSP and got too it.
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This is what it looks like as of this morning.
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Im not 100% sure i like it... Ill live with it for a while and see if it stays..

My back hurts.

[ Edited by: Dagg 2013-02-12 10:13 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 02/13/2013

Wow, that pops....looks great
Love it
Keep it
Did I mention I love it

Great job
Keep up the hard work
And pop a Motrin or 3


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-02-13 19:11 ]

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Dagg posted on 02/15/2013

LOL thanks again Jon :)

now that the furniture is back in and the halogen construction light is out, I like it much better.

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This weekend Im either going to work on the ceiling or some custom end tables.

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WestADad posted on 02/17/2013

Hey Darren! Love the floor.


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VampiressRN posted on 02/18/2013

Wow...looking great. Very creative on the TV and the floor and the routing is fabulous. NICE NICE NICE. :tiki:

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Dagg posted on 02/19/2013

Mahalo Chris and VampiressRN!

started working on three pendant lamps for over the bar. Went to this super cool local shop http://www.facebook.com/generalsalvageltd?ref=ts&fref=ts
and picked up some rope and pulleys.

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Cut the bottom off the Kraken bottles, two worked one didnt (cracked) but I have a spare. Socket and hardware fit perfectly.

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Last night I painted the inside of one of the bottles with flat black Krylon paint. Seems to be sticking pretty good.

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next steps are to wrap some rope around the neck and figure out how to attach the bottle to the pulley (knots hooks or?)
I might also make a fimo octopus to wrap around the middle lamp, not sure tho...

Anyways, Ill post more pics when Im done.

thanks for peeking in!

[ Edited by: Dagg 2013-02-19 11:53 ]

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Dagg posted on 02/21/2013

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